MTL - I’m Fighting Back In the Ninja World with Spells-Chapter 450 do not escape

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"Yinzha! You can't die! I'll wait for you below!"

In Huangmao's desperate roar, Jiaoyue cut his throat with a paw.

"Take good care of the child and don't lose it again."

"Yes, yes... Thank you, Miss, thank you."

The woman seemed to be too frightened. After taking the child, she moved a little and accidentally hurt the child, causing the child to cry.

The woman's head was sweating in her urgency, and she hurriedly wanted to put the child to sleep, but the more anxious she was, the harder it was to coax her.

At this time, the boss of Yinzha knew that if he didn't say anything, he would be completely exposed.

So he hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Thank you for your life-saving grace, Miss. We will never forget your great kindness. The child may be hungry at the moment, so we won't waste the time of the benefactors. Let's go, wife. "

"Eh, hey..."

The woman's response was a beat slower, but she hurriedly followed the man and was about to leave.

Tamamo Ying didn't stop her when she saw it.

After the two left, Shensi signaled Zuo to go.

There's nothing to see up front, but there's definitely something wrong in the back.

"I'll go as well."

Tamamo Ying volunteered.

Mainly, she still felt that the other party was not like a bad person.

Shinji waved his hand and let her go.




After walking a certain distance, Yin Zha and the others almost used all their strength to suckle, and ran as fast as they could.

Sure enough, good luck doesn't come all the time.

The last time I could catch a single best, it was **** luck.

This time, as expected, it hit the iron plate.

Although Yinzha himself has the strength of Chunin, he does not dare to act rashly.

If it was just the fox, he wouldn't have watched Huang Mao tragically die in front of his eyes.

The problem is that only one fox has such power, what about the others?

That's the key!

He didn't want to die, so he quickly found a way to run away.

Fortunately, I didn't see through...

With this thought in mind, Yinzha ran all the way. He still has his brothers, and he still has good goods. As long as he stays away from those few people, he can still live very well.

The women ran out of breath and tried to throw the baby in their arms several times.

But he was afraid that the baby's cry would attract the evil star, so he gritted his teeth.

After a while, they finally ran back.

"Boss Yinzha, what's the matter? Have you succeeded? What about Huang Mao and the others?"

He has a scarred face, and he doesn't know how to look at his face.

"Quick! Bring all the goods, run quickly, run over there!"

"This time it's a hit on the iron plate, and the yellow hairs and the others are all planted. If they don't run, no one will want to live."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked and quickly packed up and ran away.

In a place where no one noticed, Shion has quietly loosened the cloth tied around his mouth.

Although I don't know what these people have met, now is a good opportunity for her to get out of trouble.

At this moment, two figures blocked these people here one after the other.

"You guys are really a group. It's a shame that I sympathized with you so much before."

Feeling that the deceived Tamamo Ying was very angry, she glared at Yin Zha and the woman holding the child.

Zuosuke silently pulled out the Kusanagi sword.

Boss Yinzha's heart suddenly sank, but he didn't expect things to develop to this point.

"Just the two of you here?"

Boss Yinzha suddenly asked.

Zuo Zuo, who felt that he was underestimated, immediately said: "Actually, I am enough by myself."

After confirming that it was only the two of them, a fierce light flashed in Boss Yinzha's eyes.

"Kill them! They don't die, we die! Come on!"

The boss of Yinzha is quite authoritative in this gang, especially when the rest saw only a beautiful woman and a kid, they didn't take them seriously.

It was only after the fight that they discovered that the two sides were indeed not of the same level.

Zuo Help was like chopping melons and vegetables, and he solved almost everyone by dividing three and five.

Seeing this, Boss Yinzha simply knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

He also made up a very tragic story for himself, saying that he was also forced.

The woman holding the child beside her also hurriedly kowtowed with her.

When Tamaoying saw this scene, her heart softened.

The main thing is to feel sorry for the children. If she kills them, wouldn't this child have no parents at birth?

No matter what, the child is innocent.

Perhaps sensing her hesitation, the boss of Yinzha and the woman made an even bigger begging for mercy, and she burst into tears.

Then a crisp voice instantly pierced their lie.

"Don't believe them! This man named Yinzha is the boss of this group of traffickers, and the child is not that woman's. The child's biological mother is in the car!"

As soon as this voice sounded, the boss of Yinzha knew that it was broken!

So, with a grim expression, a dagger slipped out of his sleeve, immediately burst, and stabbed Yuzaoying's throat.

A person of Chunin strength can make a sneak attack at such a close distance, and it is difficult for a person with similar strength to escape.

Seeing that Tamamo Ying was about to be stabbed, a sharp thunder light instantly pierced through the heart of Boss Yinzha, paralyzing his body.

The dagger in his hand fell to the ground with a clang.

Tamamo Ying turned her head and found that it was Zuo Shi who saved her with a sharp spear.

But before Xie could say it, he saw that Zuo Zuo shot the woman carrying the child again with a lightning bolt.

"Next time you want to show kindness, remember to choose carefully and distinguish the occasion."

Only then did Tamamo Ying notice that the woman was holding a dagger in her hand, hiding it under the baby.

If the other party is also going to attack her, she has nothing to say.

But if it was because of her, UU reading www. caused the child to be injured and even...

Then she would have to blame herself for the rest of her life.

For the first time, Tamamo Ying was not angry because of Zuo's taunting.

So far, all the bad guys have been eliminated.

Tamamo Ying went to rescue all the women who were tied up, and only then did they learn from their victims how many bad things these people did and how much they suffered.

Especially the woman who was really robbed of her child, who was crying like a tearful person holding her child at the moment.

This made Tamamoying incomparably emotional and a little embarrassed.

After all, she still believed that the other party was a good person...

"Don't blame yourself, most of the people arrested here have made the same mistakes as you, including me."

Shion came over as if to comfort Tamamo Ying, but also as if to laugh at herself.

"Anyway, it's you who saved us. My name is Shion, I'm from the land of ghosts, can I know your names?"

"My name is Tamao Ying, and that kid with a poker face who can only pretend to be cool is called Zuozhu. It's not us who really see the problem with those people, so if you want to thank him, thank that guy."