MTL - I’m In Douluo, I Ate the Blue Silver Emperor-Chapter 170 Chamber of Secrets Victim Mobai

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  Chapter 170 The Victim of the Chamber of Secrets, Mo Bai

  ps: It seems that the previous article mistakenly wrote Titan Giant Ape as Forest Titan, and it cannot be changed after timeout. Everyone knows that I made a mistake, as long as it is!


  Since Mo Bai and Qian Renxue achieved something good, Xiao Wu once again ignored Mo Bai.

  At the same time, she also found that she might have fallen in love with Mobai.

   And it was precisely because of this that she didn't want to talk to Mo Bai even more.

  But now Xiao Wu finds out that it can't be done. At this time, she can't keep silent anymore, she must help Mo Bai escape from Bibi Dong's clutches.

  One Qian Renxue already made her feel so uncomfortable, and another Bibi Dong, who was also her mother-killing enemy, made it even more difficult for Xiao Wu to accept.

   And if it can destroy Bibi Dong's **** inheritance, she will definitely do it.


   "Fifth Soul Skill: Explosive Killing Eight-Dan Fall!"

  So after Xiao Wu finished speaking, without waiting for Mo Bai to act, she herself appeared from Mo Bai's side, and took the initiative to release Mo Bai's fifth soul skill, blasting the eight-stage fall!

  After Xiao Wu's soul body materialized, her figure flickered again and again, and directly attacked Bibi Dong.


   Seeing Xiao Wu attacking on his own initiative, wanting to create a chance for himself to escape, Mo Bai was a little speechless.

  He actually wanted to say that he didn't want to escape!

  He even wanted to say, let the storm come more violently!

   "Want to leave? It's late!"

   "If you come in here, don't even think about leaving!"

  Seeing Xiao Wu's attack, Bibi Dong mistook it for Mo Bai trying to escape, and immediately sneered.

  Since she has brought Mo Bai in today, she intends to complete the eighth test of Rakshasa God.


   Bibi Dong didn't see her summoning a martial spirit either, Bibi Dong just waved the gem-encrusted scepter in her hand, and blocked Xiao Wu's attack.

  While blocking Xiao Wu's attack, Bibi Dong also saw the hatred in Xiao Wu's eyes.

   "Do you still have your own consciousness?" Seeing this, Bibi Dong sneered softly, and then Bibi Dong summoned her second martial spirit, the Soul-eating Spider Emperor.

   "I used this trick to kill your mother at the beginning, let you experience it now!"

   "Sixth Soul Skill Eternal Creation!"

  The scepter in Bibi Dong's hand resisted Xiao Wu's attack, and the two sickle-like spider legs condensed after the martial spirit possessed her body behind her crossed and attacked Xiao Wu.

   The speed is extremely fast!

  Bibi Dong's soul-calling skill is her strongest single-target attack soul skill, and the invincible golden body can't defend against it. Xiao Wu's mother died tragically under this move in the state of the invincible golden body.


Seeing that Bibi Dong's Eternal Creation was about to hit Xiao Wu, the seventh hundred-thousand-year soul ring among the seven soul rings that appeared in Bibi Dong suddenly trembled, and a woman's figure appeared in a trance, disturbing Bibi Dong. attack.


  Xiao Wu looked at the figure of the woman emerging from the 100,000-year soul ring, her eyes trembled, and she recognized that figure was her mother!

   "Xiao Wu, let's go!"

  That figure, looking at Xiao Wu, also had trembling eyes.

  Both are in soul state, but compared to Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu's mother's soul state is not complete, it seems to be just a remnant soul.

   "So even you still have soul consciousness, hum!"

   Seeing this, Bibi Dong snorted angrily.

   Immediately afterwards, Bibi Dong put away her second martial spirit, and took Xiaowu's mother's remnant soul back into that spirit ring by the way.

  Xiao Wu's mother was just a remnant soul, unable to resist at all, the remnant soul was directly suppressed!

  Then the martial soul on Bibi Dong was directly transformed into her first martial soul, the Death Spider Emperor.


  Xiao Wu saw her mother's soul being suppressed back, and immediately screamed.

   After finally seeing my mother again, she hasn't had time to look more!


  Xiao Wu who was excited was immediately caught by Bibi Dong, and the eight spider legs of the Death Spider Emperor pierced Xiao Wu's body, smashing Xiao Wu's soul materialized.

  Xiao Wu's soul was also forced to return to Mo Bai's body.

   "Myriad Leaves Flying Flower Flow!"

   While Xiao Wu was defeated, Mo Bai also reacted at this time, summoning countless blue and silver sword leaves to gather around his body to protect himself.

  Actually, Mo Bai didn't want to resist from the bottom of his heart.

  But watching Bibi Dong and Xiao Wu fight just now, Mo Bai suddenly felt, what if he didn't resist at all? Doesn't it meet Bibi Dong's requirements for the divine test?

   Then will she continue?

  Bibidong wanted to complete the content of the divine test, even if he didn't use this method, Mo Bai would be willing to help, let alone using this method that surprised him.

  So Mo Bai was thinking about what he should do to better help the teacher complete her divine test.

  As a result, Mo Bai felt that it was necessary for him to cooperate with Bibi Dong, so that she could restore as much as possible the nightmare she experienced back then, and this would also help Bibi Dong break her demons.

  So, Mo Bai 'resisted'.

As for what happened between himself and Qian Renxue, Mo Bai felt that there was no need to tell Bibi Dong at this time, and Bibi Dong probably wouldn't give up the divine test just because of a daughter she didn't like or even want to admit its existence. It is better not to say.

   Well, in the final analysis, Mo Bai is still greedy.

  He admitted that after he knew the content of Bibi Dong's divine test, he didn't want Bibi Dong to give up the divine test.

  Maybe a long time ago, Mo Bai had a different idea about his beautiful teacher, but the other party was his teacher and powerful, so Mo Bai didn't dare to have that idea.

   Now that he has the opportunity to fulfill his long-cherished wish, it is impossible for Mo Bai to destroy it!

Seeing Mo Bai's actions, Bibi Dong smiled lightly, waved the scepter in her hand, and immediately burst out countless spider leg spikes from the spider legs of the eight death spider emperors behind her, condensing in the air one by one, and Mo Bai Bai's countless blue and silver sword leaves confronted each other.

   "Mobai, do you think you are the teacher's opponent?"

  Bibi Dong looked at Mo Bai who was trying to resist, and smiled with a trace of disdain.

  She admits that Mo Bai is a genius, like a monster, but that's just a genius who hasn't really grown up yet, so you want to fight her now? Just dreaming.

   "Teacher, I can't offend you, please calm down and let the disciples go!"

  Mo Bai stepped back slowly, directly to the closed stone gate, and begged Bibi Dong with a 'sincere' expression.

   "Want to go? Dream!"

   "Today I must complete the eighth test of Rakshasa God!"

  Hearing Mo Bai's words, Bibi Dong snorted coldly, and rejected Mo Bai's plea without hesitation.

  Seeing Mo Bai's fear of being hurt like a little white rabbit, Bibi Dong couldn't help but think of her past self. She was like this at the beginning, and then she was given by that scumbag Qian Xun Ji without any resistance...

   Now, it's my turn.

  Thinking that she would do the same thing as Chihiro Ji back then, Bibi Dong was also a little dazed, never expecting that she would make such a choice.

  But I am different from that scumbag Chihiro Ji, I am doing it for the divine test, and for the excellent disciples I have trained so that they will not be snatched away by others.

  Wait... It seems that Chihiro Ji also wanted to keep me in Wuhundian?

   Bibi Dong, who suddenly figured this out, trembled all over. At this moment, she suddenly understood Qian Xunji's choice back then.

  Suddenly understood, why did Chihiro Ji treat her like that back then!

  Everything seems to be her own fault. Not only did she fall in love with a man she shouldn't have fallen in love with, but she also wanted to leave Wuhundian.

   "'s not like that, everything is that person's fault!"

  But that kind of thought just flashed through her mind for a moment, and she directly denied it, refusing to admit that possibility.


   Facing Bibi Dong's sudden nervous scream, Mo Bai was a little confused.

  But Bibi Dong's resolute attitude made him heave a sigh of relief, and he was really worried that Bibi Dong would really let him go.

   Then he should cry!

   Within a few seconds, Mo Bai's expression quickly changed: "This is... Teacher, you actually poisoned me here..."

  It turned out that at this time, Mo Bai realized that something was wrong with his body, and his whole body became inexplicably hot.

  After carefully looking at the secret room with his star eyes, Mo Bai discovered that the whole secret room was filled with a red gas, but because the secret room was dark, he didn't notice it before.

  In an instant, Mo Bai understood Bibi Dong's operation.

  It turned out that Bibi Dong had already poisoned her since she came in!

  And this kind of poison is also an aphrodisiac poison that his flawless body cannot be immune to.

   "That's right, there is no antidote to this poison, the only antidote is us..."

  Seeing Mo Bai's expression, Bibi Dong suddenly laughed, but she didn't say anything later.

  While talking, Bibi Dong found that her condition had also become worse, and her whole body was hot.

   Bibi Dong's gaze towards Mo Bai also became hot.

  Since Bibi Dong has decided to do it, she naturally has to make sure that nothing will go wrong. She has prepared this kind of poison a few years ago, just for today, so that Mo Bai cannot escape.

It's just that she hadn't made up her mind to do this to Mo Bai before. It was the news that Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong had a child, plus the matter between Mo Bai and Qian Renxue, that made her completely determined. .

  However, even if she has made up her mind, there are some things she can't do. Some things can be forced by a man but difficult by a woman. Therefore, poisoning in the secret room is also to make Mo Bai lose the ability to resist and become able to actively cooperate with her behavior.

   "This woman is simply too despicable!"

   "Mobai, hurry up, you can find Qian Renxue to cure this poison, and let this woman die!"

  Xiao Wu, who was on Mo Bai's body, once again yelled at Bibi Dong, and eagerly urged Mo Bai to run away.

   "Teacher, you are too despicable..."

  Mo Bai still didn't listen to Xiao Wu and ran away quickly, but he echoed Xiao Wu's words, and with a flushed face, he struggled and criticized Bibi Dong.

  Escape? That is impossible!

  It is impossible for him to sit idly by and ignore Bibi Dong.

  He can find Qian Renxue to detoxify, so what about Bibi Dong?

   " hot..."

   After Mo Bai finished speaking, he seemed unable to bear the influence of the toxin on his body, and began to pick at his clothes, and looked at Bibi Dong, becoming aggressive.

  At this moment, Mo Bai, under the influence of the toxin, completely no longer concealed his desire for Bibi Dong.

  Ding Ding Ding—

   Those countless blue and silver sword leaves that were summoned by Mo Bai and condensed in the air also lost control and fell to the ground one by one, making countless jingling sounds.

   Immediately afterwards, Mo Bai walked towards Bibi Dong while pulling his clothes.

   Let Xiao Wu call Mo Bai in his heart, but it will not help.

   "Don't blame the teacher, the teacher must complete the **** test and get the inheritance of the Raksha god!"

   Seeing that Mo Bai had started to lose control and walked towards him, Bibi Dong smiled triumphantly.

  At this moment, she didn't feel that she was about to be offended, she just felt that she was controlling Mo Bai.

   "Come on, my good apprentice, help the teacher complete the divine test!"

   Bibi Dong, who was also somewhat affected, looked at Mo Baimei who came over and extended the invitation with a smile.


  Mo Bai didn't say anything else, he just pretended to be completely out of control and threw himself at Bibi Dong.


  In the Tang Sect, Yu Xiaogang, who is instructing the disciples of the four divisions of the Tang Sect, has no idea that a woman who loves him to the core chooses to get to know Mo Bai because of the divine test.

  Yu Xiaogang was training the four disciples, while looking in the direction of Sea God Island, he was worried about Tang San, and didn't know what happened to his disciple who he regarded as his own son.

   Have you arrived at Sea God Island yet?

  Have you obtained the assessment of Sea God Island?

   Can you pass the assessment in the end?


   "Have you finally finished the eighth test? Not bad!"

   "I hope that after this time, you can really achieve the perfect state of mind, and truly control the power that belongs to the Rakshasa God!"

  In the God Realm, Rakshasa suddenly laughed when he sensed that his inheritance tester had completed the eighth test.

   Bibi Dong hadn't seen any action for a few years, and she hadn't finished the divine examination. She thought Bibi Dong had given up!

   In that case, she will have to look for candidates for the inheritor again.

   Fortunately, it seems that Bibi Dong, a good enough inheritor, has not given up.

   "God Shura, you didn't expect that, did you? I snatched such an excellent inheritor!"

   "Although I am not your opponent, my inheritors will definitely be better than yours!"

  Then, God Rakshasa looked in the direction of Shura Temple and laughed softly.


  When Mo Bai opened his eyes, he felt a little weak all over.

"What's wrong with me?"

   Mo Bai was a little dazed at first, but after carefully seeing the environment in front of him, Mo Bai recalled everything.

   "I...I give the teacher to..."

  Suddenly, Mo Bai's heart was shocked, he couldn't believe it, and he suspected that he was dreaming.

  But recalling everything before, as well as the fatigue in his body and the surrounding environment, Mo Bai knew that he was not dreaming, but all that happened in reality.

  That was really, something like a dream that he had never dared to think about.

   "Before, I should have been affected by the poison given by the teacher. Otherwise, even if I really have thoughts about the teacher, after having Qian Renxue, I should restrain myself!"

   "Now it's hard!"

  After fully waking up, Mo Bai suddenly became distressed.

   Happy distress!

  Mo Bai doesn't regret what happened, but he just feels that it's not easy to clean up later.

   Fortunately, Bibi Dong woke up before him, and left here one step ahead.

   "I really didn't expect that the content of the teacher's divine test would be like this. In the future, what should I do when I am between the teacher and Qian Renxue?"

   Mo Bai felt a headache.

   "Hmph, you deserve it, I told you to run away from the beginning, and who told you not to run away!"

  Hearing Mo Bai's inner voice, Xiao Wu immediately snorted in Mo Bai's heart, swearing that he deserved it.

   "However... Thanks to you for not running away..."

  But immediately after, Xiao Wu said something that made Mo Bai puzzled.

   "Did something happen?" Mo Bai asked immediately after hearing this.

   "Well, Mo Bai, my mother is here, and my mother's soul has escaped!"

   "My mother's soul, while you were with that hateful woman... at that time, escaped from that woman's soul ring, and now it is in your fifth soul ring like me!"

   "It's just that although my mother escaped, the state of her soul was very bad, and she fell into a deep sleep directly, and she didn't know when she would wake up!"

  Hearing Mo Bai's question, Xiao Wu immediately told the story excitedly, and when she finally talked about her mother's soul state, she was full of worries.

  However, generally speaking, Xiao Wu's tone was full of excitement.

  Her mother's soul could escape from Bibi Dong and escape into her soul ring, which was beyond her expectation.

   "What? Your mother's soul also entered me?"

  Hearing Xiao Wu's words, Mo Bai was stunned for a while.

   Immediately, Mo Bai was immersed in his fifth soul ring.

   Inside, Mo Bai really saw another figure besides Xiao Wu.

It was the figure of the woman who briefly appeared from the seventh spirit ring of Bibi Dong's second Wuhun Hall before, but the other party at this time was just like Xiao Wu said, in a bad state, with the state of the soul appearing and disappearing from time to time, Has been in a deep sleep.


  Seeing that Xiao Wu's mother really entered him, Mo Bai was quite speechless.

   Originally, he was not very happy to have Xiao Wu, but he didn't expect to have another one.

   And it came in without his knowledge.

  Well, I remembered, there seemed to be such a moment, it seemed to be a certain moment of myself, but I didn't take it seriously at all, and my mind was completely on Bibi Dong.

   "It should be your mother, who is of the same origin as you, so she can enter this soul ring!"

   Mo Bai guessed immediately.

  Although it's a guess, Mo Bai thinks it's pretty much the same!

   "Well, it should be like this!"

   "That...Mobai, I...can I ask you one more thing?"

  Xiao Wu nodded in approval, and then asked Mo Bai eagerly.

   "You want me to resurrect you and your mother at the same time after I become a god, right?"

   Even without Xiao Wu opening her mouth, Mo Bai knew what Xiao Wu's request was.

   "Well, can I?"

  Xiao Wu nodded quickly when she heard the words, then gritted her teeth and said, "If it doesn't work, then I won't be resurrected, just help my mother to resurrect!"


   "Don't worry, as long as I can do it, I can help your mother resurrect together!" Hearing Xiao Wu's words, Mo Bai couldn't help being moved.

  This girl, although in the form of a soul beast, is really the same as a human being.

   "However, I promise, and you have to promise me one condition!" But Mo Bai thought of something, and immediately put forward another condition.

   "What is the condition? You say I agree!"

  Hearing that Mo Bai agreed, Xiao Wu was immediately overjoyed, and no matter what Mo Bai asked, he agreed directly.

   "It's about the teacher, Bibi Dong is now my woman, so I hope that after I resurrect you, you don't want to seek revenge on her."

   Mo Bai said.

  In the past, he didn't know how to resolve the conflict between Xiao Wu and Bibi Dong, but now, Mo Bai found that the conditions were met.


  Hearing Mo Bai's words, Xiao Wu, who was still in high spirits, suddenly flattened her mouth.

   Not only because of Mo Bai's request, but also because of what Mo Bai said, admitting that Bibi Dong is also his woman.

  How can Xiao Wu, who also likes Mobai, be happy?

   Seeing Mo Bai being bullied by Bibi Dong, it's fine if he can't save Mo Bai, but now even Mo Bai's heart will be captured by that hateful woman?

   Really maddening!

   "I see, if you can really resurrect me and my mother, I won't bother that woman again!"

  Xiao Wu immediately snorted coldly, and replied very unhappily.

   "That's good, we've agreed on that!"

  When Mo Bai heard this, he immediately laughed.

  As for what Xiao Wu said about not making trouble for Bibi Dong, in Mo Bai's eyes, it was actually a joke.

   I'm really going, I don't know who the one who was hanged and beaten is!


   And at this moment, there was a sound from the stone door of the secret room, and Mo Bai's mind quickly withdrew from his fifth soul ring.

   Lifting his head, Mo Bai saw Bibi Dong walking in.

  At this time, Bibi Dong didn't seem to have changed much from usual, but she felt more beautiful and brighter.

  Mo Bai knew that this was due to him.


  Mo Bai quickly stood up.

   "Put your clothes on first!"

  Bibidong was satisfied when she saw that Mo Bai still respected her, but after seeing Mo Bai's appearance at this moment, her pretty face blushed slightly, but she pretended to be calm and reprimanded Mo Bai.

   "Ah, yes, teacher!"

  Mo Bai was shocked when he heard the words, only to realize that he had been busy talking to Xiao Wu since he woke up, and he hadn't even put on his clothes yet.

  At that moment, Mo Bai quickly picked up his clothes from the ground and put them on.

   And Bibi Dong was watching there, as if to show her fearlessness, so she didn't look away.


  After putting on his clothes, Mo Bai greeted Bibi Dong again.

  To be honest, at this moment, Mo Bai really doesn't know how to face Bibi Dong, how to get along with her.

  He is willing to directly treat Bibi Dong as his woman, but looking at Bibi Dong's appearance, it seems that he is unwilling.

  Mo Bai didn't dare to unilaterally think that the two were in a relationship between a man and a woman.

  At this time, Bibi Dong looked at Mo Bai with a somewhat complicated expression!


   Thanks to the two book friends of [Lonely Soul] and [Xiaoxiu Ye] for their rewards!



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion