MTL - I’m In Douluo, I Ate the Blue Silver Emperor-Chapter 158 eat it

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  Chapter 158 Eat it

  After recognizing that the Blue Silver Grass was actually the Blue Silver Emperor, Mo Bai's heart sank slightly.

  Because if that was really the Blue Silver Emperor, it would prove that there was a Titled Douluo-level combat power on the opposite side, but he ignored it.

   "No, that's not the titled Douluo-level Blue Silver Emperor, it's just a larval Blue Silver Emperor less than a thousand years old!"

  Mo Bai took another look at the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin with his star eyes before he heaved a sigh of relief.

  He was really afraid that it was a Blue Silver Emperor with the title Douluo level, and the combat power of both sides would be unknown.

"Mobai, that Blue Silver Emperor should be the seed left after the sacrifice of the Blue Silver Emperor. I told you before that after the sacrifice of a hundred thousand year plant-type soul beast, because the vitality of the plant-type is relatively Tenacious, so there are seeds of the body left behind!"

  At this time, Xiao Wu on Mo Bai's body spoke to remind Mo Bai.

   "The seeds left after the Blue Silver Emperor sacrificed?"

   "Is that Tang Hao's wife, Tang San's mother?"

   "It must be, no wonder Tang Hao will be here!"

  Mo Bai was taken aback when he heard the words, and then immediately realized that he knew the origin of the Blue Silver Emperor.

  Tang San's mother.

   To be honest, after understanding it, Mo Bai still feels a little strange. It’s okay that the other party has transformed into a human like Xiao Wu, but it’s a bit awkward that he has no transformation!

  Mo Bai also knew that the other party had also been transformed, but what he saw was not, so he felt a little awkward, Tang San was born from that grass.

  However, Mo Bai's attention was soon attracted by the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye behind Tang Hao and Lanyinhuang Ayin.

   "Is that the Ice and Fire Yin Yang?"

   After seeing clearly that it was really the Binghuo Liangyiyan, Mo Bai's eyes widened instantly.

  Binghuo Liangyiyan, like Xiancao, has already existed in legends in his world.

However, Mo Bai also knew some information about the Binghuo Liangyiyan, because his Frightening Feather Jue is said to be able to speed up his cultivation through the Binghuo Liangyiyan. Besides this, the existence of the Binghuo Liangyiyan is also a Treasure land.

   It is said that around the Binghuo Liangyi Eye, all plants can grow rapidly, and all kinds of precious herbs and even fairy grasses will also grow and multiply around the Binghuo Liangyi Eye.

  Thinking of this, Mo Bai quickly glanced around, and found that there are indeed many precious herbs growing here, and the age is not low.

   It’s just that compared with the outside world, in places like Binghuo Liangyiyan, the age of those herbs is too young, it’s almost as if they have just grown.

  At the same time, Mo Bai also saw many juvenile fairy grasses.

   "Qiluo Tulip, Strange Velvet Babel Chrysanthemum, Flaming Apricot, and Star Anise Black Ice Grass..."

  After seeing a few young plants of fairy grass at a glance, Mo Bai was even more shocked. There really are fairy grass here, and there are so many of them. There are so many of them at a glance. I don't know how many there are in the whole treasure land.

   It just seems that the mature grass jelly has been taken away, and the rest are the seeds that have germinated again.

   Among them, the most precious ones should be Lihuo Xingjiaoshu and Star Anise Xuanbingcao, these two immortal grasses that have absorbed the two extreme energies of Ice and Fire Yinyiyan and grew up.

   "Tang San's ice immunity and fire immunity should be obtained by eating these two immortal grasses!"

   "My previous guess has also been verified. Those students of Shrek Academy quickly improved their level by eating the fairy grass. Those fairy grasses were obtained by Tang San here!"

   "It's no wonder that Tang San and the others all had fairy herbs that they could take before. It turned out that Tang San discovered such a blessed place!"

   "The transplantation of the Blue Silver Emperor here is probably also due to Tang San's credit."

  Through those young plants of fairy grass, Mo Bai quickly figured out a lot of things. He had guessed before that everyone in Shrek Academy might have eaten the fairy grass because of their rapid improvement in strength, and now it has been verified.

  Mo Bai also had to sigh, Tang San is worthy of being the original protagonist, the protagonist's halo is so powerful, even such a blessed place can be encountered.

  Looking at Tang Hao and the Blue Silver Emperor, Mo Bai reckoned that, according to the development of the original book, perhaps in the finale, Tang San's mother could also be resurrected!

  But now, this treasure land is not Tang San's.

   And that Blue Silver Emperor.

   "Blue Silver Emperor... grass jelly..."

   "The current Blue Silver Emperor's soul power level is not strong, but it is indeed the blood of the Blue Silver Emperor, and it is still after awakening, so can I eat it as a fairy grass?"

   "So that my Blue Silver Grass martial soul can also evolve?"

   Mobai's gaze landed on the Blue Silver Emperor again, with greed shining in his eyes.

   "Whether you can or not, you will know after eating!"

  Mo Bai then made a decision in his mind.

  Regardless of whether it is possible or not, as long as there is a slight possibility, Mo Bai decides to **** back that Blue Silver Emperor, which is the mother of Tang Hao's wife Tang San, and then eat it.

   It is not necessary for his martial soul to evolve to Tang San's level, he only needs to evolve to not be afraid of Tang San's blood pressure.

   Otherwise, Mo Bai will still be passive when facing Tang San next time.

  So even if there is only a slight possibility to evolve his martial soul, Mo Bai will take the Blue Silver Emperor Spear from Tang Hao's hand today and eat it.

   The reason is that Mo Bai was suppressed too hard by Tang San last time.

  If Tang San knew that Mo Bai planned to eat his mother because of his words, he didn't know what expression he would have.

   "Elder Ju, Elder Ghost, do it!"

  After having the idea of ​​snatching the Blue Silver Emperor in his heart, Mo Bai immediately gave orders to Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo.

  Regarding Mo Bai Chaoyue's behavior of issuing orders, Qian Renxue frowned slightly, but said nothing.

   After Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo looked at each other, they nodded tacitly.



  Afterwards, a terrifying soul pressure bloomed on the two of them.

   "Martial Soul Fusion Technique · Bipolar Stationary Field!"

  As soon as they made a move, the two used their strongest martial soul fusion skills.

   "Not good, interrupt them!"

   Tang Hao's expression changed immediately upon seeing this.

  He knows how powerful Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo's martial soul fusion skills are. He used to rely on the Death God Domain to break through their martial soul fusion skills.

  But now, he is not sure if he can break through it, the best way is to prevent them from completing this martial soul fusion skill.

"give it to me!"

  Dugu Bo took a deep breath, he obviously also knew the martial soul fusion technique of Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo.

   "Soul Bone Soul Ability Medusa's Gaze!"

In order to interrupt the fusion skills of Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, Dugu Bo immediately displayed his strongest attack. His skull soul bone soul skill and Medusa's gaze were caught by his gaze. Yes, even soul power can be petrified.


  Two gazes burst out from Dugu Bo's eyes, and directly shot at Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo.

   "Not good, get out of the way!"

   Chrysanthemum Douluo, who was currently performing martial soul fusion with Ghost Douluo, immediately chose to interrupt their martial soul fusion skill when he saw this, and avoided it instantly.

  As Dugu Bo's opponent for many years, he knows Dugu Bo's move of Medusa's gaze, how dare he hit it!

   Chi Chi Chi Chi—

   After Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo avoided, the place where they were originally was quickly petrified under Medusa's gaze.

   "What a powerful soul skill!"

  When Mo Bai saw this, he was also slightly surprised.

  Seeing that Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo's martial soul fusion skills were interrupted, Mo Bai also frowned slightly. After being interrupted, it would take a while for them to perform it again.

   Originally, they wanted Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo to use their martial soul fusion skills to directly imprison Dugu Bo and Tang Hao, but now it seems that this is not possible.

   "Elder Ju, Elder Ghost, you two deal with Dugu Bo, take it down quickly, or kill him directly, Tang Hao will be handed over to Qian Renxue and me!"

   While summoning his martial soul, Mo Bai gave instructions to Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo.

   Then he said to Qian Renxue next to him: "Qian Renxue, let's go!"

   "Thousands of Leafs Flying Flowers·Thousands of Swords Piercing the Heart!"

   After finishing speaking, Mo Bai took the lead, summoning countless blue and silver sword leaves, and attacked Tang Hao.

   "The first soul skill Angel Assault!"

  Seeing Mo Bai's attack, Qian Renxue's movements were not too slow, she immediately used her first soul skill and Mo Bai's attack merged together, and blasted towards Tang Hao.

  The number of attacks of both of them is extremely large, and the attack range not only completely enveloped Tang Hao, but also covered the Blue Silver Emperor next to Tang Hao.

   "Damn it!"

  Seeing this situation, Tang Hao couldn't help but gritted his teeth and cursed secretly.

  If only Mo Bai, a soul emperor, and Qian Renxue, a soul sage joined forces, he would be completely fearless at this time.

  But under the large-scale attack of the two, he couldn't dodge, so he could only choose to block.

  Because if he gets out of the way, his wife Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin will be attacked!

   "Killing God Domain Open!"

   "The seventh soul skill Haotian True Body!"

   "Fifth Soul Ability: One Hammer to Regret the Mountain!"

  Tang Hao also instantly opened his Killing God Domain, displayed his Martial Soul Avatar, and then met the attacks of Mo Bai and Qian Renxue with a hammer.


  Tang Hao is worthy of being Tang Hao, just a simple blow, and a powerful offensive erupted, the momentum is so fierce, it seems that even a mountain can be smashed.


  Under this powerful hammer blow, Mo Bai and Qian Renxue's countless attacks were all blocked in the air, and then shattered one by one, and all were shaken away.

   "Fifth Soul Skill Sacred Sword!"

   Seeing this, Qian Renxue displayed her fifth soul skill, using the sacred flame of the Angel Wuhun Hall to condense a golden giant sword, and then slammed it down towards Tang Hao.



  Tang Hao glanced at Qian Renxue's attack domineeringly, but didn't use his soul skill, and just shattered Qian Renxue's fifth soul skill with a simple blow.

  Even if there is only level 75 left, only a soul sage with only one hand and one foot, Tang Hao's combat power at this time is completely worthy of Qian Renxue at level 79.

  Especially under the blessing of Tang Hao's powerful killing **** domain, his attack is full of momentum, which looks very amazing.

   Under the awe of the Killing God Domain, the strength of Mo Bai and Qian Renxue was also weakened.

   "Angel Field!"

   "Death God Realm!"

Faced with this situation, Qian Renxue and Mo Bai displayed their domains one after another, but even so, under Tang Hao's proficient and powerful killing **** domain, even if Mo Bai and Qian Renxue had their own domains to protect , the overall strength was still weakened a little by Tang Hao's Killing God Domain, but it wasn't that serious.

   Facing such a powerful Tang Hao, both Tang Hao and Qian Renxue were a little shocked.

   Fortunately, this Tang Hao is only level 75, and he lost a limb, otherwise they might really be smashed by Tang Hao with a hammer.

   This is not ordinary strong.

   No wonder Chihiro Chihiro, the last Pope, was able to beat the disease!

  However, the sigh is the sigh, but Mo Bai is not soft at all, and keeps calling the blue silver sword leaf to bombard Tang Hao.

   "Qian Renxue, don't get close to the opponent, his melee ability is too exaggerated, let's consume it remotely!"

   "When Elder Ju and Elder Gui win Dugu Bo, we will win, so we only need to hold Tang Hao!"

   While attacking, Mo Bai sent a sound transmission to Qian Renxue.

   Qian Renxue, who had just rushed forward and was strongly repelled by Tang Hao, also felt that it made sense after hearing Mo Bai's sound transmission.

  Although she was a little unwilling, Qian Renxue listened to Mo Bai and no longer used melee attacks, but used long-range consumption like Mo Bai.

   "Damn it!"

   Facing this situation, Tang Hao suddenly became anxious.

  Mo Bai and Qian Renxue are not in a hurry to defeat him, but he must defeat Mo Bai and Qian Renxue as soon as possible, otherwise when Dugu Bo loses, he will really be finished.

  The current him is no longer the Haotian Douluo who can smash the Pope of the Wuhun Palace at his peak.

   Now he is just a level 75 Soul Sage!


  At this moment, the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin behind Tang Hao suddenly burst out with a strong wave of soul power.

   There was no attack, but the blue silver grass all over Mo Bai's body retreated back to Mo Bai's body one by one.

   "Damn it, it's blood suppression again!"

  Faced with this situation, Mo Bai already had an experience, but he was still furious.

  My martial soul was suppressed by blood one after another.

  Too aggrieved!

   "Splitting Wind Hammer Technique!"


And Tang Hao seemed to have known that Mo Bai would be suppressed. At the same time that Mo Bai's martial spirit was suppressed, Tang Hao rushed in front of Mo Bai with the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand, and swung the huge Clear Sky Hammer. He threw it at Mo Bai.

   "Soul Bone Soul Skill Invincible Golden Body!"


  At the critical moment, Mo Bai used the soul bone soul skill on his right arm, blocking Tang Hao's attack.


   Seeing Mo Bai's quick response, Tang Hao was also a little surprised. Faced with the sudden suppression of Wuhun, could he still respond so calmly and quickly?

   This kid is really not simple, so don't keep it anymore, just kill him!


  With a strong killing intent, Tang Hao's Chaotic Cloak Wind Hammer Technique hammered one hammer after another, bombarding Mo Bai who had entered the three-second invincible golden body state.

  The Chaotic Cloak Hammer Technique combined with the powerful Clear Sky Hammer, the energy produced by the hammering on Mo Bai's Invincible Jin made it impossible for Qian Renxue on one side to come close to support Mo Bai.

   "Qian Renxue, kill that blue silver grass!"

  After receiving Tang Hao's two hammers forcefully, Mo Bai, who was still under the invincible golden body, slammed at Qian Renxue.


  (end of this chapter)

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