MTL - I’m In Douluo, I Ate the Blue Silver Emperor-Chapter 199 Tang San's eyes are red

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  Chapter 199 Tang San's eyes are red

  After arriving on Sea God Island, the scenery on Sea God Island also opened Mo Bai's eyes.

   I saw that many sea creatures or sea soul beasts that originally needed to survive in the sea lived peacefully and leisurely in the sky of Sea God Island.

  It seems that the air here has become sea water.

  All kinds of marine life live comfortably above people's heads.

   "Such means...Title Douluo absolutely cannot do it!"

   "The news of the inheritance of the gods here is probably unmistakable!"

  Just seeing the scenery of Sea God Island, Mo Bai made his own judgment on the existence of the inheritance of the gods.

  This also made Mo Bai very excited.

   Finally, I lived up to my search.

  On Sea God Island, apart from this incomparably miraculous scene, Mo Bai also saw seven huge stone pillars erected in seven locations on Sea God Island.

   "Is that where the Seven Sacred Pillars are?"

   Mo Bai's heart moved slightly, and then he rushed to the nearest sacred pillar.

  If the information is correct, those who want to obtain the test of Sea God Island must obtain it through the Holy Pillar.

  After coming to the nearest holy pillar, Mo Bai discovered that there was a female Titled Douluo guarding under the holy pillar.

  But Mo Bai just took a look, he didn't have any idea, speaking of Yu Jie, who else can look better than Bibi Dong?


  Mo Bai landed outside the holy pillar.

   "Are you a soul master from the mainland?"

  Sea Witch Douluo opened his eyes, and after seeing Mo Bai, he asked lightly.

   "That's right, I heard that there is a god's inheritance on Sea God Island, and I came here for that god's inheritance!"

  Mo Bai looked at the other party and nodded, directly explaining his purpose of coming.

  Because how to get the test seems to be to pass these guardians of the holy pillar, so there should be no need to hide it.

   "For the inheritance of Lord Seagod..." Hearing Mo Bai's words, Sea Witch Douluo couldn't help but look at Mo Bai in surprise. He didn't expect someone to be so confident and come directly from Lord Seagod's inheritance.

   "If you want to get the test of Sea God Island, you must pass the sea in front of you first!"

   Immediately, Sea Witch Douluo said nothing to Mo Bai.

  It's useless to say how powerful you are, as a foreign soul master, you must first prove that you have the ability to climb the pillar.

   Otherwise, foreign soul masters would not be able to accept the test of Sea God Island.

   "Is this a sea?"

  Mo Bai looked at the ring-shaped sea like a moat in front of him, and was a little speechless.

  But Mo Bai didn't say anything, and with a flash of his figure, he rushed directly to the opposite side.


  Seeing that Mo Bai moved, Sea Witch Douluo also moved, a powerful soul pressure erupted from his body, and moved towards Mo Bai in awe, preventing Mo Bai from passing.

  Mobai instantly felt as if a Mount Tai was suppressing him, it was extremely terrifying.

   This Sea Witch Douluo is very strong.

   "The mere soul pressure wants to stop me, dreaming!"

  But Mo Bai just sneered at this, and the soul pressure on his body suddenly broke out.


  When Mo Bai's soul pressure with Longwei appeared, the whole Sea God Island trembled.



  Under the pressure of Mo Bai's soul, the sea creatures above the entire Sea God Island were startled one by one, and they were all a little frightened.

  But all soul beasts were frightened by Mo Bai's soul pressure.

"what happened?"

   "This soul pressure? It's the Sea Witch's side..."

   "This soul pressure is strange, and it contains a strange shock. It actually shocked all the creatures on the island!"

   "The sea witch, what kind of guy is here?"


  In an instant, countless strong men on Sea God Island were shocked by Mo Bai's release of their soul pressure.

  In the Sea God Temple, Sea God Douluo Bo Saixi, the High Priest of Sea God Island, also gently opened his eyes, and looked in surprise at the direction of the holy pillar where Sea Witch Douluo was.

   With a slight wave of his hand, Bo Saixi saw Mo Bai's figure in a mirror.

   "So young..."

  After seeing Mo Bai's age, Bo Saixi was even more surprised.

  It is inconceivable that such a young soul master possesses such a powerful soul pressure.

   "And the soul ring configuration of this body, how did he do it?"

  And the incomparably dazzling soul ring configuration on Mo Bai's body almost made Bo Saixi blind, and looked at the seven soul rings on Mo Bai's body without confidence.

  Black black black black red red red!

   So scary!



  As for Mo Bai, after the soul pressure on his body erupted, Sea Witch Douluo's soul pressure completely lost its deterrent effect on him, and Mo Bai's figure flashed and appeared directly on the pillar platform.

"you you…"

  Sea Witch Douluo looked at Mo Bai who was coming directly, and at the configuration of the soul ring on Mo Bai's body, he couldn't help being so surprised that he took two steps back again and again.

  She really didn't expect that this foreign soul master in front of her was not only young, but also so terrifying.

   No wonder the other party dared to speak as soon as he came, because he came for the inheritance of Lord Sea God.


  At this moment, a wave of space rippled in the air, and Bo Saixi's figure appeared from it.

  Mo Bai's strength deserves to be interviewed by Bo Saixi in person, so he came over directly.

   "Meet the High Priest!"

  When Sea Witch Douluo saw Bo Saixi appearing, he quickly saluted.

  Mo Bai looked at Bo Saixi who suddenly appeared, and stepped back a few steps.

  Is the person in front of you the controller of Sea God Island?

  So strong!

   "I have met the High Priest of Sea God Island!"

  The strength of the other party reminded him of Qian Daoliu, the great priest of Douluo Hall, Mo Bai immediately said politely.

   After finishing speaking, Mo Bai also put away the soul ring on his body.

   "Who are you? What is the purpose of coming to Sea God Island?"

  Bo Saixi looked at Mo Bai quietly, and asked.

   "Hi High Priest, I am here for the inheritance of God!"

  Mo Bai looked at Bo Saixi, did not answer who he was, but directly stated his purpose of coming here.

   "The inheritance of the gods..."

  Bo Saixi was not surprised when he heard that, the other party's talent was so terrifying, it was normal for him to come here for the inheritance of Lord Seagod.


   "If it is for the inheritance of Lord Sea God, then you are late!"

  Bo Saixi sighed, the young man in front of him could tell at a glance that he was very good, but it's a pity that Lord Sea God has already selected his successor.

  Bo Saixi felt sorry for Mo Bai in front of her eyes, and at the same time felt sorry for Lord Sea God. Compared with Tang San's former friend, she had no intention of liking Mo Bai in front of her eyes.

  Just because Tang San is one-eyed, she doesn't like it very much, let alone Tang San's heart is full of hatred.

  Bo Saixi didn't know yet, the person who filled Tang San's heart with hatred was Mo Bai in front of him.

  If Tang San saw Mo Bai in front of him, his eyes would definitely turn red instantly.


  (end of this chapter)

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