MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 77 Over-the-top red superstar 8

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Ten minutes later, the whistle of the police car cut through the silence.

What the country people like most is to watch the fun. They were curious when they were filming the show, and the show team deliberately cleared the scene for the authenticity of the game.

Now even the police car has arrived, and villagers in twos and threes have begun to hear the sound.

Everyone, look at me, and I look at you.

"My old man has never seen the world. Is this a show or a movie?"

"It's like a variety show."

"Is this cop a fake cop? That's not good. It's against the law to pretend to be a cop."

"Old Li, it seems to be true. We even invited the police to film a show? Did something happen to those people inside? Will all 120 come over later?"

"Tsk tsk, it's said that this building is evil. These people in the city have to come for excitement. Let's go and see, so don't let anything happen."

A few people approached the Western Building as they walked, and when they were about to approach, they saw a security tape pulled at the gate from a distance.

There were two police cars parked outside the security zone, and the crew waited outside in shock. The people in the photography team did their due diligence, and Director Zhou didn't say anything, and was still photographing everyone's expressions.

The secretary in the town also came. When he saw a few old people coming to watch the fun, he shouted at a few people from afar, "You are not at home to rest at night, why are you here to join in the fun?"

"Secretary, what are you doing? What happened?"

The secretary didn't have a clear idea, and only heard that there were not so good things in it. Originally, the old man became weak when he got older, so he was afraid of scaring a few old people, so the secretary had to say: "It's alright, it's alright, you can go back quickly, it's cold at night, don't freeze."

Lao Li was the one who practiced Tai Chi in the park this morning. He glanced at the people in the crew, walked over with his hands behind his back, and took a closer look.

After a long while, he asked, "Hey, what about the handsome little boy among you?"

Yun Yi and the others looked at each other. Everyone was there, except for Sang Jiuchi and Director Zhou.

As soon as the security tape was pulled, they were cleared out. Sang Jiuchi didn't know what to say to the police, and he and several people from Director Zhou stayed inside.

Old Li saw that several people didn't speak, "Could it be that something happened to the little boy? Did they bump into each other?"

Everyone remembered Sang Jiuchi's previous performance, bumping into each other? That's impossible.

Seeing that Lao Li is really related, Yun Yi said, "Grandpa, Sang Jiuchi is fine, we are all fine, don't worry."

Old Li Jian couldn't really ask anything, plus the secretary had been chasing people next to him, so a few people had to leave step by step.

Seeing the backs of the old men leaving, Yun Yi and the others looked at each other.

Don't say these old people want to know what's going on, they want to know too.

Just now, Sang Jiuchi and Director Zhou called the police. They walked into the corner and didn't know what to say. When they came back, Director Zhou had already called the police.

The efficiency of the police was very fast, they rushed over in less than ten minutes and drove them out.

A few people are still under the camera, and there is something they can't do, so they can only wait here.

A small area, divided into two by the security belt.

Inside the security zone, the police were busy digging with tools at the place where Sang Jiuchi pointed.

The place that Sang Jiuchi pointed to was the marble wall that made the cry, and the other place was on the ground of the courtyard near the side building.

There were not many gaps in the wall in the side building, and the discovery was found outside the yard.

"Boss! There's a well here."

This western-style building has been left unattended for decades, and a lot of weeds have grown wildly on the ground. The police dug down suspiciously at the place pointed by Sang Jiuchi and dug a circle of small wells.

The wellhead looks small, with a diameter of only 40 cm. The well is filled with soil. If you want to know what is inside, you have to keep digging down.

Team Huang had been following in the inner building, and came out after hearing the sound.

The police asked, "Are you still digging?"

Team Huang: "Dig, keep digging."

Sang Jiuchi reminded next to him: "If you dig further down, you may need someone from the Cultural Relics Protection Bureau to come forward, Team Huang."

Team Huang frowned. Although he didn't know how confident the star in front of him was when he said this, he couldn't help but believe it since he had dug up something.

"The Bureau of Cultural Relics Protection has been contacted, and they will be there in 20 minutes."

Team Huang looked at the mouth of the small well and wondered to himself, "What is such a small well used for?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Sang Jiuchi: "How did you know there was something here?"

Sang Jiuchi thought for a while and replied, "It was also discovered by accident. It may have been some natural changes during the later landfill, and some gaps in the soil were exposed."

Team Huang laughed, "You are very bold. Ordinary people only call the police when they see a dead body or a crime scene. You only have a guess and call the police. If not, you are calling the false police, you know?"

While they were talking, Director Zhou kept arranging for someone to shoot.

The filming is approved by the police, and the police will be equipped with body-worn recorders when they go out to the police, but they are not as clear as the cameras of the program group. Team Huang just asked the director for instructions. The director wanted to leave clear materials and agreed to the shooting.

Filming can be filmed, but whether it can be edited and released later depends on the intention of the police.

Sang Jiuchi took out the paintings he had drawn before, and circled a few places with a pen, "I checked some information before I came to the show. This town was backward in feudalism, and there were overseas warlocks who stayed here for several years, living in the homes of warlords. Later, the warlord fell, and the warlock left. In 1984, the warlock was executed abroad for spreading cults and intentional homicide."

"The theory he most promotes is the theory of the 'Mother of the Earth'. He believes that after death, the soul will return to the bosom of the Mother Earth, who gave birth to life. As long as special means are used, the dead can use the earth to help them. The mother was born again."

"This Western-style building is not very famous, so there is very little information that can be found on the Internet. That's all I can find, but I followed the overseas warlock to find the 'Mother Earth's Production Technique' that he is proud of."

"Take the land as the body to create the limbs and head of the Mother Earth. This is not over yet. The most important thing is to create the nests and corridors for production."

While speaking, Sang Jiuchi circled the drawing with a pencil. Team Huang looked over and found that there was a human figure circled on the drawing.

Sang Jiuchi drew a narrow passage on the paper with the tip of a pen: "The place you are digging now is the passage of the Mother Earth."

Team Yellow: "…"

The policeman who is digging the soil: "..."

Is this shovel still going down?

Sang Jiuchi's hand did not stop, the corridor extended for a distance, and finally stopped to draw a circle.

"Here is where the sac nest is."

Sang Jiuchi pointed to the bottom of his feet, "This is it."

Team Yellow: "…"

Director Zhou: "…"

Do you want to keep stepping on this foot?

Sang Jiuchi didn't seem to know how much shock his words caused the scene, and continued to say: "This overseas warlock is quite evil. This is not over yet, since it is to bring the dead back to life, there is always a price to pay. His price is life-for-life, and in order to cater to the noble bloodline of the powerful, he even came up with a theory that the lives of ten civilian children are equal to the life of one powerful man."

Feudal superstition kills people.

Hearing this, Team Huang frowned, "So, who is resurrecting? Who is he resurrecting?"

Sang Jiuchi looked at Director Zhou: "Director Zhou, there are photos in the studio on the third floor. He is actually the owner of this house, right?"

Director Zhou: "Of course, the original photo was put in the local history museum. I had to work hard to get that photo, but I just got a finely restored replica."

Sang Jiuchi pondered for a moment: "If my guess is correct, the person who was resurrected should be this warlord lady. I have observed the photo, and the lady should have been... dead when I took the photo. In the photo, the lady's collarbone There are corpse spots on her and arms. The smile on her face should be fixed with something like glue, and there are discordant folds in the subtle areas of the facial features. There is also the movement of the warlord hugging her waist, with his fingers firmly clasping her waist. You can see that the arm is also using strength. He is not half-arming her, but using one arm to stand the woman up."

Director Zhou's face changed.

Depend on.

After he got the photo back, he admired it for a long time, and praised the people around them for their talented and beautiful appearance.

As a result, is a living person holding a dead person? !

He definitely hasn't slept well these days.

Team Yellow: "What photo?"

Sang Jiuchi thought for a while, "It seems to be in Brother Dance's hands, just outside."

Team Yellow: "I'll go outside and find them to get it."

With that said, Team Yellow strode away.

A minute later, he crossed the guard and brought it in front of several entertainers.

At this moment, several people are looking down at the photo with the light of the camera.

Li Qian: "This woman is so beautiful, she is definitely top-notch in the modern age, isn't it, Yun Yi?"

Yun Yi was also looking at the photos absentmindedly. Since the incident of urinating his pants, his whole person has not been well. Being cued by the old senior, even if he was unhappy, he replied seriously, "It's pretty."

Team Huang couldn't help but interject: "If he was still alive when he took the picture, it would be even better."

In a word, the discussion came to an abrupt end.

The smiles on the faces of the five people froze, Yun Yi was holding the photo in his hand, "What, what do you mean?"

Team Huang stretched out his hand: "Literally, give me the photo."

Taking the photo from Yun Yi, Team Huang did not leave in a hurry, but looked at it under the light.

After watching for half a minute, Team Huang nodded and walked back, still muttering to himself: "As expected, there are corpse spots, the expression is not natural, and the hands are not right..."

Five people:"…"

What the **** is this show? ! Isn't this just a simple break-through program? ! Why does the development seem to be getting more and more wrong!

Alen shivered and rubbed the goose bumps on his arms: "How about we go back first? We're useless here anyway."

Several people turned their eyes to the road back to the apartment.

Because this place is relatively remote, there are no street lights on the road, and the narrow sheep intestines path gradually merges into the darkness under the lights.

In the darkness, it seemed that something was secretly spying on them, waiting for an opportunity to stretch out its hideous claws.

Han Xiao laughed dryly, "How about we wait?"

Just touched the picture of the dead man, he was scared.

This road is also scary.

What the **** is this place, it's scary everywhere!

Team Huang held the photo and returned to Sang Jiuchi, where two mosquitoes that wanted to bite him were shot dead on the way.

When he got to Sang Jiuchi, those annoying mosquitoes disappeared.

Not taking it too seriously, Team Huang took the evidence bag and put the photo in it, saying, "It's exactly what you said."

Director Zhou is even worse.

I don't know whether he is lucky or unlucky, or whether he hopes to dig something out or not, let alone whether this first episode can still be broadcast.

Team Huang: "I just asked the town secretary about the situation. It is rumored that many children have gone missing in this Western-style building before."

Having said this, Team Yellow suddenly stopped speaking.

It has happened for more than 80 years, and the warlord was 30 years old more than 80 years ago, and the National People's Congress is probably not in this world.

Without a criminal confession, there needs to be solid physical evidence that cannot be brought down.

He is a policeman, and it is his duty to punish evil and promote good. He is willing to spare no effort to find a freelance murderer for the victim of wrongful death, but this case spans eighty years.

It's been more than 80 years, is there any physical evidence?

Just when the yellow team was helpless, the policeman in the side building shouted: "Boss, break it open, come quickly!"

It stands to reason that there can be no bystanders at the scene, but Huang team walked halfway and turned back and shouted at Sang Jiuchi, "Come here too."

Sang Jiuchi followed, Director Zhou winked at the follower, and the follower followed silently. Team Huang just took a look at Zhou Daohe and followed him, and in the end said nothing and acquiesced to their behavior.

Team Huang looked at Sang Jiuchi while walking: "What did you guess was inside?"

Let him verify whether Sang Jiuchi's guess is correct!

Sang Jiuchi: "90% possibility is the ancestral hall."

Team Yellow: "Why?"

Sang Jiuchi: "Because this family is particular about the layout of the courtyard and the display of things in the building are based on the tradition of the older generation. In the tradition of the older generation, the ancestral hall is an important place to cherish the elders and educate the descendants. At that time, even ordinary big families would set up an ancestral hall. But this family does not. So there is only one possibility, the ancestral hall is hidden. "

"I think the deceased lady should be enshrined in the ancestral hall. The warlord has started the reincarnation technique with the help of overseas warlocks. In modern times, of course we know that resurrection is impossible, but the warlord does not think so. He Obsessed with the art of alchemy theology, I have done all the preparatory work with all my heart, and of course I can't give up."

"I guess that when the warlord fled south, he couldn't take his deceased wife. In order not to disturb the resurrection of his deceased wife, he started to spread rumors that his deceased wife was a fox demon before leaving, and at the same time built a crying The purpose of the wall is to drive away human beings and protect the resurrection environment of the deceased wife."

Sang Jiuchi sneered, "It's terrifyingly stupid."

Several people walked and talked, and soon reached the cut-out compartment.

Seeing the layout inside, Team Huang was speechless for a long time.

As Sang Jiuchi said, there is a mezzanine behind the stone wall.

There is an empty ancestral hall hidden in the mezzanine, surrounded by paper maids and guards white horses, which are dazzling.

The exquisite tailoring can be called high-end goods today.

The color of the paper bundles faded with time and became tattered.

The place where the spirit tablets are enshrined in the ancestral hall is very large, but one person can be enshrined on it.

On the long black plaque, a few words were written in block letters: deceased wife Ning Ning.

In the middle of the ranking, there is a red futon that has long since faded, and there is a swaddle on the futon.

Just across the wall, I couldn't see what was in the swaddling clothes at all.

After putting on the isolation shoe covers and gloves, Team Huang walked into the ancestral hall and saw the inside of the swaddling clothes.

In the swaddle, there is nothing, just a small quilt folded into the shape of a swaddle.

It was well placed there, as if someone had left it on purpose.

There was also a big box made of golden nanmu in the corner. Team Huang walked over and opened it carefully, and found that it was full of girls' clothes.

As small as a 1-year-old apron, as large as an adult skirt.

Exquisite and luxurious.

There are a lot of gold bars and pearl jewelry under the clothes, just grab a handful, and ordinary people don't have to worry about the rest of their lives.

Team Huang looked around, and suddenly found that there seemed to be an envelope under the tablet. He walked over and picked it up. On the yellowed envelope, there were a few big characters: "My beloved wife, Ning Ning, personally opened."

Team Huang moved in his heart and quickly opened the envelope.

There were three or four pages of letter paper in the envelope. The first page was a piece of nonsense, all of which were about his thoughts about Ningning. After the second page, Team Huang's expression became serious.

On the envelope, the owner of the letter explained in detail why Ningning was reborn, and told him where to find him after rebirth.

The place that was 80 years ago has not changed its name, and it is not far from here.

This is what the warlord prepared for Ning Ning before he left.

He had already gone crazy, and he was sure that Ningning could be reborn, prepared swaddling clothes, clothes, money for her, and even left her his own residence.

So that the other party can be reborn and then find himself.

Team Huang, who was holding the envelope, has begun to tremble slightly. Evidence, this letter is the evidence!

As long as you find the handwriting of the warlord and compare the handwriting, you can be sure that the letter comes from the warlord.

And this place.

This is hard evidence!

80 years have passed, although the warlord may have died of old age, but he must find the murderer for the victim.

The truth came too late, it could even be said too late.

But that's the only thing he can do for his victims.

Team Huang walked a few steps in the ancestral hall and found that something was not right under the futon. He carefully moved the futon and found that there was a wellhead with a diameter of 30 cm under the futon.

Team Huang looked at Sang Jiuchi subconsciously: "What's going on?"

Sang Jiuchi didn't go in, but stood outside and replied, "It's very simple. A child discovered the hole in the previous hole. Later, the child called the police, but the police did not find the wellhead that the child said outside. I'm afraid at that time, the wellhead had already been discovered by the warlord. It was buried in advance. After that, it was opened up and directly connected to here. And then sealed from the outside, this is the most perfect hidden delivery room. His lover can be born here safely without any outside interference. "

Sang Jiuchi paused: "However, what he thinks is really beautiful. How can people be resurrected after death? It's all a trick used by the warlocks to deceive people."

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