MTL - I’m Flirting with a Man in the Supernatural World-Chapter 45 If You Are the One (4)

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The elevator door opened, Chu Huai walked in while looking at the card, his expression gradually became subtle.

The phrases on the card not only have no connection at all, but jump to the point where the relatives do not recognize each other.

The former one can be "Sword of Damocles", the latter one can jump into "Say You Love Me", and then look back... "Seaweed" all came out.

What a mess. Chu Huai frowned in thought, because he didn't look at the road and bumped into someone.

Surprised, he closed the card and was about to say sorry when he looked up and saw Jin Tianyi.

Jin Tianyi gave him a little help, and before going out, he lowered his head slightly and smiled in his ear: "I also want to hear you call me good brother."

His voice is deep and magnetic.

Chu Huai was kind and kind, and cooperated with the performance, his cheeks were flushed, and his voice was as soft as a mosquito: "My good brother, can you not bring... the female guest back?"

Jin Tianyi's eyes were dim, and he glanced at the ghosts waiting for him outside the elevator, and forcibly suppressed the desire to ravage his face.

Jin Tianyi: "Sister Jiao, you are the only one in my brother's heart."

Chu Huai who was caught off guard by the earth: "..."

Seeing Chu Huai deflated, Jin Tianyi closed the corners of his upturned mouth and went out without changing his expression. Chu Huai looked back at his leaving back, his blushing faded, his expression was indifferent, and the speed of his face change was astonishing.

When he went backstage, Luo Ziyang let out a loud wow, his eyes were bright, and he looked in admiration.

Chu Huai walked over curiously: "What's wrong?"

Luo Ziyang moved a place for Chu Huai: "Come on, come on, 17! The VCR hasn't been turned on yet. According to my first impression, five male ghosts have left lamps for Brother Jin!"

Looking at Chu Huai, the young man in the center of the screen was tall and handsome, with a cold expression.

Chu Huai was a little upset when he remembered that all 12 female ghosts had been wiped out when he first came to power.

On the screen, the camera showed male ghost No. 6, who was dripping with water, making the surrounding stage puddles. His pale and swollen face was turning red right now: "I feel his powerful aura, he can bring me a great sense of security and happiness."

Luo Ziyang followed in a strange manner: "Huge, blessed."

Chu Huai's face froze: "..."

After Luo Ziyang finished reading, he realized that Chu Jiao, who was Jin Tianyi's girlfriend, was by his side. He smiled obsequiously, and his face wrinkled into a chrysanthemum: "The great sexual blessing is all yours."

Chu Huai's face was dark, and the veins on his forehead were throbbing violently.

Luo Ziyang changed the subject with an awkward smile: "The number 24 who said he likes men actually turned off the lights for the boss."

On the screen, Ye Yuan lowered his head and continued to play with his fingers, as if he had no interest in Jin Tianyi, a "powerful" man.

The VCR of the first paragraph of basic personal information began to broadcast. Chu Huai had always been curious about Jin Tianyi's identity, but until he finished watching it, he could sum it up in only eight words: "There is a house, a car, no father, no mother."

Isn't that just like him? I don't know how much is true and how much is false.

The effect was completely different, the previous 17 lamps were all on, and the 12 female ghosts looked at him eagerly wanting to eat him alive.

Luo Ziyang asked weakly: "Jiaojiao, are your two VCRs true?"

Chu Huai's face remained unchanged: "Yes, what's wrong?"

Luo Ziyang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, what he said was true.

"No, I just feel bad that you have no father or mother."

Chu Huai said oh, and answered casually: "Isn't there brother Jin who loves me? And he has no father, no mother, and no one to love me. Why don't you say it?"

Luo Ziyang looked around, taking advantage of Jin Tianyi's absence, he whispered to Chu Jiao: "You are hurting others, and he owes others to beat you."

Chu Huai: "..."

"Don't tell him...Look, look, you've experienced emotions!" Luo Ziyang pulled Chuhuai's arm and pointed at the screen excitedly.

"If he has an ex, you will settle the old score if you quarrel in the future. You will definitely have the confidence, and he will wilt when you talk about it! Huh? You don't seem to have quarreled..."

Chu Huai: "..."

He wasn't very interested in this passage, but being pulled by Luo Ziyang, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and read on.

Jin Tianyi in the VCR: "Zero."

He might want to say "zero times", but Chu Huai's mind is full of "zero times".

Facing that indifferent and ascetic face, Chu Huai couldn't help imagining Jin Tianyi's red ears and blurred eyes underneath him...

Luo Ziyang patted him awake, hating iron and steel: "Why are you in a daze?!"

Chu Huai was startled, for the first time a trace of embarrassment flashed in his eyes, he immediately calmed down and looked down calmly.

Perhaps to fill the content, the ghost director in the VCR also started to ask Jin Tianyi questions. Chu Huai heard that the questions were exactly the same as those he asked himself, and Jin Tianyi's answers seemed to be different from the world.

Luo Ziyang swallowed: " two still get your lines right?"

"It's close, I love it." Even the explanations are similar.

Chu Huai didn't take it seriously, and blurted out: "They're all men." It's normal to have similar thoughts.

"That's not the case!" Luo Ziyang yelled, lacking in confidence, "I just chose the complementary one and the one that loves me..."

He gasped slightly, with doubts on his face: "They're all men...?"

Chu Huai smiled: "You and him."

At the end of the second round, Chu Huai was stunned for a second when he saw the result. There are sixteen more.

The only reason for the person who changed his mind to turn off the lights was that Jin Tianyi was too good, she felt that she had no chance of winning so she didn't want to humiliate herself.

But this also fully proves that if I change my gender, I won't be reduced to the end where only the person with a heart attack will keep the light for me.

Enter the Finale of Love. The host revealed the object of Jin Tianyi's heart attack—the Qing Dynasty male zombie.

Luo Ziyang leaned over and laughed: "Brother Jin said he chose this to show his loyalty to you."

Chu Huai: "..." If he wants to show his loyalty to me, he should choose a girl.

Then, because the zombie turned off the lights for Jin Tianyi, Jin Tianyi really chose a female ghost.

Looking at the audience, not to mention the ugliest, they are also among the top three.

The female ghost in ancient costume approached, her black hair was fluttering, her face was smashed beyond recognition, bloodstains were all over her face and body, and the bones were deeply visible. The clothes on her body seemed to be of excellent material, but they were in tatters. As she walked, bright red blood flowed continuously from her back, flowed through her legs, and dripped to the ground, forming a winding blood line.

Her back... Chu Huai's eyes froze slightly.

At the beginning of breaking through the level, the woman's voice was surprisingly pleasant, as tactful as an oriole: "Officer, have you heard of the bone bridge?"

officials? This title should be traced back to the Song Dynasty.

Jin Tianyi froze for a moment, then nodded.

The woman turned slowly towards Jin Tianyi, showing her back.

Chu Huai in the background looked shocked. The female ghost has no spine, from the neck to the tailbone, the entire spine is gone, her back is cracked from the middle, the ravine is deep, the wound is hideous, and the blood flows out from there.

Seen from behind, the woman looks like a chicken whose breast has been cut open, and it can be broken into two almost identical halves with just a slight break.

Luo Ziyang endured his fear: "Jiaojiao, what is a bone bridge?"

The female ghost explained to him: "The bone bridge is not built for people to walk, but for ghosts to walk. The material of the bone bridge must be a woman's spine. In our dynasty, when the houses of rich families were restless, they might think The method is to build a bone bridge, according to legend, the bone bridge is extremely dark and can attract dirty things, and when dirty things walk over the bridge, they will be brought into the underworld by black and white impermanence, and they will never be reborn forever."

"Using this method, you can keep your house safe."

As the female ghost spoke, blood flowed from her back, which was creepy.

"At that time, there was a Zhou Yuanwai, who was known for hundreds of miles around as he liked to abuse women on the bed, but years of disasters and starvation were everywhere, and many families were still willing to give their daughters to him as concubines in exchange for food. The concubine in the thirteenth room died, and then the mansion began to be haunted by ghosts, and several servants and maids died, Zhou Yuanwai asked an expert to do something, but the expert only said that there was no evil in the house."

"Zhou Yuanwai was helpless, so he had to put his mind on the bone bridge in the end."

"My bones were taken out of the coffin in this way, the spine was dug out, and a bone bridge was made."

She suddenly looked at Jin Tianyi: "The bone bridge was built, but Zhou Yuanwai died unexpectedly. Why?"

Luo Ziyang was obsessed with listening to the story, but when he came up with a question, he was at a loss.

Chu Huai stared at the female ghost for a while and knew the answer.

On the stage, Jin Tianyi said lightly, "You are Zhou Yuanwai's thirteenth concubine."

Surprise flashed in the female ghost's eyes, and she acquiesced without saying a word.

"The expert is right, there are no evil things in the house, because the servant and the girl were not killed by dirty things, but by other concubines outside Zhou Yuan, they wanted to create the illusion that there were dirty things in the house. "

The female ghost's eyes were burning.

"Although Zhou Yuanwai asked someone to build a bone bridge, he didn't know that the spine that was dug up belonged to you. It should be those concubines who got your coffin in advance and smashed your face so that people couldn't recognize it. The bone bridge was built. , you were tortured like this, the Yin Qi accumulated, turned into a ghost, and killed Zhou Yuanwai."

"Those concubines originally planned to let Zhou Yuanwai be killed by ghosts. In this way, they don't have to continue to suffer, and they can divide up Yuanwai's family wealth openly."

Jin Tianyi paused: "But if I'm not wrong, you killed them too."

The female ghost giggled, her voice was piercing and piercing, which sounded extremely creepy, but Jin Tianyi stood there calmly.

The female ghost smiled, and the broken clothes flew down.

In the arena, Jin Tianyi didn't say anything, lowered his eyelids, took off his coat neatly, and handed it to the female ghost.

The female ghost has never been treated so kindly, with tears in her eyes: "Thank you, officer."

She said, "I am Zhou Yuanwai's thirteenth concubine, and I killed Zhou Yuanwai and the other concubines."

"I only have this pass."

Chu Huai was taken aback, that is to say, Jin Tianyi succeeded in passing the barrier, so he can hold hands directly.

There was hope in the female ghost's voice: "Officer, are you willing to take me away? I know I'm not good enough for you, you are powerful..."

Jin Tianyi interrupted her: "Sorry."

Sadness flashed in the female ghost's eyes.

"I promised someone, I won't take guests away." Jin Tianyi remembered something, and the corners of his mouth involuntarily raised.

The female ghost understood and didn't force it. She took out a folded piece of paper from her sleeve, and handed it to Jin Tianyi with both hands raised.

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