MTL - I’m In Douluo, I Ate the Blue Silver Emperor-Chapter 192 Poseidon Island

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  Chapter 192 Learning about Sea God Island


  Qian Renxue continued to complete her Angel God Nine Trials.

  Mo Bai also heaved a sigh of relief, not having to face some problems for the time being.

  But Mo Bai also knows that Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue will have to face it sooner or later.

  He just wished that moment later, later.

  At the very least, we have to wait until we have enough self-protection ability.

  Otherwise, Mo Bai is really afraid that Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue will give him a hatchet together.

  To be honest, his behavior was indeed a bit excessive.

  Although he might not be able to change Bibi Dong's determination even if he confessed it when he was in the secret room, but he shamefully concealed it.

  So Mo Bai's heart is a little empty.

  Especially the two women Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong, both of whom have passed the divine test.

  As long as they complete the divine test, they will all be god-level powerhouses beyond Title Douluo.

  So the pressure on Mobai is very great.

  Two women, Quan Temo is about to become a god.

   And what about him? Although his combat power is already enough to leapfrog to kill Title Douluo, his soul power level is really only level 71.

   "Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong both have their chances to become gods, what about mine?"

   "Can I find the way to become a god?"

  Mo Bai has been thinking about such a question recently.

  So after another two months, after Bibi Dong had preliminarily controlled the current management team and fully controlled his own power, Mo Bai was ready to leave.

  He knows that if he stays here, he will never find his chance.

  So he needs to go out, go out to find his chance to become a god.

  Although it is very comfortable to continue to stay in the palace, getting up from the dragon bed every day is very fulfilling.

  However, it is precisely because he wants to always have the current empress Bibi Dong so much that Mo Bai needs to become stronger.

   "Are you going out to practice?"

  After hearing that Mo Bai was going to go out to practice, Bibi Dong's expression suddenly turned cold: "Why?"

   Bibi Dong was really angry, didn't she know that she would give birth in about half a year?

  In the past two or three months, she got used to being accompanied by Mo Bai every night, and for a while Bibi Dong felt a little hard to accept Mo Bai's departure.

   "Teacher, I will definitely come back before the baby comes out!"

  Mo Bai looked at Bibi Dong and assured him.

  Up to now, Mo Bai and Bibi Dong are still called teachers.

  Mo Bai didn't want to change her words, and Bibi Dong didn't know what to call her after changing her words, so she simply didn't change her words, and she got used to it anyway.

   "Tell me, why do you want to go out to practice?"

   Bibidong looked at Mo Bai carefully, as if if Mo Bai couldn't give a reasonable reason, she would want Mo Bai to look good.

  Mo Bai didn't need to hide anything, he immediately told Bibi Dong what he thought. "Teacher, I want to become stronger, and I also want to find my chance to become a god, so that I can be worthy of the teacher!"

   There is also Qian Renxue.

  Of course, Mo Bai dared not say the latter sentence in front of Bibi Dong.


  Hearing Mo Bai's words, Bibi Dong's eyes softened, she opened her mouth, and finally looked at Mo Bai and said softly: "There's no need to be so anxious, is there?"

   "No, I want to catch up with the teacher as fast as possible!"

  Mo Bai looked at Bibi Dong and shook his head resolutely.

   That's right, if he only had Bibi Dong as a woman, he wouldn't bother to work hard, just lie down and eat soft food.

  The problem is that he doesn't only have Bibidong as a woman, he also has Qian Renxue who doesn't get along with Bibidong.

  Both of them have passed the test of gods. They don't know when they will become gods.

  He doesn't have so much time to waste.

   "Okay, then I allow you to go out and practice!"

   "But before the child comes out, he must come back!"

  Seeing Mo Bai's persistent eyes, Bibi Dong stopped persuading him, but only warned Mo Bai to come back before the child was born.

   "Of course, I will definitely come back!"

   Mo Bai promised.


   "Sea God Island!"

  After leaving Wuhun City, Mo Bai glanced in the direction of Sea God Island.

  After knowing that Mo Bai also has the ambition to become a god, Bibi Dong told a lot about becoming a god.

   First of all, on the Douluo Continent, it has been a long, long time since no one has been able to become a **** on his own, breaking through level 100 to become a **** by himself.

   All recorded gods, after obtaining the inheritance of the gods and completing the assessment of the gods, they broke through the hundredth level and became a god-level soul master.

   Bibi Dong also told Mo Bai that there is a legend about Sea God’s inheritance on Sea God Island, but no one has obtained it yet.

   This is also the only place she knows that apart from her Rakshasa **** and the angel **** of the angel family, there may be a god's inheritance.

  It's just that after Bibidong told Mo Bai of the existence of Sea God Island, he didn't allow Mo Bai to go.

  At first Mo Bai didn't understand, but after hearing Bibi Dong tell about the situation of Sea God Island, Mo Bai knew why Bibi Dong didn't allow him to go.

  It was because he was afraid that Mo Bai would not come back, and he would not be able to come back when she gave birth.

  Because according to the records obtained by the Hall of Spirits, people who have gone to Sea God Island, as long as they have passed the Sea God Island assessment, cannot leave Sea God Island.

  The information was obtained from the soul masters who were kicked out of Sea God Island.

  The soul masters from the mainland went to Sea God Island, and those who failed the assessment proved to be rubbish, but basically they could leave Sea God Island safely.

   On the contrary, those who have passed the assessment of Sea God Island, none of them have ever left Sea God Island.

  With Mo Bai's talent, Bibidong believed that Mo Bai would definitely pass the Sea God Island's examination, even the divine examination.

  So Mo Bai is not allowed to go to Sea God Island before the child in her womb is born.

  After knowing the situation, Mo Bai naturally agreed.

  So just glanced at the direction of Sea God Island, Mo Bai withdrew his gaze.

  His child is born, he will definitely come back.

  So, since going to Sea God Island basically means that you will never come back, Mo Bai will not go to Sea God Island for the time being.

   "Then before the teacher gives birth, while looking for other places where there may be a god's inheritance, increase the lifespan of all the soul rings to 100,000 years!"

   "First increase the age of the soul ring and the level of soul power, it will never go wrong!"

  Mo Bai smiled, and had a clear goal for this training.

  As the age of the soul ring on his body increases, his soul power level will also increase accordingly.

  Seven soul rings, one of which is a 100,000-year soul ring that cannot be upgraded.

  The other six soul rings, five with a quality of 30,000 years, and one with a quality of 50,000 years.

  If all of them are upgraded to 100,000 years, what they bring to Mo Bai is the soul ring energy of 400,000 years.

  The energy is definitely enough for him to upgrade many levels.

  Even half of it is enough for him to reach level 80.


  (end of this chapter)

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