MTL - I’m Not Human-Chapter 29 The twenty-ninth day of not being a man

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To rescue, you can't just casually. In a more selfish perspective, Gu Huai does not want to cause casualties in his own Zerg. If you help others to hurt your race, Gu Huai will probably choose to stand by.

"It is very easy to suppress the turmoil in the next galaxies. You don't need any worry." The chief of staff said to Gu Huai, his face was very serious.

After knowing that the neighbors in the next galaxies sent a signal of help to the interstellar parties because of the invasion of the Stars, Gu Huai expressed to Yerves who was next to him whether they could help rescue the neighbors and then appeared. The result is now.

The Chief of Staff did not know the enemy in advance, mainly because the top executives of Tussell knew that the races in the galaxies next to them were very weak. Even the planets that attacked such weak races could not immediately encroach on them. Star Fleet's fleet capabilities are not worthy of their attention.

But even if the Zerg on the Thurs star strategically despise the enemy, the number of Ula warships mobilized in the Tuse Star Airport is still very large.

This is not because they choose to attach importance to the enemy in tactics, but only because Gu Huai will follow the rescue team to the next-door galaxies.

The Zerg did not put the star thief in the eye, but if Gu Huai traveled together, it would be different for them.

First of all, they have to guarantee the absolute safety of their own king, the **** is a must.

Secondly, they can't let their own kings worry about them, so they must solve the enemy in the fastest way.

The last point is... For the Zerg soldiers of the four legions, they all have a similar idea at this time, that is, they want to show themselves in front of their own king.

Although Gu Huai is worried that these things will make these Zerg soldiers happy, on the other hand, they do not want Gu Huai to have any worries.

They hope to see that Gu Huai has always been a smiling expression, so that when they look at it, they will also have the urge to make similar expressions because of joy.

As a result, the size of this rescue force is very exaggerated.

Gu Huai still lacks the concept of the size of this unit. He only thinks that the size of this rescue force is much smaller than that of going to the small planet to find his joint army. Even now, I still have some concerns about my own Zerg.

"The reputation of this star gang is even more fierce than the black sand star thieves. We don't need to mobilize more military power?" Although the chief of staff has told him that it can be easily suppressed, Gu Huai is still cautious.

Before the black sand star robbery group ran to provoke the Zerg star Zerg once, and later unlucky to be hit by the Yula fleet of Thur Star, the result of course is that the Zerg side won.

Now there are several prisoners on the other side who are still in the prison of Tusexing. Gu Huai knew the star thief when he was aware of the life experiences of two human generals.

The star gangs that now appear in the next-door galaxies, according to Gu Huai, are currently the sixth-ranked criminal gang in the interstellar retreat, and the black sand is ranked in the tenth.

"If you want, you can adjust another fleet." The chief of staff pushed the glasses.

Hearing this conversation, the two humans who had slightly smacked their lips because they saw the exaggerated squad of the Zerg rescue team wanted to raise their hands and hold their eyes.

They even got a little bit of the star gang in the next galaxy.

And when it comes to "murderousness", where can there be more fierce than the Zerg in the entire interstellar? ?

The two human generals were silent for a few seconds, and they couldn't speak when they opened their mouths. They had to silently put this sentence in their stomachs.

After the whole army was completed, Gu Huai was still on the Yula warship of Yalves. He touched the ice-cold bulkhead of this Yola and said to it: "We are going to save our neighbors now."

The Eurasian warship responded with a whole bunch of "squeaky" sounds, and the hull was slightly shaken.

Whether it is to take Huai to any place in the universe, this Yula warship is very high-spirited. To be exact, as long as it can carry Gu Huai, this Yula warship is very happy.

The rescue forces on the side of Tuse Star began to set off, and at this time in the next galaxies, the Helters who were struggling under the attack of the Star Wars fleet had become more and more panicked and desperate.

The rescue forces sent by the Star Alliance are still separated from them by several galaxies. Even at full speed, it is impossible to catch up in one day, and they may not be able to defend for a long time now.

They are faced with the Clementine Star Theft Troupe. From time to time, the Star Pirates will aim at the weak and weak planets like them. They will directly make a big vote. After they have captured it, they will start to burn and rob on the planet.

Because the star squad is extremely fast in attacking and evacuating each time, and the fleet has excellent combat effectiveness, the troops sent by Xingmeng have not been able to successfully arrest the star gang, and only the bounty has risen all the way.

If their planet's defenses are really broken, they will end up with the same stars as the Stars.

One of the ships of his own ship was sunk, and the line of defense of the planet was collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye. The residents of the Nom star were horrified in the sound of the alarm that rang through the planet.

At this moment, apart from prayer, they do not know what else they can do.

But prayer is useless.

"The protective layer has been broken -"

The top decision-makers in the Nom Star Warfare conference room were full of grief, and the protective layer wrapped around the planet disappeared. Then, if these star thieves fired on the planet again, the innocent people on their planet would soon die.

“Is there no race in the neighboring galaxies that is willing to respond to our requests for help?!” said one person in the conference room.

No one in the entire combat conference room responded to the other party's problems, because this is an obvious thing. It is the Krystal Star Theft Group. It is not a race that is willing to help them.

As soon as the protection layer of the planet breaks through, these star thieves are even more arrogant. They don't care about the death and injury of the people on the planet. How much they die and die, as long as they are robbed and happy.

"Continue to fire." The leader of the Star Theft Group commanded and said, "Open a few more shots in the neighborhood, let these ** people know that they should not resist from the beginning."

By investigating the satellites, the decision makers of Nom Star knew the intentions of these star thieves almost immediately.

They watched as the orbital guns on the enemy battleship continued to aim at their planet, and then the beam flashed and the railguns started!

There is nothing more desperate in the world than this.

In this moment that represents the flash of destruction, the ninth of the Nom star is thinking, if anyone can come to rescue them at this time, the other party must be the greatest benefactor of their life - -

But this is impossible, no one can save them.

The orbital guns are launched in outer space, and it takes only a few seconds to reach the planet's ground. When the light is seen in the picture returned by the surveillance satellite, the top decision makers in the Nom Star Warfare Conference Room have chosen to close. Their eyes.

But then, the time passed by one second, two seconds, three seconds...

The scene of the orbital bombing of the planet's ground did not happen. Both the decision makers of Nom Star and the star thieves who launched the railguns were stunned in this unexpected scene and did not immediately react. What is going on?

When they looked closely, they discovered that it was because of a huge defensive matrix between the planet and the Star Wars, and who made this defensive matrix?

In the position where the force field distortion occurred, both people found their answer.

It was an icy, incomparably Yula warship.

No, not just a ship.

As if it was just a blink of an eye, the horrible Eurasian warship was all over the periphery of the entire Nom star. This icy and terrible group of Yula warships appeared so oppressively in the Nom Star and Star Steal. In the middle, separate the two directly.

Compared with this black-pressed group of Euler warships, the Star Pirates in front of them were suddenly compared as if they were weak and helpless.

The military power of the two sides cannot be compared at all. If you want to describe it, the fleet of these star thieves is like a small ant surrounded by floods, not to mention confrontation. They may not even have the opportunity to struggle.

At this time, although hostile, the people of Nom Star and the reaction of these star thieves are very consistent.


The people of Nom Star were completely frightened, attacked by the Star Thieves, and surrounded by so many Yula warships, none of them want it!

Isn't it enough that their planet is invaded by Star Thieves, and now the Zerg will choose the same day to invade them? !

The star thief facing the group of the Eurasian warships will only be more scared than the people of Nom Star. The arrogance of a few seconds ago is almost immediately destroyed, so close to the Zerg of the Zerg The battleship group, this group of fierce star thieves felt scalp tingling for a time.

At this time, Gu Huai stayed at the most central Yula warship. He looked at the star-studded fleet that was incomparably smaller than his own. He could not help but raise his hand and scratch his cheek.

This...the enemy is only the scale of this degree, then is it that they are too big?

With an intuitive contrast, Gu Huai is finally aware of this matter.

Then the flood flooded the ants, and it didn't take much time. The Star Wars fleet, surrounded by the Zerg's Yula warships, was quickly sunk, and they did not even have the chance to escape.

This can't be called a battle at all, but the unilateral crushing of the Zerg.

The people of Nom Star, who watched the scene through the scouting satellite, now watched the group of Eulers who had destroyed the Star Thief for them and adjusted their heads straight to their planet.

The people of Nom Star are full of horror, don’t come over! !

But after the results came close, they received one from the Zerg...

A friendly greeting?

Hello there.

Because of this friendly greeting, the people of Nom Star were shocked by another sense.

It was also until this time that the ** talents living in Nom Star finally reacted to the Zerg to rescue them.

At this time when the Star Alliance’s dispatching forces were unable to come over, this time when other races in the neighboring galaxies were reluctant to assist them –

The Zerg came to rescue them.

The author has something to say: 呔——!

The sky is loud and the Zerg is on the scene! (bushi

The update was a little late, and I didn’t catch the cough before the 12 o'clock.

Today’s Huaibao didn’t sit on the top of the list, and the wine decided to cry with you.

Come, I am going to start crying. ()

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Then this chapter also drops 100 small red ducks = w=2k

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