MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 89 20(2)

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silent. Sugar is still waiting for us to pick up the microscope ourselves. 】

[Wisdom top-class petite wife vs wheelchair boss, I've hit the cp! Ahhhh, so sweet! 】

[I also look forward to their interaction in the show. I just watched this advanced live broadcast today and I became a fan. 】

Sang Jiuchi lay on Yun Yan's body for a while, and soon woke up.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked around blankly.

Then, his eyes gradually became clearer. He looked at the time and asked Yunyan, "Can you do some rehabilitation?"

Yun Yan: "Don't you rest for a while? I'm fine, I can walk by myself, you can sleep in my wheelchair for a while."

Sang Jiuchi: "It doesn't matter, I just slept and rested."

Under Sang Jiuchi's insistence, Yun Yan held up a folding crutch.

The next moment, under the shocked eyes of the audience, Yun Yan stood up with a folding crutch under the support of Sang Jiuchi.

One step, two steps, three steps...

He walked slowly but steadily.

Some viewers who know Yunyan's past frantically swipe the barrage:

【A miracle? ! I heard before that Yun Yan would not be able to stand up for the rest of his life, and the doctors had issued a verdict against him. He is standing up now! 】

【Is this the power of love? ! 】

[This is the power of the Chi God. It turns out that the Chi God can not only bless the entrance examination to find a job, but also bless the health! 】

[Also, Chi God can also bless love! 】

The current wife of Yun Fu, who is watching the live broadcast, is Yun Yi's mother.

I accidentally turned to the live video of Yun Yan standing up.

A sudden fright flashed across her pretty face.