MTL - I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl-Chapter 9 Xiao Qin almost died

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In the afternoon, the first class became a language class for unknown reasons. Zhang Laotou did not come to the platform. He only told everyone to study by himself. Let us use the pen to copy Du Fu’s "Wang Yue" for a hundred times, saying that it can help us to practice the word. .

I always feel that this decision is directed at me.

When I returned to the classroom in the afternoon, I immediately felt the burning eyes rushing to me. What I did in the cafeteria was already well known.

Xiao Can is in his seat, his shoulders are slightly shaking, as if he is still sad.

Shusha is no longer there. Maybe she was called to the teaching office to talk, because the director of the school did not dare to blame me in person, just take our squad leader out of the air?

It’s really despicable to reach a certain realm!

Xiaoqin’s hair and clothes have been dried. Only a little stain has been left on the collar. The whole time is busy at noon, so I can’t even eat it.

I took the pen out of the pencil case, opened the textbook, unplugged the cap, and spread the original paper... The movement was very light, as if I was afraid of quarreling with Xiaoqin.

But a word can't be written.

Because I was afraid that Zhang Laotou would come to visit at any time, the classroom was quite quiet, and I could only hear the tip of the pen on the manuscript paper.


How suddenly became stupid! You are not talking about the Middle East issue or martial arts anime, the speed of speech is comparable to the famous spray of Gatling machine guns? Just a sentence, sorry!

I looked up and asked for help. I don't expect anyone to help me. I didn't expect the big horns in the distance to pay close attention to the development of me and Xiaoqin.

Also make an encouragement posture of "refueling, I am quite you."

Really worthy of being a dedicated gossip!

"Little Qin, I..."

Xiao Qin still squatted on the table, and there was a movement from the table to learn about Soso.

Huh? Is she also copying ancient poems? Can you see things like this? Isn't the light enough? It turns out that not only can the keyboard be blindly played, but as long as it is a master, can even the pen word be blindly written?

"Learn about Soso, learn about Soso"

Say this is not the sound of writing! Xiao Qin, what are you doing? Are you crying like this? Are you hating me for hating the table?

Xiaoqin finally noticed that I was stealing her. She raised her face with a tear star in her eyes. Both hands held a piece of coconut bread, and the coconut was on her lips.

It turns out that you are stealing food! The action is also like a hamster! It’s a good thing to eat while crying!

I found out that I was looking at her bread. Xiaoqin immediately moved the bread away with vigilance and made a look that I didn't want to be taken away by me.

"At least wait for me to finish the bread, then bully me, okay?"

Xiao Qin asked pitifully.

Oops, you think that I am too bad, I don’t want to bully you at all!

If you don't speak first, I will apologize to you!

However, you have obviously suffered such a big grievance, and it also shows that "nothing is okay, it doesn't matter." If you do this, it will make my strong sense of guilt disappear! If my guilt is not seen, it will become a bastion mode of dedication!

"You can rest assured, I don't grab it. I will help you cover it. If the old man comes back, I will tell you."

Obviously I don't trust me. Xiaoqin speeds up eating bread, but her mouth is very small, and a common bread has to be eaten for a long time.

Under this time, I can safely copy ancient poems. I copied more than a dozen lines with Ye's unique calligraphy. Long Feifeng dance, pen and dragon snake, really good! One line is ugly than a line.

Suddenly my sleeve was smashed by Xiaoqin, and it was very tight. Xiaoqin looked at me for help. I couldn’t say a word, and my expression was very painful.

Is it... was it caught by the last piece of bread?

Xiaoqin nodded desperately and handed over a bottle of unopened mineral water.

"Is it... let me unscrew it for you?"

I cleaned the mineral water cleanly and handed it back. Xiaoqin took a big sip and finally changed back to normal face.

"Call... saved! Without Ye Lin’s words, I will die here today!"

Xiaoqin exaggerated.

Can't you be killed because of a piece of bread? Besides, if you are not afraid of being taken away by me, you don’t have to eat so fast? In addition, another -

Is your strength really not enough to unscrew the bottle cap of mineral water?

You used to be a little bully who played ten! When you were in the fifth grade, there are no caps in the world that you can't open. Even if you have been mentally degraded for three years at home, you can't fall to this point!

Because I can't open the bottle cap and almost live to death, it really is acting? Is it to tease me, look at my anxious look?

Seeing the suspicion of my shooting, Xiao Qin pouted.

“It’s normal for people to be weak and sick, and it’s normal to not open the cap.”

"You haven't forgotten this setting! You dare to make a deceit to lie to the teacher! You should be stuffed when you take the physical education test!"

"Because of anemia, the teacher said that you can take part in physical education classes at your discretion, or stand by and watch your movements."


You guys who can participate in the triathlon, dressed as Lin Biaoyu look, see that we have only 5 of the combat power and run and jump on the field, this is what a bad taste!

It’s like Pan Changjiang and Guo Jingming playing basketball on the court. Then Yao Ming and Kobe are on the court and say, “Oh, you both played very well. We can’t do it. We are so weak and sick!”

"Ye Lin, classmate." Xiaoqin suddenly asked me what he asked. "Are you going to bully me this afternoon?"

"Ah... no."

I am a little embarrassed to answer.

Xiaoqin happily picked up the song, which seems to be the theme song of "Cherry Maruko". She sang songs while copying ancient poems, and the efficiency is very amazing.

I also quickly practiced my Ye's calligraphy.

When I was in class, the class took away a hundred times of ancient poetry and transcripts. I was thinking about how to use this break during the class, but found that the squad leader Shusha came in from the back door of the classroom.

The momentum is rampant, the indignation is filled, and you must kill me and then come over quickly.

In my heart, "Mom" screamed out, and if I didn't think about it, I ran away in the opposite direction, right, and ran to the desk! As long as I can escape from the front door, I will win!

"Ye Lin! You stand for me! Ye-Lin-!!"

The squad leader Shusha called my name, and it was more than a scream, and separated from the crowd, striding over.

After all, I was still blocked by the crowd during the class, and Shusha was blocked in the hallway.

Shusha's body is not low, and the side-by-side and me standing can reach the height of my nose, half a little higher than Xiaoqin.

And because her gas field is too strong, so the boy standing in front of him, even if I am so high, psychologically will be pressured by her.

Of course, I didn’t show it on the surface.

I am a poor man who never compromises and never admits to lose weight.

"Why are you hiding from me?" the squad leader asked.

Of course I have to hide from you! You look like a hard-to-handle look, and the name is exactly the same as a strong man in "Beidou Shenquan". If you use your own boxing method to get rid of it, how much more!

Although I think so in my heart, I can’t say that.

"I didn't hide from you! Don't feel good about yourself! I am going to the toilet to pee!"

A hooligan, I still have a talent for acting, I really admire myself.

"What you did in the cafeteria, the director told me!"

"Ah? I went to the school card and gave it to the school flower school sister. So I spread it all over the school so soon? I am so embarrassed, I obviously hope to learn Lei Feng to do good things without name..."

"To shut up!!"

I was scared.

"I am talking about the fact that you poured cola on the head of Xiaoqin!!"

The squad leader was so angry that his lips were shaking, and the long black hair shook with the passing tide.

Her eyes are like eagle owls flying in the mountains, and the deep black pupils seem to penetrate deep into the souls of others.

I feel dry and dry.

Xiaoqin suddenly chased out from the back door of the classroom. She crossed the squad leader and applied her body directly to my arm. Then her hands clasped the arm and looked very intimate.

"Squad leader, you misunderstood!" Xiaoqin said with a smile, "In fact, we both know each other since childhood! We are playing in the language class!"

Apparently Shusha was very surprised that Xiao Qin came out to help me.

"Don't lie to me! Even if it was a joke in the language class, it wouldn't be a joke to eat at the noon cafeteria!"

"That's just that Ye Lin is not careful, and my clothes are already dry!"

Xiaoqin continues to explain to me.

"Squad leader~ is really ah%gt;_lt;%~"

Xiaoqin desperately wants Shusha to believe her own words.

"I and Ye Lin were neighbors when they were young, and parents know each other. It is a relationship of childhood and happiness!"

"Although sometimes there will be fights, but it will be reconciled soon!"

"Ye Lin, right?"

Xiaoqin asked me to prove that the situation was forced, I had to "hmm".

The time for class is very precious. In the twinkling of an eye, the bell will ring again. The squad leader saw Xiaoqin, the victim, who kept me blindly, and did not know what to do at the same time.

"Then you will go back first, I will carefully investigate the situation." The squad leader waved at me and motioned that I could retreat.

I was hugged by Xiaoqin and I walked up and down, but Xiaoqin didn't know why she smiled very happily.

The squad leader stopped us from behind.

"Ye Lin, why are you going to the classroom? Didn't you just say you want to pee?"

Shusha half squinted, repeating my vulgar rhetoric if nothing happened.

"I, I am not going! Because the weather is too dry, let the body reabsorb!"

Shusha snorted softly.

"And Xiaoqin, I want to ask you once again, I hope you can tell the truth."

"-Do you have any handles on Ye Lin's hand?"

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