MTL - I’m In Douluo, I Ate the Blue Silver Emperor-Chapter 242 kill

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  Chapter 242 Kill


   "Sea Horse Douluo!"

  In the distance, Tang San, who was constantly attacking Mobai, saw that four guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars who came to rescue him died in an instant, and all the demon spirit great white sharks were killed except Xiaobai, he couldn't help roaring.

  Although he had already abandoned the Tang Sect he founded in other battlefields, Tang San still felt guilty seeing everyone dying to help him.

   "Mobai, you should die!"

   Tang San glared at Mo Bai with red eyes, and let out an angry roar.


   Immediately afterwards, Tang San waved the Seagod Trident in his hand, furiously charged towards Mo Bai.

  Although the Demon Soul Great White Shark Clan was wiped out, four Guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars died tragically at once.

  But their actions really helped Tang San restrain Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong, leaving Mo Bai alone in front of Tang San from now on.

  So, this is also an excellent opportunity to kill Mo Bai.

   "Sea God's Trident Thirteen Forms In One!"

   "Sea God's Twilight!"


  The opportunity is fleeting, Tang San doesn't want to let it go, even if he will be killed by Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong in the end, he will kill Mo Bai.

  So, Tang San used the strongest move of the thirteen moves of the Seagod Trident, the thirteen moves combined into one, Seagod's Twilight.

  This move is similar to Tang San's original method of cloaking wind hammer method to explode the ring. At this time, blowing up the spirit ring will gain a powerful explosive power.

  Boom boom boom boom—

  Now, Tang San is like this, two martial spirits, a total of twenty spirit rings, all ignited by Tang San, blown up, and turned into boundless power.


   Immediately afterwards, Tang San leveraged this huge power to leverage more power of the sea to gather on him.

   "In the name of the sea god, I will exhaust the power of the sea and use it for me!"

   "Mobai, go to hell!"

   "Sea God's Twilight!"


  The whole sea trembled violently.

   There seemed to be a huge divine dragon that spread across the entire sea soaring into the sky, and finally merged into the Seagod Trident in Tang San's hands.

  Then, a blow with all Tang San's power was attached to the Seagod Trident and blasted at Mo Bai. Around the gun body of the Seagod Trident, there seemed to be countless dragons churning.

   Facing Tang San's blow, Mo Bai's expression changed instantly.

  Strong, very strong blow.

  Before getting close, Mo Bai could feel the destructive power contained in it, with the power of killing demons and gods.

  Just taking a look, Mo Bai realized that he seemed unable to handle this move.

   As expected, he is indeed the God of the Sea, and with the help of the power of the entire sea, it is terrifying.

  If I take this blow head-on, I will definitely die.



   After seeing this scene, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue were also shocked and exclaimed.

  It's just that it's too late for them to rush over to support Mo Bai.

   "Damn it!"

   "Mobai, you must be safe!"

   Both Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong were filled with remorse, if they had known earlier, they wouldn't have paid any attention to these people who came to help them.

"go to hell!"

   Tang San didn't care about these things, holding the Seagod Trident, slammed towards Mo Bai fiercely, and came in front of Mo Bai in an instant.

  The terrifying power of the Seagod Trident in his hand also completely locked onto Mo Bai.

  Under the lock of this divine power, Mo Bai could only be locked in place, hard resisting Tang San's attack, unable to teleport away.

   Under such an attack, the invincible golden body and the state of nothingness are useless.


  So Xiao Wu, who was on Mo Bai's body, was also very anxious at this time.

  It's just that Mo Bai at this moment has no time to respond to Xiao Wu.

  After sensing that he was locked and unable to use teleportation, Mo Bai first condensed countless blue and silver grass to block in front of him.

  Then, Mo Bai quickly opened a space-time wormhole behind him, and the figure stepped back into the space-time wormhole.

  Teleportation cannot be used, and Mo Bai is relieved to open up the space-time wormhole in a different dimension.


  That is, the moment Mo Bai retreated into the time-space wormhole, the large number of dark blue and silver emperors blocking Mo Bai had already been smashed by the Seagod Trident in Tang San's hands, and the blade of the halberd headed towards Mo Bai.

   Before being hit, the space-time wormhole barely closed.

   From the perspective of the outside world, Mo Bai was smashed by Tang San with a single blow, and after the endless Blue Silver Emperor exploded, countless dragon shadows condensed with Seagod power burst out from the Seagod Trident, sweeping in all directions, piercing the sky.

  In the end, the dragon shadow disappeared, leaving only those shattered pieces of the Blue Silver Emperor constantly falling down!

  The ink-white breath also completely disappeared.

  Tang San stared blankly at this scene, was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed wildly.

   "Mobai, you finally died in my hands!"

   "Father, mother, teacher, and Xiao Wu!"

   "I avenged you!"

   Mo Bai was blown to nothing, Tang San was a little surprised, but he didn't suspect anything.

  Because he knew how powerful his all-out move was, it was normal for Mo Bai to be bombarded with no scum left, not to mention he couldn't feel any breath of Mo Bai, wasn't he dead? what else?



  Seeing this scene, both Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue looked in disbelief, it was hard to accept that Mo Bai was killed by Tang San just like that.

   "Damn you!"

   Immediately, Qian Renxue rushed towards Tang San angrily.

  The current Tang San, because of the full power explosion just now, is in a short period of weakness, and it is also the time when he is most powerless to resist.

   She doesn't know if Mo Bai is really dead, but she must kill Tang San now.

  So taking advantage of Tang San's weakness, Qian Renxue directly abandoned the Demon Soul Great White Shark King, and went to kill Tang San.

Don't give Tang San a chance to recover, Tang San is the **** of the sea, here is above the sea, although Tang San exploded all the spirit rings, but as long as he is above the sea, he can gather the power of the sea again for his own use .

   It's just that even if the power of the sea can be used again, the soul ring that was blown up cannot be recovered for the time being, and the strength is definitely far from the peak.

  So even if Tang San recovers, Qian Renxue still has the confidence to kill Tang San, Tang San can only resist at most.

  But Qian Renxue no longer intends to give Tang San a chance, he just wants Tang San to die.

   "Divine Skill·Sacred Angel Sword!"


  After Qian Renxue came in front of Tang San, she directly condensed a holy sword with concentrated divine power, killing Tang San.

  At the same time as the attack, Qian Renxue also used her Angel God Domain to completely lock on Tang San, not giving Tang San the possibility to dodge.

   Sensing that the figure was locked, Tang San knew that he couldn't escape.


   Without any accident, Tang San's body was penetrated.


  Tang San spurted out a mouthful of blood, but there was no pain on Tang San's face, instead there was a faint smile.

   "Dad, Mom, teacher, I'm here to accompany you!"

   "Fortunately, I avenged you, otherwise I would have no face to see you!"

  Tang San raised his head and looked at the void, he vomited blood and murmured.

   "Are you sure you got revenge?"

  Just as Tang San finished speaking, a familiar voice sounded in his ears again.


  (end of this chapter)