MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 75 Over-the-top Red Top Stream Fest 6

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Yun Yi followed behind Sang Jiuchi, but was carefully observing the movements of the white shadow behind him.

Just when they were about to explore, the loudspeaker in the room sounded again, "There will be 30 seconds to enter the dark world. In the dark world, mysterious forces will come out, and the explorers will have nowhere to hide. Please find a safe house immediately. Avoidance, safe house keywords: cramped, cozy, hot."

The countdown began to sound on the horn. After seeing the cleverness of Sang Jiuchi, Song Tiao threw his head long ago.

He looked at Sang Jiuchi subconsciously, and the cry for help in his eyes was about to overflow.

Sang Jiuchi held his chin and thought for a while, then said, "I see, it's the first bedroom on the second floor near the entrance of the stairs."

He said, and walked downstairs with the two of them.

The countdown on the loudspeaker was still chanting, Song Jump didn't have time to ask why it was the first bedroom, and hurriedly went down in the fast countdown.

With ten seconds left in the countdown, they rushed down the stairs.

With five seconds left in the countdown, Song Jump took the lead in rushing into the room.

With two seconds left in the countdown, Yun Yi suddenly fell, and his hand seemed to grab Sang Jiuchi, who was not far from him, instinctively.

Sang Jiuchi staggered, and the lights in the Western Building suddenly went out.

The room fell into darkness.

Sang Jiuchi helped Yun Yi up in the dark, "What's wrong with you?"

Yun Yi: "My foot seems to have tripped over something just now."

In the darkness, a dim light flickered.

The current postures of Sang Jiuchi and Yun Yi are just looking at each other.

Sang Jiuchi stood near the door, facing the stairs.

Yun Yi was half-kneeling on the ground, facing the first room.

In order to create a terrifying atmosphere, there will be dim lights jumping after the darkness.

When the light jumped, it was accompanied by the sound of burning filaments. The flickering light catered to the beating heart, which was more terrifying than pure darkness.

Under the dim light, Yun Yi saw Sang Jiuchi's eyes.

There seemed to be waves of light flickering in his eyes, and the bright stars were fleeting in his eyes.

Yun Yi was dazed and absent for a second.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that Sang Jiuchi's face changed, and his eyes moved from himself to behind him.

Yun Yi lowered his eyelids, his eyes were full of confidence.

Just now, Bai Ying hid in the corner near the entrance of the stairs, and when the lights go out, Bai Ying will definitely follow.

He pretended to trip, just to give Bai Ying time to catch up.

He believes in the strength of the program team, which is committed to creating horror and thriller variety shows, and he has already felt it through the surrounding layout.

The "mysterious power" dress must not be too gentle.

At the very least, it must be more than enough to scare Sang Jiuchi.

The safe house is in sight.

When Sang Jiuchi was frightened, he rescued the beauty by himself, and rushed into the safe house with Sang Jiuchi in his arms.

First, he painted bold and careful characters in front of the audience, and he came to make Sang Jiuchi make a fool of himself, and thirdly, he might even remind Sang Jiuchi of the good old days.

The violent vibration of "Tadata" came from behind.

It was the sound of metal slamming against the wooden stairs, and the old stairs made a "squeaky" sound.

It was as if the stairs would crumble in the next second.

Yun Yi was stunned for a moment.

How is the show team still attentive? Even the sound is produced?

Sang Jiuchi glanced at the entrance of the stairs, then looked at Yun Yi, his slightly trembling voice was soothing: "Don't look back, there is something."

The more you say don't look, the more curious you will become.

Yun Yi turned his head subconsciously, and a **** mouth slammed into his eyes without warning.

Yun Yi's pupils suddenly tightened, and his eyes were fixed on the monster in front of him.

It was a four-meter-high behemoth. He was wearing white clothes on death row, and his dilapidated body was bound with ferocious iron chains.

With every step, the chain made a screeching sound as it rubbed against the ground.

In his right hand he held a huge mace, with a shriveled human head stuck in each needle.

Even if he was shriveled, Yun Yiyi was able to recognize the pain of the owner of the head before he died.

There was a head on the monster's neck, but there were no other facial features on the head except the mouth.

There are dozens of sharp teeth inlaid in a large **** mouth, and blood can still be seen between the teeth.

Yun Yi was dumbfounded when he saw this monster.

He is exactly the same as the most terrifying figure in the "Hell" movie he saw as a child.

That was the psychological shadow of his life!

No, not just the same, the monster in front of him is much more real than the one in the movie.

This kind of technology is simply not something that the show team can do!

Really ghosts!

Cold sweat soaked his body instantly.

All the fears of childhood were instantly returned to the cage, which reminded him of the fear of being dominated by the messengers of **** at that time.

His heart was beating wildly and uncontrollably, and he was so frightened that he forgot to even breathe.

run away, run away.

If he flees, he will be torn to shreds by the messengers of hell. He would be screwed off by the Hellbringers and inserted into the mace.

Yun Yi wanted to stand up, but his legs were shaking.

He wanted to scream, but found that he couldn't even make a sound. He could only stare at the slowly approaching **** messenger with a blank face, but couldn't do anything.

Seeing that the messenger of **** was getting closer, he was suddenly tapped on the shoulder.

Just like the bluffing pufferfish was suddenly pierced in the stomach, Yun Yiqiang's expression finally had a catharsis point.

He got his voice back, his legs back.

Yun Yi screamed in horror, pushed Sang Jiuchi to the ground, and ran!

While running, he begged for mercy: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, if you want to kill, kill the one on the ground!"

The staff member wearing only a cute white ghost suit: "..."

Ah, this.

Am I so scary?

The ghost glanced at Yun Yi, who was running towards the third floor, and at Sang Jiuchi, who was pushed to the ground.

After hesitating for two seconds, the ghost walked towards Sang Jiuchi.

Just when the ghost was about to touch Sang Jiuchi, a pair of broad hands stretched out from behind and pulled Sang Jiuchi into the first room.

The door was slammed shut, isolating the ghost from the safe house.

Seeing Sang Jiuchi entering the safe house, the ghost turned around and chased towards the third floor.

With the help of the dim light, he saw Yun Yi hiding in the corner at a glance.

In front of Yun Yi, there was a staff member wearing the same cute ghost costume.

Seeing that two "hell messengers" appeared in front of him, Yun Yi was already scared to tears.

He covered his eyes as he cried, shrank in the corner and shivered.

Outside the camera, Zhou Dao was stunned.

Isn't Yun Yi the traffic-type artist route he has been following? When did you act so well?

Are you really scared?

These are the two cuties with white cloth on their heads. He also made a cute face on his face, and drew two lovely big eyes of Kazlan.

Can this be frightened?

Director Zhou said into the walkie-talkie, "Turn on the lights, turn on the lights."

The light suddenly turned on, and in Yun Yi's eyes, the two **** messengers in front of him suddenly turned into two cute little ones.

The two ghostly staff look at me, I look at you, and finally turned their attention to Yun Yi's lower position.

Yun Yi's light coffee-colored trousers were already wet, and there was still a pool of water stains on the ground.

Scared to pee?


Director Zhou's eyes lit up, and he shouted frantically into the walkie-talkie, "Take a photo of him for me! Film it from the beginning to the end, especially the position of the pants!"

Director Zhou, you are no longer a human being!

The follow-up filming who had been following Yun Yi had already started filming before Director Zhou could say anything.

Follow me and you are no longer a human being!

A cold electronic voice came from the loudspeaker: "Explorer Yun Yi was captured by a mysterious force, and the next ten minutes will enter the safe time."

Sang Jiuchi and Song jumped out of the door, and looked up to see Yun Yi squatting in a corner on the third floor, not far from the stairs, showing his ugly appearance.

Song Tiao was still a little resentful, "He doesn't deserve sympathy at all. He was the one who stumbled and grabbed you in the first place, but in the end he pushed you down as a bait in order to escape. It's too selfish."

Sang Jiuchi just glanced above, and quickly withdrew his gaze.

He didn't say much, just said to Song Jump, "Let's go, it's time for us to find clues."

The two walked up the stairs.

Yun Yi blushed when he saw Sang Jiuchi, he glanced to the side in shame, and did not dare to look at Sang Jiuchi's expression.

But Sang Jiuchi didn't even give him a look, but Song Tiao glared at him fiercely.

Sang Jiuchi was still looking at the rooms very quickly, and each room only swept roughly twenty seconds before leaving quickly.

There are not as many rooms on the third floor as on the second floor. It only took Sang Jiuchi three minutes to read all the rooms, and he took out the blueprint again and drew the scene in the room.

Song Tiao couldn't help being curious and asked, "Why is 'narrow, comfortable, and hot' the first room?"

Sang Jiuchi: "It is analyzed word by word. The first is narrowness. The definition of narrowness is very vague. The cabinet is also narrow, and the small room is also considered narrow. The warlord's wife is on the second floor. In order to accommodate nine people, Each bedroom is not big. It is comfortable, comfortable when eating, comfortable when sleeping, and comfortable when taking a bath. It is comfortable to relieve fatigue.”

"Then, the bedroom has been selected again. It's hot, where can it be hot? A kitchen with fire for cooking, or a place with a strong light. The first room is the only one of the nine rooms with ceiling lights that are only used in the hall. .Compared to other rooms, that room is extra bright and hot because of the lighting."

"Bringing all three key words together, only the first bedroom compound condition."

When Sang Jiuchi answered, the movements of his hands did not stop.

Song Tiao frowned and thought for a while: "Then why not the kitchen? The kitchen is also very narrow and hot."

"The kitchen is the place to cook, and the warlords are big families. There are only chefs and cooks in the kitchen who are constantly busy for three meals a day. How can there be comfort? The warlords eat outside restaurants."

"What about the bathroom? It's also cramped, cozy, and hot."

Sang Jiuchi laughed, "I've seen the bathroom, it can accommodate up to four people, and it's still crowded with people leaning in it. I guess the director team designed this safe house for us, and it will definitely take into account that all of us can enter, So it won't be the bathroom."

It turned out to be an exclusion method!

The system dutifully reminded Sang Jiuchi in his mind, "Ding! Congratulations to the host, the charm skill has been upgraded to lv.3. 】

Director Zhou outside the arena wiped his face.

He really thought about using the bathroom as a safe house before, and the reason for giving up was what Sang Jiuchi said. The bathroom is too small.

While Sang Jiuchi and Song Tiao were chatting one after another, Yun Yi, who had regained his consciousness, had already headed to the prison under the guidance of the two cute little ghosts.

His legs were still a little weak, the water stains on his trousers touched his own skin, and he shivered from the cold feeling.

Her hair, which was meticulously groomed before she came, is now hanging on her head in a mess, and her clothes are full of folds in the panic just now.

Yun Yi glanced at Director Zhou outside the venue for help: "Director Zhou, can I go and change my clothes?"

Director Zhou's eyes are sharp, but his expression is embarrassing: "It is a taboo to change clothes in the middle of a variety show, and it will definitely be criticized by the audience. I have a coat here, you can wear it around your waist and cover it first."

Yun Yi was about to cry.

From his debut to now, he has never been so embarrassed.

But what he saw just now were two messengers from hell, how could they turn into two cute little ghosts in a blink of an eye.

I heard before that this director Zhou is difficult and sincere. In order to achieve the effect of the show, a lot of tricky and expensive props and equipment will be used.

Did the director team also use some holographic projection?

Yun Yi's eyes suddenly lit up.

It must be a holographic projection. If it is not a holographic projection, how can it be so realistic?

Although he didn't know how the director team knew what he was most afraid of, at least he knew now that the director team was just deliberately tricking him.

Do you want to use your appearance to increase the popularity of the show?

Too shameless.

Yun Yi is still angry now, and some words are beyond his head.

He took the clothes from Director Zhou's hands and tied them to his waist with a very unkind tone, "Director Zhou, there must be a limit to being a person. We can't do anything immoral just for the popularity of the show."

Director Zhou's brows almost turned into mountains.

Depend on.

He has been in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years, and no one has dared to speak to him like that. Even the capitalist behind Yunyi would call himself "Brother Zhou" when he saw him.

This stinky stinky boy really thought that he would go to heaven after a year or two of red?

Do you want me to give you a ride?

The artist is afraid that once the incident of peeing his pants is exposed, it will definitely become an embarrassing incident that accompanies the artist's life. Although it is not something that destroys the three views, it is shameful to say it.

He just wanted to take advantage of Yun Yi's popularity to promote variety shows, but there was no limit to broadcast this kind of embarrassing thing that could last a lifetime.

But Yun Yi insisted on stepping on his face?

Yun Yi saw that Zhou Dao did not speak, and the anger in his heart that could not be vented was even stronger.

He was ashamed in front of Sang Jiuchi in the first place, and now he has found the person who made him embarrassed, so what?

Yun Yikou said indiscriminately, "Just tell me in advance if you want me to act a little scared. I'm also an acting school, but if you insist on using this method, isn't it inauthentic?"

Director Zhou was going to be **** off by this bastard.

He pointed to the staff wearing white cloth beside Yun Yi and asked, "Are you afraid of them?"

Yun Yi frowned and pursed his lips, "Of course I'm not afraid, what I said was just now."

Director Zhou snorted coldly.

I was so scared to pee my pants just now, but now I'm throwing dirty water on him in order to wash myself off?

He doesn't carry this pot.

When had he felt so uncomfortable? Yun Yi is just a newcomer who has just been popular for two years. He dares to bark at him because his master is tied by his neck? Is he really being bullied?

After Yun Yi said enough, he suppressed his emotions a little, "Director Zhou, let's pinch you just now."

Director Zhou's eyes flickered, and the corner of his mouth evoked the kindest smile, "Don't worry."

How can you pinch it? He also wanted to release it for the audience to judge.

Hearing Zhou Dao's two words, Yun Yi thought it was okay. The heavy expression just now relaxed, and even walking was much lighter.

Under the guidance of the two little ghosts, Yun Yi walked to the side building connected to the main building.

In the center of the hall on the side building, a large iron cage was placed, and the three people who were eliminated at the beginning were chatting with each other.

Seeing Yun Yi walk in, the chatting of the three people stopped abruptly, and the expressions of several people looking at Yun Yi were also very subtle.

When Yun Yi was locked up, Li Qian said coolly, "I thought you were targeting Sang Jiuchi, but I didn't expect that you wanted to get along with him alone."

Yun Yi recalled the matter of leaving them to choose Sang Jiuchi's room on the second floor, he smiled awkwardly, and explained, "The time was up, and No. 3 happened to be next to me, so I went in casually."

Alen is sitting next to Li Qian at the moment, and the three of them are clearly forming a camp, "You were obviously in room 1, I saw it all. Brother Yi, you are not authentic. You first proposed to isolate Sang Jiuchi, but When the time comes, you go to him instinctively. Could it be that you still have some love for Sang Jiuchi?"

Yun Yi is dumb to eat berberine.

He really didn't go to Sang Jiuchi instinctively.

Do you want him to say, "The IQ of the three of you combined is not as good as Sang Jiuchi"?

He proposed to isolate Sang Jiuchi, but he didn't expect Sang Jiuchi to be so smart. Follow him to have meat to eat, and a fool will not follow him.

Yun Yi closed his mouth, he hesitated for a moment, and apologized to a few people: "I'm really sorry, I really didn't mean it just now."

Li Qian: "It's either intentional or unintentional. I choose to believe in Sang Jiuchi unintentionally. You still like Sang Jiuchi, why did you break up with him at that time?"

Yun Yi closed his mouth tightly.

He could see that the incident just now offended three people. The three of them had resentment in their hearts, and what he said now was wrong.

When Li Qian was 30 years old, she became a leading actor in the entertainment industry. When the high-ranking people are used to it, I have never been played like this before.

With a fire in her heart, she glanced up and down at Yun Yi with sharp eyes.

Suddenly her eyes were fixed on Yun Yi's pants, and she shouted in surprise, "Yun Yi, why are your pants wet?"

The other two also looked over, and Yun Yi's face suddenly turned red with embarrassment, "I accidentally made it."

After all, there are still so many days to get along, Han Xiao joked next to him, "Haha, it must have been accidentally sprinkled on the water, is it still scary? That mysterious power is quite cute, it can't be scary. of."

Alen was distracted, "Yeah, I also think it's cute. With my years of experience, the mysterious force will become the mascot of this variety show."

Seeing the relaxed expressions of several people, Yun Yi resented the program team even more.

Obviously, all three only saw cute little devils, and didn't see anything scary.

He was also frightened just now. The messenger of **** made it so real that he completely forgot that there was such a thing as holographic projection.

Before he came to the show, the agent didn't tell him that there was still a holographic projection.

Got scammed by the show group.

In a few minutes, Sang Jiuchi had already drawn the entire layout of the third floor.

Putting the drawing in front of Song Jump, he pointed to a place, "The hidden studio should be here."

Song Tiao took a closer look. There was no need to go to the first floor and the second floor. The rooms were arranged in a random order. There was a blank area on the third floor.

Song Tiao reconstructed the scene on the third floor in his mind, and hesitantly said, "I remember this place has come to an end, and there is only one wall."

Sang Jiuchi let out an "um", "I looked at the exterior of the three-story building from the outside yesterday, and then drew three building frames in equal proportions. The space on the third floor is so large, but there is a part of it missing from the inside. "

The two of them started walking towards the blank space on the map. They pushed open the door of the innermost storage room, and soon came to the wall with nothing.

Song Jump tried to tap on the wall, and the wall immediately made a crisp "dangdang" sound.

From the beginning to the present, Song Tiao has witnessed so many surprises on Sang Jiuchi that he is not surprised now, "It's really hollow, and the wallpaper is made of wood."

The whole wall is not big or small, but because there are too many debris accumulated outside the wall, it is necessary to remove the debris to find the secret door hidden inside.

When the director set up this place, he originally envisaged that six people would move it together, so he put a little more stuff.

Now there are only two people left, facing the workload of six people.

Song Jump looked at Sang Jiuchi's slightly slender body and said, "You can think about where the key is first, and I'll move the things."

"Wait a minute, Brother Dance." Sang Jiuchi felt around the wall, and finally stopped at one place, "The door is here, we two move things away."

Song Jump no longer had any thoughts of questioning Sang Jiuchi. As soon as Sang Jiuchi said it was there, he rushed over.

The place that Sang Jiuchi pointed to was nothing big, only a few boxy boxes, one for two of you, one for me, and the box was moved to one side after a while, revealing the wallpaper inside.

This wallpaper was pasted by the director team later, using non-adhesive, and will not damage the wall.

There just happened to be a small knife in the locker, and I don't know if the director team put it here on purpose for them to use, or it was placed here unintentionally.

Song Tiao picked up the knife and carefully cut a few openings on the wallpaper, slowly prying open the small corners of the wallpaper.

He picked up the wallpaper and tore it for a while before he saw the hidden door hidden below.

There was a recessed key hole in the middle of the edge of the door. Song Tiao tried to push it but didn't. It seemed that he really needed to find the key to open the hidden studio.

The hidden studio was found, and the two started looking for the key.

The key word for the key is "narrow".

Song Jump guessed: "It's narrow again, is the key in the bedroom again?"

Sang Jiuchi: "It shouldn't be the only clue, there should be other clues."

He looked around the room and suddenly turned his gaze to the wallpaper.

After sticking the removed wallpaper back on the wall, Sang Jiuchi started to stare at the wallpaper in front of him.

Song Tiao also followed Sang Jiuchi's line of sight, but he could see nothing but the resplendent wallpaper painted with rich and precious flowers.

Song Tiao lowered his head in shame.

Why is there such a wide range of intelligence? !

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