MTL - I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl-Chapter 1347 Xiao Qin's proposal

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Resting on the beach for a while, I feel that physical strength has recovered, let the squad leader take me to see Xiaoqin.

The signal cursor was left in the crack of the reef on the shore, so that it should not be washed away by the waves, and the position information could be transmitted more accurately.

The squad leader led the way in front of her. The long legs under her grass skirt made me look at my eyes, and she did not wear shoes with bare feet. Her shoes probably fell into the sea.

It didn't take long for us to walk out of the woods. The front is the location of the lighthouse hotel. However, after the tsunami, the lighthouse hotel has only one lap of the bottom of the ruins. It can barely be used to block the wind, and even the rain can't be done.

There are a lot of broken concrete buildings nearby. The squad leader told me to move carefully. I think the barefoot squad is more dangerous than me.

After passing through the rubble, I saw a tree that was not particularly smashed by the tsunami. The brown bark was engraved with three and a half "positive" characters. The font was meticulous, apparently the squad leader used to record the trapped Time on the island.

Looking for Xiaoqin along the circular edge of the ruins of the lighthouse, I first saw some dried fish drying on the stone, and a fresh plastic bucket with a sealed mouth stored fresh water, not far from the water distillation system assembled by the squad leader...

Due to the low latitude of Angel Island, even the afternoon sun was very abundant. I soon found a shiny metal spear on the ground, and on the grass mat next to it, Xiaoqin was lying on the side like a cat.

This should not belong to the "male man" sleeping position. When the squad leader leaves the base, Xiao Qin will reveal his fragile side.

When I first walked into the base, I took off my life jacket and dried it on the broken wall. Although the rest of my clothes were still saturated with sea water, at least there was no bloated life jacket.

I was closer to see Xiao Qin's sleeping position. The squad leader stood in a faraway place in order not to bother us.

Xiaoqin's grass skirt is longer than the squad leader, but because she has been sloppy, the length can basically be regarded as the squad leader's couple, and compared with the squad leader's rules, it shows a lot of wild style.

There was no legislation for more than half a month. The squad leader’s hair was long and couldn’t see much change. The short hair of Xiaoqin was obviously longer. The hair that covered the forehead’s head made her girl stronger. .

Under the sun, Xiaoqin’s side line is soft, but her lips are squatting down, as if she is in a sad dream, tears streaming out of her eyes, and her expression is very impressive. Heartless.

The shadow of my body covered the face of Xiaoqin, but she did not wake up, but she tightened her body more, grabbed a handful of hay with her hands in the straw mat, and cried in her dream:

"With so many days, Alin must have been eaten by the great white shark, or else it was killed by the Carrefour pirates."

"It’s a Pirates of the Caribbean,."

I couldn't help but vomit a slot, my voice woke up Xiaoqin, she sat up half-shouldered, looked at me, and couldn't believe her eyes wiped her eyes, then she slammed Screwed a hand on his bare thigh.

"Ah, it hurts, not a dream, Alin is not dead, my prayers are in effect."

Xiaoqin slammed it up from the straw mat and threw it into my arms with the power of the whole body, as if I was going to rush into my heart and never separate from me.

Because the action of Xiaoqin was too great, there were countless hay flying in the air, like the rain of hay under us.

Xiaoqin will not suppress feelings in front of me, so her face is crying, and because of the difference in height between us, Xiaoqin has left her feet and left her feet. She is like a monkey. Hanging on the breeder generally refuses to leave, it is really wanting to cry and want to laugh.

"Don't be afraid, this is not a dream, I am back."

I first patted Xiaoqin's shoulder, and then immediately grabbed her as a response. When I did this action, I sent a happy "Hmm" sound from Xiaoqin's eyes.

I was holding it with Xiaoqin, and Xiaoqin used her face to slam on my chest. The squad leader not far away saw this expression a little weird, but she tried to control herself not to bother us. Let us fully enjoy the emotional vent after the reunion.

When I first came ashore, the squad leader also hugged me, but I did not make any obvious response. This was because I was exhausted at the time, and on the other hand, because Klinger had already filled the love potion across the Pacific. Xiao Qin and the squad leader have already been recruited. If I am too close to them, my pheromones will make them fall in love with me, just like Zhuang Ni.

It doesn't matter if Xiaoqin doesn't care. She loved me so much that it was incorrigible. I think Xiaoqin will not improve her goodwill, and the squad leader is different.

I treated the squad leader’s brother in the emperor’s building. The squad leader should have been very angry with me. She did not show this when she saw me again, mainly because I was too excited to see the escape, waiting for the passion. After cooling, I am afraid that there will be a must for me.

I certainly hope that the squad leader forgives me, but I don't want to use pheromone to cheat, so I can only try to avoid being too close to the squad leader. Even if I have occasional contact, I should try my best to control the time.

Xiaoqin held me and said a lot of unclear and logical confusion. In short, after seeing me happy again, I suddenly made a weird request:

"A Lin, you will live with me on this island in the future."

"What stupid things are said." I am awkward. "The distress signal has already been sent out. If you are lucky, someone will come to save them soon."

Listening to me, Xiao Qin suddenly lowered her head, although her emotions were still happy overall, but I noticed a slight worry on her face.

"What's wrong." I gently shook Xiaoqin's shoulder and asked, "Why did you let me live with you on this island, just because you like to eat seafood."

The squad leader finally coughed and went forward to propose: "Small celery, you should first loosen Ye Lin. The wet clothes on his body need to be taken off and grilled, otherwise it is easy to catch a cold."

In the daytime, Xiaoqin will not eat the slaves like the evening, so she is not drunk, even if there is alcohol in the body, she just flowed out with tears. Since it is not the bully personality that dominates the body, she does not have I listened to the squad leader and listened to the advice of the squad leader.

The sun is sinking into the west, and it is shot from the deep sea like a torpedo. The face of the sea definitely causes some damage. I don’t dare to be too big. I quickly lie on the sun and leave myself with only one corner. Underpants, then wait for the squad leader to put the fire on and dry the coat.

Fortunately, I am a boxer, here is the island, my dress is not much different from the swimsuit.

After all, the squad leader is more reserved, and she may have noticed that my gaze often hangs on her exposed skin, so try not to look at me, but focus on the work of firing.

She picked up the pieces of porcelain bowls that served as hatchets and cut a lot of small marks on some of the epidermis, half-gray and half-green branches. I was very curious to ask her what she was doing, and she replied:

"The branches that have just been cut are hard to burn, so you have to make an incision first."

This little knowledge of survival in the field has caused an unexpected impact on me.

That's right, absolutely right. The virtual squad leader in the reincarnation dreams said the same thing and did the same thing.

It is not only based on one's experience, personality, and highly artificial artificial intelligence. The soul of the squad leader and the virtual squad leader is actually no different. Only one of them has a warm body and the other person lives in a cold machine.

The half-month survival in the field has made the squad leader very skilled. A lot of bonfires quickly rose. Because of the lessons learned from the previous car, the squad leader was prepared to prevent my coat from being burned.

The sky gradually darkened. I sat down against the bonfire and used the heat to dry the sea water. The squad leader began to silently grill the fish on my opposite side, and prepared dinner for me and Xiaoqin.

"Hah, there is salt on the back of Alin."

The salt particles that had formed on my back due to the evaporation of sea water shone brightly under the light of the fire. Xiaoqin picked up the salt and threw it into his mouth as if he had discovered the New World, and then issued "Mumm". Waiting for a strange sound that is delicious.

I turned to smile and said: "Look for salt from my back. Are you a monkey?"

Xiaoqin smiled and squatted on the straw mat with his hands on his chin. The two little feet swayed in the heights. The pretty face that was reflected in the fire was just watching me not talking.

"Eating." The squad leader said in a flat tone. "Do you taste the two fishes a bit salty? If it is salty, I will put less salt when roasting the bird's wings."

Perhaps it is my illusion, as if every time I talk to Xiao Qin, "School Love," the squad leader will always interrupt with some upright reasons.

The grilled fish made by the squad leader was not salty at all. I ate it to supplement the low physical strength. Xiaoqin was very happy to watch me eat. She only ate half a piece.

As the chef's squad leader did not move the grilled fish, she wiped the sweat from the fire and continued to cook the bird's wings. In addition to the sea salt, it was sprinkled with a plant seasoning powder such as rosemary.

After handing the delicious grilled wings to us, the squad leader asked: "Ye Lin, how did you escape the submarine, why did you get caught in the submarine?"

So I slowed down the speed of eating and explained the things in these days.

Including Ai Shuqiao captured a large group of Ainu with the help of love potions, opened a killing ring at Guantanamo prison, and the Black Holy Baby controlled a typhoon-class submarine carrying a nuclear warhead, temporarily lurking under the sea in order to realize the ambition to rule the world. ,

Read The Duke's Passion