MTL - I’m Flirting with a Man in the Supernatural World-Chapter 39 transition

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Because the copy of Blood Moon Lost City was at night, Chu Huai stayed up all night, and felt a little overwhelmed. He took a bath and went to bed early.

He didn't plan to wait for Jin Tianyi to come back before climbing into bed.

Now his body has changed, the pain has disappeared, replaced by the occasional feeling of vomiting, Jin Tianyi can't get rid of this feeling of vomiting.

Chu Huai wasn't sure whether this change was temporary or permanent, but at least he wouldn't wake up in the middle of the night with pain, and then struggle until dawn with his eyes open.

Just let it vomit well, and it will pass in a while.

Jin Tianyi didn't come back until late, he waited for Chu Huai to come over after taking a shower.

After reading a book, Chu Huai disappeared. two...

Jin Tianyi put down the thick book in his hand, turned the swivel chair and looked at the door. His door was always open, and the corridor was pitch black.

The apartment usually turns off the lights automatically at 11:30, and Chu Huai hasn't come up so late.

At this moment, Chu Huai's previous words floated into Jin Tianyi's mind again, and his expression flickered.

Jin Tianyi chuckled, stepped forward with his long legs crossed, and went downstairs.

Because of the arrival of Zhou Xiuwen and Dong Anya, Chu Huai was promoted to the second floor.

Chu Huai heard a knock on the door in a daze, rubbed his hair angrily, and dragged his slippers to open the door.

He was wearing pajamas and was extremely thin.

"came back."

After he opened the door, he threw himself on the bed, and the silk was trapped in a big hole.

Jin Tianyi turned around and closed the door: "...How do you know it's me if you don't even open your eyes?"

"The dog smell is only on you." Chu Huai muffled his face under the quilt, his voice slightly nasal.

Jin Tianyi: "..."

"He sent him away?" Chu Huai asked, still a little conscious.

"Well," Jin Tianyi didn't turn on the light, and approached Chu Huai as he said, "Because he is young, it is not safe to return to reality alone, so he was sent back to the apartment first, and the tasker sent him back to the real world."

"An'an's parents...?"

"They have never given up searching all these years, and they have never moved. His mother said that they were afraid that the smart An An would run back and find that his parents were gone. They had been waiting for him to come home."

"That's great." The corner of Chu Huai's mouth raised unconsciously, and he could outline that scene in his mind.

He also often dreamed back then, dreaming that he sneaked out of the mental hospital and found his parents' new home, and then he knocked on the door, and his parents hugged him and wept bitterly.

Then he just laughed.

When he came back to his senses, Jin Tianyi had already thrown him over like he was shoveling an egg.

Jin Tianyi came up and held Chu Huai's face.

Chu Huai looked at the handsome face close at hand, was dazed for three seconds, and then woke up.


He wanted to push Jin Tianyi down, but found that he couldn't move. Of course, the struggle was not without effect, he and Jin Tianyi were tightly attached.

Chu Huai didn't dare to move.

Jin Tianyi's eyes darkened.

Chu Huai was annoyed: "You **** let go..."

"Old what?" Jin Tianyi raised his eyebrows, remembering what Chu Huai said earlier.

Chu Huai looked away uncomfortably: " old lady."

Jin Tianyi's expression froze, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

He turned back Chu Huai's face, meeting his gaze.

Chu Huai panicked when he saw the small flames in his eyes.

Why is Jin Tianyi crazy? He took aphrodisiacs? This is to **** him!

"Old..." Ziri your uncle.

Chu Huai remained calm. If he resisted fiercely at this moment, he might become playing hard to get, wanting to refuse but still welcoming.

Jin Tianyi smiled lowly, with a hint of danger in his eyes: "What's the old one this time? Old lady?"

He wants to see how long Chu Huai can pretend.

Chu Huai, who was below him, suddenly had blushing cheeks, and his brows were affectionate: "Old man."

His voice was so soft that it made people extremely disturbed.

Jin Tianyi froze.

Chu Huai called him...husband.

Chu Huai continued to be obedient, her slender body trembling slightly: "I, I'm not ready yet, I'm afraid, can you...give me a little more time?"

His clean and clear eyes were full of timidity, as if he was asking over and over again: Are you willing?

Jin Tianyi didn't move as he expected.

Chu Huai's eyes lit up. No one can refuse such a request.

Of course, Jin Tianyi does not belong to the category of "human".

Jin Tianyi looked at the cunning and triumph in Chu Huai's eyes, smiled, and kissed his lips.

Chu Huai's expression froze instantly, and his whole body went stiff.

Jin Tianyi didn't know what to do, he kissed very thinly, and a pair of deep eyes wandered on his face.

Chu Huai felt very ashamed, very comfortable and very feeling.

He was a little dizzy from being kissed. While kissing, Jin Tianyi kept one hand free, and his slender fingers nimbly unbuttoned the top of his shirt with slow and graceful movements.

Chu Huai's face was close at hand, there was thin sweat on his forehead, his eyes were full of confusion, and his slightly flushed face was very attractive.

Seeing his movements, Chu Huai instantly felt a sense of crisis, and woke up, wishing he could slap himself both.

With an idea, he suddenly grabbed the bed sheet with his fingers, his facial features were pulled together, and he bit his lip slightly, as if he was enduring the pain.

Jin Tianyi's face changed, and he got up immediately: "What's wrong with you?"

He hugged Chu Huai. How could he forget that Chu Huai was sick?

He didn't intend to continue at first, he just wanted to scare him with bad intentions, and now it seems that it's a bit too much fun.

"You let me down." Chu Huai said.

With his feet touching the ground, Chu Huai sighed, he didn't want to rely on his love to commit murder, but there was really no other way, he couldn't live through this day.

Jin Tianyi saw the embarrassment in Chu Huai's eyes, and knew that he had been fooled, so he laughed angrily, and threw himself on the bed while hugging him.

Damn it, are you still coming? Just as Chu Huai was about to get up, his slender ankle was grabbed by Jin Tianyi's big hand.


"Sleep." Zhou Xiuwen shook the legs of the chair and smiled angrily.

Dong Anya moved a chair to the bed and was standing on the chair with her ears pressed against the roof, listening to the movement upstairs.

"Don't shake!" Dong Anya turned to stare at him.

"You're like this..." Zhou Xiuwen paused, "You really have no quality."

"Why do I have no quality?!" Dong Anya was angry.

"I feel that Jiaojiao may be pregnant. They are young and ignorant. Should we pay more attention?"

"They are still doing it now, if something really happens, can Jiao's body bear it?"

"Sleep if you want, don't bother me, I must tell them tomorrow." Dong Anya continued to listen to the corner after finishing speaking.

Zhou Xiuwen gave up and picked up a book from the bedside to read. Anyway, there was so much movement upstairs that he was a light sleeper and couldn't fall asleep.

Dong Anya listened for a while, then suddenly stomped her feet and slapped her hand on the chair. Zhou Xiuwen was startled, and immediately straightened the chair up, for fear that she would fall off.

Dong Anya got off the stool, put on her slippers and went out without saying a word.

"What are you doing out so late?" Zhou Xiuwen held him back.

"I can't wait until tomorrow! I'm going to talk about it today! I just heard Jiaojiao crying, that **** named Jin! You bastard! I just said that there is something wrong with them, it turned out to be robbery."

Zhou Xiuwen: "...Daughter-in-law, have you been brainwashed after reading too many Ba Zongwen?"

Dong Anya put one hand on her hip and pointed at his nose with the other: "Are you a human being named Zhou? If this is really willing, would Jiaojiao say something like 'I don't want you to go away'?"

Zhou Xiuwen's body froze, and he said with a shy face, "...Daughter-in-law, what about us, that's what you yelled."

Dong Anya blushed, picked up Zhou Xiuwen's slippers and threw them to him viciously, and went upstairs in a state of dismay.

Zhou Xiuwen smirked holding a slipper.

Dong Anya cleared her throat outside, and knocked **** the door. Chu Huai, whose ankle was grabbed by Jin Tianyi in the room, was moved and wanted to cry.

Even if there is a ghost outside, he still has to kowtow to them.

Jin Tianyi happily went to open the door. As soon as the door opened, Dong Anya happened to see Chu Huai walking towards her with trembling legs.

Chu Huai: My legs are numb.

Dong Anya: Jiaojiao is so **** that she can hardly walk.

Dong Anya looked at Chu Jiao, who was disheveled and forced a smile on her face, and then glanced at Jin Tianyi, who was buttoning up his white shirt calmly, and was immediately furious.

Chu Huai: "Thank you, Sister Anya."

Dong Anya: She thanked me! ! It must be what I thought! !

Jin Tianyi looked at Chu Huai's glossy lips being kissed, and suddenly felt the urge to touch them, and then he stretched out his hand.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Dong Anya pulled Chu Jiao past her with a vigilant expression, and stood in front of Chu Jiao very righteously.

"Let go of him." Jin Tianyi frowned, looking at the hands that Chu Huai and Dong Anya held together, his expression darkened.

Chu Huai also felt that his behavior was a bit like eating a girl's tofu unconsciously: "Sister Anya, let me go."

When he heard Dong Anya's words, his taste changed.

Jin Tianyi is a possessive pervert who only thinks with his lower body! Otherwise, Chu Jiao wouldn't be afraid of being like this!

"Come on, you sleep with me tonight." Dong Anya looked at Jin Tianyi without fear of power, and pulled Chu Huai towards the elevator.

Chu Huai's eyes were dull. He slept with Dong Anya?

He quickly shied away: "...No need."

"Jiaojiao, you don't have to be afraid of him!" Dong Anya gave Jin Tianyi a vicious look.

"Who?" Chu Huai was confused, "Who am I afraid of?"

Dong Anya: "Don't hide it, I know."

"What am I hiding?"

Dong Anya: "It doesn't matter if you don't dare to say it."

Dong Anya looked coldly at Jin Tianyi, who was in full swing: "Can you be a little responsible?!"

Jin Tianyi: "?"

Dong Anya hated iron but steel: "You are going to be a father!"

Jin Tianyi and Chu Huai: "???"

"I'm a father?" Jin Tianyi glanced at Chu Huai inadvertently, and snorted, "It's impossible in this life."

Chu Huai couldn't figure out the situation either, but Dong Anya's expression seemed to mean something, so he looked at Jin Tianyi and said, "If you really have other women, we can break them off, anyway, it's nothing, we can't delay her."

He spoke very seriously, and Dong Anya would become humble, weak and helpless.

The rotten street memes of doubles and contract lovers flashed through her mind for a moment, and her heart ached.

Jin Tianyi was a little annoyed by Chu Huai's words of separating the relationship. He looked at Dong Anya: "Speak clearly, who is pregnant?"

Dong Anya's violent temper was instantly ignited by his casual attitude, and she said tremblingly: "Jiaojiao is pregnant with your child, it's really bad luck for eight lifetimes!"

"Who?" Chu Huai thought there was something wrong with his ears.

Jin Tianyi snorted and said, "If he can conceive, sows can climb trees."

Chu Huai: "..." Although you are right, this metaphor seems like you are scolding me.

Dong Anya exploded: "What's your attitude?! You're your own, so why can't you get pregnant?! She's an innocent girl who follows you, why is she treated like this?!"

"Don't you have any idea whether to wear a condom or not? Just try to make yourself comfortable!"

"She's vomited like that. As long as you care about her a little bit, it won't be like this. Xiuwen and I both found out when we came here, how about you? A living scumbag! It's better to cut it up and feed it to the dog!"

Jin Tianyi's face darkened, and veins twitched on his forehead.

Chu Huai looked at the "living scumbag" label on his forehead and laughed until his stomach ached. Now he finally understood what was going on.

"Sister Anya, I can't possibly be pregnant." Chu Huai said.

"Why?" Dong Anya frowned, "Safety period and in vitro masturbation are unreliable, don't be so sure, I have a pregnancy test stick, I'll get it for you."

As she said that, she turned around and was about to leave, but was pulled back by Chu Huai.

Chu Huai looked back at Jin Tianyi who was on the verge of running wild: "I'm really sure, because...we haven't slept together."

He felt extremely ashamed to say this line, but it would be endless if he didn't explain it.

"I'm still at..."

Dong Anya's face turned blue and purple.

"I'm nauseated for physical reasons."

"We were really just... hugging and sleeping and doing nothing."

Dong Anya looked suspicious: "You still hide it for him, you yelled so loudly, I heard it downstairs."

Chu Huai, who was caught off guard by the fatal blow: "???"

Jin Tianyi walked in with his arms around the person: "For the first time, it's normal to make a little fuss."

He looked at Dong Anya with a half-smile, implying that you spoiled my good deeds.

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