MTL - I’m In Douluo, I Ate the Blue Silver Emperor-Chapter 167 two consecutive promotions

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  Chapter 167 Upgraded two levels in a row

  Qian Renxue confessed!

  She knew that she liked Mo Bai, so she didn't hold back.

   And she is also very confident, Mo Bai will definitely accept her, otherwise she would not confess so boldly.

  The combination of the two, in her opinion, is undoubtedly a match made in heaven. They are equally talented, and they are both members of the Wuhun Temple. There is no conflict in terms of power.

  The only conflict may be that the relationship between her and Bibi Dong will be relatively rigid, but no matter how rigid it is, it is still a mother-daughter relationship.

  Seeing Qian Renxue, who had a pretty blushing face after confessing to herself, but still looked at her boldly, Mobai's eyes were full of smiles: "Me too!"

   After finishing speaking, Mo Bai directly lowered his head, and quickly and ruthlessly kissed Qian Renxue's lips.


  Qian Renxue obviously didn't expect Mo Bai to have such an action, her head went blank with a bang.

   After regaining consciousness, Qian Renxue realized with a rapid heartbeat that Mo Bai was leading her into a lip-to-tongue contest.

   Qian Renxue was shy at first, but soon immersed in this contest, and began to turn passive into active!

  Mo Bai and Qian Renxue were immersed in the sweetness of their first kiss, but Xiao Wu inside Mo Bai was so sour right now.

   "This **** is actually with this woman!"

   "Damn it!"

   "I don't want to talk to him anymore!"

  Looking at the current appearance of Mo Bai and Qian Renxue, Xiao Wu felt panicked and sore to death.

   "I...why am I suffering so much?"

   Then Xiao Wu suddenly realized that Mo Bai was with Qian Renxue, and she should be more angry, angry that Mo Bai was with her enemy's daughter, instead of feeling so uncomfortable now, as if her heart was broken.


  Whether Xiao Wu is uncomfortable or not, Mo Bai doesn't care about it at all right now, he only knows how to enjoy the moment now.

  If it wasn't for the inappropriate location, Mo Bai even thought of taking down Qian Renxue in one go.

  But the location is not suitable, and Mo Bai has no choice but to taste it lightly, not daring to gnaw too much, afraid that he will light the fire and have nowhere to vent.

  After the first taste, Qian Renxue, who had just left, was somewhat shy and embarrassed to continue to be alone with Mo Bai: "The two elders have gone far, let's quickly follow!"

   "Well, then let's go!"

  Mo Bai smiled when he heard the words, then stepped forward and grabbed Qian Renxue's left hand, interlocking his fingers, and then led Qian Renxue to catch up with the two elders of Porpoise Douluo.

  The starting point is soft and delicate, and feels very good.

  Qian Renxue was held tightly by Mo Bai, her pretty face blushed slightly, but she didn't break free, and just let Mo Bai hold her hand, and followed closely behind Mo Bai.

  Feeling Mobai's warm and powerful palm, Qian Renxue's heart still beats fast, but not so violently, just slightly and quickly, but the bottom of her heart is sweet, Qian Renxue enjoys this feeling very much.

  If possible, she would like to keep walking hand in hand with Mo Bai forever.

   "Congratulations, Young Master, Your Highness Mobai!"

   "It's really a blessing for our Spirit Hall that the two of you can be together!"

   "Your Highness Mobai, if you have won the young master's favor, you must treat her well, otherwise don't blame the old man for making trouble for you!"

  Thunderfish Douluo and Snake Lance Douluo both smiled when they saw Mo Baihe and Qian Renxue coming hand in hand.

   Mo Bai can be with Qian Renxue, and they are also happy to see it.

  One is their young master, the other is the holy son of the Wuhun Temple, both of them are talented like monsters, and they are both the favored sons of heaven.

  The combination of the two is undoubtedly a good thing for Wuhundian.

   "Yes, two elders!"

   Mo Bai smiled and nodded in response.


   It's still the Star Hotel from last time.

  When Mo Bai and the others came out of the Star Dou Forest, it was already evening, so they had to choose to spend the night at the Star Hotel in Xingdou Town.

  Looking at the familiar hotel in front of him, Mo Bai would recall that when he first came here to stay, he came with his teacher Bibi Dong.

   Even met Tang San and Dugu Bo here, thinking about it now, it was a pity that Bibi Dong was not called out to kill these two people.

   But at that time, he hadn't made up his mind to get rid of Tang San.

   "Forget it, the opportunity has already been lost, it's useless to think about it!"

   Mo Bai quickly smiled in his heart, and stopped thinking about it.

  After checking into the hotel, Mo Bai and Qian Renxue naturally lived alone. Although the two had confirmed their relationship, the progress was not so fast.

  After returning to the room, Mo Bai took out the Neidan of the Dark Devilgod Tiger obtained during the day and checked it.

  As soon as the inner alchemy of the Dark Devilgod Tiger appeared, a powerful evil aura permeated the room, even Mo Bai was somewhat affected.

   It wasn't until Mo Bai opened his star eyes that he ignored the influence of the breath on the inner alchemy.

   "It's such a strong evil breath, it affects the mind more than the breath in the killing capital. Ordinary people who carry it on their body may be influenced to become a killing machine!"

  Looking at the inner alchemy in his hand, Mo Bai secretly clicked his tongue.

  Then Mo Bai carefully felt the inside of the inner alchemy with his mental strength.


  As soon as Mo Bai's spiritual power penetrated, a tiger's roar resounded from Mo Bai's consciousness.

  Mo Bai immediately understood that the soul of the Dark Devilgod Tiger is still in the inner alchemy, but its power is not as good as before. At least now the opponent can only hide in the inner alchemy, and cannot escape with the inner alchemy.

  After Mo Bai's mental power withdrew from it, he couldn't help hesitating looking at the inner alchemy in his hand.

  He didn't know whether to eat it, the power of this soul beast was too weird.

   "Eat, why not eat, with star eyes and flawless body, its power has no effect on me!"

   After hesitating for a while, Mo Bai made up his mind.

   It's just an inner alchemy, and it's not like I haven't eaten it.


   Immediately afterwards, Mo Bai threw the inner alchemy of the Dark Devilgod Tiger into his mouth, and swallowed it with a grunt.


  In less than a while, a huge force exploded from Mo Bai's belly, and Mo Bai quickly activated the Shocking Feather Art, and quickly refined it.


  Just when Mo Bai was absorbing the refining, the soul of the Dark Devilgod Tiger roared and broke into Mo Bai's sea of ​​fine consciousness, and then attacked Mo Bai's consciousness.


   Mo Bai's consciousness coldly snorted at the Dark Demon God Tiger, and gathered countless blue and silver sword leaves around his body, attacking the Dark Demon God Tiger's soul.

  Outside, Mo Bai might be afraid of this Dark Devilgod Tiger and lose to the opponent.

   But in his sea of ​​consciousness, that is his home field.

   "Scatter it, Blue Silver Emperor!"

  Mobai even directly imitated the appearance of Qianben Sakura, summoning countless blue and silver emperors in the sea of ​​consciousness, and then scattered them one by one, turning into countless blue and silver sword leaves.

  The number is densely packed, billions of them, covering the entire sea of ​​consciousness.

  In the outside world, Mo Bai would definitely not be able to summon so many blue and silver sword leaves in a short period of time, and it could only be done in this sea of ​​consciousness.


  Seeing Mo Bai's attack, the Dark Devilgod Tiger's soul roared, its eyes filled with horror.

  It obviously didn't expect that Mo Bai would become so strong in the sea of ​​consciousness.

   "Sword Burial!"

  Looking at the soul of the frightened Dark Devilgod Tiger, Mo Bai sneered coldly, and then manipulated countless blue and silver swords, and buried them towards the Dark Devilgod Tiger's soul.


  The soul of the Dark Devilgod Tiger roared loudly, wanting to resist.

  But in Mo Bai's sea of ​​consciousness, everything is futile.

  The soul of the dark devil tiger, which was buried by Mo Bai's countless blue and silver sword leaves, was soon completely killed by Mo Bai, turning into countless soul fragments and dissipating in Mo Bai's sea of ​​consciousness.

  After those soul fragments were integrated into Mo Bai's sea of ​​consciousness, Mo Bai was pleasantly surprised to find that his soul had grown a lot.

   Moreover, he also obtained the memory of the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

  After browsing the memory of the Dark Devilgod Tiger, Mo Bai finally knew the origin of this monster.

   Knowing more about the various attributes and abilities of the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

  The former Dark Devilgod Tiger was a bright and clear tiger, and it became the present Dark Devilgod Tiger only after accidentally obtaining the power left by the devil.

  It has a total of six attributes of darkness, evil, wind, lightning, time and space, which is quite amazing.

  Especially the ability of time and space, it's like cheating, it's too abnormal.

  Mo Bai also understood that this Dark Devilgod Tiger's soul power cultivation cannot grow with age, and can only be improved by devouring it.

   Moreover, it must devour a stronger soul beast in order to be promoted.

It has been upgraded to 60,000-year-old soul power, and it has eaten countless soul beasts over the years. In its memory, Mo Bai also saw it fight two hundred-thousand-year-old soul beasts many times. Can kill the opponent, but was repelled and had to escape.

   "Those two soul beasts should be Xiao Wu's two younger brothers, the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape."

"This Dark Devilgod Tiger is also fierce. It can fight against two top-level hundred thousand year spirit beasts. It seems that this time it is in our hands because of luck. The real strength, Qian Renxue and I and two The elders combined may not be its opponent!"

   "It just happened to be restrained by Qian Renxue's strength, and it was poisoned by the Death Spider Emperor, otherwise the result would be hard to say!"

  Thinking of this, Mo Bai sighed once again how powerful this Dark Demon Tiger is.

  But now, the opponent's power is his own.

   "The power of the evil god, after devouring its inner alchemy, I should be able to obtain the inheritance of the evil **** from it, right?!"

  At this moment, Mo Bai was extremely looking forward to it.

  Afterwards, Mo Bai concentrated on refining and absorbing the inner alchemy of the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

  Mo Bai's soul power is also constantly improving.

  After the inner alchemy of the Dark Devilgod Tiger was completely absorbed and refined by Mo Bai, Mo Bai's soul power level was also raised by two levels again, from level 67 to level 69.

   "Darkness, evil, wind, lightning, time and space!"

   "Sure enough, after absorbing the inner alchemy of the Dark Devilgod Tiger, I also obtained the inheritance of the Devilgod, and obtained these attribute abilities!"

   "It's a pity that I only obtained the power of these attributes now, but I didn't inherit the corresponding soul skills. Everything needs to be developed by myself!"

   "But it doesn't matter, if you develop it yourself, you can develop it yourself!"

   Mobai opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of surprise.

  At this moment, Mo Bai thought that he had obtained the inheritance of the evil god, but he was right, the power of the evil **** to master six attributes at the same time was indeed inherited by him.

   But this is just power. In the world of Douluo Continent, only the inheritance of the **** position can be considered a real inheritance.

  That's all, Mo Bai doesn't know yet.

   "Blue silver has a soul, endless life!"

   Immediately afterwards, Mo Bai summoned his own Blue Silver Emperor.

  As Mo Bai's ethereal voice fell, the Blue Silver Emperor slowly appeared in Mo Bai's palm.

  After absorbing the inner alchemy of the Dark Devilgod Tiger and inheriting the power of the Devilgod, Mo Bai's martial spirit changed again.

  The first thing that bears the brunt is the color change. The semi-metallic blue silver grass is shining with dark red light all over, and the original golden lines on the leaves have also turned golden red.


   Around the Blue Silver Emperor, traces of black lightning flickered from time to time.

   Overall, it looked sharper and sharper, with an evil aura.


   Seeing this, Mo Bai immediately gave a big praise.

  It may be because he was a killer in his previous life, so Mo Bai prefers a darker color, and the current color of the Blue Silver Emperor is more in line with his wishes.

   Immediately, Mo Bai remembered something, and immediately came to the mirror in the room.

  Mo Bai was thinking, the color of the Blue Silver Emperor has changed, so what about his hair color?

   Is it another change?

  The fact is the same as what Mo Bai guessed, I saw Mo Bai in the mirror, his appearance has not changed, only the short hair that turned blue due to the awakening of the Blue Silver Emperor has turned black again.

   Originally blue hair, giving the impression of being a bit more feminine, has completely changed now.

  The black hair makes Mobai's temperament look more fierce, and the whole person looks like a cold sword, showing his sharpness.

  The face value is even higher!


   "As expected, black hair is more pleasing to the eye!"

   Mo Bai looked at the color of his hair in the mirror, and suddenly laughed.

  Compared to blue hair color, he still prefers black.

   It's just that the change brought about by Wuhun's evolution into the Blue Silver Emperor, he can't change it, he can only accept it.

   Now, it has finally changed back.

   "Wait, my martial soul shouldn't have degenerated, right?"

  Remembering something, Mo Bai's expression changed, and he immediately checked his current martial soul.

   "Huh—fortunately, it hasn't degenerated, it's still the Blue Silver Emperor, and even stronger than the original Blue Silver Emperor!"

   "My current martial spirit should be called the Dark Blue Silver Emperor!"

  After checking clearly, Mo Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

   It’s good that the Blue Silver Emperor hasn’t degenerated. If it really degenerates, Mo Bai will really want to cry without tears.

   tuk tuk tuk —

   And just as Mo Bai breathed a sigh of relief, there was a sudden knock on the door of the room.

   "Qian Renxue?"

   Mo Bai's starry eyes flashed, even if he couldn't see the other party's appearance clearly, Mo Bai knew that it was Qian Renxue who was coming because of his familiarity with Qian Renxue.

   It's just that it's already midnight, how could Qian Renxue knock on the door?

   Could it be?

  Thinking of some possible black ink, my heart suddenly became hot.


  (end of this chapter)

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