MTL - I’m In Douluo, I Ate the Blue Silver Emperor-Chapter 160 Tang Hao died tragically

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  Chapter 160 Tang Hao died tragically

   It was the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin who was eaten by Mo Bai. At this time, he was completely dead, and then turned into energy and was being absorbed by Mo Bai.

Moreover, after the death of the Lan Yinhuang, the soul ring did not burst out, and it was not transformed into soul power and absorbed by Mo Bai's body and martial soul like the fairy grass, but turned into a special energy, all of which went to Mo Bai. gathered on the Wuhun.

  As soon as the energy was injected, Mo Bai's entire martial spirit trembled. After absorbing only a little bit, Mo Bai's martial soul Blue Silver Grass trembled excitedly as if it had absorbed some magical medicine.

  At the same time, Mobai, the blue silver grass that had entered the state of absorbing evolution, could no longer be used, and the blue silver grass outside had withered and dissipated.

   That is to say, Mo Bai's martial soul can no longer be used.

   It's just that this time, instead of being suppressed, it entered a state of evolution.


  The helpless Mo Bai could only use the soul bone and soul skills to teleport and dodge.

   "Really, my Blue Silver Grass is evolving!"

  But Mo Bai's heart was extremely excited at this time, he could feel that his martial soul was constantly evolving as it continuously absorbed the special energy transformed after the death of the Blue Silver Emperor.

   "No, Tang Hao must be dealt with quickly and enter the state of evolution wholeheartedly!"

   Mo Bai secretly became anxious while teleporting to avoid Tang Hao's attack.

Seeing that Mo Bai was being chased by Tang Hao, Qian Renxue stepped forward to attack Tang Hao several times, but was directly smashed away by Tang Hao after the ring exploded. After several times, Qian Renxue was injured and did not dare to go forward again Being able to use long-range attacks helps Mo Bai contain Tang Hao!

   "Ghost Elder!"

  While restraining Tang Hao, Qian Renxue yelled at Ghost Douluo on the other side.

  Ghost Douluo, who was teaming up with Ju Douluo to completely suppress Dugu Bo, nodded after hearing Qian Renxue's words.


   Then Ghost Douluo disappeared in place, and then appeared next to Mo Bai, blocking Tang Hao's attack for Mo Bai.

  They also saw Tang Hao's outburst, but they saw that Mo Bai could still carry it, so they originally thought about destroying Dugu Bo first.

  But since Qian Renxue spoke up, Ghost Douluo had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​teaming up with Ju Douluo to quickly take down Dugu Bo, and came to support Mo Bai.


  As soon as they fought, Ghost Douluo figured out Tang Hao's strength.

   It is still as strong, but it is not as strong as the Ring Explosion more than ten years ago.

  The previous Tang Hao, under the ring explosion, he was just swept away by Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer.

  Now, he can withstand Tang Hao's attack in the state of ring explosion!

   "Haha, Tang Hao, you are just like this now!"

   Ghost Douluo, who had blocked Tang Hao's attack, felt confident, and then laughed mockingly at Tang Hao.

  Ghost Douluo is really proud, he and Ju Douluo were really overshadowed by Tang Hao in the past, now it's finally over, Tang Hao is crippled.


   Facing Ghost Douluo's taunt, Tang Hao didn't say anything, just roared and killed Mo Bai again.

"Demons and monsters!"

   It's just that Ghost Douluo stood in front of him again, stopping Tang Hao for Mo Bai.

   "Elder Ghost, Tang Hao is entrusted to you, my martial soul is about to evolve!"

   Seeing that it was okay for Ghost Douluo to stop Tang Hao, Mo Bai immediately handed Tang Hao over to Ghost Douluo, and he stepped aside to meditate cross-legged.

   "Yes! Your Highness Mobai."

  Hearing Mo Bai's words, Ghost Douluo was taken aback for a moment, then was shocked, did he hear correctly? Mobai is about to evolve into a martial soul?

   Is it because you just ate the Blue Silver Emperor?

   So the Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul can evolve after eating the Blue Silver Emperor?

  Ghost Douluo was shocked, he didn't expect Wuhun to evolve like this.

  But he also knows that such a secret is useless even if he knows it, and the Blue Silver Emperor is not so easy to get.

   Moreover, the 100,000-year Blue Silver Emperor before the sacrifice was not tasty, probably only the regrown Blue Silver Emperor after the sacrifice would have the effect.

   Such encounters are rare.


  After hearing Mo Bai's words, Tang Hao's eyes turned even redder.

  Martial Soul Evolution?

  Mo Bai could only evolve by eating his wife, and this already showed that his wife was completely dead, so he was absorbed by Mo Bai.

   "Get out!"

   Tang Hao roared furiously, his aura became even more astonishing under his rage, and the effect of the killing **** domain multiplied. With one blow of the hammer, he actually repelled Ghost Douluo.


   And at this moment, before Tang Hao continued to attack Mo Bai, Dugu Bo's figure was knocked upside down by Ju Douluo and flew over, hitting Tang Hao's side. Tang Hao caught Dugu Bo expressionlessly.


   After Dugu Bo stabilized his figure, he said guiltily to Tang Hao: "Tang Hao, I'm sorry, I got you in trouble!"

  He also saw the Lanyinhuang being eaten by Mo Bai.

   This made him very regretful, he really didn't expect Tang Hao to be crippled,

   Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to lure the enemy here, killing the little monster's parents in vain.

   "I'll stop them later, you go, tell Tang San for me, you must remember that his mother died so tragically!"

   "Let him have enough strength to avenge us!"

  Tang Hao gritted his teeth and confessed to Dugu Bo, his eyes gleaming with determination.

   Ah Yin died tragically, and he didn't plan to live anymore, but was ready to fight.

  But he knew that no matter how hard he tried, he would not be able to kill Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo. Under their protection, it would be very difficult for him to kill Mo Bai.

  But he will still try, if he can't get revenge, he can only hand it over to Tang San.

   "You all deserve to die!"

   "The Clear Sky Hammer, blow it up!"

  Afterwards, Tang Hao glared at Ju Douluo and the others, his soul power suddenly shook again, and the soul power exploded again.

   This time, Tang Hao displayed the ultimate mystery of the Great Sumeru Hammer, which he developed theoretically but never used before, Soul Blast!

  Blow up the martial soul, and get stronger and more soul power, but the price is that it will be completely abolished afterwards, and the martial soul will be gone when it is blown up.


   After yelling angrily at Dugu Bo next to him, Tang Hao, who was even more aggressive after the soul blast, swung the Haotian Hammer that was gradually disintegrating in his hand, and slammed it down fiercely in front of him.


A huge phantom appeared on Tang Hao's body, Tang Hao's whole body also merged into this phantom, and the phantom immediately seemed to materialize, holding the Haotian Hammer dozens of meters high, facing the front fiercely. Smash it down.

   This is the avatar of Tang Hao's martial soul after he exploded his soul. Tang Hao could feel it, and he could only use one blow. After one blow, his martial soul would completely collapse.

"How can it be?"

   "Tang Hao can still launch such a strong attack?"

  Seeing Tang Hao's attack, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo were startled, as if they had returned to the day of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, facing the scene of Tang Hao smashing into the Pope's Palace.

  They never imagined that Tang Hao, who had fallen to level 75, would still be able to deliver such a terrifying blow.

  Destroy the soul?

  Even the martial soul was blown up, it's ruthless enough!

   "Old Ghost!"

  Ju Douluo called Ghost Douluo.

  Then the two of them tacitly displayed his martial soul fusion technique.

   "Martial Soul Fusion Technique · Bipolar Stationary Field!"

  Before Tang Hao's attack landed, they successfully displayed their martial soul fusion skills, the two poles stopped the field, and stopped Tang Hao's attack in the air.


   "Give me a blast!"


   Tang Hao, whose figure and the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand were imprisoned, roared at Dugu Bo again, and the huge Clear Sky Hammer in his hand exploded with a bang.


  A powerful explosion immediately exploded centered on the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang Hao's hand.

  Dugu Bo originally wanted to fight with Tang Hao, but after hearing Tang Hao's words, his expression changed, and he finally gritted his teeth, turned around and left.

  Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo watched Dugu Bo leave helplessly, but there was nothing they could do. Now let's block Tang Hao's final blow.

   "Block me!"

  Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo, holding on to their two-pole static domain, wanted to suppress Tang Hao's explosion.

   Chi Chi Chi Chi—

   It's just that Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer exploded too powerfully, the two pole static fields couldn't stop them at all, and the fields were gradually collapsing.

   "The third soul skill, Holy Shield!"

  Qian Renxue added a defense at this time.


   It’s just useless. In the end, Qian Renxue’s Sacred Escape was shattered first, followed by Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo’s spirit fusion skills, and the two pole static domains were also shattered.


  The domains of Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo were broken, and the power of Tang Hao's last blow also completely exploded.

  A powerful explosion of soul power completely exploded in the entire cave of heaven and earth in the Eye of Binghuo Liangyi, sweeping madly.

   Facing the explosion, Qian Renxue and the others changed their expressions slightly, and could only choose to defend.

   "Soul Bone Soul Skill Invincible Golden Body!"

While meditating to absorb the blue silver emperor's Mobai, he also left a trace of mind to pay attention to the outside world. At this time, he had to forcefully restrain the evolution of the blue silver grass, and used the invincible golden body to resist Tang Hao's final blow .

   One second, two seconds, three seconds.


  Mo Bai's invincible golden body was shattered, but the energy impact of Tang Hao's last blow had not completely dissipated, and Mo Bai's figure was overturned and flew out.

   Fortunately, the remaining energy impact was gone at this time, and Mo Bai just vomited a mouthful of blood from the shock, and it was not a serious problem.

  After glancing at the current situation with his star eyes, Mo Bai quickly sat up cross-legged again to continue the evolution of his martial soul.

  Mo Bai has already seen that Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo, and Qian Renxue are all fine, although they were a little embarrassed by the explosion of Tang Hao's last blow, but it's right that they didn't die.

  Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo were slightly injured, while Qian Renxue's injury was a little more serious, but it was fatal.

   And Tang Hao, who cast the last blow, was also lying there at this time, with only sporadic remnants of soul power left in his body. Obviously, after using the last blow to blast the soul, Tang Hao had already been crippled.


   Tang Hao, lying on the ground, stared at Mo Bai's direction, seeing that Mo Bai was fine, his gums were bleeding from biting.

  The power of the final explosion, he controlled the impact in the direction of Mo Bai, but Mo Bai still blocked it.

  The **** invincible golden body is all that little rabbit that got in the way.

  I knew earlier that the little rabbit who got in the way should have been imprisoned at the beginning, and there would not be so many things later.

  Mo Bai was able to defeat his son in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, and it was entirely due to the ability of that little rabbit, otherwise Mo Bai would not be his son's opponent at all.

   Now, seeing Mo Bai absorbing his wife to evolve his martial soul again, Tang Hao felt even more hatred and indignation.

  Tang San could still suppress him with the Blue Silver Emperor martial spirit? After letting his martial soul evolve, can Tang San continue to suppress him in the future?


  The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and the more he thought about it, the more sad and indignant Tang Hao, coupled with the backlash after the soul blast, directly spurted out a mouthful of blood.


  Tang Hao's gaze was fixed on Mo Bai.

But Mo Bai, who was staring at him firmly, has entered the evolution state of Wuhun at this time, a large amount of blue and silver grass grows all over his body, and then grows extremely fast, and then climbs on Mo Bai's body one by one , wrapped Mobai in a cocoon made of blue silver grass.


  Looking at this familiar scene, Tang Hao's eyes were tearing again.

  Looking at this familiar scene, how could he not know that Mo Bai's martial soul is also evolving towards the Blue Silver Emperor.

   Back then, his son Tang San experienced such a scene under his nose.

   "Tang Hao, you killed my father, today I will avenge my father!"

   At this moment, regardless of her injuries, Qian Renxue staggered to Tang Hao, raised the sharp sword in her hand, and coldly pronounced the verdict on Tang Hao.


"Ha ha ha ha…"

   "I hate... I hate that I didn't kill Chihiro Ji..."

   "Are you his daughter? Ahem...then you have found the wrong target for revenge..."

   "Ahem... I only seriously injured your father back then. That kind of injury would never kill you... Ahem... His death has nothing to do with me..."

   "If I had known today, I should have killed him with my own hands..."

   Tang Hao looked at the sharp sword hanging above his head, without any fear, but full of hatred and regret.

  Qian Renxue listened to Tang Hao's words expressionlessly, and was not moved at all. In her perception, it was Tang Hao who killed her father.

  I still want to deny it now, it's impossible!

"go to hell!"


   Qian Renxue yelled coldly, holding the sharp sword in both hands and stabbing directly into Tang Hao's head.


  The head was pierced by the sharp sword, Tang Hao's energy stagnated suddenly, his pupils expanded, and finally lost all vitality.

  The hot blood slowly flowed out from Tang Hao's pierced jaw, it was so bright red and dazzling.

  Looking at the blood flowing out of Tang Hao, Qian Renxue only felt that her revenge had been avenged, and she felt extremely happy.


   Immediately afterwards, Qian Renxue also slumped on the ground, panting heavily.

  She was seriously injured, and she just managed to come over and kill Tang Hao with her own hands, which aggravated her injury a bit.

   "Your Highness, meditate and recover quickly, I will protect you!"

  Ju Douluo appeared in front of Qian Renxue, and said hastily.

  Qian Renxue didn't reply when she heard the words, and after meditating cross-legged, she began to cultivate and recover.

   While Ju Douluo guarded Qian Renxue, he looked at Tang Hao's body.

  Dead, Tang Hao who once hammered them to death, is dead!

  Ghost Douluo stood guard beside Mo Bai, looking at Mo Bai's situation with envy in his eyes.

   Wuhun evolution, I'm so envious.

   That Tang San became so handsome after his martial soul evolved, where is His Highness Mo Bai?


  (end of this chapter)

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