MTL - I’m Not Shouldering This Blame-Chapter 115 Loss of association

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In this way, Li Fei's bodyguards and assistants all lie in the hospital.

Compared with the shackles that Dr. Madman came to the door, Lin Assistant was purely unlucky. Fortunately, he was only shocked at the end. The injury was not serious. After three days of hospitalization, the hospital informed the hospital that he was discharged from the hospital.

Originally as a survivor of the "Haicheng **** supermarket hostage holding case", Lin Assistant will encounter a wave of news interviews, and then exposed to television.

Although Lin Xiao is not a public figure, Li Fei’s fans know him and it is expected to cause new topics. So Li Fei proposed to the Red Dragon that Lin Xiao was neglected from the publicly announced information, which made people feel at ease.

He hurriedly visited Lin’s assistant and comforted the crying Lin Xiao’s mother. Before Lin’s assistant asked him if Jane’s police had positioned the special forces to rescue the hostages through mobile phone positioning, Li Fei left.

Lin assistant filled a group of brains filled with a huge doubt: mushrooms.

He connected these things in tandem and thought about it. He felt that Li Fei had a mystery and was involved in a lot of things - some people engaged in serial assassinations, and he seemed to hear Li Fei's voice before the coma. Even the informants, family members of relatives and friends can not enter the scene at the first time.

Lin Assistant soon found out that there was no news in the news report of the hostage incident. He seemed to be sent to the hospital as a "people who escaped from the supermarket when they were confused and who were unfortunately injured." As a hostage and eyewitness, he saw the black badger arguing with the murderer and heard some news, but no police came to ask him, and when he was discharged from the hospital and asked him to go through the formalities, Lin Assistant was very wrong.

- He is still nervous, and the super-powerful black badge will run to kill him!

The night before I was discharged from the hospital, I couldn’t sleep because of the worried Lin assistant.

The cell phone is placed under the pillow. He takes it in his hand several times. He wants to dial Jane, Hey, or simply the number of the cele Liangjun, and discuss with them the experience of his escape, and also happened in Li. The mystery of Fiji, hesitated for a long time, he still put the phone down.

There was drizzle outside the window, and the leaves rustled.

This large hospital received a lot of confusion because the crowd pushed the injured patients, the corridors were filled with temporary beds, and the intensive care area was always busy.

When a person came to this side, Lin Assistant did not pay attention at first.

The shadow of standing cast on the face of Lin Assistant, and he was shocked when he blinked.

"you you……"

The person who appeared in the hospital corridor late at night was the young man who wore a black badge and tried to persuade his companion to save the forest assistant.

Lin assistant grabbed the phone and was very wary.

"Hello." The other smiled friendlyly.

But this attitude can not dispel the doubts of Lin Assistant, so the way to find the door has already made him a cold sweat. The only thing that Lin Assistant is glad is that he will be discharged from the hospital because he is in good condition tomorrow.

The night sky rang the spring thunder, and the glass window was shining.

"I don't know how to meet for the first time. My name is Huowei. It's great to see you nothing." The young man smiled really and was very open.

"you guys……"

Howe immediately put his finger on his lips and made a squeaking action, whispering and pleading: "Please don't sing, I am really the kind of super power in the news, but I am not a madman. We also have Good people and bad people."

Lin assistant looked suspicious.

The other party did not have any extraordinary behavior, but also sympathized with the ordinary people's life and death, but deep into the hospital to find him in the middle of the night, this is not normal.

"I know that you are Lin Xiao, the assistant of dean, I am the powder of dean, I am very familiar with you!"

Howe also revealed that Lin assistants often see, the kind of smiles that young people in the ivory tower often have.

Lin assistant subconsciously thought that his image was completely over, and he also gave Li Fei a shame. Soon he returned to God: No, it was kidnapped and held, and what face image.

"You recognized me at that time?"

"How is it possible, then your face is blood." Huo Wei laughed.

A person with such a shape shouted for help and rushed out. The first thing he noticed was not him, but what happened behind him.

Lin’s assistant has been playing in the entertainment industry for so many years. Although he is not a “successful person” or a veteran old fox, he has developed a little instinct.

Intuition told Lin Assistant that Howe is not simple.

A young college student is in the middle of a group of unpredictable superpowers. Being able to live to the present is an ability in itself. Howe said that he did not recognize him. How did he find it here?

"Actually, I am also a subordinate of Dean." Howe laughed mysteriously and excitedly like a fan. He raised his hand and touched the black gold rim badge on his chest.


It was discovered that Lin’s assistant had a blank face. Huowei’s expression was awkward. He seemed to notice that he had lost his words. He concealed a cough and explained that he was not the criminal, but the country’s registered abilities. When the government came to handle the relevant affairs, he was able to participate in the rescue. As a result, Li Fei was also found to have come. Li Fei also wanted to find someone in the victim and the wound, which caught his attention.

When Hovey said these words, the voice was low and vague. He mentioned that Li Fei used English names, and some words were quickly taken over. After all, a few steps away from here are a bed, there is no confidentiality, and it is not suitable for talking about sensitive topics.

Lin assistant's expression changed again, and Huowei hinted that he understood very clearly: Li Fei is also a superpower, or a very powerful, frightening, and has to fear the strong with the swearing.

Do you make a movie?

After this thought came up, Lin’s assistant discovered the accidents in the world. Li Fei was invited by the state secret department to drink tea, and even the bodyguards disappeared in the fog. It’s like a US drama. And he is a normal friend around the protagonist, knowing nothing about the demon fights in life, such as murder, until one day he became a victim of one episode.

Lin assistant shook, it was terrible.

"Mr. He had an accident a few days ago. Fortunately, you were not seriously injured. I don’t know if Dean’s film was still filmed. Our fans are very worried..."

"Wait for what you say, hey?"

Lin assistant involuntarily raised his voice, and the patient in the next bed confuses a few words.

Howe was surprised to see Lin Assistant: "A few days ago, the car exploded in the suburbs of Haicheng. Didn't Mr. Yu live there?"

Lin assistant did not know where to live, he was already paralyzed, and Huo Wei talked with him a few words and found that he was absent-minded, and Huo Wei quickly resigned, leaving the forest assistant who was full of paste in his head.

Next to the corridor, a man who was snoring, his head squatting toward the wall. He said to the miniature radio in his hair: "The target has left."

The listening device installed under the hospital bed recorded all the conversations.

"There is nothing suspicious about the target. I don't understand why the sorcerer asked us to pay attention to him."

"More than just the sorcerer, Major Zhang has made the same request."

“Hey?” said the Red Dragon team member who was disguised as a family member. “But from the report and the track record, Howei is just a college student who is more impulsive, has no experience, and has just left the school. Because of his own character and the original owner. Similarly, relatives and friends have no doubts and no bad records about him."

If the Red Dragon investigates a person in detail, even if you don't line up for shopping, you will not let go of the black history of the red light crossing the road. Few people can not reveal the true face under this kind of "combing".

Howe passed this "assessment".

"This guy is mixed up in the Black Belt organization. I heard that there are still a group of people following him!"

"That is the old Huangli. The abandoned world that appeared three days ago lasted for a month. Many of the abilities were unable to support it. The attack broke out at home and abroad. The case occurred one day was more than the previous week. More people. The people that Huowei took are all dead, and there are not many bones left. I heard that those who died from the powers killed each other more than they died from monster attacks, but since they died, they wanted to keep the bodies. It’s really hard not to be swallowed up by monsters."

The two Red Dragon team members who are contacting are not the abilities. One is going to continue to track Huowei. One has to stay in the hospital to continue to "protect" Lin Xiao. Gossip can't say a few words. He is about to hang up the communication. At the time, the person responsible for tracking Hovey suddenly whispered:

"Hove has disappeared."

"What? He is not a space actor..."

“The instrument that was carried detected detected the peak of the energy burst, the pattern ripple was familiar, and he entered the abandoned world.”

In the hospital, the Red Dragon team member who "cares" Lin's assistant said in a sympathetic tone: "Is it going in again? The clothes on his body are at most a small bottle of water. It is estimated that there is no food."

"I will report it up."

Although one second, Howe will leave the abandoned world, but his chances of appearing in the hospital are few and far between. The person responsible for tracking him can temporarily go back to work and rest.

"Luck!" Red Dragon team member sighed, I don't know if I was sighing the good luck of my companions, or the bad luck of Huo Wei.

After three minutes, he couldn't smile.

"What do you say, can you contact me?"

"Yes, the falcon team's abilities have lost contact! I am waiting for news from other sources!"

The Red Dragon team members in the hospital could not sit still: "Did they all fall into the abandoned world?"

Then he said to himself that he shouldn’t, and that the abandonment of the world has been going on for so long. Major Zhang has to drop once every few days, but he has never been able to contact him. The real world time has not changed for the abilities, even the country. People in the power group lost communication tools in the abandoned world, and should not be contacted by everyone.

They don't have permission to know more.

Lu’s school in Beidu was urgently woken up by the guards in his sleep—

The sinners detained in the prison disappeared from the confinement room, and members of the National Affiliate Group lost a large number of people, including Major Zhang Yaojin, the head of the Haicheng Red Dragon Division.

The Red Dragon is confirming the abilities of the national focus list, and the name has turned grey, indicating that the association has been lost. The first thing to determine is the shackles in the military hospital ward.

"The devourer's cell phone signal is not in the service area."

"The micro positioner signal on the Keji group is interrupted."

"I am driving to the a-level abilities of the old home..."

“The loss of connectivity is concentrated in Haicheng and Beidu, and there are no abnormalities in the western cities.”

Lu’s face was iron-blue, and even the shoes couldn’t be worn. He ordered: “The emergency notice has not lost the abilities, let them prepare food and drink, and the greatest possible survival!”

This is the case written by the original, and the whole planet gradually becomes a huge coincidence.

According to the time zone division, the batch of the abilities disappeared.

The country that first appeared in this original book was ecstatic, and thought that the abilities who did not return in time would die, and would not harm others. After twelve hours, the world was drastically changed, countless buildings were ruined, and more than 100,000 people died.

"Improve the defense level, notify all the cities in the military region to pay attention to the air defense alarms! All government agencies evacuate the posts and enter the underground bunkers! Notify the public not to be close to the landmark buildings. Large-scale buildings collapse, the ground subsides, and the explosion is possible at any time. It happened! It happened... just the second of all the abilities returned to reality!

"The last time zone's abilities disappeared, and the next second is the moment when all humans wait for the disaster to come!

"Contact the governments to confirm where the first powers are lost in the time zone... Our territory spans five time zones. If you are lucky, we still have more than eleven and a half hours. If the luck is bad, we only have two more. Hours!"

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