MTL - I’m Not Human-Chapter 52 The fifty-second day of not being a human being

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Listening to the other party said that these three devices are still new products that have just been developed and manufactured. According to the tone of the other party, Gu Huai feels that the cost of these devices should not be cheap.

Then he now gave up two bad ones at once.

Gu Huai's surface does not change color, gently squint, he thought he did not bring money when he went out...

No, he has no money at all.

After knowing that this matter was realized, Gu Huai stayed for another second.

Since Yalves has returned to Thursin from the abandoned planet, Gu Huai’s life is basically a state of no shortage, and as long as he shows what he wants, the Zerg on the Thur Star is also very fast. I will send these things to him.

So that Gu Huai was born in this world from the broken shell to the present, he has forgotten the concept of "money".

Gu Huai only thought about the possibility of losing money, because other people who have been speechless because they are too shocked can finally make a sound.

"Impossible... even the mentor has a mental power of 30,000 to 40,000. How could he have 100,000...?!"

"But the results of the two tests are the same, the machine will not be so coincidental, just two times."

"The mental strength of 100,000... It’s a monster level, it’s too horrible."

The students looked at each other and saw the same horror from the other's face.

Hammer, standing next to Gu Huai, just heard this last argument. He couldn’t help but think silently in his heart. The 100,000 mental strength is still only the tip of the iceberg of this majesty...

No, it doesn't matter if you don't even have a corner. At most, it's a small tip.

The king of the Zerg can link to the horror of all the Zerg, and Hammer feels numb as long as he thinks.

This is a spiritual link to an entire race, and it is able to cross the galaxy and connect the Zerg in any star field of the universe over a long distance to convey his will to the Zerg.

When I thought of it, Hamer was lucky enough to be 100,000 points. The temper that was next to him was good. Otherwise, he and Shen Mu had already laid their coffins.

In that Oolong incident, if the other side used mental power to attack them without any precautions, he and Shen Mu must have died on the spot.

The entire test hall was quickly spurred by the arguments, and even students had quickly sent the matter to the group on the star network.

The information transfer between the students was very rapid. It didn't take long for the students of all grades of the Imperial College to know about it. The school was up and down.

In the school group -

[The Earth Federation sent a very good exchange student this year! 】

How powerful is it? 】

[The kind of spiritual power is broken by 100,000! 】

[...? 】

Below is a series of identical ellipsis replies.

It seems that I accidentally made things big...

Looking at the scene around, Gu Huai twitched his mouth and felt that most of the plans he had thought of not causing turmoil in school were to be ruined.

At this time, Derek had just slowed down from the shocked state. He looked at the two scrapped equipments. If the machine fails, he can no longer say anything.

If he let the other side go to the side to test again, then the last single seedling seedling may not be able to keep it.

"When did the Earth Federation come out like this... such a powerful student?" I couldn't find a suitable adjective. Derek stalked for a long time before he finished speaking.

When talking, Derek looked at Gu Huai's eyes with fear. In the face of such a result, Derek is now not convinced, and the students of their school lose to this level of opponents is not shameful.

Just think that such a student wants to come to their school as an exchange student, Derek feels that he and other mentors may not have the qualification to teach each other.

Hammer heard a lot of coughing, and he thought about telling the truth.

I saw that Derek had changed face, and they have already attracted so much attention anyway, and there is nothing to tell the truth.

Hammer: "Actually..."

Hammer just said two words, and the words were interrupted by Gu Huai’s question: "The two devices... um, that... need me to pay?"

Although it is not intentional, Gu Huai still has a little guilty conscience.

As soon as I listened to Gu Huai, Derek was immediately hurt. The valuable equipment in the school was scrapped twice. This is not a small matter.

It is possible for the Earth Federation to pay for them. Think of it, Derek spoke and said, "Of course -" is a must.

The words are not exhausted, a silver-gray tail will be dragged behind the young man opposite Derek, and Yalves will keep Gu Huai behind him, then facelessly facing the Fields.

Silent and stunned, the silver worms that suddenly appeared in front of him made Derrick stunned, and the iconic light gold erect and silver-gray tail of the higher zerg made Derrick's pupils zoom in and out for a while.

In the faceless expression of the face, Derek could not help but say in the mouth: "Of course not."

Deliberately issued a certain pressure, the feeling of oppression brought by Arvis standing in the vicinity made the Fields in front of him not very good. His tail was circled in a protective posture on Gu Huai, and looked at The face of the opposite person is very cold.

This distance between indifference and hostility is only one line apart.

Because he saw that Gu Huai had just bowed his head slightly and his face looked like an annoyed expression, Yalves felt that he was provocative.

It is the opposite of this Fields who is against him.

Gu Huai responded at this time: "Yalvis."

Looking at the opposite person seems to be a lot of pressure, Gu Huai habitually touched the tail that was ringing him.

Feeling that the tail was touched, Yalves slid his eyelids, although he was still in a state of expressionlessness, but he converged the pressure of intentional release.

The pressure on Yalves was reduced, and Derek was better than a lot. He didn't feel like he was standing in the snow and ice like no clothes.

The iconic character of Yalves is too good to recognize. The Fields students present are not going to make expressions now. They don't understand what magical development is in front of them.

Why did the Zerg’s army chief suddenly appear here, and why the other side would show up in protecting the human exchange student –

"The king of the Zerg... I remember it seems to be black and dark eyes?" At this time a Fields student made a weak voice.

Although the appearance of the real person has not been circulated on the star network, the first name of the most cute creature in this interstellar is the king of the Zerg, and the q version of the villain doll sold on the star network is black and black-eyed...

This sentence of the student suddenly awakened everyone in the test hall. If the young black-haired youth in front of them are the king of the Zerg, then all this can be said.

It is reasonable to guess that it is reasonable, but this does not prevent this discovery from letting the students once again hold it.

The king of the Zerg... is in front of them? ?

This cognition made the Fields students in the hall feel overwhelmed for a while, and Derek was completely confused. He just wanted to think about his attitude towards Gu Huai, and now there is an impulse to be on the spot.

Hamer came out to play a round and then told the facts. Of course, he did not mention why he and Shen Mu would follow Gu Huai.

"That's it." Gu Huai nodded to meet Hammer's words, "I am in trouble for you."

This sentence, Derek dared to pick up, had to shake his head quickly: "No trouble."

The discussion content of the school group was immediately updated. Although Gu Huai did not know about the group, he also wanted to know that he had caused an uproar in the school this time.

Since this is already the case, Gu Huai does not care so much, and directly takes Arvis to visit the school with great brilliance.

Waiting for the curiosity, I will go home.

"I am tired." After leaving the school gate, Gu Huai looked at Yalves next to him and blinked. "I want to sit back with your tail."

Yalves did not say anything, but he quickly lowered his tail and let Gu Huai sit on the top.

Just agreeing to the request, it is too much too... too petting.

Shen Mu and Hamer all came together to produce this idea.

This is not the first time that Shem and Hammer saw this picture. When they were on the planet of the Helters, they also saw that Arvis used the tail to carry Gu Huai in front of them.

The last time was passive. This time, Gu Huai took the initiative to request, and in fact there was a big change in nature.

When he was carried back to the guest house, Gu Huai had already slept against the back of Yalves in a side-sitting position.

Yalves hugged Gu Huai, his movements were not skilled, but the blunt movements had a touch of gentleness that was incompatible with the cold expression.

When Gu Huai woke up, it was already night. He sat up from the bed and saw Arvis.

"Asia..." Gu Huai had not had time to read the other's name, and he stopped because of Yalves's leaning over him.

This time, Arvis gently kissed his cheek, Gu Huai did not say anything, but the tip of his ear was red but still sitting there, like the act of acquiescence to Yalves.

This big cat did not ask for a foul this time, which made Gu Huai relieved, but when Gu Huai just relaxed a little, the kiss that Arvis fell on his neck made him shake the whole person.

The cognition of this big cat is probably that, except that the mouth can't be kissed, other places can be kissed. However, even if Huai Huai finds it, he can't correct it. He can only push the other side away.

But it was only pushed open. Gu Huai did not say "no" to Yalves.

The possessive instinct allowed Arvis to discover this for the first time, so even if he was pushed open, he would come back again to continue the kiss.

Gu Huai licked his lips and sat still as he did just now. The tip of his ear was a little red to red.

"There is something going on and everyone said." I feel that it will not be good to continue, Gu Huai quickly found a reason to get up and go out.

This reason is not all excuses, Gu Huai and other faces faded, he went down the first floor lobby.

Sitting on the sofa, Gu Huai coughed and said to the Zerg who surrounded him: "When I went to the school of the Fields this afternoon, I accidentally broke the equipment of their school..."

"Do you want to play a few more games?" The chief of staff pushed the glasses.

If you break a few, it is likely that their king is interested in this device. The first reaction of the chief of staff is to think so.

"If you break it, it will break. You will be happy." The news of the news is also said immediately.

The reactions of other Zerg are also similar.

When Gu Huai was aphasia, why did his parents think of this idea? ?

"No... I thought about it and thought I should still compensate for some of their losses, but... cough, no money." Gu Huai said that he couldn't help but cry again.

Gu Huai really did not experience this kind of experience, and he broke the experience of asking for money from his family.

"You can do it for us to do this." Kapaliya took it.

The next day, the First Military Academy of the Empire of the Fields ushered in the visit of the four Zerg leaders.

The squad scared the principal who went to the next-door planet for a business trip. According to what happened in the school yesterday, the principal and the mentor agreed that the Zerg was dissatisfied with their attitude toward the sire yesterday.

The four a zergs who came to the principal's room seemed to write the words "black and evil forces."

Just as the principal thought hard about how they should apologize, he heard the Zerg in front of him say to him: "The Zerg is willing to compensate for the loss of the scrapped equipment."

When this sentence came out, the principal did not know how to pick it up.

"No need to use it." The headmaster wiped the sweat on his forehead and refused. "The quality of our school equipment is not good enough."

How dare they want it!

The author has something to say: Huaibao (eyes) who feels poor: I have no money...

Today's Huaibao~

Still drop 100 small red envelopes

Read Legend of Swordsman
Martial ArtsXuanhuanAdventureAction