MTL - I’m Flirting with a Man in the Supernatural World-Chapter 33 Blood Moon Werewolf (11)

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He guessed from the unfinished words of the little man that Song Chen must have a weapon with great lethality.

However, there are really not many ones that are small in size, easy to hide and huge in lethality.

In general dungeons, except for some basic medicines and supplies, other messy things such as weapons and spells will be confiscated by the world after entering the dungeon, so over time, people in the apartment do not have the habit of bringing these.

The fruit knife he used to kill Gong Shinv was the fruit knife that Jin Tianyi left with him when he cut his finger, but he didn't expect it to come in handy.

This also happened to remind him that the copy of Blood Moon Lost City did not confiscate the weapons of the taskers.

So Song Chen's wooden warehouse should have been brought in by her by chance.

He just didn't want to believe that Song Chen would really do something to him, even after he told him that there was a problem with this copy.

In the alley where Qinghui slanted, Song Chen struggled with hesitation in her beautiful eyes, she slowly raised her arm, aiming at the back of Chu Huai's head.

Her index finger was resting on the trigger, her face was vicious.

The accident happened between the lightning and the flint.

Jin Tianyi turned around abruptly and pushed Chu Huai aside. Song Chen opened his eyes wide and froze for a second.

In just a split second, Jin Tianyi's hand was already on Mu Cang's body.

Song Chen's heartbeat stopped suddenly, his eyes were about to crack, and he pulled the trigger.

With a "bang", the bullet left the chamber quickly.

Chu Huai's heart also hung in his throat.

Seeing Jin Tianyi's beautiful sideways, the bullet flew past his clothes, and finally hit the wall behind Jin Tianyi, leaving a sunken crater.

Song Chen's face was instantly ashen, and his eyes were full of despair.

This can be said to be her only chance.

Jin Tianyi's face sank into the water, and there was a bone-chilling chill in his deep and black eyes.

Jin Tianyi clasped her slender wrist, and all of Song Chen's struggles and resistances were like hitting a stone with a pebble at this moment.

"Ah!" Song Chen screamed.

Her hand hangs down weakly, and the wooden warehouse in her hand naturally slides down, hitting the ground with a "bang", and slides a certain distance.

As Chu Huai approached, the sound of rustling footsteps stepped on Song Chen's heart.

Song Chen was restrained by Jin Tianyi and couldn't move. Chu Huai bent down to pick up the wooden warehouse, straightened his back, and raised his hand to point the mouth of the wooden her.

His brows and eyes are light, and he is tall, with a trace of injury in his clear eyes.

"Sister Chenchen, I will return this bullet to you." Chu Huai smiled and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The body of the wooden warehouse is as cold as the body temperature of a dead person.

It absorbs the heat of living people, making people feel as cold as ice for no reason.

With a "bang", the bullet flew out, Song Chen's round eyes widened, and a beautiful blood flower bloomed on his chest.

Her beautiful face gradually turned gray, and her delicate flowers withered.

Jin Tianyi let go of his hand.

Song Chen's body fell heavily and fell to the ground.

The heart that didn't belong to her stopped beating.

At the last moment before she died, she smelled the faint fragrance of lotus flower and the smell of food that made people cry in the pool of blood.

Parents, I will never come back.


what did she see !

Song Chen's eyes showed horror.

She looked up, facing the moon in the sky.

But that... is not Silver Moon at all.

That was... a flirtatious blood moon.

Song Chen exerted his last bit of strength and moved his fingers slightly.

This is... the last thing she can do for them.

Brother Jin, Jiaojiao, I'm sorry.

Chu Huai stood there in a daze.

He really wanted to kill Song Chen, but he didn't expect Song Chen to die so easily.

According to Zhang Quanfang's reminder before his death, he originally suspected that Song Chen was a ghost, or that Song Chen was possessed by a ghost. If Song Chen's life was threatened, the ghost should show up.

But... Song Chen died.

He has no regrets. Chu Huai's heart gradually calmed down.

The thread is broken again.

Who is the ghost hiding among them is still a fog.

"Are you afraid?" Jin Tianyi asked.

Chu Huai pursed his lips and shook his head, Ru Mo's eyes were shining brightly.

Jin Tianyi grabbed his hand, his five fingers clearly held the wooden warehouse tightly, his fingertips were blue and white.

He snorted and said, "What can you do?"

There is a big difference between Chu Huai and his character. He is obviously disturbed, but he always understates it. He strokes all the scars by himself, waits quietly for the rippling water to calm down again, and then smiles to show everyone the beauty of the lake and mountains.

Chu Huai was pierced by him, and his body froze.

Jin Tianyi peeled his fingers apart petal by petal like peeling an onion, snatched away the cold wooden warehouse, and held his hand.

Jin Tianyi's palm was very warm.

Physics knowledge suddenly popped up in Chu Huai's mind—internal energy will be transferred from a place with high internal energy to a place with low internal energy, and heat will be released during the transfer process until the temperature of the two objects is the same.

What a mess.

Chu Huai raised the corners of his mouth slightly, his frown loosened.

Jin Tianyi saw that his eyes were straight, obviously distracted, so he dragged him out.

"If you don't know how to kill, I will kill it. It's one thing. There's no need to force yourself." Jin Tianyi said.

"En." Chu Jiao came back again, lowering her head shyly, listening to Jin Tianyi's instructions.

Jin Tianyi's eyes were domineering: "Don't trust anyone except me."

"Got it," Chu Huai nodded earnestly, "Let's go and find Lou Ming."

Song Chen's body lay across the middle of the road. When Chu Huai passed by her side, his footsteps paused.

Under the silver moon, he saw a character "冂" written in blood on the bluestone ground.

The word was written crookedly, with trembling strokes.

"What's the matter..." Jin Tianyi tilted his head and saw the word, his eyes froze.

"How could she write this word?" Chu Huai frowned.

The word jiong, the first sound, means "outside the city".

"Could it be that what she originally wanted to write was the word 'door', and then blood dripped together to connect that point?"

Chu Huai looked to the other side of the street.

There is a house less than ten meters away from them, and the door of the house is facing them.

Did Song Chen see a ghost? The ghost just stood by the door?

Jin Tianyi pondered for a while and said, "Maybe she didn't finish writing in time."

His words broadened Chu Huai's thinking.

"What other words could that be?" There are quite a lot of words beside the radical.

Chu Huai lowered his head and looked at his watch. It was now ten thirty, that is to say, there was still half an hour before the blood moon would enter again.

"Let's go quickly, try to find Lou Ming within half an hour, and then try our best to meet the taskers and tell them that this is just a killing game."


Jin Tianyi led Chu Huai away, but because he was concentrating on using the lock, he didn't speak.

Chu Huai was distracted when suddenly his back felt cold.

He jerked his head and stared at the window of the room closest to him.

The room was dark, and on the furry windows, a pair of evil eyes flashed past.

Chu Huai suddenly forgot to breathe.

Those eyes were blood red and gloomy, instantly sending chills down his spine, and opening his pores.

When he looked again, those eyes disappeared,

Chu Huai pulled Jin Tianyi closer, and after a closer look, there was only a skeleton behind the window, not much different from the one in the room where he was hiding before.

Because of the long time interval, there is no flesh on the skeleton, and the eyeballs in the eye sockets have fallen off or weathered together with the flesh.

Skeletons have no eyes at all.

Just now... Was it his illusion?

Chu Huai frowned.

He thought of something, and a brainstormed.

"Brother Jin, let's go into several nearby rooms and look for skeletons inside."

Jin Tianyi said: "When I was looking for you, I took a look at it, almost every room has it."

When Chu Huai heard this sentence suddenly, he was shocked to stay where he was.

"So the secret of Blood Moon Lost City..."

Jin Tianyi nodded, with light eyebrows and a distant voice: "A few years ago, people in the city must have also inexplicably fallen into this game called 'Blood Moon Werewolf Killing'."

"This is a scam from the beginning to the end." Chu Huai was finally convinced.

"Yes." Jin Tianyi looked a little cold.

He said: "People who think they are ghosts crazily massacre people in order to live, and people continue to identify others in order to live, making more people think that they have become ghosts. They all want to live, but they all go to death in the end."

"In the final analysis, people kill people." Chu Huai sighed deeply.

Those skeletons were all those who died in the massacre seven or eight years ago.

The corpses of Song Chen and Li Xingran will be no different from these skeletons after seven or eight years.

This is the secret of the Blood Moon Lost City being destroyed overnight.

The timid commit suicide, the bold kill.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest.

The essence of human society is a fight between people.

Lost City of Blood Moon is just a replica.

"There is a question."

"I have a question."

The two spoke almost in unison.

Chu Huai's eyes met Jin Tianyi's in the air, and they both smiled.

Chu Huai said: "You want to say, what will happen to those who win the fight? It stands to reason that no matter what, one person will be able to leave this city in the end."

Jin Tianyi nodded, half-truthfully said: "I guess, either committed suicide, or..."

He changed the subject: "I was killed by a real ghost."

It's just a... game of massacre.

Human beings are played with and exposed to evil.

They want to stop this game from continuing as soon as possible.

"The real ghost... who is it? Where is it?" Chu Huai murmured.

The two walked for a while.

"I found Lou Ming." Jin Tianyi said suddenly.

He frowned and added: "But it seems there are others."

At the same time, a newlywed couple among the missionaries finally met together after going around.

The woman flew into the man's broad chest like a butterfly.

She finally found an outlet for her emotions, and her emotions burst out immediately, and the big teardrops slipped down, soaking the man's skirt in a short while.

"Xiuwen, I, a ghost." The woman sobbed, intermittently uttering the words that had been held in her heart for a long time.

She didn't dare to kill people, and she was afraid of being identified by the civilian camp or assassinated by the **** camp, so she kept hiding and hiding, and God had mercy on her and let her meet her husband.

He is all you can rely on.

The man named Zhou Xiuwen froze, but instead of pushing the woman away, he hugged her tightly.

There was joy in the woman's eyes: "Xiuwen, are you...a ghost too?"

Her teary eyes are hazy and beautiful.

Zhou Xiuwen shook his head with a wry smile, and said frankly, "Xiaoya, I'm a commoner."

The woman froze.

"I won't kill you!" Dong Anya said.

She didn't even realize how loud her voice was. She fed herself a reassurance.

"It's a pity that there is no Cupid." Zhou Xiuwen can still enjoy the bitterness at this time, talking to comfort his lover.

In the regular werewolf killing, there is Cupid in the **** camp, and Cupid can shoot the arrow of God of Love at any two players at the beginning of the game. No matter what their identity cards are, they will immediately become a couple.

If the two players are both Werewolves or Good Guys, there is no difference in goals, but if Cupid happens to shoot a wolf and a civilian, their goals will change, and the couple and Cupid will automatically form One team, secretly obstructing and killing all other players, can win the game.

"Xiaoya, that sacrifice..." Zhou Xiuwen hesitated to speak, bitterness overflowed from the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were extremely firm, "I, I can send you away..."

Dong Anya overreacted and pushed him away, and her white hands tightly clenched Zhou Xiuwen's clothes: "Xiuwen, listen, although I am a ghost, I can't kill you, and I don't need your sacrifice! You If I'm dead, what's the point of me going back alive?!"

She and Zhou Xiuwen were a natural couple. Although they met each other on a blind date, they fell in love the first time they saw each other, and they got married quickly.

They really look like people who have been shot by Cupid's arrow.

"If..." Dong Anya smiled wryly, "If you really have to kill all the civilians to win, I will die with you!"

Her eyes are full of determination, a pair of round eyes are sweet and stubborn.

Zhou Xiuwen was deeply moved: "We will die together."

He hugged Dong Anya tighter.

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Martial ArtsXuanhuanAdventureAction