MTL - I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl-Chapter 1293 The revolutionary martyrs are in my heart

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The recording shows that the third sentence after the black holy baby was disturbed was: "I don't make any guarantees, you should guarantee your own safety, Amy's bodyguards are enough, and the headmaster of Qingzi High School is not less. Donations to the Golden Shield Foundation, which sacrifices the police, even if you ask the police for help, you may get reinforcements."

"This sentence is the same as the first sentence, it is rejecting my request." I said, "I asked the Black Holy Baby to ensure our safety before the style competition, and then he did not agree, does this represent these four sentences? Words are arranged in the order of 'reject-hint-reject-hint'."

Xiao Yin's golden cymbals flashed, which means her CPU is running at high speed, and the machine throne behind her also emits a slight noise like a computer host.

"Ha, if the virtual squad leader is actually delivering information, then her obsessive-compulsive disorder is really late, and she must abide by the principle of duality in such an important matter."

The fourth sentence of the Black Holy Baby is the strongest sense of violation. It is a smoke-shaped monster that is a devil's own self. It is clearly known for its rationality and logic, but it is said in a joking tone: "Pray for safety to others." If you use it, you will die if you die. If you dare to touch Shusha's chest in a bright and straight manner, and you don't need any animal killer, she will kill you directly with a shotgun."

"Is this sentence also suggestive?" I asked, "Is the message also expressed in an idiom, is this idiom ‘there is a ditch to fire'.”

Xiao Yin made an almost squirming expression under the stunned voice. "How do you guess this idiom? Why don't I understand it."

I am embarrassed to scratch my head and express my modesty. "That... I think, I mentioned the squad leader's chest. Although it is not as spectacular as the palace color, it is quite enviable. I am afraid that the clothes can be seen a little tighter. Going to the ditch, then, in that sentence, there is another 'killing you with a shotgun', and the shotgun firing bullets will involve the fire medicine, so I think the idiom is 'there is a ditch to fire'..."

"I will fire your sister." Xiaoyin vomited, "Like Lu Xun said, when I saw short sleeves, I immediately thought of the white arms, and immediately thought of the whole `naked body, immediately thought of the genitals, and immediately thought of sex. I immediately thought of hybridization and immediately thought of illegitimate children. The Chinese people’s imagination can only leap forward at this level."

"Hey, how did I become the object of Lu Xun’s criticism? It’s obvious that it’s good to think about the brainstorming. If you don’t have a ditch, you can’t be ironic, let’s continue to guess.”

"You touched Shusha's chest in a bright and straight way." Xiao Yin asked me in a serious tone.

"No." I honestly replied, "If I do that, Shusha will kill me without a shotgun and will not give me good fruit."

Think carefully, in addition to the squad leader's chest, Xiong Yaoyue's chest I accidentally touched the basketball court, I was accidentally touched on the chest of the palace color, even the chest of Xiaoqin I could not help myself. I reached out and touched it. It seems that my hands are really sinful.

"Shusha is now injured in her right arm. She shouldn't be able to use a shotgun. Now is a good opportunity." Xiaoyin said with a blank expression. "You are going to touch it now."

"What,." I was shocked. "What do you say to me? Now is the moment to unlock the hints, but you suggest let me go."

"Playing the stream is also a hint for understanding." The golden light in Xiao Yin's hole is slightly dimmed, and her calculations come to an end. "The central point of the fourth sentence of Black Holy Baby is 'If you dare to go straight to the light Sasha's chest, think about it. If the unknown thing that interferes with the black baby is really a virtual squad leader, then she should let us read the hints, but at the same time let the black sacred baby not know the mystery, what can I do? Do it."

Similar to sending enemy intelligence through enemy radio stations, it is absolutely troublesome.

"I, the Black Holy Baby and the current virtual squad leader, are essentially a causal calculation program. For the program, 'If you dare to touch Shusha's chest brightly, it is an obvious 'running condition', The results of the operation and I did not know the black sacred baby. Only the virtual squad leader can calculate the result of 'being your chest brightly touching the chest', so she can pass the message through this hypothesis without being intercepted by the black scorpion. ”

"You, are you sure that this is a necessary means of interpreting the hints?" I said, "In case I touched the monitor's chest, I found that it didn't help me to interpret the hints."

"Try and don't spend money." Xiao Yin said irresponsibly.

"I rub, touch the squad leader's chest can not be solved by spending money. You think it is her brother, and when I touch her arm, it is really dangerous, it will make me in her heart. The lofty image has collapsed a lot."

Xiao Yin made the kind of contemptuous expression that Amy often did. "You have never had a noble image in Shusha's eyes. Don't forget that you just urged me to race against time. Now it is most likely to unravel the hint. The method has already told you, you just don't do it because you are a comprehensive person."

I felt a burst of dryness in my throat, and looked down and said: "Can you ask the squad leader to discuss it and touch it again? She has always been reasonable. If I say the necessity of touching her chest, maybe she will let me touch it..."

"Don't make a mistake." Xiaoyin angered. "It is not your purpose to touch Shusha's chest. It is your means to achieve your goal. What is important is that you are going to the Shusha chest after a sudden slap in the chest. The reaction shown, you will not have that effect with her prior consultation, you want to let the information transmitted by the virtual squad leader in vain?"

When I was doing eye exercises, my music prelude had the words "for revolution, protection of vision". Now it seems that I have to move my fingers for lofty goals.

The sky is dark, and the black wind is high outside. It is a good time for the girl to attack the chest. I sneaked into the squad leader’s room and knocked on the door. Only the squad leader opened the door. I already knew Xiaoqin and her. Dad Huo Zhenbang had a phone call, just not at the monitor.

"Ye Lin... It’s already 21 o’clock. Are you looking for me?” The squad leader opened the door with a bit of hesitation. I saw through the door that she had put on her pajamas in advance, and the left side of her arm was holding a police dog. The Breeding Guide is obviously her bedtime reading.

"There is something, and it is still very important." I replied bluntly, because I was not sure when Xiao Qin would call back, so I rushed through the door.

The squad leader's water blue pajamas are not exposed, even if the wrists and ankles are well covered, but her well-developed figure is in the pajamas, I can't control the star on the monitor's chest. I haven't looked away for a long time. .

"What the **** is it." The squad leader put the "Guide to the Police Dog Breeding" back to the bed and turned to ask me, I will not say that I stared at the squad leader's hip curve for a long time.

"The moon tonight is very round." I looked at the night scene outside the window and said, trying to let the squad leader relax and be alert, so as to ensure the "suddenness" of the chest.

The squad leader glanced out of the window and frowned slightly.

"Where is the moon, it is completely blocked by the dark, what do you do."

Taking advantage of the shift of the squad leader, my two wolf claws fell on the soft chest of the black long straight girl without warning, making the squad leader horrified.

Judging from the feel of the hand, the squad leader should not wear a bra. She was really uncomfortable wearing a bra in the case of a right arm injury, so the shyness of elasticity and temptation was only intimately contacted by me through a layer of pajamas. .

The squad leader's face turned from white to red, and turned from red to white. She desperately slid back, and her long hair was so swaying, but I made a hint for understanding and squatted to grasp the two hemispheres. The squad leader was me. Sudden rude behavior was shocked.

"Let go." The squad leader was absolutely mad. She bit her lip and waved the only left hand that could move.

"Hey." A red handprint was left on my right cheek, but I remembered Qiu Shaoyun, who was in a fierce but heroic and tenacious spirit. The spirit of the revolutionary ancestors was full of my body, let me insist on grasping two basics. Do not waver.

In the process, I paid attention to the knee stroke that the defensive squad leader might use. I know that in the daily training of the prevention of the color wolf, the squad leader can practice the women's self-defense with them.

I don't know why, today's squad leader has never kicked my key parts. She fanned me and sneaked away from me. I just warned me with an angry and angerful look, hoping that the momentum of justice would allow me to take the initiative to retreat.

I also remembered the machine gun facing the enemy bunker. Not only did he not retreat but also flew to the front of Huang Jiguang, with the reverence of the revolutionary martyrs, I strengthened the strength of the hand.

The squad leader’s lips finally picked up and I was hurt by it.

"I don't understand..." the squad leader said in a very disappointing and confused tone. "Why are you doing this? You didn't do this when I rated you the lowest, why do you want to do this now?" Hey, what did you talk to Ai Shuqiao today, you were persuaded by her, and became stunned?

Many revolutionary martyrs were tortured and did not sell organizations and comrades. I was still upright, ignored the squad leader’s questioning, and kept the hands clasped, as determined by Dong Cunrui’s bombing.

The squad leader finally couldn't bear to endure my behavior.

"Ye Lin, let go of the hand, Xiaoqin is coming back."

I still didn't let go, and I prayed that Xiao Qin could talk to Huo Zhenbang for a long time.

Hey, what is the real core of the soft softness felt by the palm, is it my illusion?

The squad leader trembled and uttered an ultimatum to me in one word:

"You let go, don't let go, I will call the police."