MTL - I’m Flirting with a Man in the Supernatural World-Chapter 6 Dark marriage (5)

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Chu Huai turned around in surprise. Four fat and strong men were struggling to climb up the **** with a black coffin. Behind the coffin were two people each holding a bench. , I don’t know if it’s real crying or fake crying.

Jin Tianyi pulled Chu Huai to the side of the road to make way for the team.

Those men were shirtless, and they wiped their sweat while complaining as they passed by: "I've never seen such a heavy coffin..."

"Yeah, it's getting heavier and heavier, I can't do it anymore, why don't we rest?"

"The shoulders are going to be broken, how do I remember that the Ma family's son is very thin...?" Their entire faces were flushed.

"Hey, you said... the Ma family's son died unjustly, right? I heard people say that this kind of coffin is getting heavier and heavier, which means that people still refuse to leave..."

"Don't be scary in broad daylight!"

Chu Huai stared at their feet. Because of the rain and the muddy road, they left deep footprints when they went down.

Four big men climbed up the slope, yelled to stop the team, and asked people to put the bench under the coffin. Before the coffin was put down, there was a "click", and the bench supporting the coffin broke. up!

With a "bang", the coffin hit the ground heavily, and mud and water stains were splashed high. Jin Tianyi pulled Chu Huai quickly with his eyes and hands, and the mud splashed on his own lapel.

The faces of all the people changed drastically.

"The coffin must never fall to the ground during the funeral. This is a big taboo." Jin Tianyi explained in a low voice.

Chu Huai raised his eyebrows, he felt that Jin Tianyi seemed to know a little bit about everything.

The four big men panicked and were about to lift the coffin again. After struggling for a long time, the coffin seemed to be embedded in the ground and remained motionless.

Everyone was in a state of confusion for a while.

"Son!" A haggard, crooked old woman suddenly rushed out from behind the line, knelt down and hugged the coffin, crying loudly.

"How could such a thing of God happen to our family?! God, open your eyes and have a look! My Ma family has been passed down for three generations, and only such a son, how could he be beaten to death by gangsters... Mom, I'm sorry , Mom didn't protect you well..."

Chu Huai's eyes froze.

Jin Tianyi handed the umbrella to Chu Huai, walked up to the old woman and knelt down, said a few words to her, and then came back.

The old woman nodded at him hesitantly, and began to cry according to Professor Jin Tianyi: "Son, mother knows that you have unfulfilled wishes, you are wronged, so you can go at ease, mother will definitely fulfill your wishes for you, and help you. You take revenge!"

As soon as she said this, the big man felt that the coffin suddenly lightened. They almost fell over due to excessive force, but fortunately, the coffin was raised.

Jin Tianyi watched the mighty team leave thoughtfully.

"Do you think the male ghost Wang Xue saw might be him...?" Chu Huai asked while holding an umbrella for him.

Jin Tianyi glanced at him in surprise and nodded: "The coffin cannot be lifted, which means that the person died wronged and refused to leave."

Chu Huai frowned.

When they returned to Yin's house, Luo Ziyang came over immediately, and said with surprise, "I found something!"

Father Yin was about to come out, Luo Ziyang immediately fell silent, and dragged the two of them towards the backyard residence.

The other three newcomers are also there.

When Zhao Xin saw Jin Tianyi, she handed over the letter in her hand as if inviting pets.

"They let us live in Yin Xiaofeng's room!" Zhao Xin smiled disgustedly, "But if it wasn't for this, we wouldn't be able to find such a clue."

"I searched the whole room, and finally found it under the cushion of these embroidered shoes." Zhao Xin pointed to the pair of red embroidered shoes on the bed.

Jin Tianyi opened the letter.

"This Yin Xiaofeng has a man outside," Zhao Xin sneered, "This kind of undisciplined woman deserves what she deserves if she dies, maybe she was murdered by her lover and thrown into the pond."

Chu Huai frowned: "Can you say a few words less?"

Zhao Xin snorted coldly: "What kind of virtuous person sympathizes with what kind of virtuous person, she wrote in the last letter that she was pregnant and wanted to elope with that person, haha."

Zhao Xin's words were harsh, Chu Huai's complexion gradually darkened, but he didn't want to care about women.

"Yin's father and Yin's mother probably didn't know about this matter. She probably just wrote this letter, and before she had time to send it, she disappeared." Luo Ziyang added.

Wang Xue sat silently on the side of the bed, she and Li Bin seemed to be completely **** off, and Li Bin was also far away from her, not even looking at her.

Jin Tianyi handed the letter back after reading it, and whispered in Chu Huai's ear, "The man's surname is Ma, and his name is Ma Zhicheng."

Chu Huai's pupils suddenly dilated.

The big men who carried the coffin in the funeral procession just now said that... the son of the "Ma family" died.

At this moment, he wanted to understand many things.

Yin Xiaofeng and Ma Zhicheng communicated with each other secretly, and Yin Xiaofeng had a secret marriage. They made an appointment to elope. At this time, Mrs. Cao's only son, Cao Rong, died suddenly.

Mrs. Cao wanted to find a ghost relative for her son, but she couldn't find a suitable candidate, so she turned her attention to Yin Xiaofeng, but because of a coincidence, she knew that Yin Xiaofeng and Ma Zhicheng were unclear, but she might not know that Yin Xiaofeng and Ma Zhicheng had arrived this level.

They just met Ma Ma by chance. Ma Ma's hair is yellow, her face is full of wrinkles, and her fingers are rough and chapped. It seems that Ma's family should be very poor.

So Mrs. Cao didn't pay attention to the Ma family at all. In order to achieve her goal, she directly asked someone to beat Ma Zhicheng to death secretly, and then managed to kill Yin Xiaofeng.

In this way, everything made sense, and the grimace behind Mrs. Cao just confirmed that she was the real murderer of Ma Zhicheng!

Ma Zhicheng wanted to kill Mrs. Cao.


Could the truth really be that simple...?

Chu Huai couldn't help frowning.

Why did Ma Zhicheng delay in attacking Madam Cao?

Ma Zhicheng had already been buried, and they couldn't repeat the previous method of opening Ma Zhicheng's coffin to see if the shroud on his body had disappeared, but judging from the current situation, it was almost certain that the shroud belonged to Ma Zhicheng.

But why didn't he take revenge, instead he attacked Wang Xue first...?

Is this a dungeon setting? shouldn't...

According to the customs here, the body is usually buried for three days and buried on the fourth day. That is to say, Ma Zhicheng has been dead for at least four days. Isn't these four days enough for him to kill a helpless wife?

Could it be that ghosts are taboo and cannot kill people wantonly?

What are the conditions for killing...?

If so, what is the way out...?

They learned the truth, and it didn't seem to help them survive much...

It was getting dark gradually.

After thinking about it, Chu Huai went to find Wang Xue. He wanted to go to Ma's house, and finally confirm whether that grimace was Ma Zhicheng.

Even if the Ma family doesn't have a portrait of Ma Zhicheng, just listening to Ma Mu's description is enough. And Wang Xue was the only one who had seen a grimace.

Chu Huai explained her intention, but Wang Xue was still in a daze. Chu Huai called her, and she woke up, and said reassuringly: "Ah, yes, I, I'm fine."

"You wear so many clothes, aren't you hot?" Chu Huai asked casually.

In the dungeon, it was June and July, but Wang Xue put on a coat.

"It's not hot," Wang Xue smiled shyly, "I'm like this. I'm afraid of the cold and not afraid of the heat. I didn't turn on the air conditioner in summer before. I only let him go when I was with Li Bin. Every time he turned on , I will cover with a thick quilt."

Chu Huai nodded.

The place is so big, they asked all the way, and soon found Ma's house.

Mother Ma had seen Chu Huai before, she was stunned by the door, and let them in anyway.

When Chu Huai asked about Ma Zhicheng's appearance, Ma Mu began to look wary.

Chu Huai lied: "My friend passed by not long ago and happened to see a few gangsters beating people. She was timid and ran away, but she remembered the faces of those people. I heard you cry before, and suddenly remembered this. I wonder if it was your son who was beaten..."

Chu Huai pointed to Wang Xue who was beside him.

Mother Ma became excited immediately, and began to describe incoherently.

"Is it...?" Chu Huai turned around and asked Wang Xue in a low voice.

Wang Xue was absent-minded.

It took a long time before she realized, her tone was uncertain: " should be."

Chu Huai came out of the yard after dealing with Mother Ma, but suddenly there was a chill behind her.

For a moment, he felt as if he was in an ice cellar, the blood in his body was frozen at this moment, and his scalp was numb!

Because Chu Huai's body has been infiltrated by Yin Qi for a long time, he is particularly sensitive to this evil Qi...

He turned around abruptly, but the pressure suddenly disappeared...

Chu Huai's heart palpitated for a while, at that moment just now, he really felt that he was on the verge of death.

Wang Xue looked at him suspiciously: "What's wrong?"


By this time it was dark.

"Jiaojiao, I'm afraid of the dark." Wang Xue leaned over and tightened Chu Huai's arm.

Chu Huai let her pull her: "Hurry up and go back."

Back at Yin's house, Chu Huai was about to tell everyone his conclusion, but suddenly his complexion turned pale, and his blood suddenly disappeared.

The ghost in the body suddenly broke out.

That kind of dense pain suddenly hit his heart, like ten thousand ants biting his heart, he couldn't breathe for a moment due to the pain.

"Jiaojiao, your..." Wang Xue who was beside Chu Huai covered her mouth, staring at Chu Huai's arm with wide eyes.

Because of the heat, Chu Huai pulled up his long sleeves half way up.

At this time, on his slender and white arm, the blue blood vessels protruded and sunken, as if something was wriggling inside, it was extremely terrifying.

Chu Huai immediately put down his sleeves and put his hands behind his back before anyone else noticed.

It should be that when he was in Ma's house before, he was infested by evil spirits, which aroused the yin energy that had been suppressed in his body, and then suddenly broke out.

"Chu Jiao, are you okay?!" Luo Ziyang was a little panicked. He was smoking by the window, so he immediately moved a stool over.

"Sorry, I have a congenital disease." Chu Huai lied.

He waved his hand at Luo Ziyang, indicating that he didn't need to sit down.

In just a few breaths, he was already sweating profusely from the pain, and the hands in his sleeves were trembling uncontrollably.

Damn it.

Zhao Xin gloated at the side.

"Where's Brother Jin?" Chu Huai held back and asked quietly.

"Li Bin followed him to the Cao Mansion to investigate the death of Ma Zhicheng. I planned to go too. The boss was worried and asked me to stay and protect Zhao Xin." Luo Ziyang explained, looking at Chu Huai worriedly.

"Are you important? May I help you get the medicine?" He suggested cautiously.

After all, this belongs to Chu Jiao's personal privacy, without Chu Jiao's permission, he can't go through her things at will.

"No... I'm fine, I'll be fine in a while."

Chu Huai forced a smile on his face, pinched his palms with his fingers, and walked out with difficulty while leaning on the wall, not wanting to be noticed by others.

He couldn't explain to them that there was a ghost living in him, and that this group of people was desperate to survive, and the ghost was the most feared and hated thing. He was sure that the ghost parasitic in his body would not persecute them, but why did they believe in him? ?

People's hearts are sinister, and it is hard to guarantee that no one will secretly attack him because of this, so as to eliminate this "future trouble" that does not exist at all.

It's not that Chu Huai never thought about using painkillers such as morphine. In fact, when he had an attack, Lao Yue couldn't bear to put the injection on the table in front of him, and he really broke down.

It's not that he doesn't have money, it's just that he doesn't want to be addicted, and has since become a puppet of drugs, living a life that is neither human nor ghost.

As soon as he stepped out of the high threshold with difficulty, Chu Huai saw Jin Tianyi who was walking in by the gate.

As soon as Jin Tianyi raised his head to meet his gaze, he saw that his face was not right, as if he was going to faint in a second, so he immediately walked over in two steps in three steps, and hugged him horizontally under the dull eyes of everyone.

He passed under Chu Huai's snow-white knees with one hand, and wrapped his arms around his back with the other. His face was neither red nor out of breath, his back was straight, and his figure was tall and straight.

This picture is too beautiful, a handsome man is hugging a woman in a white dress, the woman's legs are long and white, extremely eye-catching.

"Are you okay?" Jin Tianyi frowned, his eyes showed worry.

The pain in his body was weakening, Chu Huai hugged his slender neck very naturally, and folded his hands behind his back, with a gesture of dependence and trust.

He shook his head shyly, his little face flushed.

There is only one sentence left in Chu Huai's mind at this moment - I will depend on him to die.

It doesn't hurt anymore, I feel like crying.

Jin Tianyi pulled up the knee-high skirt for him, and carried him to the residence. Chu Huai suddenly realized that he immediately put his legs together to prevent his nakedness.

Night fell, it was the second night.

Chu Huai felt uneasy.

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