MTL - I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl-Chapter 1284 Face to face inquiry

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Because the heating pipe was damaged, the teachers and students were on holiday, the campus cafe was not only unattended, but also became very cold. The fireball uncle went home to live, and Su Qiao and Su grandma were also arranged in the principal building.

Because Su Qiao once helped Amy to deal with Zhuangni, Amy’s impression of Su Qiao is not bad, but in Su Qiao’s view, Amy is still the baby daughter of Ai Shuqiao, and once in the “Magic Legend” Bullying her own arrogant little star, she always maintains a respectful and fearful attitude towards Amy.

Su’s grandmother is unwelcome. She feels that her grandparents and her husband lived in Amy’s house. The bitterness of her granddaughter was not a bad one, and she insisted on staying in Dongshan City. She wanted to see Ai Shuqiao’s deserved Punishment.

I handed Obama back to a bodyguard and took it back to the second floor. Su Qiao and Su Grandma lived on the second floor of a room where no one bothered and was not easy to disturb others.

When I walked to the door, I just knocked on the door. The door opened myself. Su Qiao, wearing a black velvet line and jeans, took a satchel and seemed to be going out. She saw me too.

Looking down inside the door, Grandma Su sat on a multi-functional massage chair, her head leaned back, she was already asleep, and she was covered with a blanket. It should be covered by Su Qiao.

This kind of multifunctional massage chair is not available in every room. It is the grandmother who sees this in the fitness room, and then asks to have one for herself. I think Ai Shuqiao has done so much. Advise Amy to meet Su's grandmother's request as much as possible. Fortunately, Amy still listened to me.

"Looking for me something." Su Qiao panicked her black long scorpion behind her, her face was still thin, and the tears under her left eye were still very noticeable.

"You have to go out, do you have arrangements?" I asked. "If there is no arrangement, it will be good to follow me. I want to ask you something."

When Su Hu’s words can’t be asked, it’s more appropriate to be alone.

The current Su Qiao is already 19 years old. It is reasonable to say that she should be much more mature than us, but she always has a fearful and intimidating expression, so it seems to be smaller than the actual age.

"I didn't arrange it, I just wanted to walk around." Su Qiao looked uneasy, as if she didn't think I would come to her. "Ye Lin, you have something to say to me."

"You come out first." I pointed my finger at the sleeping grandmother in the room. "Our conversation is not good for others."

I did not specifically refer to "noisy to Su grandma", but said "noisy to others", which made Su Qiao realize that our conversation seems to contain secrets.

After 10 minutes, I and Su Qiao went out of the school gate and sat in the Star Diamond Coffee Shop invested by Zhonghai Wenwu School. They watched the maid waiters coming and going, enjoying the heating that the Qingzi High School temporarily stopped supplying. I can't figure out what I am looking for.

"I often see the signboard of this store from the outside, but I have never come in." Su Qiao sat in front of me, the heat of coffee rose to the height of her eyes. "Let's say they should be their business opponents." If you are found, will you think we are spies?"

"The laggards need to send spies." I smiled. "The quality of the maids in their shop is obviously not as high as they are. The traffic on Halloween night is not at all defeated by our defeat."

Now that the squad leader and others are no longer part-time maid waiters, the most stable waiter in the green maid's coffee shop is Su Qiao. My old king sells melons and sells them. It is also equivalent to being beautiful in the boast, which makes her Two red clouds appear on the face.

"That... Ye Lin, what are you talking about when you come to me?"

The seat I found was neither close to the window by others, and it was very private to talk, but I didn't know how to open it.

"The children of our two are about two years old." If I were so straightforward, Su Qiao would be frightened, and she would be scared if she fell from the height of the trapeze.

"I'm sorry." All I can think of is an apology first.

"Hey." Su Qiao did not understand what he meant. "Why should you apologize?"

I put my hands on the glass round table and said, "Although my relationship with Ai Shuo is not good, she is my biological mother after all. She has been imprisoned and tortured for so long. I feel that I should apologize to you."

Su Qiao stayed for a while, the doubts between the eyebrows gradually turned into peace and peace, she put out a hand to put on the fingers of my fingers.

"Ye Lin, your heart is really kind. You don't owe me anything. Instead, I should apologize to you. If you meet for the first time, you will help me out. I will be tempted by Ai Shuqiao. I am so dirty and ugly, my heart in the doomsday bunker makes me feel that I am guilty... I don’t want you to say that when the teacher, Marian, tortured me, I had to imagine her. In order to reduce some pain..."

Hey, don't arbitrarily imagine me as a teacher. I am not interested in the kind of career that often appears in H Man.

At this time, a very strong skeleton maid waiter came over and asked if we were interested in the Sunday special offer in the store, but when we saw that Su Qiao was holding my hand, I walked away with interest.

"It's very painful." I want to take the opportunity to transfer the problem to the aspect of extracting the egg. "Don't say anything else, the Marian guy is forced to exercise Jiu Jitsu is too much right."

"It's okay." Su Qiao leaned over and fell into a short memory. "I have been practicing miscellaneous notes since I was a child. The ligaments are basically opened. When I was a child, I often burst into tears. Marian’s training on my Jiu Jitsu is at best. Intensive training, her other training for me is unbearable."

I heard Ai Shuqiao said that Marianne fixed Su Qiao in a chair and kept playing a cluttered video on her TV screen. Whenever there was male muscle on the screen, she used a shock that had already been set. The device energizes the sensitive part of Su Qiao. Over time, when Su Qiao sees the male muscle, the body will produce a conditional reflection similar to an electric shock.

This kind of bad conditional reflection once made Su Qiao become afraid to go out. Even the advertisements of exposed male stars posted on the street could not be seen. Thanks to the long-term treatment of Su Grandma with reverse therapy, this problem should have been solved. It is.

Wait, when Su Qiao is suffering from electric shocks, I will not imagine the person who tortures you as me. I don’t have that kind of bad taste. Under normal circumstances, you shouldn’t hate Marianne very much, but why am I always I don’t feel that you have a lot of resentment against Marianne, because you are shaking M, or because of the torture for a few months, you use my image to make up the brain. Finally, the image of Marianne fades, you Instead, I think that I am the one who abuses you.

"Do you know." Su Qiao's hand holding me shivered slightly, just like her tone. "When I lived in your home for a short time, it was when I slept the most practical, then I often get insomnia."

Hey, why do you always feel that the subtext is "If you can come to sleep with me", it is an illusion, it must be my illusion.

"I'm sorry." I don't know what to say. "Let you get involved in my battle with Ai Shuqiao to ruin your dream of being an actor, and let you suffer unnecessary torture."

"Maybe I don't want to be an actor at all." Su Qiao quietly smiled. "I just think that practicing acrobatics is too hard. I want to escape. I am really a good person. I always dream that I don't have to pay." With too much cost, you can enjoy a more comfortable life..."

"You can." I said, "When things come to an end, I will let Amy arrange a good place for you. If you still want to be an actor, there will be a better chance."

"Thank you." Su Qiao's hair fell down and swiftly passed in front of her gentle eyes. "Ye Lin always thinks about others. Even if others are sorry, you can often forgive them, like you." Talent is the real powerhouse."

"Don't praise me, I will be embarrassed to praise me." I pulled back a hand to scratch my head, but left a hand to hold Su Qiao, lest she be embarrassed.

"Actually, my body is not completely good..."

The words of Su Qiao’s preface did not make the second language of the second monk.


Su Qiao's face is redder, her eyes are low, holding my hand and whispering: "With the help of my grandmother, the muscles of ordinary men can't trigger my conditional reflection, but this conditional reflection is not completely eliminated, I For you... I am still not resistant to you..."

Her voice was getting lower and lower, and it turned out to be like a nightingale, but I already understood what she meant.

In other words, if I deliberately expose my muscles to her, she will still be shocked and her body excitement will break through the sky uncontrollably.

It’s awful, but fortunately it’s winter, everyone wears more, or else I’m going to light up the eight packs, and Su Qiao can’t faint in public.

"There is one thing I don't know should I ask..." I tried to lead the conversation to the topic. "Which special events happened during your imprisonment, did they let you take the medicine, then you have Did not feel sick and want to vomit."

According to the knowledge I have obtained, I need to take ovulation-promoting drugs before taking the eggs, and taking those drugs will cause various uncomfortable reactions.

"I don't remember." Su Qiao replied softly. "My training is carried out in a very hot environment. Every day I lose a lot of body fluids, but I also bend my body into a special shape and accept whipping. , dripping wax or electric shock... At the beginning of each kind of criminal law, I feel dizzy and uncomfortable. Later, I became accustomed to it..." The first book from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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