MTL - I’m In Douluo, I Ate the Blue Silver Emperor-Chapter 229 Tang San was killed

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  Chapter 229 Tang San was killed


   "It's you who are wrong, my father is right!"

   "I told my great-grandfather about the matter, and my great-grandfather also said, my father is right, you are too weak, you have completely embarrassed Haotianzong!"

   On this day, Tang San made a strong return to the Clear Sky School.

  Bringing the small golden hammer Tang Chen gave him, Tang San didn't show courtesy to the members of the Clear Sky School, and scolded all the senior members of the Clear Sky School.

  In the past, he also thought that Tang Hao was wrong, and it was Tang Hao's fault to be expelled from the sect.

  But now he doesn't think so, he thinks that the one who is wrong is Haotianzong, who is too weak and incompetent.

  With the strength of Haotianzong, if he was willing to stand up, his mother would not have died.

  As the number one sect in the world, to be unable to protect the disciples under the sect, and dare not resist even being oppressed, is simply incompetent!


   "Who gave you the courage to be presumptuous?"

   "It was your father's fault at the beginning, don't think that now that you have a little strength, you can ignore the sect!"


  The elders of the sect were extremely angry after hearing Tang San's words.

   Even the suzerain Tang Xiao was very angry after hearing Tang San's words, thinking that Tang San was too complacent.

  With strength, he became arrogant, and he didn't remember his humility in the past, a typical example of forgetting his ancestors, and he didn't pay attention to their elders.

   "I knew you were right!"

"Take a look, what is this?"

   "Great-grandfather gave it to me. I told my great-grandfather about my parents. It was my great-grandfather who told me that my father was right, and the fault is yours!"

   Facing the accusations from the elders, Tang San unhurriedly took out the small golden hammer Tang Chen left for him, and looked at the high-ranking members of the Clear Sky Hammer and snorted coldly.

   "It's the Haotian order, isn't that on the old suzerain?"

   "Could it be possible that Tang San really met the old suzerain?"

   "...The old suzerain also thinks why it is wrong?"

  Seeing the small golden hammer Tang San took out, Tang Xiao and a group of elders all exclaimed, their expressions were a little ugly.

  They didn't doubt Tang San's words either, if the old suzerain hadn't said it, Tang San wouldn't dare to talk to them like that.

   It turned out that the old suzerain gave Tang San the courage, no wonder he dared to be so arrogant.

   Just knowing that Gui knew that Tang San scolded them so unceremoniously, which also made them feel very humiliated, and they no longer had the good impression of Tang San before.

  Seeing the ugly faces of the elders, Tang San felt a burst of pleasure.

  He also knew that doing so would actually offend them. The method was too strong, so he should be more gentle in order to subdue these elders.

  But the experience of this period of time made Tang San feel a little irritable, and he was unwilling to use Huairou methods.

   It was these people who did something wrong, so they should be scolded and escape justice for their parents.

   "Tang San is right, you members of the Clear Sky School are all trash!"

   And just when Tang San was full of pride and joy, a domineering female voice suddenly sounded above them.


"who is it?"

  Tang San and the senior officials of Haotian School were all startled when they heard the voice, and they all raised their heads and glared at the person coming.

  It was only then that they realized that two beautiful figures had unexpectedly appeared above their Clear Sky School at some time.

   "Bibi Dong!"

  When they saw the figure of the person coming, their expressions all changed.

   "Hao Tianzong, from today onwards, there is no need to exist!"

   "And Tang San, I won't let you complete all the tests of the Sea God and become a new generation of Sea God!"

   Bibi Dong looked at everyone below, and announced coldly.


  After the words fell, Bibi Dong released her Rakshasa domain, and the divine power on her body was also released.


  Qian Renxue, who came with Bibidong, didn't say anything, but together with Bibidong, she released her divine power and angel **** domain.

   Under the awe of the divine power of the two, the air in the entire Haotian School trembled.

  A phantom full of evil Rakshasa God and a phantom of Angel God appeared behind Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue respectively, each rendering half of the sky.

  The half of Qian Renxue is shining with golden light, sacred and solemn.

  Bibi Dong's half was scarlet and dark, extremely evil.

   At the same time, their soul rings appeared.

  When they saw the ten soul rings on Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong, the members of the Clear Sky School were even more horrified.

   "Hundred-level gods, they are all hundred-level gods!"

   "Too strong, too scary!"

   "What should we do? We are not rivals at all..."

  The members of the Haotian School all exclaimed, even a few elders had no blood on their faces at this moment.

  If the opponent is a titled Douluo, even a peak Douluo, they can still fight hard.

   But the opponent is a god, a hundred-level god, what do they fight for?

  Do you want to fight with your head?

   "Damn it!"

   Tang San shrank his eyes when he saw such a scene, feeling bad in his heart.

  Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue have both become gods.

  No matter how confident he was, he would never think that he could face two gods at the same time.


  Bibi Dong directly locked onto Tang San, the figure moved, as if Tang San had killed him.

   Qian Renxue looked at it, and didn't have any thoughts. Since Tang San is the enemy of their Spirit Empire, he shouldn't continue to make him stronger.

  Especially Tang San also has the Seagod's inheritance assessment, so it is even more impossible to let the other party have the opportunity to complete all the Seagod's assessments.

   "Sea God Trident!"

   Facing Bibi Dong's attack, Tang San instantly took out his strongest weapon, the Seagod Trident, and faced Bibi Dong's attack.


  The battle between Bibi Dong and Tang San started instantly.

   Just after fighting, Tang San was ruthlessly suppressed by Bibi Dong.

   No way, Bibi Dong is a god, Tang San is not even a Title Douluo now, so naturally he can't be Bibi Dong's opponent.

   "Great sun, angels, ten thousand suns soaring to the sky!"

  Qian Renxue also used her domain divine skill at this time, transforming into a huge red-gold meteor, falling headlong towards the Clear Sky Hammer.


   Facing Qian Renxue's attack, Tang Xiao and the others naturally couldn't sit still. After summoning the Clear Sky Hammer one after another, they all unleashed their strongest attacks to meet Qian Renxue's attack.


   The battle between the two sides started instantly.

Puff puff-

   It's a pity that Tang Xiao and the others, even if there were many Title Douluo, were powerless in front of Qian Renxue, and were severely injured by Qian Renxue.


  The sacred sword in Qian Renxue's hand pointed down, and behind her, a large number of sacred swords condensed, and they went to kill Tang Xiao and the others after being severely injured by her.


Puff puff-

  Amid Tang Xiao and the others roaring in grief and indignation, Qian Renxue's attack nailed them to the ground one by one, killing them.


   Tang San roared angrily when he saw Tang Xiao and the others were killed.

  He could not care about other elders being killed, but Tang Xiao was kind to him, and he was also his uncle. Seeing this, Tang San felt very sad and indignant.

   "Take care of yourself before you talk!"

  Seeing this, Bibi Dong gave a cold snort, and charged at Tang San again.

  Under Bibi Dong's powerful attack, Tang San who was holding the Seagod Trident was no match at all, and was beaten back again and again by Bibi Dong.

  Seeing that Tang San was suppressed by his mother, and might soon die in Bibi Dong's hands, Qian Renxue remained indifferent, turned around and killed other disciples of the Clear Sky School.

   There is no need for Haotianzong to continue to exist.


"don't want…"

"I surrender…"

  Many disciples witnessed the tragic death of the suzerain elders just now. Facing Qian Renxue's attack, they knew that they were not opponents, so they knelt down and begged for mercy.

  Having lived in seclusion in the mountains for many years, the disciples of the Haotian School, in fact, rarely have a strong backbone!

  However, even if they begged for mercy, Qian Renxue did not let them go.

  She still understands the principle of cutting grass and roots.

  When Qian Renxue slaughtered all the disciples of the Clear Sky School, Qian Renxue also saw Tang San's body lying at Bibi Dong's feet.

  Facing the new generation of Rakshasa **** Bibi Dong, Tang San didn't even reach the title of Douluo, so it's normal that he wasn't an opponent at all.

  Under Bibi Dong's feet, besides Tang San's body, there was also the body of 'Xiao Wu'.

  The soul of 'Xiao Wu', when Tang San was in danger, couldn't help returning to his physical body to fight side by side with Tang San, but it's a pity that even with the addition of 'Xiao Wu', Tang San was still no match for Bibi Dong.

   Between gods and soul masters, the gap in strength cannot be bridged.


   Qian Renxue came to Bibi Dong's side in a flash, looked at the two corpses under her feet, her expression moved slightly.

   "Finally killed this kid!"

   "It's a pity Tang Chen and Tang Hao, otherwise we could kill them together today!"

   "But compared to Tang San, Tang Chen and Tang Hao are no threat to us!"

  Bibi Dong looked at Tang San's corpse and laughed.

   Now, she no longer has to worry about God-level enemies in the Spirit Empire.

   "If they dare to appear in front of our Spirit Empire in the future, it will not be too late to kill them!"

   Qian Renxue also said confidently.

  Bibi Dong nodded, looked at the completely destroyed Haotian School, a red light flashed in her eyes, and flames ignited all around.

  Bibi Dong wants to set this place on fire.

   But it was still burning, she discovered that Tang San's body was not set on fire, and there was a layer of protection protecting his body.


  Bibi Dong snorted coldly when she saw this, only then did she realize that there was a divine weapon on Tang San's body.

  Bibi Dong stretched out her hand and put away the divine weapon Vast Sea Universe Cover on Tang San.

  As for the Seagod Trident, she had already put it away before.

   "This is the Vast Sea Cosmos Shield, a treasure of the Tiandou imperial family. I didn't expect it to appear in Tang San's hands, and it is also a divine weapon!"

  Looking at Bibi Dong's put away Vast Sea Universe Cover, Qian Renxue said in surprise.

   "Well, this artifact contains the same power as the Seagod's Trident, so it should also be Seagod's weapon!"

   "Tang San may be able to obtain the sea god's inheritance test after obtaining the Vast Sea Cosmos Shield!"

   Bibi Dong nodded, then analyzed.

   "Let's go, Tang San is dead, and it's time for our Spirit Empire to unify the mainland!"

  Seeing that the bodies of Tang San and 'Xiao Wu' were completely burned, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue left together.

  The proud Haotian School, once the number one sect in the world, was exterminated today.

  The site of the Clear Sky Hammer was also completely burned down.


   "Damn it, the two of them actually burned Tang San's body!"

   "It's completely hopeless now!"

  The Sea God of the God Realm was very depressed after discovering that Tang San's body had also been burned.

   Originally, if Tang San's body was still there, he could find a way to resurrect Tang San, but now there is no hope.

  When Tang San was about to be killed before, he actually wanted to stand up and stop it.

   It's just that when he was about to move, he couldn't help but think of what he said to Mo Bai before, so he resisted not intervening in the affairs of the lower realm.

   "Forget it, since this is the case, it can only show that Tang San is not lucky enough!"

   "Sometimes, luck is also a part of strength. If you don't have this luck, forget it!"

  Finally, Sea God sighed, and then completely stopped paying attention to the affairs of the lower realm.

   Let's talk about when there are still people who can obtain the Nine Trials of the Sea God!

  If not, then just work harder and continue to be his sea god.


   Sea God didn't intervene in Tang San's death, Tang San really died completely.

  Of course, there is also the reason why Tang San's body was burned.

  There is also the reason why Mo Bai had questioned Sea God before, which made Sea God think about the rules of the God Realm and did not save Tang San.

  In short, Tang San was completely dead.

   And there is no Tang San.

  The Wuhun Empire in this world, under the leadership of the two gods Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, easily completed the unification of the Douluo Continent.

   None of the resisting Heaven Dou Empire, Star Luo Empire, and those sect forces could resist the attack of the Spirit Empire.

  First, the Heaven Dou Empire was destroyed, and all members of the royal family including Emperor Xue Beng were killed.

   Then came the Star Luo Empire, the royal family and the Zhu family of the Star Luo Empire were all destroyed.

  Including Dai Mubai who has completed the Seagod Island assessment and has a bright future.

   Zhu Zhuqing escaped.

   fled to Sea God Island.

  Ma Hongjun and Oscar were destroyed along with Tang Sect.

   But the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, under the protection of Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, finally fled to Sea God Island together with Ning Rongrong.

  The reason why they were able to escape successfully was also because Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong didn't make any more moves in the following battles.

   Otherwise, if any one of them appeared, it would be impossible for them to escape.

   So far, except for a few who escaped, the entire Douluo Continent has been unified by the Spirit Empire.


   Mobai no longer knows what happened in the parallel world after he left. At this time, he has returned to his own world.

   "Mobai, we are back, restore my mother's soul!"

  As soon as she returned to the original world, Xiao Wu couldn't wait to let Mo Bai restore her mother's soul.

  Xiao Wu has been thinking about it all the time!

   "Well, I'll help you restore your mother's soul!"

  Mo Bai nodded when he heard the words, and immediately found a place at random, before immersing his soul in the space of his own soul ring.

   Then, under Xiao Wu's intense attention, he began to restore the soul of Xiao Wu's mother.


  (end of this chapter)

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