MTL - I’m Flirting with a Man in the Supernatural World-Chapter 100 finally

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It is said that at the end of the ninth-level ultimate dungeon, there is a door to return to reality. The moment the blood letter announces that the tasker has successfully passed the dungeon, the key to the door will spontaneously fall in front of the tasker.

In the dream, a handsome young man covered in blood is standing at the end of the dungeon.

There was dead silence around, the huge base, the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, seemed like being in purgatory.

Except for Jin Tianyi, everyone died.

The ghosts in the base are as contagious as the plague. The taskers were complacent at first because the ghosts could be hurt by physical attacks, but it eventually turned into a catastrophe.

Ghosts are like Monkey King, every drop of blood and every hair can become a new ghost.

But the difference between that ghost and Sun Wukong is that Sun Wukong's apprentices and grandchildren are weak and funny, and can only become vassals, while each clone of that ghost is... in a complete form.

The ghost is injured, the blood tissue drops, and new ghosts are differentiated. endlessly.

It was too late for the taskers to find out, and the result was predictable, a brutal counterattack and massacre.

Chu Huai stood in the sea of ​​blood on the mountain of corpses, looking at Jin Tianyi from afar.

The meandering bloodstains slipped down Jin Tianyi's slender hands, dripped along the seams of his trousers, and condensed on the ground, leaving a pure black and ugly mark.

It was ghost blood. Jin Tianyi was panting slightly, his pupils were out of focus, and his face was pale.

Chu Huai witnessed the whole process just now.

Jin Tianyi found a way out in the end, even if the situation got out of hand, there would always be a glimmer of life.

Among hundreds of ghosts, Jin Tianyi found the first ghost, and then dug out his heart alive with his hands.

In an instant, the avatar that was excitedly killing other taskers disappeared.

The ghost stayed there abnormally, allowing him to dig, Jin Tianyi dug so decisively, so... torturing himself.

This is Jin Tianyi's inner demon. Digging out the heart has a different meaning to him, it is tearing open the rotten wound and displaying it dripping with blood.

it's all over.

Chu Huai couldn't bear it, but obviously, Jin Tianyi couldn't see him this time, so he could only watch.

Chu Huai was wondering why the ghost's only weakness was the heart, and Mengjing showed it to him thoughtfully.

Bloody words appeared on the distant wall: "Find the original ghost, your inner demon, which is his weakness. ——The only way to survive."

Chu Huai instantly understood that for Jin Tianyi, the way to kill that ghost was to dig out its heart, but for other taskers, it might be by cutting its wrists or breaking its neck.

It's like if the tasker is Achilles, just stab the ghost's heel with the tip of a knife.

After Chu Huai lost his mind for a moment, Jin Tianyi had already walked out of his inner demons and walked towards the glorious door.

Jin Tianyi lowered his head, as if he was looking for something, and gradually frowned.

Keys, no keys.

Why is there no key?

The door is closed tightly, and Jin Tianyi doesn't long for the world behind the door. He just gradually realizes the ugliness of the terrifying world, and he doesn't want to stay longer.

He is not a human, not a ghost, beyond the six realms, he can barely be regarded as a living dead.

Suddenly there was the sound of the lock coming off the door, and Jin Tianyi's eyes tightened. He had faintly noticed the clues in the nine dungeons. There seemed to be a huge conspiracy behind the horror world.

And now...

Chu Huai's heart also tightened.

With a "creak", the door opened.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Huai and Jin Tianyi opened their eyes wide at the same time, their pupils shrinking sharply.

What came through the door was not a light symbolizing hope, but a... ferocious ghost.

He came from hell, with greed in his eyes, blood on his feet, and a disgusting stench from his scorched and emaciated body.

Unable to resist, the evil spirit subdued Jin Tianyi with a destructive force, and its sharp claws left three deep blood marks on his neck.

A generation of geniuses just fell away.

That door is clearly Pandora's Box.

This is the truth of the horror world. The ultimate escape route is sealed. The ultimate life is actually the ultimate death.

Struggling to survive, useless.

Chu Huai shed tears unknowingly, with disbelief in his eyes. The dream magnified his emotions, and he became sentimental.

"It's been decades, and there hasn't been a ninth-level ghost, tsk tsk." The evil ghost said, with a broken voice like a bellows.

Ninth-order ghost?

It turned out that Jin Tianyi became a ghost in this way.

Chu Huai thought that this was the truth, the dream was over, and he waited for everything around him to disappear again. He waited for a long, long time, the ultimate gate was closed, the evil spirits left, the sky was dark, and the sea of ​​corpses rotted into rivers.

In Chu Huai's heart there was a faint expectation, because Jin Tianyi's body did not rot, ignoring the blood all over his body, the handsome young man seemed to fall into a deep sleep, and a smile gradually overflowed his often indifferent face.

No, no, it's not over yet.

Chu Huai waited patiently as the sun and moon passed by in the dream.

After another seven days, Jin Tianyi woke up, and the moment he opened his eyes, Lu Li's light shone in his gorgeous and deep eyes.

This time when he saw Chu Huai, there was a lot of doubt in his eyes. He got up and asked in a cold voice, "Who are you?"

Chu Huai was baffled by this outstanding outburst, and was about to make up a lame excuse, but Jin Tianyi's eyes suddenly widened.

He searched for a thin and clean figure in the depths of his memory, and his tone was a little anxious: "Twenty years, is it you?"

Chu Huai was startled for a moment, but then relieved. The dream is coherent. In the last stage, he couldn't resist hugging the young Jin Tianyi. Because of the butterfly effect, the later Jin Tianyi also remembered him.

"…it's me."

At that time, Jin Tianyi was less than 20 years old, with a cold and silent face, but there was a bit of turbulent spirit hidden underneath. The greatest joy was shared with the most special person: "Brother, I can save the world."

Jin Tianyi shook Chu Huai's hand and said excitedly.

Chu Huai was taken aback, Jin Tianyi was like a child, he couldn't wait to show off, Chu Huai blinked and saw three identical Jin Tianyi.

Chu Huai was dumbfounded: "This?"

Jin Tianyi seemed a little embarrassed, turned back into one, and said with a smile: "Although I can't leave, I always have the ability to clone | body and reincarnation, which is given by the ultimate copy."

"So..." Chu Huai couldn't think anymore.

At that time, Jin Tianyi seemed to be a little secondary: "There are tens of thousands of me, and I protect thousands of people."

He was silent for a moment, then raised his eyes and said, "Just call him the guardian, brother, what do you think?"

Chu Huai froze in place for a moment, and even forgot to breathe.

"What's wrong? Is it bad?"

It took a long time for Chu Huai to find his voice.

"You, you mean, thousands of guardians, just, just..." Chu Huai choked up a little, "It's just you?"

"Yes." Jin Tianyi answered without thinking.

Chu Huai just woke up from his dream.

He asked Jin Tianyi about the guardian before, Jin Tianyi couldn't explain clearly, but there should be many people, and he was just one of them.

It turns out the truth is like this.

Guardians... there was never only one.

Tens of thousands of Jin Tianyi constitute the entire guardian.

So he guards himself, and all those who innocently enter the world of terror.

With one's own strength, contend with the world.

Jin Tianyi, who is eighteen or nineteen years old, is still very young, and the endless reincarnation means that he has not died, and he has enough time to spend time with the world.

In the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, Chu Huai and Jin Tianyi chatted.

He gradually knew that the side effect of the avatar is that he would lose part of his memory and abilities.

Chu Huai also knew about the world's conspiracy.

At the beginning of the creation of the world, the Lord God created a terrifying world, allowing the guilty to be judged, but as time went on, the world itself gave birth to consciousness and was no longer completely controlled by the Lord God.

The man who made the sword forged the sword in order to cast down demons and save the common people, but the sword has its own consciousness, trying to get rid of the master's control, killing all directions, casting souls with flesh and blood, and gaining more powerful power.

All dungeons created by the Lord God have a way of life, they are all for giving life, they are all for redemption and forgiveness, but the world has gradually violated this point against the Lord God. That's why more and more innocent people, powerful people who owe karma are involved in this.

The essence of evolution is to plunder and try to expand. The world also hopes to spread its own ruled area, with terrifying power against the sky. Slowly, with the consciousness of the main god, the world begins to ignore or even kill low-level taskers. Those who use dirty means to collect.

Either coax and enforce the killing, such as Jin Tianyi, or use cause and effect to lure the tasker into the trap, such as Luo Ziyang.

Xiaoye's final appearance was not accidental at all, it was inevitable. Because the truth came from the mouth of the ghost that parasitized Chuhuai, and that ghost itself was loyal to the world.

The purpose of the world is that Luo Ziyang is willing to commit suicide and become an evil ghost, driven by the world, to stay forever, so he let the ghost parasitizing Chuhuai reveal the truth, so as to achieve this purpose.

When Jiang Taigong was fishing, the bait was placed early in the morning, and those who wished would take the bait.

Jin Tianyi's rebirth was not accidental, it was inevitable.

The consciousness of the Lord God was fighting against the consciousness of the world, and the power of the law brought him back to life. The world owed Jin Tianyi justice.

The consciousness of the Lord God fell into guilt, he needed Jin Tianyi to protect those innocent people, contend with the world, and even gradually open the sealed door of life.

It is not too late to mend the dead sheep and fill the sea with Jingwei.

Jin Tianyi found the meaning of life. With endless protection, redeem endless sins, endure endless loneliness, and travel through the terrifying world of reincarnation.

Hundreds of years passed by.

At the end of time, Chu Huai ran into Jin Tianyi again.

He has lost his greenness, tall and straight, with deep eyebrows, he has learned to hide his roughest emotions with a smile, alienated and indifferent, noble and elegant.

Looking at him, Chu Huai felt that tenderness, firmness, deep persistence, and patient resistance flowed in his bones.

Chu Huai went over, turned his face sideways, and asked him with a smile: "Is the door open?"

Jin Tianyi, who was dressed in black and had sharp hair, smiled confidently back at him, and made a gentlemanly gesture of invitation, opening the... ultimate door for him.

This time, no ghosts came out again.

The Ultimate Gate has been repaired.

The war between the Lord God and the world is not over yet, and the recovery is slow, but everything is obviously getting better.

All of this is inseparable from a ghost named Jin Tianyi.

Although Jin Tianyi himself often doesn't remember.

Jin Tianyi smiled and said, "Brother, let's go and return to reality."

Chu Huai looked at the dazzling ultimate door, and tentatively took two steps forward.

Beside him, Jin Tianyi's face paled for a moment, he bit his lip tightly, his drooping eye sockets gradually turned red, his hands were painfully clenched, and he forced himself not to make a sound.

That was his Chu Huai.

Chu Huai paused, turned his back to Jin Tianyi, and stood there for a long time.

"What's the matter?" Jin Tianyi smirked and comforted, "Don't worry, brother, there are no ghosts behind the door, go back, you want to go back."

There was a tense silence.

After a long time, Chu Huai shrugged and smiled, then turned around and looked at him with a half-smile: "How do you know if I want to go back?"

Jin Tianyi was startled, gritted his teeth, and said with a smile: "Everyone wants to go back."

Chu Huai raised his eyes, and suddenly approached, the panic that flashed in Jin Tianyi's eyes did not escape Chu Huai's eyes.

"You want me to leave so much?" Chu Huai said lightly.

Jin Tianyi even suspected that Chu Huai recognized him, but on second thought, it was impossible, so he turned his head and said as calmly as possible: "No, it has nothing to do with me whether my brother stays or leaves."

Chu Huai laughed angrily, and gritted his teeth: "Then I really left?"

He has no doubt now that the ultimate door in the dream is the real ultimate door.

Once he steps out, he can never come back.

Jin Tianyi's body stiffened obviously, then he nodded with a smile.

Chu Huai was so angry that his teeth were itching. Looking at him, he stepped back a little bit, and gradually approached the ultimate gate.

No matter how stupid he is, he still recognizes that the one in front of him is the real Jin Tianyi.

That idiot.

Jin Tianyi just smiled, with an elegant and impeccable smile, watching Chu Huai drift away with a sore nose, silently blessing in his heart.

Chu Huai hates this place, he doesn't belong here.

He can't let him stay with him because of his own selfishness.

He should belong to sunshine, flowers, and admiration, and should not stay in the dark, gloomy, and terrifying world full of despair.

Time seemed to stand still.

During the long walk, Chu Huai waited for Jin Tianyi to call him.

Just one sound.

He didn't make a sound until he got to the door, but his smile became more calm and elegant.

Chu Huai was furious, and thought it was funny. He didn't know what he was fighting with him, and it was too embarrassing for him to suddenly say that he couldn't leave.

After a while, under Jin Tianyi's astonished gaze, Chu Huai sat on the threshold of the ultimate gate without any burden.

Long legs crossed, shoulders relaxed, slender white arms resting on them, looking at Jin Tianyi with a crooked face.

"I'm tired, I can't walk anymore." A serious and confident expression.

Jin Tianyi couldn't think anymore, and stood still in place.

"Why are you standing there?" Chu Huai rolled his eyes and opened his arms towards him: "Carry me on your back, you can hug me, just like the first time."

Jin Tianyi forgot to breathe, his chest rose and fell violently, only the sound of his own drumbeating heartbeat could be heard in his ears, for a long time, he only heard himself asking stupidly: "...Where are you going?"

Carry him back to reality?

"...Go home." Chu Huai had nothing to do with him.

"Where is the home from?"

"...Are you embarrassed to ask me?? This is a question you have to consider."

Jin Tianyi realized it belatedly, and between sadness and joy, he almost threw him off.

"...Why didn't you leave?"

Chu Huai didn't want him to get his wish, so he smiled and replied casually, "I want to save the world."

Later, Jin Tianyi asked Chu Huai: "How did you recognize me in the dream?"

Chu Huai raised his eyebrows: "Guess."

Jin Tianyi guessed seven or eight answers, all of which were rejected, a little annoyed: "Are my acting skills really that bad?"

Chu Huai still couldn't bear his old Gong's self-esteem to be hit like this. After a long time, he reluctantly said: "Actually, his acting skills are good, I didn't realize it at first."

"Then?" Jin Tianyi raised his brows lightly, curious.

Chu Huai hooked his finger at him.

Jin Tianyi came up.

Chu Huai pulled his tie, shrugged his shoulders, and said with a smirk: "I got so close that day, and I heard the messy heartbeat."

[End of full text]

The author has something to say: Extra broadcast - Master Dream Maker

"That woman is really shameless. I heard that she is also a newcomer, so she puts her face on her when she is in a hurry. That man is really handsome, but his eyes are not very good..."

"Come on, just admit that you're jealous, let's say a few words if we don't have that good looks, don't offend people..."

"I'm jealous of her?! Are you kidding me? She looks good and can be eaten?! Especially here, she has thin arms and legs, and she can run slower than people. Who may die first!"

"You're right in saying that, but now that they are covered by big bosses, let's think about how to protect ourselves..."

On the country road, several newcomers followed behind to the pond carrying fishing gear, large and small, chatting chatteringly.

The person at the center of the topic was sleeping soundly with his head tilted on Jin Tianyi's shoulder, his long skirt fluttering, and his slender and elegant back, which aroused people's daydream.

"Wake up, Halazi spilled my clothes." Jin Tianyi helplessly grabbed Chu Huai's face.

"Don't bother." Chu Huai's white and slightly pointed chin paused on Jin Tianyi's shoulder, "Can't you be more steady? You're always dangling."

Jin Tianyi: "..." A little heartless.

"Broken copy, wearing women's clothes all day long," Chu Huai rubbed his bleary eyes, and muttered in a low voice, "I'm afraid of the strong wind, if it blows like this, I'll be's not good."

Jin Tianyi: "..." After he was free, he would be choked by Chu Huai countless times every day.

Everyone came to the pond, set up fishing gear, hooked bait on the fishing rods, and their eyes were full of fear.

The name of their dungeon is very simple, it is called fishing.

It is self-evident what the fishing is really about - water ghosts.

The dungeon lasted an afternoon, and whoever caught the water ghost would end up being self-evident.

Everyone looked at the handsome Jin Tianyi on the bank of the river, as if taking him as the backbone.

Jin Tianyi ignored them, tilting his head as if chatting with that airy woman: "What did you dream about just now?"

Everyone shook their heads one after another, this boss was fascinated by beauty and was really unreliable.

Disappointed and anxious, how are they going to spend the next few hours?

Chu Huai was too lazy to talk to the group of people, so he curled his lips and said to Jin Tianyi: "Actually, it's quite boring. The water ghosts down there are too lonely. I want to follow the old red line of the fishing line to catch a companion to enter the water."

"No wonder I'm wearing women's clothes again, and it's another gender-related copy. I just dreamed, and the ugly old pervert was so hungry|thirsty that he couldn't tell my gender, so he asked me if I would like to sleep with him Flying together, make a pair of ghost mandarin ducks..."

"Hey—why are you going?" Chu Huai said dumbfounded as he watched Jin Tianyi stand up and prepare to walk to the pool.

Jin Tianyi showed a perfect and elegant smile: "Teach him to be a ghost."

Chu Huai pulled him back, and said with a smirk: "Don't wait to hear me finish, and then... I lifted up my skirt in my dream."

Jin Tianyi: "..."

Chu Huai sighed: "So the way of life is that..."

Jin Tianyi: "Yes."

"Let me go and talk." After speaking, Chu Huai stood up, acting vigorously, calling everyone over softly, lowering his head and raising his eyes several times, his eyebrows and eyes fluttering, and he hesitated to speak.

"What's the matter? Chu Jiao?" The male compatriots thought she had something to hide, and were captivated by her vivacity, and asked caringly.

Jin Tianyi coughed lightly, with a gloomy complexion, he quietly pinched Chu Huai, and Chu Huai quickly grabbed his hand.

"It's nothing important...I, I had a dream just now." Chu Huai said embarrassedly.


The men were getting impatient. They thought it was something important. At such a critical moment, who would have time to listen to what dreams he had.

Chu Huai said: "I just dreamed about a super scary male ghost, he...he coveted my beauty, and revealed some ways of life to me."

"It's all a dream..."

"Listen to me..."

"He told me that there are two water ghosts in this pond, a man and a woman, he is the man, he wants to take this opportunity to find a partner for himself, and then he will randomly bite the bait, if the pole is a woman Yes, he can drag her into the water, so he booked me, and then that woman, she also wants to find a male companion. "

Everyone was stunned when they heard it.

"That's why I think," Chu Huai paused, seeing that everyone was looking at him suspiciously and astonishedly, pretending to be afraid, and lowered his eyes, "Don't look at me like that, I was just dreaming... I don't know the truth Fake."

"Pretentious." There was a good-looking female couple who snorted coldly.

Chu Huai said again: "If what he said is true, life will come out... If the male water ghost bites the man's bait, and the female water ghost bites the woman's bait, then we will be fine."

Everyone looked at her strangely.

Chu Huai seemed to be very afraid of being looked at, and obediently nestled into the arms of the man who smiled at him behind his back.

A few hours later, those who survived by Chu Huai's words also looked at Chu Huai with fear and warmth, and those unwilling women also came up to curry favor.

"I really just had a dream, I don't know anything." Chu Huai said with downcast eyes.

Several women looked at each other, and their minds were instantly connected-exterior and inward.

"What kind of bad luck is this?" Someone sighed, "I can pass the level just by dreaming... Oh my God."

The person next to him sneered: "Try to look so good-looking first."

Chu Huai suddenly smiled mysteriously, hesitating a bit, and said embarrassingly: "Actually, I lied."

The eyes of the people chasing him brightened.

"My husband told me the way of life." Chu Huai smiled shyly.

Several women looked at each other again, and they were connected again - they all called their husbands, shameless.

Jin Tianyi was stunned for a moment, and then followed suit, put his arms around Chu Huai's waist, and kissed him calmly and shamelessly in public.

Liying makes a pair.

Several women once again connected with each other—the adulterer and the adulterer.

In the middle of the night, the ugly water ghost crawled out of the pond and waited in the yard.

After a long while, Chu Huai put on his clothes and came out with a satisfied expression.

The moon is bright and bright.

The ugly monster called out to Chu Huai respectfully: "Master Dream Maker."

Chu Huai gave up the opportunity to leave the world and return to reality, because the last dungeon is the City of Memory, so he has the ability to communicate with ghosts in dreams and partially predict the way of life.

Ugly blamed in his heart, it turned out that he was the dream maker who said that "a man should not only have nocturnal emission, but also have dreams".

Together, dreamers and reincarnations save the world.

Here is Zhatang's chirp:

"I'm Fearful" has been written for more than five months. Thank you little angels for your company. During this period, I was in a bad state and almost wanted to be a eunuch. The little angels have always understood, thank you very much.

There are many regrets in this book, but I still love it. I just hate that the writing is not in place and the knowledge is too shallow to present a better story to the little angels.

Ask for a final qaq.

I finally have the confidence to say that I am not an author who digs holes and leaves nothing to fill!

In fact, in the first dungeon, many cuties asked why Jin Tianyi was so nice to Chu Huai. I didn't express it well.

Chu Huai is Jin Tianyi's past, and Jin Tianyi is Chu Huai's future.

Jin Tianyi saw himself in him.

Similar people are always easy to sympathize with each other.

They are a kind of people in essence. Their tragic childhood and the powerlessness of fate did not make them bad and cynical. They are firm and passionate, and they still want to do their best to change the status quo, change the people around them, and change the world.

Jin Tianyi did part of it, and Chu Huai accompanied him for the rest.

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