MTL - I’m Not Human-Chapter 15 Fifteenth day of not being a man

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Gu Huai took the flower and gently shook this pure white flower in front of the silver worms in his vicinity.

The pliable flower swaying, this flower is like dancing briskly.

Gu Huai does not know what kind of flower this flower is. It looks a bit like a rose on earth, but it is more beautiful than a rose, and there is no thorn.

Even if you touch it at will, you don't have to worry about being stabbed. This flower is very hard to show the viewer all the softness and beauty.

The white flowers are swaying in front of the eyes. In terms of the hunter's instinct, such dynamic things should make it easier for Arvis to capture instinct with vision.

But at this time in front of Yalves, there is a beautiful thing that will attract all his eyes even if it is quiet, and the subjective desire to see will push the instinct to the other side.

Gu Huai waited for a while and didn't hear Arvis's evaluation of the flower. He looked at it with doubt, and then found that the beautiful golden eyes of the other side were watching him.

When blindfolded, Arvis would have a different sense of normality, and he would appear to be indifferent and indifferent when he was expressionless.

But now the black straps on the eyes are untied, and the light golden erects are exposed. This handsome beauty is flawless.

Like a big cat lying on the ground and watching something of particular interest, Gu Huai was stunned at this moment, did not hold back and touched the hair of Arvis.

This silver hair is very supple, feels very good to touch, Gu Huai is a little addicted to touch the top.

Arvis, who was touched by the hair, slightly picked up his erect in an instant. He did not resist, letting Gu Huai move freely.

After waiting for a few seconds to react to what he had done, Gu Huai Dun lived and slammed his hand and hurriedly took it back.

Before I touched it to appease, it is a bit rude to touch other people's hair for no reason at all.

But Gu Huaigang took his hand off and had not had time to say sorry. He saw that Arvis in front of him had pulled his hand that had just been withdrawn and pulled back to his head without a word.

This is... give him a touch?

At this time, Gu Huai did not know what the special action of “combing the hair” had in the Zerg. He watched a silver big cat show his docile appearance in front of him and let him touch it. Gu Huai did not hold himself back. The sinful hand touched the extra silver hair that was so soft.

"You don't have to wear this thing anymore in the future?" Gu Huai took the black strap that he had solved with his right hand. After he finished speaking, he thought about it and then said, "You said that I would feel around me. Quiet, shouldn't you wear it at least when you see me?"

"... um." Hesitated for a while, and Yalves finally fell to a low voice.

The shape of the world is strange, obviously a familiar place, but because the vision is closed for too long, and the eyes are re-visited, Yalves has a deep and unfamiliar understanding of what he sees.

Shape, color.

It takes about a second or two seconds for Yalves to match what he sees with what he once knew.

"How long have you been using your eyes to see things?" Gu Huai looked at each other.

Yalves squinted his eyes and looked blank: "I don't remember."

Because irritability and uncontrollable desire to break control are things that happened long ago, Yalves does not specifically remember the passage of time. Discarding the vision does not make him feel uncomfortable. Only a black world can be slightly Make him feel quieter.

It should have been a long time, Gu Huai thought.

"Then I saw it now, and the things I saw will make you feel..." Gu Huai said that he stopped here and wondered if he should use it to resist, get bored, or not like it more suitable, but did not wait for him to put the last one. The words were honed, and he first heard that Arvis said that there seemed to be nothing to do with responding to the question.

"I saw you." Arvis said in a tone that was not undulating, but in the cold, it made people feel very serious.

The scenery that I saw did not change, only one more person.

But this is like a lonely star in the black universe to find its moon, in front of Yalves, the world has never been so beautiful.

Gu Huai did not forget that Arvis had said that he wanted to see him before, so he bent at the moment and said: "You can continue to see it later."

Yalves instigated his eyes because of this sentence. He didn't even want to make a blink of an eye before, because it would make him have a very short moment to see the person in front of him.

The flower that was taken needed to be nursed, and Gu Huai got up to find a glass that could hold water. After installing about half a cup of water, the rhizome of the pure white flower he held on his hand was inserted into the water.

This should be at least a little longer.

Gu Huai put the glass with the flower on the window sill, and after sticking out the finger carefully to poke the petals, he walked back to Arvis: "Thank you for the flowers, it looks good."

There is no flower on the star of Tuse, and this flower can only be picked up by the other party to other planets, but this flower that has been picked up can only grow and survive for a short time. Gu Huai feels a pity.

"Why are you disappointed?" I noticed the slight change in the expression on Gu Huai's face, and Yalves asked with a low voice.

"It’s not a disappointment, it’s a pity.” Gu Huai Wen explained, “Because this flower will fade after a while.”

“If there is a suitable soil, it can be transplanted, but the soil of Tusestar is not suitable.”

The soil environment of a planet is difficult to change. There is no way to plant flowers on the map. If you want to have flowers, you should only go to other planets to get some soil and then plant a pot.

But in this case, only he saw the flowers alone. Gu Huai actually hopes that the Zerg who lives on the Tuse Star can see more different colors on the planet.

For the overall view of a planet, there is nothing better than a flower.

Yalves made his lips a very cold line. He looked at the flower and once again was confused by this fragility different from his own.

It was just taken off, and it was not completely crushed, so that it could not continue to survive.

The youth in front of him also have similar vulnerabilities, so Yalves is always afraid that he will inadvertently hurt.

The black eye mask that Yalves used to cover his eyes was still taken by Gu Huai. Before returning this to the other party, Gu Huai suddenly became curious, and he used this strap to cover his eyes like each other. Just as casual, I made a knot behind.

The field of vision became dark in a moment. Although Gu Huai looked at things one second before, he didn't know what was there in the next second.

Compared with Yalves, who can move freely in this state, Gu Huai has directly lost most of his ability to act.

I couldn't try to walk a few steps forward. Gu Huai's waist was surrounded by a silver-gray tail.

Then Gu Huai heard the voice of Yalves: "The front is the table corner."

Gu Huai concealed and coughed twice. If he had nothing to do with the black eye mask on his face, he handed the item back to the other party.

There is also Gu Huai's residual body temperature on the eye mask, and Yalves has silently put this black tie in his hand.

He thinks that when he uses this thing in the future, he will inevitably think that this black eye mask has been used by Gu Huai.

When he was not in front of Gu Huai, Yarvis still blinded his eyes. In order to discuss the soil problems of Tuse Star, Yarvis was willing to take the initiative to convene a meeting in the conference room of the Military Building.

One day later, the fleet of the Second Legion from the Tamils ​​Star arrived as scheduled, and as the previous communication in the newsletter, the other side really only brought the lowest fleet.

"The next Kapaliya, come from your summons." The bones behind him are surging like a surrender. The female Zerg, who kneels down in front of Gu Huai, has a cold expression, and the voice seems to work hard to soften, but because Never tried and failed.

In the face of cherished things, the Tucker seems to be doing the same, as Gu Huai saw the Tucker who was born in him, and Capalia pulled her left knife in the shape of her sharp knife. Gu Huai’s place has shrunk, and the sharpness has always been offset as much as possible.

This is an instinctive act, and because of the uncontrollable power, it is more careful to treat things that are cherished.

Not to mention the high-level people on the side of Tuse, the Zerg soldiers of the Second Legion have never seen their own leader... In fact, it can be said that it is a very soft attitude, and the real cold expression of the other party is Different.

"Let's go in first." Gu Huai said, bringing the surrounding Zerg into the hall on the first floor of the mansion.

The Zerg of the two legions, including the head of the army, did not care for each other until Gu Huai went into the hall and suddenly reached out to solve the black eye mask that Yalves covered.

This move made all the Zerg in the field instantly change their expressions, but Kapalia, who was quietly behind Gu Huai, suddenly stood in front of him in less than a second, and the erect was slightly contracted.

This should be described as a protective posture compared to the state of combat.

Kapaliya apparently knows what will happen to the black eye mask once it is solved. This is not a secret. Other Zerg are also present because they understand the serious consequences of this incident. At this time, they are all tightening.

Gu Huai didn't react at all, and when he wanted to understand the reason, he slipped out behind Kapaliya, who blocked him with his bones.

Seeing that Arvis was looked at by all the Zerg around with nervous and alert eyes, Gu Huai looked at him and couldn't help but walk in the tight atmosphere to pull the other's hand.

"Your Majesty -" did not expect Gu Huai to have this action, the Chief of Staff suddenly panicked.

At this time, Gu Huai was close to Yalves, and the other Zerg around him even dared not act rashly. In this case, Gu Huai only took Yalves to start his seat.

The silver-haired worms, who were held by the young people, seemed obedient to obedience, and their eyebrows were drooping. So they did not let Gu Huai take him away.

So after watching other Zerg in this scene, the expression gradually turned from fearful fear to worry. 2k novel reading network

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