MTL - I’m Not Human-Chapter 9 The ninth day of not being a man

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On the whole, the Zerg is really a race that doesn't pay much attention to life.

Since every Zerg is a natural and excellent soldier, they are naturally suitable for fighting. Therefore, for most Zerg, the environment in which they can survive is equal to living. The uncomfortable life is generally beyond their consideration.

But now there are individuals who have to think about it.

By sleeping on the seat, Gu Huai slept for a while, because the sleeping position was not comfortable enough and the voice was unconsciously sounded.

This voice caused the Tak zerg, who was standing next to Gu Huai, to drop his head and make a low hoarse snoring. Before they abandoned the planet, they put the cubs in the eggshell and swayed and slept, but The eggshells are now taken away by their families.

Several high-ranking Zerg in the command room were looking at the youngsters who were sleeping, and they were stunned at the moment they heard the sound.

Does the king feel uncomfortable when he sleeps on the seat like this...

Sleep is a physiological need, and the zerg's need for sleep is very low, except that the youngest may sleep a little more, and the adult zerg will not feel tired even if he does not sleep for ten days.

And when it's time to take a break, they'll be a little less than a little while with a light sleep.

So in the face of the current situation, these higher Zerg found that their battleships did not even allow the youth to lie in the sleeping cabin.

Or if they took these seats apart, put the parts of the backrest together and give them a sleeping mat...

The idea was just around the corner, and several Zerg soldiers were preparing to go out and command the outdoor side to dismantle the chair. At this time, the silver worms from the command post stopped them.

Arvis once again walked to Gu Huai, and the silver-gray tail behind him touched the youth's body faster than his hands, and circled the latter in just a few seconds.

This tail is better at dealing with enemies in battle than treating things that need protection. It is already the gentlest thing that this tail has done to encircle the youth.

It is not piercing, nor is it slashing with the tail. It is only circled with a very restrained force.

In fact, it is only necessary to hold the young man from the seat, and there is no need to use the tail.

But the tail automatically consciously encircled people, and after Arvis picked up the sleeping youth, he finally did not control his tail to loosen.

very quiet.

Yalves has made sure that he will not hear the sounds that make him feel noisy as long as he can perceive the existence of the youth in his arms.

This is not to say that the voices have disappeared, but that when he perceives the existence of the youth, all his attention will be completely attracted to the latter.

So at this time it was very strange, those voices could no longer interfere with him.

There is no battle for the time being**.

Although not from the Tektronix, Yalves has no less belligerent level than the Tac Terran's Zerg soldiers. The more intense the battle, the more it can arouse some kind of coldness and joy of Yalves.

Gu Huai is here, and Yalves will be like being restrained by an invisible chain. Because of the protection idea that he has not discovered before, he can't leave the former, so the fighting desire can only be suppressed.

Just like bringing the precious treasures that are found back to the dragon in the nest, in order to protect the treasure from being hurt or stolen, the dragon crouched down and lifted the wings, picked up the erect, and chose to stay in his own nest. .

Because she had already slept for a round before, Gu Huai woke up not long after sleeping, and when he noticed that he was waking up, Arvis waited for him to show his intention to land. He silently put him before this. Let it go.

So Gu Huai was reacting when he was really awake. He was just taken to sleep by the other side. He looked up and saw the calm and cold face of the silver worm. Gu Huai scratched his cheek and said, "I will sleep next time. If you make another sound, you don't have to worry about me, just let me sleep there."

Although it is normal to know how to think in the Zerg thinking, it is normal for him to be sleeping like this. It is like the Tucker Zombies always shake him into the eggshell after he falls asleep. Great difference, but the inherent human thinking still makes Gu Huai a bit uncomfortable.

Yalves heard that he did not immediately nod or shake his head. There was no trace of curvature on the edge of his lips. The flat lip line seemed to reveal coldness. He seemed to have no interest in responding to Gu Huai.

The expression of the young man means that he does not want to be sleeping with him, or that he does not want to be contacted by him. Arvis understands this.

It is because he knows his abnormality from his adjutant, so he does not want to be close to him?

Even in a natural fighting race, no Zerg in their race would have an uncontrollable destructive desire like him, a blind and untargeted anger, and even he himself would not know when he would fall into madness.

It is normal for the other party not to want him to be close.

The icy silver-gray tail irritated with the owner's thoughts, but this emotion did not appear on the face of Arvis. After a short interval, he calmly said: "Well. ”

Thanks to the king, the voyage of the Yula warship has played an unprecedented speed of advancement, and even the maximum number of jumps has more than doubled.

At this speed, they can return to Tuse Star in just a few days.

In these few days, Gu Huai strolled the entire Yula warship. Because of the highest authority, every space of the warship was open to him, no matter where he wanted to go.

When Gu Huai walked around the battleship, he often heard the sound of the "Yu, Yu" sounded by the Yula warship. It seems that this only Euler is willing to move around.

However, Gu Huai is not only because of interest, but also by the way.

"Where did your leader go?" On the second day of the battleship, Gu Huai did not see the silver worms who were supposed to be sitting in the command post in the command room. He could not help but look at Alger.

This problem made Alger guilty. He lowered his head in front of the youth and replied: "The subordinates don't know."

I really don't know, I don't mean to hide it.

"If the leader does not want to appear, no one can know where he is." Alger added.

This answer made Gu Huai's head have three more question marks. His expression was raised to look at his Alger. The latter continued to explain: "Yarvis is a Zerg from the Lino group. The Lino zerg is usually very good at assassination skills, and the ability to hide is of course excellent, and the leader is the most powerful one."

When it comes to this, Alger is proud and tangled.

Their princes clearly have the ability to kill the enemy, and they can kill the enemy quietly, but they prefer to fight in front. However, because it is a higher zerg of class a, even if it is not against the enemy that is best at its ability, the other abilities displayed are far stronger than them.

Knowing which group of enemies Elvis is born in will understand that when their eyes can see each other, no matter how powerful the other side shows, it is not the most terrible situation.

The most terrible situation is that Arvis disappears in front of them, which means that they are likely to cut their throats gently and silently in the next second.


Gu Huai did not resist the expression of amazement. He had guessed with both good warfare and possible violent temptation. He would guess that Yalves should be from the Tucker group.

I didn't expect Alger to tell him that Yalves is best at assassination.

Why didn't it suddenly appear?

Gu Huai doubts, but people are not in front of him, and he can't ask for an answer.

In the past few days, Gu Huai simply went to the various places of the battleship and looked for people. As a result, he did not find the trace when he finished shopping.

He went to the last place where the warship had not been visited. The compartment environment was clear at a glance and no one was there.

Gu Huaiguan went back to the corridor and couldn't find it. How could he let the other party voluntarily come out...

"Yalvis?" Gu Huai whispered the name.

This corridor was also remote in the entire battleship. Gu Huai tried to read the name of the silver worm, but did not think that the other party would hear it until a footstep sounded.

The footsteps were very light, and Yalves could have been silent without any sound. At this time, he only intended to let Gu Huai hear.

From a shadow near the youth, Arvis gradually stepped out in this black shadow.

No one can find him, but there is one person who can let him take the initiative.

The cool white color makes the black occultation of the silver worms on the eyes become more vivid. Gu Huai always can not help but notice the black eye mask when he sees the other party, but understands that this is the taboo of the other party, and quickly shifts the line of sight. .

The blindfolded silver-haired worms stood there silently, and the cold outlines and expressionless appearances showed a sense of indifference, and he seemed to be waiting for the youth to speak to him.

“Why didn’t these days appear?” Gu Huai expressed his doubts.

Yalves's eyes were slightly draped, and he replied in a low-cold voice: "Because you don't want me to be close."

At first I thought that since the youth did not want him to be close, perhaps he would not let the other party see it would be better.

But hidden behind the shadows, Arvis also felt that if the proximity is not discovered, it should not be against the will of the other party.

This answer actually made Gu Huai stunned for a few seconds. He began to think about what he had said before to let the other party have such a wrong understanding.

Is it because he said that after he fell asleep, leave him alone and let him sleep...? ?

Gu Huai was silent, and he was a little aphasia, but he saw that the silver worms in front of him were standing in the quiet like a meek big cat. He could not help but explain: "No, I don't want you to be close."

The silver worms who heard this sentence were slightly biased. Although there was a black eye mask, Gu Huai had the feeling that he was being watched by the other party.

"So don't deliberately not appear." Gu Huai said.

Probably because the other party looks very quiet and docile at this time, Gu Huai thought of what Alger told him, and the pain that Jarvis was enduring all the time, he couldn’t help but reach out and touch it. The other side’s silver hair that feels cool.

When Gu Huai touched it, he tried to pass on some mental power to appease, hoping to slightly smooth out some kind of disorder.

This kind of appeasement was too gentle, and Yalves had no expression, and the silver-gray tail behind him slammed a bit.

Until the hand of Gu Huai was removed, the body of Yalves except the tail was always in a state of motion.

“Does this feel better?” After trying to appease, Gu Huai asked.

"Yeah." Yalves sighed low.

In fact, there is not much difference. The existence of youth is already the best stabilizer. This kind of comforting effect is dispensable. But for some unknown reason, Yalves still responded at this time.

"That's good." Gu Huai slightly bent his eyes.

The voice of the youth is smiling. It is not difficult to imagine that the other person should be looking at the eyebrows now, but Yalves can't see anything.

In the black in front of him, Yalves began to try to outline the youth.

Black...soft hair, the same black pupil with round eyes, gentle and nice look...

But it seems that it can't outline the right appearance. It always feels wrong. Yalves is not willing to regard the casually conceived image as a youth.

After a few days of sailing, the Eurasian warship finally arrived at the Nodra galaxy where Thurstar was located. When the Ula warship first entered the Nordra galaxy, the tops of the Zerg’s First Legion on Tuse Star had already Received news that their corps leader is about to return.

At this time in the conference room of the Military Building -

"When I go to the airport to meet the leader, I will immediately quit the position of chief of staff. After that, Tussex will bother you." Chief of staff Alice was cold in the conference room and worked with him on the table for many years. Six colleagues said his decision.

The whole meeting room was quiet, when a high-ranking Zerg in the meeting room said, "But even if you resign and leave, the leader will not necessarily look forward to being in Tusser..."

"I have already decided." Alice is determined.

As the object of being the leader of his own family, or for a long time, Ellis felt that it was necessary for his leader to understand the importance of the matter.

In the other three legions of the Zerg, which leader of the legion will leave his capital star for a long time and throw all the government affairs to the chief of staff?

No, only their first legion is like this.

It was hard to wait until the leader came back. Ellis had already planned, and he would leave Tusse immediately after he resigned.

This figure is not waiting for him for a while. He said that he will come back after a year and a half.

I made such a plan to wait for the special-certified Yula warship to land at the airport of Tussex. Both Ellis and six other Tussetts came here to prepare for the planet's owners.

The incomparably huge Yula warship slid smoothly on the ground, the battleship's hatch opened, and a figure came out of the battleship.

This figure is very familiar to the tops of Tusser, with black-eyed eyes and silver-gray tails. You only need to see both to confirm your identity.

The Chief of Staff took a step closer at this point, and he bowed his head to the returning planet owner: "Yalvi..."

Only when they had time to say these three syllables, when they looked down at the young people who were sleeping by the silver worms, the voice of the chief of staff suddenly disappeared in the throat, and the vocal cords completely stopped vibrating.

A similar reaction did not happen to a zerg. The other six Tussells who were found in the same way as Ellis had tightened their bodies one by one, and the erects shrank sharply in an instant.


The huge surprises that were caught off guard almost became scared, and the strong instinctive consciousness drowned the seven higher zerg in an instant, making their bodies stiff.

When the mind became blank, only the eyes were still staring eagerly.

If there is still a little extra thinking ability at this time, Ellis, who is the chief of staff, is probably thinking about it -

Resigning and resigning, no one wants him to leave Tuse Star! ! ! 2k novel reading network

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