MTL - I’m Not Human-Chapter 31 The thirty-first day of not being a man

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Hearing the meaning of the flower, Gu Huai blinked his eyes and thought that he had got it wrong.

But the result was found to be no, his expression was subtle.

Pure lovers.

Gu Huai thought about the pure white flower that he had placed in the glass cup and placed on the window sill of the room. He had to admit that the flower looks exactly like this.

The color of the flower is pure white and non-scaling, the shape of the petals is beautiful, and it is not as stingy as a rose. It is very soft and beautiful when gently swaying.

At this time, Gu Huai quickly glanced at Yalves, who was walking next to him. The other side's face still had no expression, and he was indifferent and calm.

Yalves seems to have such an expression at any time. Even if the heart is ravaged by the violent destructive desire and the painful feeling of suffering and suffering, he still looks like a slight unaffected appearance.

Because such patience has become accustomed to him, unless the moment of the rational collapse of the maintenance, no one can detect his strangeness before this.

Gu Huai certainly knows that Yalves is not aware of the meaning of this flower. After all, the other party asked him what he spent, but the problem was that he took the flower and later let him save him. The same, this is not a good thing to be considered as a kind of teasing.

It was inconvenient to explain on the road, so Gu Huai just turned to look aside and turned his head to the front. However, in the place where Gu Huai did not see, he did not find that Arvis’s sight was cold and passed through the roadside Eleanor. Flower, then stay on him again.

What is a lover, Yalves does not know what the word refers to, from the meaning of the word, the lover refers to the person who loves.

But Arvis does not quite understand what kind of emotions love in this meaning is.

Compared with other emotionally rich races, the Zerg had inherent lack of affection in nature, and Yalves did not understand these emotions.

Feelings affect intellectual judgment, and he does not need to understand these extra things.

Yalves only thinks that this pure white flower matches Gu Huai.

In a tense mood, the chief diplomat of the Hurt led Gu Huai to a palace. This palace is the place where their ethnicity entertained the distinguished guests. Now only the Zerg stays.

"Welcome to the banquet of our planet, we have not had time to prepare for it. We will postpone it until tomorrow. Please forgive me." The diplomat bowed his head to Gu Huai.

Nom star was still suffering from Starburst aggression a few minutes ago, and the planet was in danger. No one expected that it would be such a development.

To entertain the important guests and benefactors, the welcoming banquets can't be done casually. The top decision makers of Nom Star have discussed it urgently and feel that the delay is better than the rude.

** The Erte was originally a short and fat look, and he was still big and small, and his eyes were big. He asked Gu Huai to always think that he saw the q version of the characters, and there was a strange feeling.

"It doesn't matter." Gu Huai nodded and said that he understood.

"Before that, do you need me to be the guide to take you to the center city of our planet? Or you want to take a break here, please let us know if you need any services." Chief diplomat continued to say cautiously .

Gu Huai looked outside and thought about it: "The guide will not be used."

The implication is that you want to go out on your own, and the diplomats in front of Gu Huai should soon be down: "Okay."

The accompanying Älts left the palace, allowing Gu Huai to communicate directly when there was any need. Other Zerg were also arranged in their respective residences, some in the residence outside the palace.

When there was no outsider in the room, Gu Huai side turned to face Arvis next to him and explained to the other side: "The meaning of the flower... In fact, I don't know, I didn't mean to tease you."


Yalves looked down slightly, and the light golden eyes that were not covered by the straps also hang down, calmly gazing at Gu Huai’s face.

"Wait the next time, you will give me the flowers to pick up." Gu Huai said here, as far as possible, as if nothing had happened.

Let Yalves give him two things to spend on Eleanor. Although it is said that both sides are ignorant of misunderstandings, Gu Huai still wants to look at his own eyes.

Yalves heard that his eyes with cold emotions did not move his eyes. He said quietly with a low voice: "White flowers are very suitable."

Regardless of the meaning of the flower, in terms of the appearance of the flower, Yalves believes that this flower is very suitable for Gu Huai.

Gu Huai thought about the complete meaning of the other party from the short words of Arvis. The other party probably did not care about the meaning of the flower, but simply felt that the flower was suitable for him.

Since the other party didn't care, and didn't feel like being teased, then Gu Huai was relieved.

Gu Huai felt that he would not be a guide. It would be more interesting to watch the planet himself, but he must be guarded when he goes out. In addition to caring for his Tak Zerg, he was also requested by Capalia from the four heads of the army. Pick one as the guards follow.

After the last time Gu Huai was taken to another planet by two human beings, the Zerg who are not good at protection can now say that the care of Gu Huai is more and more strict.

But they don't want Gu Huai to be guarded, so there won't be a lot of guards on the bright side.

For example, they now let Gu Huai choose a guard in the four army chiefs. In fact, the other three heads will still follow.

It is a headache to do this multiple-choice question, because no matter which one is chosen, Gu Huai feels that the other three people will be a bit disappointed.

"Just in Yalves." The line of sight turned around on the four heads of the army. Gu Huai finally made this choice.

Hearing Gu Huai’s answer, Simo was snoring. Although Ai’s expression was quiet, he also slightly frowned, and Kapaliya looked at Arvis coldly.

This is not because of disappointment or anything else. It is because of the three people who have a certain degree of alert to Yalves. If they are a little disappointed because they are not selected by Gu Huai, they will only be expressionless at most.

Gu Huai took the Tektronix around him and went out one step at a time. When Gu Huai almost walked to the door, Kapaliya, who remained in the room, said coldly: "If you hurt the king because of losing control." I won't let you go."

Although the recent situation of Yalves is still stable, Kapaliya cannot ignore the potential danger.

Yalves is still a cold expression, but when he is not facing Gu Huai, his aggression will become obvious.

Yalves squinted at the moment and sneered at the moment: "The premise is that you can do it."

After saying this, Arvis did not care about the three-person reaction, and went out with a blank expression behind Gu Huai.

out of control.

This word made a turn in the heart of Yalves, let him look at the figure of Gu Huai in front, did not choose to keep up, but followed.

There should be no loss of control - there should be uncertainty in the word itself, because to understand this, Arvis is not unresponsive to Kapaliya's words.

However, Yalves has already promised Gu Huai before, he will always protect each other.

Both Shen Mu and Hamer, who accepted the daily task of observing the changes of the Zerg, also arrived at the Nom star. They were allowed to move freely, so they both watched as Arvis was far behind. Gu Huai's back.

This follow-up gaze is like being strongly attracted to want to get close, but keeping distance because of concerns.

When passing by the two, Arvis stepped up and looked at them with indifference and continued to move forward.

The two people who were swept by this cold and oppressive sight were all stiff, and Shen Mu and Hamer knew very well that this is what the other party remembered before they did, and they stopped by to warn them.

Gu Huai went out with a group of Tak Zerg, and more than 20 Tak Zerg people who appeared together were no small shadows for the residents of Nom Star.

People of all races in the Stars know that the Tektrona are the most fierce and brutal ethnic group in the Zerg, especially the low-order Tak zerg are easily irritated, so when they first saw it, they lived in the city of Nom’s central city. The first reaction of the special people is still a little scared.

But for a while, the residents of Nom Star discovered that these Tucker zergs did not attack casually, and they did not hurt anything along the way. Although it lacks wisdom, it does have normal reason.

Gu Huai did not sit on the shoulders of the Tektrones when he went out. He was surrounded by the Tektrones around him, and when he walked to the streets near the central courtyard with these Tucker worms, a ** The special person ran to them.

This 9000 is a little girl who is only about two or three years old. The adult sults are only half of Gu Huai's height. Not to mention the children, a pair of small short legs run extremely hard.

"Thank you for the big worm." The young Guardian said with a milky voice, then squatted down and hung a small garland on a sharp forearm.

The Zerg is the benefactor who saved their planet. Because of the rescue provided by the Zerg, their planet was not robbed by the Star Thief. The parents said this to the little girl, but the parents did not think that their children would do this after listening to his words.

Seeing that this young Helter approached the huge Tak zerg, the other adults not far away couldn’t help but feel nervous about it, but the next picture made them stunned.

The Tucker, whose forearm was hung on this small garland, licked his head, and his scarlet eyes stared at the very young figure in front of his eyes, making a low humming sound from his throat.

This is a cub, this Tak zerg is so judged.

Although these Tak zergs only love the cubs they care for, they are at least a little gentler to other cubs than adults.

The Tak zerg did not seem to be as brutal as the rumors, and the sults who saw this scene could not help but think of it.

Gu Huai is aiming at the central courtyard. The central courtyard of the city is a greenhouse garden with a wide area. Many giant trees have been designed into towering buildings in the garden. A wide variety of beautiful flowers bloom in the building. There are also artificial waterfalls.

This central courtyard can be regarded as a big attraction of Nom Star. Gu Huai entered the inner ring of the courtyard and saw an area of ​​flowers being bald.

It’s really a “bald” in the literal sense. The whole branch is bare and a flower can’t be seen.

Gu Huai looked at these bare branches, somehow, even wanted to laugh.

Obviously he should be a little indirect guilty now, after all, if it is not for him to say exactly the same flowers, these trees will not be so miserable.

Because I knew where Gu Huai went, I was only far following, and Yalves was faintly smacking, and eventually appeared in front of Gu Huai.

When he went to Gu Huai and saw Gu Huai looking at these bare trees and smiling very clearly, the silver-gray tail behind Arvis could not help but shake it.

Noticing the incitement of the silver-gray tail, Gu Huai quickly pressed the corner of his mouth and said, "Not laughing at you."

I thought that the tail of Yalves would be so incited because he was not happy. Gu Huai explained it quickly.

Arvis, who heard this sentence, did not speak. The reason why his tail suddenly moved was because he saw Gu Huai’s smile, and then the tail moved uncontrollably.

Gu Huai remembered one thing at this time. When the Thur Star snowed, he sent a snowflake to Yalves. As a result, he did not expect that Arvis’s reaction was serious, so he promised to go to another place later. When the planet is in, it will send the other flower that will not melt.

There is a small area of ​​flowers in the inner ring of the courtyard that can be taken. Gu Huai walked over and saw that the area was all Eleanor flowers.

I thought about Arvis, and I didn't care about the meaning of flowers anyway. Gu Huai simply picked one, then pulled Yalves' hand and put the flower directly into the other hand: "I promised to send you before." , will not melt the flowers."

The flowers in the palm of my hand were very light, and there was almost no weight. Yalves had not made the action of folding his fingers. He hanged down and asked a question after a moment: "Why... just choose me?"

His protection, there is a danger in itself, and each of the other three officers is a better choice than him.

Gu Huai was so cold that he had to let others look down, but the actual very beautiful light golden eyes, he looked at these eyes and said: "Because I hope you have more time to see the world, If you can make you feel quiet next to me, you will stay with me."

"..." Arvis was silent.

"It’s too late, sorry I didn’t show up soon.” Although the other party’s stabilizer is not their own obligation, Gu Huai still feels that if he can appear earlier, then Arvis does not have to endure so long. pain.

Upon hearing this, Yalves finally slowly gathered his hand with a flower, in order not to hurt this fragile flower, he tried his best to restrain his strength.

In the past, when he endured the pain caused by the devastating wrath and irritability, Yalves actually felt that even if one day his rationality was completely lost, it doesn't matter.

Sometimes he even let himself out of control. When reason disappears, he will not clearly feel the irritability and pain.

Normal people don't want to be mad and try to maintain their senses, but Jarvis doesn't feel that there is anything wrong with being crazy.

Then why do you still have to blindfold your eyes and continue to endure, and Yalves looks at the gentle black eyes of the young man in front of him, and he suddenly finds the answer.

He should have been patient for so long in order to wait for this person to appear.

And after finally waiting, he can no longer let himself out of control, because from this moment, he must protect each other forever.

The author has something to say: What, the comment area has a little cute saying that it has not been drained by me, and I want to continue to work hard (alert.jpg

In the comment section of the last chapter, I also saw a little cute and wrote a poem. The comment area is really happy. The wine and wine are very happy to see your comments every day.

Thank you for the little angel who voted for this article. The thunder that I voted for was taken by me to buy milk tea and hahahaha, but why am I still not fat?

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