MTL - I’m Not Human-Chapter 25 The twenty-fifth day of not being a man

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The king found it, then the next step is to deal with the prisoner.

How to deal with it specifically?

The body shape makes people feel like the size of the mountain, the leader of the Fourth Army of the Zerg, who is using his erect to stare at the two humans in front of him, or to screw the head down, or to tear the two human limbs first. Then screw your head off...

Simodo looked at the bodies of two humans just like the fish on the two cutting boards. He used his already fierce face to show the fierce expression to the two humans, and he could not help but smash the two. Lower teeth.

When he thought of it, Simodo was preparing to unscrew the two human heads as a gift to his king, but at this time, his clothes were suddenly pulled.

This downturn caused Simodo to pause, and his reflective quick convergence of the fierce expression on his face before he turned back and asked the young man who pulled his clothes: "What do you mean to your subordinates?"

Because the appearance is inherently fierce, Simodo can't make a gentle expression. When he deliberately converges his expression, the whole person seems to be a bit dull and dull, which makes Gu Huai think of the Tucker who first looked at him. Zerg.

"They didn't do anything to me..." Gu Huai took the appropriate argument and thought about how to make his Zerg a little dissipated. "They should treat me as a human being, thinking that I was also caught in the Tuse Star. The captives, so I will bring me here together, not what I want to do bad things for me."

This is an oolong incident, because it is understood that in the whole process, the two human generals only have the mentality of protecting their "compatriots". Gu Huai still hopes that these two people can survive.

Although this kind of protection mentality is only under the premise of misunderstanding his identity, from the behavior of the two people, it is indeed admirable for the soldiers who want to protect the people in times of crisis.

But standing in the position of the Zerg, Gu Huai also understands how much the unintentional behavior of these two people has caused anxiety for the Zerg who cares for him. Gu Huai can imagine how the Zerg is looking for him in his eager mood. .

"Sorry, I am worried about you." Gu Huai said with a low voice.

If he didn't passively sleep because of the advanced growth of his mental strength, this thing could not have happened.

And when I heard Gu Huai say this, the Zerg people in the field basically changed their expressions.

"You don't need to apologize." When the knees stood up and lowered his head, the two black horns on the head of Ai's head covered with gray hair were exposed in front of Gu Huai. He said quietly, "Protect yourself as our own." The desire, but not able to protect you, the mistake is us, you have not done anything wrong."

When Ai said this, other Zerg are present with the default attitude.

"Does the king want to leave these two people?" asked Simodo.

Gu Huai looked at the two people who were fixed in the same place and nodded lightly.

"Let's stay and stay." Like in the comments on what is not important, seeing Gu Huai nod, Siddhartha will quickly follow.

The head of the fierce fourth army showed a look of what Gu Huai said, because he felt that his Kazakh group was more mediocre than other ethnic groups. He did not have a prominent position among the four heads of the army. The ability of Simoto to express loyalty to Gu Huai is more direct.

Other than that, he must at least offer unreserved loyalty.

The lives of these two people were saved. Gu Huai looked at the two people. He was thinking that since he intended to let the Zerg expand diplomacy, humans would one day be exposed.

The relationship between the Zerg and the human being is not good. This is a legacy of the history of the Old Age. It is not easy to solve it.

Gu Huai wants to pass these two people and first understand the humans in the Star Age.

"Please ask them to go to Tussex for a while." Gu Huai thought about it.

Gu Huai’s voice just fell, and Yalves, holding him and putting his tail on him, glanced at the two humans in front and gave instructions to his adjutant: “Bring them up and return to Tusser. ”

After saying this, Arvis took the young man he had found back in the direction of the warship, calmed down and maintained a consistently calm and calm, as if the mood was not affected in this incident.

However, from the side face where Yalves can't see the expression, Gu Huai is still very easy to detect that the other party is angry.

Therefore, Gu Huai did not move to let him hold him. When he was normally awake, he would definitely ask himself to walk.

Gu Huai observed the expression of Yalves for a while, and decided that before returning to Thur Star, he would be so safe and unmoving, and probably noticed his sight, and Yalves suddenly stopped and lowered. Head.

Gu Huai's pair of beautiful light golden erects, these eyes are cold, making the light golden color of the eyelids more obvious.

By being seen by Arvis, Gu Huai suddenly felt that he could not help but blame each other.

So Gu Huai quietly touched the tail of the circle on him, and then tentatively shouted the name of the next Yalves: "Hey?"

Gu Huai’s voice when he called this nickname was particularly low, and he felt that the name could not be heard by others.

When Yalves heard the name, he drooled. He didn't say anything, but his tail was involuntarily moved.

"Let's go back to Tushur, I am hungry." Because of the advancement of mental strength, I slept for more than a day. Gu Huai did not eat anything during this period. Now it is really hungry.

"Okay." Hearing that Gu Huai said so, Yalves quickly responded with a low voice.

Obedience is obedience, but this does not prevent Arvis from giving the two more humans a record. He is holding the young man in his arms and then walking to the battleship door. The two men who were taken close to the battleship squinted.

This is the hunter's look at the prey, but because of the requirements of Gu Huai, Arvis only stopped his behavior in a simple look.

Gu Huai still does not have a correct understanding of the Zerg's hearing ability. His conversation with Yalves was completely stopped in the ears of the Zerg.

The informed Zerg was first surprised that Yalves did not mind being called the name, but after hearing it, their unanimous reaction was to show even worse eyes to the two humans they were staring at.

After the two humans abducted their king, they did not even give them a king to eat!

According to the time of birth, their king is still a cub that has not been born for a long time, and the eggshells have not finished eating. These two humans have even made the cubs hungry.

At the thought of this, the Zerg on the scene was so angry that they wanted to grind their teeth, and some even had a little creaking.

Shen Mu and Hamer, who were stared at by such a group of Zerg, are still embarrassed. They are still digesting the fact that they have abducted the king of the Zerg, and they are even more stunned by the subsequent development.

The low-ranking Zerg couldn't jump directly to the battleship before landing on the ground. It was hard to wait for the battleship to land. The more than 20 Tak worms in the battleship in Yalves arrived almost immediately in front of Gu Huai.

When I saw these Tucker worms, Gu Huai, who had planned to keep Amway holding, had to move.

When Gu Huai approached these Tucker worms, he first touched the sharp forearms of several Tucker worms and then calmly and comfortably said, "I am fine, no injuries, nothing."

For these Tucker worms, nothing is more irritating than the young people who watched their care being taken away from their eyes. This group of Tucker worms has not been separated from the violent state until now. Huai, they are still in extreme anger.

But no matter how angry, the cubs are the most important. These Tucker worms immediately formed a **** circle around him when they saw Gu Huai, and then stared at them with their scarlet eyes. a human being.

Gu Huai saw that he couldn’t calm down. He thought about it, and he hugged and hugged the Tucker Zombies who were around him.

With the excessively large body of these Tucker worms, Gu Huai's open hand may only hold their forearms, and the picture looks like a rabbit holding a giant carrot several times larger than its body.

When Gu Huai did this, the Tak zerg, which was originally violent and angry, seemed to be finally calmed down, and the young man’s head was low and his voice was low.

Compared to the higher zerg with the humanoid form, these low-level Tak zergs look undoubtedly more horrible, but this picture seems to reveal some kind of warmth, which allows two people to observe this in person. Humans feel a shock to the heart.

Will the Zerg have such feelings?

It’s just like parents are cherishing the cubs who love and protect themselves. In this picture, these Tucker worms are almost at a glance for the favor of the youth surrounded by them.

Found this, Shen Mu and Hamer opened their mouths, and they suddenly felt that they had done something very excessive.

Not from the seriousness of the impact of this matter, but from the perspective of human nature.

If these low-level Tak worms are parents, then the two of them are equivalent to stealing the cubs in front of the parents, which can not blame these Zerg will be crazy.

"...Sorry, this is our fault." Although not intentional, both Shen Mu and Hamer still choose to sincerely apologize.

Zerg and humans have different ethnic positions, but some things can be measured by the same ruler. They just want to think about the feelings of parents in human society if they are taken away by the bad guys, they can understand these towers. The current mood of the zerg.

This sincere apology barely makes the temperature of the eyes of the surrounding Zerg rise a little bit, but for the time being, the difference is not big, it is still a negative temperature.

When Gu Huai took these Tak worms to the front of the Yula warship belonging to Yalves, the Euras battleship immediately lit up the warm sky blue ship lights.


For the first time, the two humans who were brought behind saw the Zerg’s Yula warship. They have always heard that the Zerg’s Eurasian warship is a self-conscious living creature, but it is really surprising to see it.

But then there are more surprising things waiting for them.

As soon as they saw them approaching, the Yula warship immediately gave them a light conversion.

"Hey-!" red light.

The huge hull made a noise, and then somehow moved the hull. This huge Yula warship raised the dust on the ground and covered the two humans in front.

"..." The two human generals who took a pile of dust from the air were deeply silenced, and now even the warships are not waiting to see them.

In short it is miserable.

Gu Huai looked at the picture and coughed twice. He touched the door of the Yula warship in the battleship and slowed down and said, "Let them come in."

Accepting Gu Huai's touch, the Yula warship slightly shook the hull, and then faced the two humans, barely giving them a green light.

Being guarded all the way into the Yula battleship, Shen Mu and Hamer looked at the soft-skinned youth in front of their eyes, and the whole person looked very soft and harmless. Still can’t believe that the other party would be this. The supreme ruler of the fierce and violent Zerg.

But this is indeed the truth.

When entering the Eurasian warship, the reaction of the two human generals was not to mourn that they had to be arrested back to the figure, but they were thinking -

Their lives have experienced the capture of the Star Thieves, the captives of the Zerg, the prisoner who ran the king of the Zerg to another planet, and suffered from the entire Zerg army.

The two of them survived miraculously.

The author has something to say: Yesterday was fainted by everyone's nutrient solution, received a lot of nutrient solution, fried chicken surprise qw□□

Then Huaibao was smashed by everyone in the second place! I was able to climb to the second place at once, too much surprise (small face)

I will continue to score a goal today, so I will climb to the first place! (ntm

And to explain, this big plot and the old text overlap because the plot is indispensable, and then it is the most satisfying part of the old text, and it is difficult to change in some places, but it also adds a lot of different. The details point, the latter will start a different plot.

Please take a vacation in advance, tomorrow's update will be in the evening, wine and wine will go out in the morning, so don't wait for the update in the afternoon.

This chapter also drops 100 small red ducks owo2k novel reading network

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