MTL - I’m Flirting with a Man in the Supernatural World-Chapter 2 Dark marriage (1)

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He hangs almost entirely on the man.

Another jolt.

They appear to be on the bus.

The man sat on Chu Huai's left hand side, Chu Huai's right hand rested on his shoulder, and his left hand passed behind him, hugging his waist.

The man's back muscles are tight, his body is thin, and his body has a clean smell.

Chu Huai's face was buried deep in the man's chest, he was completely awake at the moment, subconsciously, he was about to bounce back, but a word floated into his ears.

"Boss, I don't know the quality of these newcomers."

The person who spoke deliberately lowered his voice, his voice was very hoarse, and he seemed to smoke a lot.

Chu Huai changed his mind and obediently closed his eyes to eavesdrop.

Luo Ziyang pointed at Chu Huai and said with a tusk: "She looks so good."

The woman in front of her had black hair and shawls, fair and smooth skin, a slender neck, an extremely delicate oval face, and long and thick eyelashes. She closed her eyes, her sleeping face was quiet, and she had a fragile beauty.

"Boss, you are a bit abnormal. You let her hug you without moving. So you like this one? Then I won't make any moves on her."

As Luo Ziyang said, regret flashed across his flirtatious face.

Jin Tianyi thought about the "male" in the gender column on Chu Huai's information, but smiled.

Chu Huai's fingers trembled slightly.

Speaking of this person is gay? Otherwise, why are you making a fuss about him?

Thinking of this, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and when he lowered his head to see the white skirt and bare, big white legs on his body, his eyes froze for a moment.

This... can't it?

Going to the horror world is soul wear?

He dressed as a woman? !

Is this sacrifice too great? !

Then he might as well be dead...

Feeling the hair on the back of his neck and beside his ears, he became depressed for a moment.

Chu Huai immediately wanted to lift her skirt to see if the baby was still there, but she heard the man tease: "But seeing her long arms and legs, she is probably taller than me when she stands up, maybe 1.8 meters..."

Chu Huai was appeased in an instant, and felt that the hoarse voice of the speaker was particularly pleasing to the ear.

If it's just women's clothing, it doesn't seem to be unacceptable...

After all, his current physical condition is in a mess, women will not sympathize with weak men, and men will not feel pity for the same kind.

But men are born with the desire to protect the weak opposite sex.


For face or something, let's hold on first.

When Chu Huai was thinking, he was surprised to find that the yin energy accumulated in his body had been suppressed, and he did not go on a rampage like before.

And there was some strength in his limbs.

Could it be because of this man...?

Luo Ziyang: "It's almost time to park. I took a look. Including the one you're wearing, Boss, there are currently four newcomers in total."

Jin Tianyi responded softly, and the person lying on his chest seemed to wake up. He thought that Chu Huai was going to get up, so he sat up straight so that he could pull his hands out, but he didn't expect that Chu Huai would suddenly raise his head and face him straight. on his line of sight.

Chu Huai's eyes were black and white, clean and clear, and his pupils were extraordinarily bright, like obsidian.

Chu Huai didn't expect this man to be so handsome, so he was stunned for a second. The man's facial features are deep and tough, with sharp eyebrows.

He came back to his senses, showed his embarrassment just right, and then... Consciously tightened his grip on the man's waist, and rubbed his face against his chest, like a coquettish cat.

"You..." Jin Tianyi hesitated to speak, his whole body stiffened.

He originally thought that Chu Huai was forced to dress up as a woman because of the setting of the dungeon. Looking at it now, Chu Huai himself is a master of women's clothes?

Chu Huai buried his head deeper: "I'm afraid."

His voice was soft and clear, with a slight tremor at the end, which was pitiful.

Luo Ziyang swallowed on the side, his Adam's apple rolled up and down.

And Chu Huai's guess was also confirmed at this moment - this person really has a restraining effect on the ghost in his body.

He hugged him tightly, and the Yin Qi scattered in his body also began to flee deep into his body, as if it would be swallowed later.

Chu Huai couldn't help being curious about this person's identity. Could it be that he is the extremely yang person that Lao Yue said?

A person of extreme yang is inviolable to a hundred ghosts, and is born with an unusual restraint effect on sneaking.

How could I be so lucky that I ran into him when I first entered the world?

It seems that I have to find a way to rely on him.

Chu Huai's hand caressed Jin Tianyi's spine restlessly. Jin Tianyi's eyes darkened, the corners of his mouth tightened, and he put his hands on Chu Huai's back with peace of mind, and hugged him back.

His fingers are long and slender, with well-defined knuckles.

The picture is momentarily pleasing to the eye.

Chu Huai's whole body froze for a moment, and then he behaved obediently and didn't move. He even smiled shyly, and his ears started to turn red.

Luo Ziyang looked away, crying silently in his heart.

Why can't the random seat take this girl with me when I enter the dungeon?

"What's your name?" Jin Tianyi asked routinely.

Chu Huai paused, and said in a low voice, "Chu Jiao, poor Chu Chu, delicate and powerless Jiao."

Jin Tianyi: "..."

"They all call me Jiaojiao." So you can call me that too.


Chu Huai: "What about you?"

"Jin Tianyi."

The bus stopped suddenly, and Chu Huai turned his head to look out. It was pitch black outside the window, and he couldn't see anything, giving people a feeling of oppression and dullness.

He was surprised, but suddenly there was a stabbing pain in his mind, the stabbing pain disappeared, and a line of blood appeared:

Copy released—

Chu Huai

The number of copies participated: zero times.

Task content: The son of the Cao family has died. As a distant relative of the Cao family, you will participate in the ghost marriage held in Cao's Yizhuang three days later.


"The copy is out." Luo Ziyang said.

The newcomers in the car were all awake at this time, with different expressions.

Jin Tianyi winked at Luo Ziyang, Luo Ziyang understood, and impatiently went over to propose some newcomers.

Luo Ziyang spoke dryly, the car door finally opened, and he was the first to jump out of the car.

"Get out of the car." Jin Tianyi also led Chu Huai out of the car.

Standing in front of Cao's Yizhuang that suddenly appeared, Chu Huai felt incredible.

He... actually stood up.

He used to be in a wheelchair not because of his leg problems, but because his legs were weak and weak...

Since women's clothing is made by the horror world, his basic mobility may also be the result of the balance of the horror world. Of course, Jin Tianyi's influence cannot be ruled out.

Whether it's the former or the latter, it's worth his joy.

Moreover, it seems that Jin Tianyi also has a good impression of him, instead of rejecting his initiative, he went along with the flow and took his hand...

Since Jin Tianyi was so relaxed, it would be easy.

Chu Huai grasped Jin Tianyi's hand tightly.

Looking around, the Yizhuang is very large. The walls of the house are white, the roof is black, the ground is bluestone slate bricks, and there are horse head walls on both sides of the house for fire prevention. Overall, it should belong to Huizhou architecture.

The Cao family is the richest family in a radius of hundreds of miles.

There are a total of six people participating in the dungeon this time. If Chu Huai is counted as female... exactly three men and three women.

Jin Tianyi went up and knocked on the door.

After a while, the door opened from the inside, and the porter poked his head to see Jin Tianyi and the others, and said familiarly: "It can be counted, Madam was still talking about it yesterday, please come in quickly, the wing room is ready."

The newcomers turned their attention to Luo Ziyang one after another, looking a little flustered.

Because Luo Ziyang revealed his identity as an old man before, he became their sustenance virtually.

"Why are you looking at me?" Luo Ziyang frowned, "Go in!"

He was irritated by the mechanical repetition of bringing in newcomers.

To put it bluntly, most of these bewildered newcomers will not survive, and it is not impossible for the entire army to be wiped out.

He stared sadly at Jin Tianyi who was beside the beauty.

This thankless drudgery has always fallen on his own head.

The concierge led everyone in, and the newcomers were all looking around, their expressions full of vigilance.

Chu Huai pulled Jin Tianyi's sleeve, and asked in a low voice, "Why is it that we are wearing modern clothes, but the concierge is not surprised at all?"

"And we are all original bodies, not distant relatives of the Cao family at all."

Jin Tianyi said: "The world will automatically rationalize all bugs to maintain the continuation of the copy."

According to the rules, the concierge took everyone to the mourning hall first.

There are two black coffins parked in the mourning hall. The one on the left is slightly larger and well-crafted. It should contain Cao Rong, the son of Mrs. Cao, and the one on the right should belong to the woman.

According to the custom, the black coffin usually contains people who died of illness or died in vain.

Seeing the coffin, those newcomers immediately had bad associations, their faces paled instantly, and their eyes kept drifting outwards.

There was a gust of draft, and the mourning hall was gloomy, and the white cloth hanging on the door was swaying slowly.

After paying homage, Chu Huai was not in a hurry to leave. He took advantage of the porter to talk to everyone, and quietly walked around the two coffins.

Chu Huai's footsteps suddenly stopped, and his gaze sank.

There seemed to be a lot of talismans stuck under the smaller coffin, and the corners of the yellow talismans were exposed a little, just in time for him to see.

If both coffins were pasted, it would be nothing worth noting, but...

Chu Huai turned around again calmly, reconfirming that only this coffin was pasted.

Why is there a yellow sign...?

What are they afraid of...?

Read The First Vampire