MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 8 Framed Tech Genius 8

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Their conversation just now has been live broadcast, and their remarks have also caused quite a stir.

The current live screen on the TV has been switched back to the game scene, and in the upper right corner of the live screen, a small window has just been added.

In the window screen, Sang Jiuchi has a straight waist and sits on the sofa with his slender and straight legs folded.

He picked up the black tea and took a sip, elegantly resembling an ancient European royal nobleman who only existed in the 18th century. The warm sunlight recklessly swayed the enthusiasm of early summer, and his body was wrapped in holy brilliance.

There is a line of small characters below the small window: The network shielding signal has been installed in the room, and all communication tools are temporarily kept by the organizer.

In the video, after Sang Jiuchi put down the black tea cup, he crossed his fingers on his legs.

Then began a long time of sitting still. If it wasn't for the breeze from outside the window, the white gauze was slightly flipped, and everyone would have thought that the picture was still.

[Am I the only one who thinks Sang Jiuchi is a little pitiful? Sang Jiuchi is right, this is imprisoning in disguise. 】

[Although, Sang Jiuchi is really beautiful. 】

[Sisters, please understand, the program team is also helpless. Hackers are always elusive. If you don’t look at him, who knows where he goes to steal questions. 】

[In the front, a cybersecurity competition that has been held for nearly 50 years is still afraid of hackers stealing questions. The organizer can't even prevent hackers, so why should it be used as a benchmark for assessment. 】

[Yes, the foreigner just said that there was no trace of Sang Jiuchi's cheating. Even if a hacker really steals the question, what the official should do is to strengthen their own defenses, rather than disguised house arrest without evidence. 】

[Eight years ago, this situation also occurred in country M, and finally it was returned with a stone hammer. But how did it come about? The organizer did not let him retake the test, nor did he put that person under house arrest in disguise like this. After investigating the real hammer privately, he only revoked his qualifications for the competition, dealt with it in a low-key manner, and did not even issue an announcement. Now that's how it is with Sang Jiuchi, I think they just think we are easy to bully, kill chickens to warn monkeys, and deliberately suppress them. 】

[I actually hope that Sang Jiuchi's results in the competition are true, TMD, I really want to see him beat that group of people. 】

[Brother, wake up, although I am not reconciled, but 16 minutes is absolutely impossible. 】

Sang Jiuchi looked at the video barrage casually, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

He is in this world and out of this world.

He was born in chaos, grew up in nothingness, has no heart and no love, was sealed on the day of his adulthood, and has since fallen into eternal sleep.

Promising the system to do plane quests is just the simplest concoction in the long years.


It is his summary of the whole of life.

Role-playing is an experience he has never had before. Wrapped in the skins and identities of others, there is indeed a little strange and inexplicable fun in it.

But it's not enough, far from enough to make his boring life embellished with gorgeous colors.

In the barrage, there was a sudden commotion.

[Look at Weibo, Dai Luolin has spoken. 】

[What kind of ecstasy did Sang Jiuchi give Dai Luolin? It was obviously impossible, but he used his entire net worth as a guarantee. 】

[This is interesting, I don’t know what the organizer will do next. 】

Sang Jiuchi raised his eyebrows and asked the system that has been fishing: [What's going on? 】

The system is not long-winded, and even a bit of flattery can be heard in the cold electric voice: [Master host, you also have a backstage person, Dai Luolin supported you on Weibo just now. 】

Since he was questioned by Sang Jiuchi last time, the current system can be described as "dog legs".

When the system was talking, by the way, he threw out the Weibo interface in Sang Jiuchi's brain.

There is no need to click on the hot search list. The first entry on the interface happens to be Dai Luolin's Weibo.

Dai Luolin only posted a paragraph on Weibo: [I guarantee by my personality and Dai's reputation that Mr. Sang Jiuchi will never cheat. I now have ample reasons to question the business ability of the competition organizer. Your current behavior has seriously insulted Mr. Sang Jiuchi's right to privacy and personal freedom. Please immediately shut down his personal monitoring and return his freedom! ]

Each player signs a non-disclosure agreement before participating in the competition, and nothing else.

They are scientific competition players, not those entertainment drafts that focus on the spotlight. So as soon as the game is over, anyone has the right to leave.

In just a few minutes, Dai Luolin's Weibo has accumulated tens of thousands of comments.

Sang Jiuchi didn't click in, he squinted his bright star eyes slightly, and fixedly looked at Dai Luolin's words in his mind.

A small laugh came out of his mouth.

Slowly, the laughter gradually increased.

As the laughter grew louder, Sang Jiuchi's indifferent expression also relaxed, revealing a happy expression.

Sang Jiuchi's fingers that had been intertwined covered his face, blocking all the expressions on his face.

His chest trembled, and the laughter hit his lungs, as if to squeeze out his internal organs. His whole body trembled uncontrollably because of this smile.

The system hides in the corner and trembles: Metamorphosis.jpg.

Is this plane boring?

It doesn't seem to be either.

Dai Luolin gave him too many surprises from the beginning.

From the phrase he said in the hacker chat room under the ID of "super hacker" [he is disdainful to do those things that broke out on the Internet], and later he had unconditional trust in himself.

There are also food recommendations in the future, and now he has to bet all his worth to fight for himself.

This man is simply too interesting, he always attracts his attention in unexpected places.

A successful entrepreneur in a high position, business is life.

No, or the business is more important than life.

Now he is frankly sacrificing his career in public, just to make a name for himself.

Sang Jiuchi stretched out his bright red tongue and gently licked his soft and **** upper lip, greed stained the corners of his eyes, and the nameless desire came from the gully.

This interesting man actually made him greedy.

If you want him, put the other party into the bone and blood, tie it to your side, and see what kind of surprises he can bring to you.

In the camera, people can only see Sang Jiuchi covering his face with his hands, and his thin shoulders are even weaker because of the shaking.

The current Sang Jiuchi is like a young seedling in the wind, and it will be easily broken in the next second.

Dai Luo was staring at the live broadcast screen, and the terrifying aura lingering around him scared the people around him.

In the past few days, he had to leave China due to travel reasons, and he could not personally send Sang Jiuchi to participate in the competition.

But he didn't expect that the game that he had always had high hopes for would treat Sang Jiuchi like this.

In particular, the various behaviors of the organizer under the supervision of the supervisor made him realize what a puppet is.

It is obvious that they are the organizers, but the supervisors are like emperors aloof, but they can point the country while talking and laughing.

It doesn't matter whether there is evidence or not, what matters is the supervisor's decision.

They stand on the commanding heights, and what they say is convincing even if they are made up.

But the victims have to work hard to prove their innocence, and even get stained with trumped-up stains all their lives.


It's ridiculous.

It just sucks.

Does such an organization still exist?

Dai Luolin looked at Sang Jiuchi's slender shoulders shaking in the small video window, and his anger rose from his heart.

How can such a genius endure such humiliation?

Sang Jiuchi has already been slandered once, is he going to endure it a second time now?

A frost can't break down the gloomy twigs, what if there is a second hailstorm?

How much pressure can Sang Jiuchi withstand?

Dai Luolin picked up his mobile phone and called the secretary, his voice was as cold as a glacier that never melts on a thousand-year-old snow mountain, "Cancel all trips, I'm going back to China now."

The secretary didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly responded: "Okay, I'll do it right now."

Dai Luolin: "How's the investigation going?"

Secretary: "I'm still investigating, but there are already clues, and evidence should be found soon."

Dai Luolin: "Okay, continue to check. Also, send five cars to the competition site."


Sang Jiuchi covered his face and smiled for a while, and then put his hand down again. He wiped his face, still with that calm expression, as if nothing had happened just now.

He patted his cheek with a sour smile, and slowly stood up from the sofa.

On the screen:

[Yes... What's the matter with being a little cute, are you cheering yourself up when you patted your face just now? 】

[Suddenly I feel that Sang Jiuchi is so miserable, why I don't hate him suddenly. 】

[Hope Sang Jiuchi can achieve a good result tonight! come on! 】

Just as the conversation on the barrage was in hot water, there was a knock on the door of Sang Jiuchi.

Because it is a picture-in-picture camera, there is no sound in their pictures, but the supervisor's livid face can still be seen from the inside.

The man with black hair and black eyes was respectful. After he said a few words to Sang Jiuchi, he returned Sang Jiuchi's things to him, and then made a gesture, which seemed to indicate that Sang Jiuchi could leave.

Sang Jiuchi's expression was indifferent from beginning to end, and now he did not show any joy because of the release.

Before leaving, Sang Jiuchi looked up at the camera, stretched out his slender fingers and made an "eight" gesture.

See you at eight o'clock in the evening.

As soon as Sang Jiuchi walked out of the competition site, he saw five top-level luxury black sedans in neat order, one behind the other, parked at the door.

The five drivers stood upright in front of the co-pilot's door, their eyes focused, looking straight at the door.

The moment Sang Jiuchi came out, they uniformly saluted a gentleman, as if they were welcoming their king solemnly.

Sang Jiuchi was only stunned for a second, and then quickly stepped into the back seat of the third car.

After entering the back seat, he took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Dai Luolin: Great support, thank you.

Dai Luolin quickly replied: I am happy to serve you, my king.

Sang Jiuchi put the phone aside and closed his eyes, but the corners of his slightly raised mouth still revealed his good mood.

The system rubbed the floor secretly, pressing down the soul of complaining: Oh, my dear, this is a game of a thousand miles to save the orphan.

(For some emotional disputes, please see the words)

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