MTL - I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl-Chapter 1317 hostage

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As we get closer and closer to the top of the Imperial Building, the mad believers have less of a smattering of ours, so that they disappear completely, surrounded by a tranquility before the storm.

Gu Long once said: "Human thoughts are never free." At this moment, my brain has uncontrollably drilled many strange ideas.

Since I learned to drive a motorcycle and use a gun from a reincarnation dream, then do I have other hidden skills that are not awakened.

Think carefully, what I did mainly in the reincarnation dream.

Snowmobiles, collecting survival kits, dealing with ferocious mutant beasts with long guns, and listening to Xiao Yin’s literary writings on the bed.

After waking up from the reincarnation dream, I did become "Wen Qing" compared with before. Xiao Yin's literary works have no white thoughts.

There are not many things to do under the doomsday scene. It is impossible to call it a "skill" for eating or sleeping. Is it the only harvest in the 18 months that the motorcycles, guns, and literary literacy are improved?

Wait... It seems that I have not only done the three things, Xiao Yin, in addition to telling me literary works in bed, and doing things with me in bed.

In the later stage of the reincarnation dream, in order to break through this virtual world, I broke the jar and made it again and again with the virtual girls. In this sense, even if I said that I had 18 months of spring dreams. Not too much.

Is this a skill? Is it not only the motorcycle and the shooting method, but I also exercised my own bed in the reincarnation dream...

I rubbed, obviously there is no development with any girl in the real world, but in fact my body has become a veteran of the field, which makes me feel guilty.

The words of the police officer of the horse interrupted my cranky thoughts.

"Ye Lin, although you just shot me and saved me, I have never been guilty of police work. If you commit crimes in the future, I will still put you in jail at all costs."

"It doesn't matter." I don't care. "I didn't just shoot to save you. When you come to arrest me later, you don't have to take this matter to heart."

In fact, I am very skeptical that the police officer will have the "authority" to arrest me in the future. Ai Shuqiao has not given me the bwk's antidote. If the momentum develops toward the worst road, it will not work. I and Amy, who have special blood, will become secret materials for a certain government.

"Are you trying to protect your sister before you learn to shoot?" The police officer of the horse became very vocal today. He seemed to ask me the same. "It’s so decisive to see you shoot, it’s not to protect your sister, you have already killed it with a handgun. It’s awesome."

Recalling Zheng Weizun who died because of the black angel of drugs, my face was swept up by the vicissitudes of life, and half-jokingly said to the police officer:

"I did kill people... but I didn't use a gun. I prefer to break the other's cervical spine and listen to the cute crackle."

"Lin, you are wrong, the voice is not cute at all, and after that, the other person's body will become soft, making you a little disgusting."

Pentax, who had experience in the death match, told me in a chat-like tone, and the police officer looked at us more horrified.

"You two criminals actually exchanged killing experience in front of a criminal police."

No one responded to the words of the police officer of the horse, because after consuming a lot of physical strength, the three of us finally pushed the security door of the 49th floor and stepped into the top-level corridor of the crisis.

There was no one at the top reception desk where Su Qiao once sat. The ears couldn’t hear the sound of the wheels and the carpet rubbing when the rabbit patrolled back and forth. Only one-third of the lighting on the ceiling was in normal operation, and it was stabbed from time to time. The sparks of the ground give the inside of a spaceship that is created by this, and the illusion of alienation can be rushed from the dark corner at any time.

I don't know when it started, the roar of the black holy baby never sounded from the speaker, but this strange silence made people even more afraid to relax their vigilance.

The three of us stopped talking and walked slowly to the computer room for the camp. In addition to the horse police officer and Pentax, I also took a pistol from the ground to avoid the dangerous situation.

"this is,."

After turning a corner, the horse police officer looked at the five special operations team members at the end of the corridor and sent a horror.

"The mad believers who teach only by science and happiness can actually take the country's three subjects..."

Halfway through the words, he lived because the sharp knives reflected in the darkness, and a dark-faced masked man came out from hiding.

Despite the lack of light, I immediately recognized the other side's movements.

"This is Huo Jiangdong, Xiaoqin's brother." I exclaimed, "He was washed by Ai Shuqiao with bwk. Everything he did was not out of his own will."

From the carpet, the voice of a special action group was revealed. I was pleasantly surprised to find that Huo Jiangdong had left alive.

"There is an anesthetic on the blade. I was ordered not to kill it." Huo Jiangdong used a low, hoarse voice to speak in the darkness. Even though he had undergone plastic surgery, the vocal cords that had been eroded by acid had not recovered.

"Don't give Ai Shuqiao a slap in the face." I shouted, "Wang Xiuwu can resist bwk by his willpower, and you can do it."

"Who is Wang Xiuwu." The police officer asked Pentax, "Another international killer who likes to exchange experience with you."

"My immediate supervisor is not Ai Shuqiao but a black holy baby." Huo Jiangdong answered me without emotion. "I was ordered to be stationed in the Imperial Building to protect him from being destroyed by others when an abnormal event occurred."

Since the ability of my mouth can not reach the level of the Japanese anime male lead, I simply gave up the efforts to use language to counter Huo Jiangdong.

"When you fight with him, try not to aim at the key." I whispered to Pentax and the police officer. "Killing him is the result I don't want the most."

However, after Huo Jiangdong made an order to his companions, I realized that the battle might not happen at all.

A girl wearing a green high school uniform was pushed to the east arm of Huojiang. Huo Jiangdong held the knife in the backhand and put the knife tip in the throat of the girl.

"Yes, sorry, because I was too stupid to be caught by them."

Gong Caicai was shaken and sifted, and the whole face lost his blood. The big teardrops fell from the side of the bead like broken beads. It was crying into tears.

"Let the gun down and let Ye Lin go with us." Huo Jiangdong held the order of Gong Caicai.

"How did you catch the palace color?" I still hold the gun in my hand. "The palace color should be protected by many people. Xiaoqin... Your sister is also one of them. Are you against these people... ..."

"Miyazumi was not caught by me." Huo Jiangdong replied, "I would like to blame you for being too vigilant. I thought it was safe to leave the building. I ignored a lot of people in the parking lot outside. Xiaoqin put the fainted palace color into a car and did not guard it, so our people took advantage of it."

"Sorry, I am in trouble for everyone, oh~~~ I was born to drag my legs." Gong Caicai cried, "Ye Lin students don't care about me, just let me be killed, although I don't Understand what is going on, it will be killed like this..."

At this time, a building security member whispered something to the east ear of Huo Jiang. Huo Jiangdong browed and picked: "They chased it."

"Who is chasing it." I asked, "Is it Xiaoqin? They found that Gong Caicai was gone, so they went into the building and looked for it."

"You can't manage this." Huo Jiangdong said, "Now only our people can take the elevator up and down the stairs, other people will be trapped by the black holy baby, even if it is Xiaoqin, don't think about it for a short time. Rush from the bottom to the top."

Xiaoqin really went back and returned. I was so worried that although it was unfortunate to be kidnapped by Gong Micai, the chaos outside the building was not necessarily worse than the inside. It was impossible to watch the palace color. Strange to Xiaoqin's head.

Gong Caicai became the hostage of the enemy, even if you ran up again, it would not help. Unfortunately, there is no way to communicate with her at all. I only hope that Xiaoqin should never encounter any danger.

"If I go with you, can you put the palace color?" I tried to negotiate with Huo Jiangdong.

"No." Huo Jiangdong refused. "But I can allow Pentax and Ma Shijie to leave the top floor safely."

Huo Jiangdong did not speak loudly. He had ambushed at least 30 people on his left and right sides. Everyone had light and heavy weapons in his hands. Even if both Pentos and the horse officers could be an enemy. There are still 10 other people's gaps that cannot be filled by me. The most important thing is that the other party has a palace color, and we vote for the mouse.

"You said that you are now honoring the command of the Black Holy Baby." I faintly thought of a way to win without sacrificing the Palace, but I have not finally figured out all the joints.

Huo Jiangdong nodded: "But my companions don't like me to call him the Black Holy Baby, although in my eyes, the difference between 'Holy Baby' and 'Black Baby' is not that big."

"Then take me to the black holy baby." I said, I bent my hand on the carpet and then raised my hands to make a surrender. "Don't hurt the palace color, let Pentax and the horse." The police officer evacuated safely, and after that I will take the initiative to go to your side."

"Lin, you can't go." Pentax whispered to stop me. "I promised Miss Amy to protect you. If you and the policeman hold Huo Jiangdong, I risk that I can clean up the 30 madmen." Believers."

I read the courage of fearless death from the eyes of Pentax, but this courage made me sigh:

"It's not a risk, but it's very likely to sacrifice life. You are a very important person to Amy. I don't want you to have any accidents."

"But you are more important to Miss Amy."

Pentos's powerful hand held my shoulder, and the power of the **** that he accidentally made even made me feel sour.

It’s really reliable. Amy’s education in Ai Shuqiao has not become as cold and ruthless as her mother. In this, Pentax can be said to have made great contributions.

"Don't misunderstand." I lowered my voice and told Pentax. "Amy will be very sad if I die, so I can't go to death in vain. The black baby doesn't want to kill me at once, otherwise the enemy can shoot now. What he really wants is to torture me, and once I am brought to him..."

I put out my index finger and clicked on my temple.

"A certain thing inside will make me defeat."

Read Legend of Swordsman
Martial ArtsXuanhuanAdventureAction