MTL - I’m Not Human-Chapter 69 The 69th day of not being a man

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Gu Huai’s sudden fall made Yalves’s erects appear to be in a state of austerity. His power of brilliance shrouded the entire mansion almost in an instant, and the limit continued to spread outwards. A whole area.

The nearly kilometer area centered on this private mansion was suddenly oppressed by a terrible invisible pressure, and only one word remained in all Zerg’s minds that felt the power of this power.


This power of brilliance belongs to Yalves, but what kind of reason is that Yalves, who is accompanying Gu Huai, is making such a reaction in Tuse Star, which is supposed to be an absolutely safe area.

There is only one answer, Gu Huai is injured or something else has arisen.

The Zerg who felt the pressure of this battle did not even have to think. The initial protection of the king instinct told them that they must immediately rush to their king.

The first one to arrive in the hall was undoubtedly the other three heads of the army. They saw Gu Huai, who was slightly pale in the arms of Yalves, and immediately showed the same contraction reaction.

"Your Majesty." Capalia first wanted to get close, but when she was about to approach a meter distance, a silver-gray tail suddenly swayed, so fast that even afterimages were difficult to capture with visuals. Fall between the two sides.

The floor in the middle of the two sides was suddenly slammed into a large deep pit.

Compared with just a little tighter side face, it was quickly calmed down by Gu Huai. At this time, Yalves can be said that every nerve is tight.

The string that is pulled as far as possible is completely in a critical state, and even more tears will break.

Yalves's expression was cold, and the silver-gray tail behind him was raised to a certain height, but this was not the kind of reaction when he was happy, but a gesture of aggression.

There is no doubt that Yalves at this time refused to be close to anyone.

The release of power pressure is an instinctive reaction that Yalves made to protect Gu Huai, but he is very clear that from now until now, no enemy can be invaded around.

Because he has been around Gu Huai, no one can ignorantly cross his defense to hurt Gu Huai.

It is clear that Gu Huai’s loss of consciousness in his arms is a problem of his own body. At this time, Yalves is not consciously more emotional.

The same class of Zerg, Kapaliya and Ai and Simodo are not too much affected by the power of Yalves, but the sense of oppression is also there.

"Control your power, Yalves." Kapaliya's look is also frosty. "Your knees need to be examined immediately."

Because of concerns about Gu Huai, the left hand of Kapelia's sharp knife form has been stiff.

The Tak Zerg often enters a violent state in battle and is easily provoked, but Kapaliya has always been unaffected by the characteristics of this ethnic group. She will suppress anger under calm, because of some excessively strong emotions. And the stiff body is never going to happen.

Other Zerg who had been in the vicinity had also arrived, and they would be a little uncomfortable under the aggressive power of Arvis, but their worries about Gu Huai were more than a hundred times.

Yalves did not respond, but he withdrew the power of the released power in a blank expression, representing that he did not respond to Kapalia's words.

The chief of staff hurriedly launched his personal terminal: "The subordinate immediately asked the medical team to come."

Arvis circled the tail of his attacking stance to Gu Huai, and then slowly tightened to the extent that he just circled: "No, it is already on the road."

As early as the first time of the reaction, the medical team was called, and then Arvis was letting his state be pushed to the tipping point, but he still maintained relative rationality.

Yalves took Gu Huai to the bed of the room, the medical team arrived quickly, and a very detailed physical examination of Gu Huai under the gaze of the Zerg.

But the results are not so smooth.

"The physical condition of the armpit is normal, and the indicators are all healthy values..." The Zerg responsible for the inspection also groaned with concern. "We couldn't check the cause of the sudden fainting."

The results of the physical examination made the Zerg, who was already anxious enough, more worried. They were all nervous and watching the youth in the bed full of fear.

In particular, when they saw that Gu Huai’s face was slightly pale, as if he was experiencing some kind of pain, the inner part of the Zerg was more like being grilled.

"What should I do?" The seemingly fierce face of Simodo lacked a lot of fierce feelings in his worries and his voice was dull.

Ai originally had a very light golden erect eccentric as if it had become more illusory in a moment. He was probably the most calm one of all Zerg: "There will be nothing under my arm, we just have to wake up and awake." ”

In the farther future he saw, Gu Huai was good, so Ai could keep calm.

But this is not to say that he is not worried about Gu Huai. He is also worried, but he is more convinced than other Zerg.

Simodo immediately eagerly asked: "Have you seen it? But Ay, your foresight ability is not only foreseeing the future after a few seconds..."

This is also a well-known thing in the Zerg, and even in the entire Star.

Ai was quiet, and a few seconds later, he said, "I was very early... I had a dream of premonition before I really saw her knees."

Ai has never said this to anyone, so the heads of the army heard around him, including Yalves, have a slight expression.

"It’s related to His Majesty, it’s more distant than this, so I don’t think there will be anything wrong with this time.” Ai did not elaborate on what the content of the dream was, but just said his conclusion directly.

I heard that Ai said that the surrounding zergs had fixed their minds and put their hearts down a little.

Ai has occasionally made a premonition dream, and some of the zergs at the top also know.

The predictive power used in peacetime is different. Ai can see a farther future through dreams, and this future is certain.

As long as you know that this future Ai will not take the initiative to make any changes to the future, the future he foresaw will happen.

That is the scene that will surely come.

During the unconscious coma of Gu Huai, the Zerg was carefully cared for every minute, and the closest care was the Tucker worms who had been shrinking their scarlet eyes around the bed.

These large Tak worms keep their feet on the edge of the bed. They can't understand what they dream of. These Tak worms only know that the cubs they care for are sick and need their care.

Gu Huai’s coma in the past has been very irritating to these Tucker zergs. They are on the verge of being close to the fighting state, and they are also in a state of violent at any time. Because they want to protect the sick cubs, these Tucker worms instinctively Showing a threatening attitude.

Yalves was quietly beside him, his side looked very cold, but he moved his silver-gray tail to the front to gently lie on Gu Huai.

The entire Zerg was incited by the sudden coma of Gu Huai. The outsiders didn't know about it. If they knew it, most people might still be talking about it, but the people of Silla would be scared and then start. Uneasy.

The Zerg king suddenly fainted after accepting their interview. If the Zerg decided that this was related to the interviewers of their company, they would not be finished!

In this case, the Zerg may not necessarily reason with the Zerg to the strong degree of protection of their king.

Fortunately, I don’t know, all the staff of Silla Company can continue to work normally in this day.

Gu Huai was in a coma for nearly a day. In the process of losing consciousness, he was passively exposed to certain information as he first received the memory of inheritance.

It is about the world will and rules.

This is something that belongs to a higher dimension. Originally, Gu Huai should not be in contact, but the accident caused the particularity of his existence, so he received the "concern" of the two.

Accidental events refer to things that he has crossed into the world, and the particularity of existence means that his soul does not belong to this world, unlike any other person in the world.

However, it is only a very vague contact. Gu Huai can't understand more things. He will be affected by the will and rules of the world. Gu Huai does not know for the time being.

If the Zerg people consider that Gu Huai needs a quieter rest environment, every Zerg may want to stay in Gu Huai’s room for 24 hours.

Gu Huai’s consciousness gradually recovered after a period of time. At the moment when consciousness came back, Gu Huai opened his eyes very slowly. At first glance, he saw the Yalves and Tucker Zerg who were at his bedside.


A pair of seemingly fierce and scary scarlet erects are like tiny lights. The Tuckers who care for the bed at Gu Huai immediately noticed the low sputum from the throat when they saw Gu Huai waking up. sound.

The cubs wake up after sleeping for so long, they must be very hungry.

The idea allowed a Tak zerg to move quickly to the side of the small dining car, extending the extension of its sharp forearm to clamp a dish holding the food, and then carefully handing the food into the front of Gu Huai.

The food on the small dining car is re-prepared at regular intervals. This is to allow Gu Huai to eat nutritious food at any time.

Gu Huai first took the dish and his face was still a little pale, but it was much better than before.

After doing this, Gu Huai calmly said to the Tucker who were staring at him closely around him: "I am fine."

The Tucker worms who heard Gu Huai’s voice re-issued a lower dumb snoring than before, and even if they did not possess language skills, the snoring of these Tak zergs would actually express their feelings.

There are many objects to be comforted. The most difficult thing to appease is the silver big cat next to it.

When Gu Huai woke up, he found that his body was gently draped with a silver-gray tail. This tail caught his body when he opened his eyes and sat up, but these were not the key points. The focus was on Gu Huai’s discovery. Arvis, who was at his bed, blinded his eyes with black straps.

It has been a long time since I saw that Arvis had used this black strap again, and Gu Huai realized the extent of his fainting influence on Yalves.

I don't know if the blunt pain before the coma is too strong. Gu Huai does not feel that there is still a little pain. It hurts even if he moves, but he still reaches out and gently touches the eyes of Yalves. The black strap that was covered.

Unlike the first time, Gu Huai first touched the black bandage of Yalves in the eyes when he first touched it. After getting the acquiescence of Yalves, Gu Huaicai Really started to unravel.

But this time, after Gu Huai came across, he directly extended his other hand and quickly untied and removed the black eye mask of Yalves.

Gu Huai took this black tie in his hand, and then he slid to the light golden sill of Upper Arvis.

These eyes are watching him, Gu Huai can easily see his reflection in the eyes of Yalves, and Gu Huai finds that the reflection of the other's eyes seems to have nothing but him.

Gu Huai actually felt from the very beginning that the light gold erects of Yalves were very beautiful, even if the light and coldness did not affect the good looks of these eyes.

And when you only look at one person seriously, the light golden gaze of the eyes will make it difficult to refuse.

"do not worry."

Enduring the body with a slight pain, Gu Huai approached the past and kissed Elvis carefully to his eyes.

The author has something to say: When Huaibao was sick for the first time

Bugs (stubborn):...

The sick Huaibao is crumbling on the cultivation list and is about to be thrown away.

I took this soft Huaiyu doll to change the nutrient solution with you (lifting Huai.jpg)

I saw the comment area before saying that it was coming to the National Day, the Zerg parade ceremony, a small theater, and I was inspired to write a 2333.

Probably like this...

Black dumplings Huai Yu: Hey!

Bugs: (smiling expression, standing upright)

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