MTL - I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl-Chapter 5 Bad classmates at the neighboring table

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In the next two weeks, I have never seen Xiao Qin again.

Did you give up? Ren Xiaoqin, it seems that I overestimated your determination to murder me!

I relaxed, and I slept in the class teacher’s class.

Last night, Dad was drunk again. I had to help him deal with online shop orders, and lost face to face. After all, it was about the living expenses of a family of two.

So I slept very late yesterday, and I sealed a lot of H objects, just waiting for the express delivery to pick up. I hope that when Dad arrives, the wine is already awake.

The reason why I chose to sleep in the class teacher's class is because the teacher is a person who, in a straightforward manner, is more incompetent.

He teaches English, and he is thin like a bamboo pole. Every day, he is full of grace and voice, and his voice is low. There is no gas in the class teacher. Since being smashed by a student in class two years ago, the act has become even more daunting.

Having said that, I should mention my status in the second (3) class.

Since being bullied by the bully, I have been firmly defending my position in school.

Each class has a variety of roles, such as learning the best, most liked by the teacher, the most mischievous, the most easily bullied by everyone...

Every time I go to a new class, I will calmly analyze the whole class, estimate their strength, and gradually classify them into various roles until they can never fall into the ranks of the bullies.

Over time, my role in the class became a lone wolf, and no one wants to provoke the embarrassing role.

I have not mentioned it before, but my face is very fierce.

Especially the eyes.

The eyes are long and narrow, and the eyes are small. Once you laugh, it is very horrible, like a murderer.

According to my father, I was not so fierce when I was young. It may have been bullied by the bully. Over time, I gradually evolved this kind of fierceness for defense.

Once I was walking in the corridor of the main building, because I suddenly remembered the joke that my dad had said, and laughed. As a result, a girl from the lower grades who was oncoming was scared to cry on the spot.

In short, I am just a stop in the crowd, and I don’t do anything that everyone thinks I am a bad guy.

However, I saw that my childhood photos were quite cute. They were all bullies that made me look like this.

Nowadays, the person with the highest body size and the best fight, I am sitting in the last row of the window on the left side of the classroom. There is no arrangement at the neighboring table on the right. It may be worried that sitting at my neighboring table will be bullied and affected. Learn.

Yu teacher must also be afraid to wake me up because I am afraid of being beaten by me?

In fact, I really didn't play any teacher (because my dad used to be a teacher), and in addition to smashing a few punks who robbed money at the back door of the school, they called me outside my brother. No one has bullied anyone.

However, in the eyes of my classmates, I may have killed more than a dozen people outside. In the future, it is definitely the first time to send a small management office, then go to jail, and finally take the rhythm of taking a gun at the execution ground.

I said that you are too despised by the people's police! I have killed more than a dozen people and can still have classes here without any problems?

Forget it, no matter what! Let's make a difference and then say it!

I have a nightmare.

I didn't expect to sleep on the desk and dream.

I dreamed that Xiaoqin was incorporated into the second (3) class as a transfer student, and was also placed in the seat of my neighboring table. Yu also said a lot because the child had been receiving family education. So I am not used to school life. I hope that everyone can help new students and let Xiaoqin integrate into nonsense like classes.

The people and things in the dream are vague, but the voice is very real, as in the ear.

Still mono.

Really embarrassing, just because I pressed my right ear to sleep, the dream is only left mono? Why are dreams entangled in reality in strange places?

Xiaoqin transferred to study and sat next to me? Too fragile! How can such a comic-like plot happen in the real world? When I fell asleep, I actually had this kind of dream. I was fed up with my own paranoia.

The desk is really hard! I pulled out my numb arm and changed my sleeping position. This time I turned my face to the right.

On the right, the empty neighboring table, I do not know when there is a girl who laughs at me.

As long as it is not like a flower or a Feng sister, the girls should look good when they laugh.

But this girl is obviously a beautiful woman, but her face is like a smile and she doesn't dare to laugh. I want to see you and I am afraid that you will find it. I want to talk to you and I don't know how to open it... In short, it is extremely complicated and weird.

Her eyes especially revealed the infinite desire for me, as if I was a Tang Yan meat that I couldn't eat.

I was covered in cold sweat and I sat straight on the chair.

Nima, this tiger-like smile, you want to scare the old man!

And this girl is not Ren Xiaoqin!

The hair is longer than the last time I met, and I am wearing a beige suit and dress. It’s so cute to dress up so cute!

You really still refused to let me go! Hunting me to chase to the school! Even the PVP equipment of Charm 10 is put on!

Don't think that you don't need to wear school uniforms! Give me the ugly blue and white striped sportswear tomorrow!

"Ye, Ye Lin, is it bad to go to class?"

She finally took a word for a long time.

"Don't talk in class! Give me a good class!"

Yu teacher will not believe that I am helping him maintain the classroom order.

"But I haven't seen Ye Lin for a long time..."

She actually played with a cartoon pen while she was blushing.

"Who allowed you to be so intimate? Give me the word "classmates"!"

"Why? Are we not a childhood?"

Your little girl’s childhood! Was our relationship a melancholy? I don't want a childhood that is violent to gender.

"I don't care, in general, you are not allowed to call my name!"

I made an injunction, and I can't be soft about such a terrible opponent as Ren Xiaoqin.

If the heart is soft, it will fall into the miserable situation of Dad.

"Well, Ye Lin, classmate..."

Her heart is reluctant to say.

Teacher Yu read a piece of text on the podium table. Some people in the class noticed that I was talking to the new transfer students. But we didn't speak very much. They shouldn't hear what we were talking about.

Anyway, I definitely think that I am bullying the newly transferred classmates.

Only this time, I will realize their expectations.

I will bully Ren Xiaoqin at the neighboring table.

The plan was to let her collapse first before my fortress was captured by her.

When I thought of Ren Xiaoqin being bullied by me, I finally yelled at me, "I hate you the most!", and even re-emphasized my face, I was so excited that I was shaking all over.

Zhuge Liang set a trap waiting for Cao Cao, or the clown set a trap waiting for Batman, it must be this kind of mood.

"Ye, Ye Lin, how is your face red?"

Nothing! I am thinking about the specific method of bullying you! Because I haven’t bullied others before, so I have no experience to think about it! Don't bother me with my meditation!

"Ye Lin, you are shaking!"

I married her, if it is another girl, it should be enough to scare them.

Xiaoqin had a blush on his face, and he was embarrassed to leave his face.

"Ye Lin, who... I wear a skirt and look good?"

Don't be wrong! My eyes are obviously "killing you with more mouths"! What kind of neural structure is it to be misunderstood?

"In fact, I am wearing a skirt for the first time in public today... I saw Ye Lin’s classmates shaking, and I was nervous... I said that I didn’t have a flaw in wearing a skirt? Wouldn’t it be dismantled by everyone?”

She put her hands on her knees and pressed it down the skirt, which seemed to be really nervous.

"Don't talk in this strange tone! You are a girl, what can be dismantled!"

Listen to me saying that she has a happy face and she doesn't know what she is thinking.

He calmly came down quietly, I was going to think of a few bully ideas, but how is it so bad today! Why do you want to listen carefully to the teacher's class like never before!

After about 5 minutes, I felt Xiaoqin poked my elbow with a ruler. I didn't want to care about her, but she made more and more strength. I didn't turn my head too hard and found her at the end of the ruler. A rubber band is used to tie a piece of paper that is folded squarely.

It turns out that you just wrote something, not taking notes! Doesn't it mean that I have never been to school? How can this high-level paper-feeding skills be used?

I am very angry to open the note, I saw it written in the words of Juan Xiu:

I have long hair and a skirt, so it is more like a girl?

So, can I consider it again on my request that day?

Ps: Because I am too shy, I dare not say that I have to write on a note. Why don’t you answer me with a note?

I also used a red pen to draw a big red heart on it! My dog's eyes will make you flash!

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