MTL - I’m Fighting Back In the Ninja World with Spells-Chapter 454 where did you get the money

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The capital of the Land of Birds is located by the lake where migratory birds live. It is full of greenery and is a beautiful and peaceful city.

But suddenly, a bad news spread throughout the country.

The current big name, the Great Heron, suddenly passed away.

Speaking of which, the Land of Birds can develop so well and the people live and work in peace and contentment. The great Heron is a big contributor.

And unlike the famous fish and meat villages in some countries, the great egret has always had a good reputation.

Therefore, when they heard the news of Lord Dalu's death, the people were reluctant to believe it at first, but when the news was confirmed, many people couldn't hide their sadness and prayed for him spontaneously.

There are also many people who have been favored by the Great Heron, and started crying directly in the street.

As a daimyo, it can be said that it is extremely difficult to get the love of so many people.

As for the candidate for the next daimyo, it must be selected from among the children of Lord Dalu, or someone of insight. Everyone does not pay much attention to this, because it is too far away from them. It doesn't matter what their opinions are, at most it is discussed as an after-dinner pastime.

It was under such circumstances that the son of the Great Heron, Master Heron, and Hong Mingtong, who had been his advisor, were elected as the next daimyo candidates.

The former is rooted in Miaohong, and it is justifiable to inherit the position of the famous name.

Especially since he was cultivated as an heir since he was a child, he has an excellent reputation over the years, and there has never been any bad rumors.

Once Young Master Lu succeeds to the throne, he can inherit all the legacy left by the Great Heron to the greatest extent, even including the popularity and popularity of the people and so on.

And Hong Ming should not be underestimated, he was the most trusted advisor of the Great Heron during his lifetime.

Among the many decrees issued by the Great Heron, a large part is from his handwriting.

It can be said that Hongming is very familiar with any work related to the daimyo, and he can take office seamlessly without any need to adapt.

If he inherits the position of the great name, I believe that the country of birds can also develop in an orderly manner, and there will be no mistakes.

In general, both sides have their own advantages.

Who can become the next daimyo depends on the support forces behind each side.

But only one thing is clear. Most of the people feel that it doesn't matter who the two are.

Perhaps emotionally, he will be more inclined towards Young Master Heron, but intellectually, he thinks it would be better for Lord Hongming to sit in this position.

So when Shinji and his party came to this country, they found that both the pedestrians walking on the street and the men and women sitting on the street were guessing who would win in the end.

The second is the memory of the former daimyo, that is really emotional crying.

Shinji was stunned.

I seriously doubt whether these people cried so sadly when the family died.

Anyway, he can't feel any sadness, isn't it a dead person.

"Where is the person you're looking for?"

Shion immediately took out a square piece of paper with some strange symbols drawn on it.

"I'll lead the way."

This is the contact code she agreed with Konoha. When she passed by just now, she saw it under a corner of the wall.

Shinji didn't have any comments and stepped back behind the scenes.

He has long seen that this woman is not simple, and after seeing them, ordinary people will never dare to make such excessive demands.

So he wants to see who is the force behind this woman?

All the way, according to the instructions of the code, Shensi and his party came to an ordinary hotel.

"It should be here."

Shion took a deep breath and walked in.


"Hello, do you have a message for 'Miko'?"

"Uh... yes there have been, but..."

The young lady at the reception suddenly changed her face, as if she was forcing a smile.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"It's like this. The guest who left a message for the 'Miko' has disappeared for two days, and...the other party still owes us three days of room fees. If you know each other, can you settle the money first?"


The smile on Miss Sister's face is already very polite, but her attitude is also very firm. If you don't settle the arrears, you don't have to think about getting any clues from her, including messages.

Shion and Tamamo Ying were already dumbfounded.

They were still waiting for the other party to rescue them and redeem the IOUs first.

The result was good. Before anyone saw it, an aura of poverty and unreliability was blowing toward us!

"It's over, it's really dead this time!"

Yuzaoying murmured indifferently as she moved back quietly, as if she was about to run away ahead of time.

Instead of being sold to Yunyin Village, why don't you find a place to hide first, what if the lake gets over it?


A hand suddenly fell on her shoulder, followed by someone's extremely 'kind' smile.

"Where are you going?"

"I-I-I-I'm going to find a place to make it easier, my stomach hurts."

"Oh, Moxie, go with her. If she dares to leave me more than 100 meters just kill it, don't ask me."

"Okay, I've been waiting for this day for a long time, hehe."

Looking at Mo Qian's malicious face, Yu Zaoying's heart suddenly turned ashes, and she simply stopped struggling and ran away without trying.

Then, the super big fool, Zi Yuan, came over embarrassedly.

"Well, can you lend me some more money? I'll pay back the room fee owed by the other party first, so that I can know what message the other party left me. Don't worry, when I find the other party, I will definitely take the money with me. I'll pay you all the money back. I can still pay IOUs!"

Yuzaoying suddenly became numb, "You've already lied to me once, but you still want to do it again? The person you're looking for can't even live in a hotel, and if you want to escape the bill, how dare you stop me by borrowing money? This hole? Do you think I'm stupid?!"

Zi Yuan was at a loss for words, but she insisted, "You can at least give it a try, isn't there any other way? Trust me, I will definitely be able to get the money, and I can pay the interest a few days later at most."

Tamamoying had no way to escape, so she could only ask helplessly, "Can I still trust you now?"

"This bell is the only relic my mother left me, I put it with you now, if I can't keep my promise, you will ruin it."

Ziyuan gritted her teeth and took out the last and only chip on her body.

Tamaoying looked at the other party seriously, and finally did not accept it.

"Okay, I'll trust you for the last time. Isn't it just a few days' room fee, I'll give it to you!"

"Wait a minute, where did you get the money?"

Shinji suddenly found a blind spot.

Yuzaoying's expression stiffened, and without a word, she quickly took out all the money on her body and put it on the counter, creating an established fact.