MTL - I’m Flirting with a Man in the Supernatural World-Chapter 90 Villa Fright (12)

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Chu Huai chose "Yes".

There was a sudden dizziness in front of him, and when he opened his eyes again, he found that he was still on the sofa. Luo Ziyang jumped off first in front of him, his body was unstable and he was about to fall, Jin Tianyi quickly grabbed his back by the collar.

Jin Tianyi turned around to pull Chu Huai, but Chu Huai did not reach out his hand for a long time, his eyes never leaving his face.

Luo Ziyang turned around, his hands were shaking excitedly, and he couldn't say a word for a while.

Jin Tianyi blinked at Chu Huai, and whispered, "I'm back."

He couldn't show his emotions too much, he could only simply hug her. In Chu Huai's eyes, he smiled really badly.

The life and death experienced a few minutes ago was like a lifetime away, Chu Huai felt the sense of steadfastness rushing towards his face, and pulled the corner of his mouth.

They performed it again as before, and when they reached the place where the ghost hand broke through the wall before, the three of them avoided it first, and they were safe and sound.

Luo Ziyang was anxious, even if they passed this point of death, what about the next one?

The number of N machines is a consumable, but ghosts are everywhere. They may be able to hide past the first day of the junior high school, but not the fifteenth day.

Chu Huai fell behind thoughtfully.

After the three of them visited the platform, Luo Ziyang asked, "What should we do now?"

They may not be able to go back to the villa, and they will spend the remaining ten or so hours underground.

If you leave the film at the end of the time, the film will basically have an open ending.

He's seen several of them like this.

He remembered one, in which resident A was tied to the cross. In the Genesis painting on the wall, God suddenly showed a hideous face, with thick fangs, and was about to tear apart resident A. The door was suddenly closed from the outside, the light was blocked, and darkness came.

The moment the door was completely closed, the movie ended.

Is Resident A dead? Certainly not. If an actor dies, there will definitely be shots in the movie, so if they didn't see A's death, A is definitely still alive.

Sometimes the director even joked, adding a sentence at the end of the film, "Please look forward to the second part of "xxxx"."

Of course, there can be no second one, just to keep the movie from looking anticlimactic.

Jin Tianyi was silent for a moment, then pointed out: "We can save each other, after all, there are only three of us left."

Chu Huai, who was drooping, raised his eyes suddenly. He was thinking about this just now.

"That's for sure." Luo Ziyang spoke quickly, saying that Fang Pin and Jin Tianyi had other deep meanings.

Chu Huai suddenly smiled.

He has a nondescript third way of life. Don't rely on luck, don't frame teammates.

They can... N machine with each other.

This is the true meaning of "saving each other".

Jin Tianyi saved him and died, and he N machine went back to the past to avoid the key node, so if he saved Jin Tianyi to death, Jin Tianyi N machine, and then avoided the next node, wouldn't it be safe?

The only difficulty lies in how they can quickly earn the favorability of the director and earn points mechanically.

What makes Chu Huai daydream is that the way of survival of the N machine may exist in all the films, but there are very few residents who walk out of the films in the end.

Did they not know, or was it too late?

To put it bluntly, if mutual hostility is a viable way out, it must be that the more people alive, the better, which means the more times of hostility.

According to this, when there is only one person left, this way of life will be killed.

When there were the most people at the beginning, they often didn't earn enough director favorability.

In the mid-term, people were panicked, not to mention obstacles in communication. Under the deliberate guidance of the main line, they guarded against each other and killed each other. In the end, no one noticed this nondescript way of life.

Somewhat ridiculous.

If possible, this path of survival is the opposite of betraying your teammates, a path of hope, redemption, sacrifice, and rebuilding.

Being torn apart again and again, returning to the beginning again and again.

Chu Huai became more and more confused about what the world really is and why it appears so contradictory, like a moody child who gives life unsparingly at one moment, and treats the residents as ants at another moment, trampling on them without feeling any pain at all.

Jin Tianyi suddenly said: "It's too depressing, let's chat, talk about the horror movies we've seen before?"

Chu Huai was stunned for a while, and although he didn't know what the intention was, he still pushed the boat along, joking with a smile: "I'm scared to death, you still have the mood to talk about horror movies."

Jin Tianyi sighed: "When I watched those movies before, I was always angry that the director insulted my IQ. A useless little boss struggled for half an hour without dying."

Luo Ziyang answered: "Of course, the Boss is dead, how can we shoot the scene? Isn't this called twists and turns?"

Jin Tianyi: "It's like the "Chain Saw" I watched before, a small boss of a nurse who has no strength to restrain a chicken, fought desperately with the black policeman many times, maybe three or four times, the black policeman raised his hand at the nurse. Mu Cang was stunned, he missed the hit, and was injured by the small boss many times, and I almost raised my braids several times, and then I was thinking, how the **** are you a homicide police with this skill? Mu Cang's technology is so good Bad, why don’t you just knock people out and kill them?”

Chu Huai really wanted to know what he was going to say, so he pretended not to agree and said: "I think Xiaoyu is right, you said whether you want to hit or not, if you hit, you miss, if you hit, you don't die, if you don't die, you fight back to the limit , the plot is full of twists and turns, the 'time' is enough, and the audience buys it, so why not do it?"

Jin Tianyi said something crucial: "Yes, for the sake of the 'exciting plot', part of the logic was sacrificed to 'create twists and turns'. Don't say that the 'director' is willing, and the 'audience' is also very happy."

He deliberately spoke clearly, trying to convey his meaning clearly.

Chu Huai understood it completely, and Jin Tianyi provided a feasible idea to improve the director's favorability.

First of all, what the director pursues is by no means simply "the death of an actor", which can be seen from the fact that he can gain the director's favorability from digging the depth of the character.

Generally speaking, the audience's expectation is the director's pursuit. There are many directors with special tastes who will hide private goods in the movie, but this is not within their scope of consideration.

It is easy for the audience to understand what they want to see when they watch a horror movie.

The first is eroticism. Otherwise, the director wouldn't have arranged for Xia Yu to have an affair with Zhang Yan in the toilet, and he and Jin Tianyi wouldn't have almost caught fire in Xia Yu's room by rubbing a wooden warehouse. This segment even seems a bit redundant in the film as a whole.

If the director just wanted the actors to find out that there was a problem with the room, there was no need to specially arrange for them to be locked in the room by ghosts, which seemed too deliberate.

Every time the ghost makes a move in the film, it is harming people, but this time, the ghost is playing a prank, which is contradictory in tone.

A very kind ghost, very bored, pushed against the door, created a space for two of them, then did nothing, patted their buttocks and left, isn't this logically weird?

And judging from the current situation, he is not a slut, and he will not die if he really has anything to do with Jin Tianyi.

The second is the vividness and enthusiasm of the characters. Audiences with a little depth will expect the characters to have a clear character arc. Therefore, his plump personality has won the director's favorability. The so-called character arc, the ruthless murderer because a little girl looks like his dead daughter, desperate to save him, is an example.

As long as it is reasonable and the transition is smooth, the character creation is successful.

Just like Jin Tianyi, his starting point is greedy and full of deceit, but in the process, he gradually abandons material things and pursues his heart, and his personality is developing in a good direction. So he must have also gained the favorability of the director.

The third is the dramatic ups and downs of the plot. This requires the actors to work hard to develop the plot and create twists and turns.

There are many other bits and pieces to earn the director's favorability, such as humor, the ghost hand in the toilet compared "yeah"; Shen Huai, who is dressed as a woman, dances pole dance.

For example, refine movements and expressions, and convey real and original emotions.

Jin Tianyi's words made Chu Huai suddenly enlightened. Is it hard to earn director favorability? not.

Returning to the essence, they are "acting"!

Maybe the world wants to obliterate them, but the director doesn't want to, he just wants to make better scenes and attract more attention. The joining of the substitute ghosts is not to kill them, but to deliberately create conflicts and tortuous plots.

Chu Huai really laughed. They went around for a long time, obsessed with the truth of the film, and tried their best to find a way of life, but they couldn't see the way of life that was close at hand and almost fed to their mouths.

Speaking of it, I didn't get it through my own painstaking efforts, and it is very easy to be ignored. Putting the cart before the horse has always been the case.

It's also very easy to earn the director's favorability. He and Jin Tianyi act as lovers, and they just need to create intimacy in a reasonable way.

The plot creates ups and downs, like the black-clothed policeman in "Saw", sacrificing part of the logic to achieve suspense and excitement.

Discover character traits.

Speak humorously and emotionally.

Chu Huai and Jin Tianyi looked at each other, suddenly relaxed.

Is ten hours hard?

It's not difficult to have people you love and have friends. Because they will spare no effort to save each other.

Although there are only three of them left, they can absolutely trust each other, which is better than anything else.

If there are many people with ulterior motives, you use your N number of times to save him, and when you die, someone breaks your promise and sells it for a price without saving him. Waiting for others to come to the rescue.

What a disgusting thing it is to save others, but to die because of the ingratitude of others.

Luo Ziyang was drenched all over, started to have a fever, his face was extremely hot, and his condition was not good. Chu Huai was a little worried, but he just forced a smile and said he was fine.

Three hours passed, Chu Huai died twice, Jin Tianyi died again, Luo Ziyang was lucky and did not become the target of the ghost.

Chu Huai was thinking about how to gain the last point of favorability, and change the number of N machines again, when he turned his head and saw a pale and edematous face behind Luo Ziyang, his heart was in his throat, and he rushed to save him.

The number of times they interacted with each other cannot be announced. Jin Tianyi saved Luo Ziyang before he died, and he used up the money he earned again. Now it is still close. I don’t know if there are any more at Jin Tianyi. If Luo Ziyang dies, Luo Ziyang's N machine times cannot be used to save himself.

The top priority, the best way is to die for him, and then Luo Ziyang saves him.

Luo Ziyang was dizzy and his movements were slow. The moment Chu Huai rushed over, his eyes suddenly became clear, and he rolled to the side very nimbly.

Chu Huai stopped the car, seeing Luo Ziyang avoiding the crisis and touching his watch, his expression froze.

Luo Ziyang smiled at Chu Huai and Jin Tianyi who rushed over, with a bit of shyness in his smile.

... Leaflet?

Chu Huai was startled and smiled. He was still worried about whether Luo Ziyang's body would be able to survive before, but now he has no such worries.

So Xiaoye never left, just like a ghost parasitic in his own body, temporarily co-existing with Luo Ziyang?

No wonder.

Luo Ziyang had previously accused him of leaving without saying goodbye, but Chu Huai was still wondering that Xiaoye's feelings for Luo Ziyang were not fake, and when she knew that Luo Ziyang would go to the dangerous New Year filming, she would never leave him alone.

It was about the end of the playground instance, and he couldn't continue to stay in the apartment in the form of a ghost, so he made this decision.

No wonder Luo Ziyang hadn't been attacked by ghosts before, probably because of the protective effect of Xiaoye's ghost energy.

Jin Tianyi behind him looked a little solemn.

The abilities of ghosts in the movie are balanced through the world. Once Xiaoye with a higher level of ghosts appears and breaks the balance, other taboos will also be...broken.

I wish he was thinking too much.

Jin Tianyi approached Chu Huai, thinking of the seventh-level evil spirit in his body, he felt worried.

That thing should have been in Chu Huai's body before, and he never made a move. Firstly, he was suppressed by himself, and secondly, it was very likely that he didn't take Chu Huai seriously, thinking that he would definitely beat Chu Huai, but then Seeing the increase in the number of dungeons Chu Huai passed, he panicked.

That's why he started to attack Chu Huai against the rules.

It stands to reason that that ghost should have been punished by the world for what he did in the last dungeon, and he will never come out again in this world, but...

In any case, the law of the N machine is higher than the law of killing ghosts. Even if that thing comes out, it will not be able to cause any substantial damage to them, but the consumption of the number of N machines will be accelerated.

With the addition of Xiaoye, the cooperation between the three became smoother.

In the next moment, Chu Huai woke up from the N machine point. This time it was Xiaoye who saved Jin Tianyi from death, and Jin Tianyi used the N machine.

Chu Huai fell behind and was about to chase the two in front when a strange scene happened in his vision.

Standing beside Xiaoye was a person whose back was very similar to her own.

The man seemed to feel Chu Huai's gaze, and suddenly turned his head. Chu Huai met those blood-red eyes filled with rage and malice, and his heart stopped suddenly.

that ghost. Chu Huai gritted his teeth.

This was the first time he took the initiative to confront him, and he found that the ghost looked...exactly like him.

The only difference is probably that he has a small black mole on the corner of his right cheek, but he doesn't have one.

But the surroundings were pitch black, Xiaoye couldn't see the mole, and didn't know that the person was pretending.

He did it on purpose for himself to see.

The surrounding void was distorting, Chu Huai chased desperately, but he couldn't catch up. Seeing that they were a little closer, and then closed their eyes, they were in a distant place again, and gradually drifting away.

Chu Huai took a deep breath and told himself that the two of them would be fine.

He still has N number of shots, even if Xiaoye and Jin Tianyi were killed by him without realizing it, he can still save them.

That ghost's target this time is... Xiaoye.

Or rather, Luo Ziyang.

Chu Huai calmed down and had an idea.

He and Jin Tianyi lived and died together, and Jin Tianyi could sense his own danger. As long as he was slightly injured, Jin Tianyi would feel palpitations.

Chu Huai drew a knife on the palm of his hand.

Jin Tianyi in the distance stopped suddenly, his sharp eyes swept over "Chu Huai".

Jin Tianyi: "Are you injured?"

"No." "Chu Huai" lowered his eyes and did not look at him, and said in a low voice.

Jin Tianyi sneered, and suddenly grabbed his white neck, his head was raised, Jin Tianyi saw the mole, and he smiled strangely, almost mockingly.

Jin Tianyi roared: "Little Ye, be careful!"

Now that the evil ghost has joined, this episode will never be counted in the movie, and he doesn't have to worry about the title anymore.

"Chu Huai"'s hand was twisted in a weird posture, and the fingertips touched the center of Xiaoye's eyebrows, bringing out a little blood.

Luo Ziyang went limp in an instant.

Xiaoye was forced out of Luo Ziyang's body.

"Chu Huai" smiled: "Facing this face, are you willing to attack me? Don't worry, I only appeared to maintain the balance of the dungeon. It was he who violated the rules first, not me. You gave me the opportunity to come out this time." It's a pity that I can only cause you a little trouble."

Luo Ziyang woke up leisurely, seeing Xiaoye beside him, his eyes widened instantly, he was killed by "Chu Huai" in order to react in time.

Seeing this, Chu Huai in the distance immediately switched off and successfully returned to the previous node.

He looked at Xiaoye who hadn't disappeared, thoughtfully, so that ghost thing also temporarily separated from him? Become a member of the ghost camp?

N machine...

Chu Huai's eyes lit up, maybe this is a good chance to get rid of him forever.

Now that you leave, never think about coming back.

The corner of Chu Huai's mouth hooked slightly.

"Sorry, the situation is quite special, I have been hiding it." Chu Huai said.

Xiaoye smiled wryly: "It has nothing to do with you, it's my problem. I was worried about this, so I hesitated and didn't dare to come out, for fear of causing trouble to you. After all, the balance mechanism is too important in the dungeon. Once it is destroyed, the variables will be destroyed. There will be a lot, when I saw you going to save him, I couldn't help it, so I decided to come out..."

"The situation is a bit troublesome now." Xiaoye said.

Chu Huai shook his head: "It's not entirely a bad thing. The film is half-stopped. We can no longer gain the favorability of the director, but there is only one hour left before we leave the copy."

Jin Tianyi said: "And we don't need to act anymore, we can communicate smoothly. I tried it just now, and the remaining number of N machines can still be used normally. We just have more ghosts to chase and kill. What's the point of having one more or one less?" Does it matter too much?"

Chu Huai also meant the same thing. And he had an uncertain way of getting rid of the **** thing forever.

They each broke their old background, Jin Tianyi had two more, Chu Huai had one more, Luo Ziyang was earned by Xiaoye, and there was one left.

Jin Tianyi patted Xiaoye on the shoulder: "It's not difficult to survive an hour four times, it's even more than enough, and we also have an extra helper like you."

Luo Ziyang understood, and snorted: "This means, I can settle the score now, right?"

As he said that, he was about to pinch Xiaoye, Xiaoye laughed and did not dodge or avoid, without saying a word, hugged him tightly, and rubbed hard against his neck, acting coquettishly.

Luo Ziyang blushed: "Don't think that I will forgive you if you are like this!"

"Brother Luo, I didn't leave. You can't blame me that day, I want you to."

Luo Ziyang: "Shut up!"

Jin Tianyi was thinking about business, and asked Xiaoye openly for the first time: "Are you an acquired ghost?"

Xiaoye's body visibly stiffened.

Luo Ziyang was stunned: "Ghosts are also divided into nature and nature? Don't all people become ghosts after death..."

Jin Tianyi shook his head, and said surprisingly: "That's not the case. Xiantian ghosts directly changed from humans to ghosts, just like those ghosts who chased us in the villa. Acquired ghosts were residents at first, but later died in the dungeon. A certain level, become a ghost and be used by the world."

Chu Huai's heart sank. Residents turned into ghosts?

Is this the purpose of the world? Cultivate powerful ghosts? Resentment turned into ghosts, the more insidious and cunning they are in life, the more powerful they are when they turn into ghosts after death.

Ye Yuan was silent for a moment, then said with difficulty: "I am."

Jin Tianyi suddenly realized, and looked at Luo Ziyang: "So Xiao Luo..."

Ye Yuan blinked at him, and Jin Tianyi fell silent for an instant. This involves Xiaoye's privacy, he doesn't want to, and he doesn't need to talk too much.

Luo Ziyang was confused: "So what are you talking about?"

The atmosphere is a bit depressing.

Chu Huai pulled Jin Tianyi aside, frowned, and asked in a low voice, "Has Xiao Luo ever lost his memory? He and Xiao Ye were lovers before?"

Jin Tianyi shook his head, and said calmly: "It's possible to remember the lost memory again. For Xiao Luo, there is no other possibility to recover the memory except death."

"When a person dies, what's the use of restoring memory? This is a paradox..." Chu Huai got stuck in the middle of speaking. When he met Jin Tianyi's calm and deep eyes, he was instantly awakened, and he felt a chill down his spine. .

He remembered that Jin Tianyi said before that some residents would turn into... ghosts when they died.

Jin Tianyi finally revealed the truth: "When the resident dies in the horror world, all his connections with reality will be cut off in an instant, and there will be no trace of his past life in the real world. A living person just evaporates out of thin air. .”

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