MTL - I’m In Douluo, I Ate the Blue Silver Emperor-Chapter 237 total defeat

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  Chapter 237 Total defeat

   "God, the princess of the Wuhun Empire has become a god!"


   "We actually have to fight a god..."

   "How to fight? Seeing her, I can't help but want to kneel down!"


  After seeing such a scene, the army of the Star Luo Empire immediately went into an uproar.

  None of them expected that there was a **** among the enemies.

  The divine power exuded by the other party, the trembling from the heart, the urge to worship, all of which show that the other party is really a god, an angel god!


   "Even if the other party is a god, there is only one person!"

   "Don't be afraid of her, the whole army will attack!"

  Davis, the prince of the Star Luo Empire, immediately roared loudly when he saw this situation, trying to boost morale.

  Qian Renxue has already become a **** at level 100. He didn't expect this, and he was also very scared, but he also knew that he could only fight.


   Immediately afterwards, Davis took the lead and rushed forward.


Under the order of the crown prince Davis, and seeing the crown prince rushing to the front, the Star Luo Empire's army finally regained their morale, and followed Davis to rush forward to the Heaven Dou Empire's soul master army. go up.

  A piece of blackness, it looks very spectacular.

  The army of soul masters of the Wuhun Empire is extremely small in front of the millions of troops of the Star Luo Empire.

  In the army of the Star Luo Empire, Dai Mubai looked at Davis, who was taking the lead, with a mocking expression.

   Actually went to kill a god, looking for death!

  Since being deposed by Mo Bai, the inhumane Dai Mubai has been giving up on himself all these years, and he has not been able to **** the crown prince from Davis.

  But he doesn't care anymore, and he doesn't care about Zhu Zhuqing anymore.

  Even he doesn't know what happened to Zhu Zhuqing now, anyway, after returning to the Star Luo Empire, he refused to marry Zhu Zhuqing, with a firm attitude.

  He didn't want Zhu Zhuqing to know that he was inhumane!

  The royal family of the Star Luo Empire and the Zhu family were very helpless. They did not urge the two to get married for the time being, but sent them to their respective fiefs.

   This is also the consequence of failing to compete for the position of crown prince. They will either be killed or exiled, but even if they are exiled, they will still have a fief.

  This time, he didn't have to follow to join the war, but Davis insisted on pulling him.

   He also knew what Davis was thinking. He just wanted a little reputation and didn't want to kill him directly, so he wanted to kill him on the battlefield.

  Because after the competition failed, Zhu Zhuqing's sister Zhu Zhuyun directly spoke up to save Zhu Zhuqing, and chose to exile Zhu Zhuqing instead of executing him.

  Zhu Zhuqing's elder sister, Zhu Zhuyun, never thought of killing her own Zhu Zhuqing. If she really wanted to kill Zhu Zhuqing, Zhu Zhuqing would never be able to escape, let alone escape to Shrek Academy.

   Zhu Zhuyun assassinated Zhu Zhuqing at the beginning, he deliberately forced Zhu Zhuqing to leave, and wanted Zhu Zhuqing to be free and pursue the life he wanted to live.

   It's just that Zhu Zhuyun didn't expect that Zhu Zhuqing would go to find Dai Mubai.

   Zhu Zhuyun's choice naturally affected Davis' choice.

   "Looking for death!"

   Sure enough, Qian Renxue became furious when she saw that the Star Luo Empire dared to attack after her warning!

   "Angel Sanctions!"


  Qian Renxue directly condensed a huge holy sword, shining with dazzling golden light, and blasted down directly towards Davis.

"not good!"

  Davis shrank his pupils suddenly when he saw this, and was about to dodge.

  However, he quickly discovered in despair that under Qian Renxue's soul skill, his figure was locked, and his body could not move.


  In the end, Davis could only let out a desperate and unwilling roar, and then his entire figure was directly hit by Qian Renxue's soul ability, and accompanied by the surrounding soldiers, everything was annihilated by Qian Renxue's soul ability.

   "His Royal Highness!"

   "His Royal Highness!"


  Seeing Prince Davis, who took the lead, was directly killed by Qian Renxue.

   Followed by the army charging together, they were stunned and stupid.

  Do you want to continue playing?

   All of a sudden, the charging army stopped immediately, and retreated in panic.

   "I repeat, those who cross the line, die!"

  Seeing that the army of the Star Luo Empire was intimidated, Qian Renxue expressed her satisfaction and snorted again.

   Now, no one dares to continue to stand up to boost morale and launch an attack.

  Thus, the million-strong army of the Star Luo Empire was intimidated by Qian Renxue alone, and stopped at the border of the empire, not daring to attack.

   "Ha ha good, good death!"

   Dai Mubai, who didn't rush up with him at all, laughed wildly from the bottom of his heart when he saw Davis killed in an instant.

   "Your Highness Dai Mubai, what should we do now?"


  Many people around him quickly asked Dai Mubai what to do, apparently they wanted Dai Mubai to take over the army.

   "Just put pressure on Wuhun Empire here, it's a god, none of us can deal with it!"

   "It's a joke to be against a god, as long as we can protect ourselves, we'll be fine!"

  Dai Mubai snorted coldly, so he wouldn't go up to take over the army like a fool, and then lead the army to attack.


  The Heaven Dou Empire was defeated, and the Star Luo Empire was blocked.

   On the coast of the mainland, obeying Tang San's order, the Seagod Island forces led by the seven titled Douluo who protect the Seven Sacred Pillars were also stopped by Bibi Dong leading twenty thousand soul masters.

   "The mainland is not a place you can get your hands on!"


  The entire coastline was dark.

   This is Bibi's Rakshasa domain released by her, and the evil breath filled the whole sky.

  Bibi Dong's incomparably domineering huge phantom, holding a scepter, came out with boundless divine power, overwhelming all the soul masters on the sea.

  The Sea God Island faction doesn’t have any soldiers, and all those who come are soul masters, and there are tens of thousands in total.

  But in the face of the Spirit Empire with a **** sitting in the formation, the momentum of the Sea God Island side was far inferior. Bibi Dong held them down and dared not move.


  Sea Dragon Douluo looked at Bibi Dong's domineering figure with an incomparably dignified expression.

  Beside him, the other seven guardians of the sacred pillar also had serious expressions. They didn't expect that the Wuhun Empire's side would actually have a **** on the battlefield here.

   "What do we do now?"

   "Are you going to attack again?"

   "Our soul masters are all sea soul masters. If we go ashore to fight, our combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced!"

   "And there is a **** on the opposite side, we can't be opponents!"


  Sea Horse Douluo, Sea Ghost Douluo and the others started asking Sea Dragon Douluo one after another.


  (end of this chapter)

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