MTL - I’m Not Shouldering This Blame-Chapter 150 After the disaster

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Later, people called this day the biggest disaster day in the history of human civilization.

Road collapse, bridge damage, building collapse... A series of explosions, the camera can be seen in the ruins, people fear the twisted face. Many famous cultural landscapes were destroyed, and some countries’ nuclear power plants leaked, and the presidential palace became ruins.

In the event of power outages and water cuts, the signals for external contacts in many places are not available.

After the panic, the chaos slowly appeared. Many people rushed to the food and water in the supermarket that did not completely collapse. Some people ran on the street and shouted the earth to destroy.

People who have long-standing grievances are slashing, and strangers are beginning to work together. People everywhere are sinning.

Those who chased people to slay, they rose and lost their senses. Even if the hacked person fell under his knife, he was completely silent. He continued to wave his arms in madness. I forgot that I am an individual. I forgot that the one under the knife is a person. This is hell.

Some remote towns and villages around the world have not been affected. The more highly developed areas, the more tragic the experience in this disaster.

When the army entered the city, the rioters threw their weapons and fled into the ruins. After the people hiding in the shelter repeatedly confirmed the safety, they came out and burst into tears.

For China, all the abilities of the abilities into the abandoned world are two or three in the middle of the night, and the disaster occurred more than an hour after this time. Because people are still asleep, the casualties are great, and because they don't understand what happened, the survivors ran out of their homes, trembled and waited for the dawn, and the chaos was after noon the next day.

Li Fei Jianhua was confronted with Dr. Mad, and the town that disappeared together, because in the abandoned world, the whole burnt into the white ground, and the scene was cleared by the black belt (in order to find someone), but no one was buried under the rubble, everyone Stupidly sitting on the ground, smashed by dust, and found that the valuable items in the house were gone, and they were shocked and angry, and then went out to see each other - "the whole town was taken away by the **** of fire."

When the police in the county town and the children who belonged to the other side came, the whole people in the town squatted on the ground and sang and engaged in feudal superstition activities.

Haicheng is the beneficiary of the Red Dragon City Redevelopment Project. However, no one in the face of such a disaster has counted the number of people who survived the Red Dragon. They saw the death list.

Lin assistant was lying in the hospital. This evening, for him, a person who claimed to be Huowei came out inexplicably and told him that Li Fei had the identity of a mysterious, high-ranking abilities. Lin assistant was so scared that he could not sleep. When it was dawn, it was a fascination, and the hospital seemed to have a blackout.

After the standby power supply is successfully activated, the lights on the instrument will light up again and the hospital area will be noisy.

There was only a luminous emergency light in the corridor. The family members who accompanied the bed rushed to see the situation. They talked to the person in charge at the hospital in the evening. As a result, they ran to the elevator and looked silly.

The elevator in the hospital building turned into a spiraling wooden slide. The road was curved and extended to the downstairs. The elevator door of the black hole was also removed. There was no light inside, and the situation could not be seen.

"Yes, anyone?"

There was a cry soon inside, "Yes!"

"What happened... What happened?"

"I don't know, we are on the sixth floor."

Then there were several sounds that announced their own floor.

"I am the security guard on the first floor. Is the patient above good? Is there any problem with electricity?"

The embarrassing "sliding ladder" could not go up. People had to turn to the fire exit and found that there was no problem with the stairs here. They went on to check the situation.

As we walked to the third floor, the stairs began to change, and some concrete floors did not look like they were around. The more obvious this situation is, the more the second floor, the wall has been re-decorated.

The rugged walls are like patched clothes, and the glass on the side of the window disappears and turns into a wooden vine railing. The second floor of the inpatient department is the examination room and the toll booth. There is no one at night.

The site was not cleaned too cleanly, and the glass **** fragments that were inserted into the corners and the walls were left.

The outside flowerbed is like a huge monster stepping on it, looking along the traces, just like someone once crashed into the outer wall of the hospital building, fighting on the second floor, affecting the corridor, and from The elevator left, causing the elevator to be broken through the partition and could not be used. It could not be lifted on the first floor.

Who has such destructive power?

Or, who did not know how to make up these places?

Everyone who went to see it was arrogant, and Lin’s assistant lay there, his eyes straight. He is afraid that this matter is related to the so-called black belt. Doesn't that involve Li Fei?

The brain went through the night and the circuit recovered after a few hours.

When the TV was turned on, it was more like a bombing. Each station was reported on the scene of the disaster. Lin assistant couldn’t help but tilt his head and looked at the TV hanging from the stairs.

Several countries around the world responded in the first time to answer questions from the public. They used a series of terms that ordinary people could not understand to describe the cause and process of the event. The conclusion is that the present science cannot exist in the universe. The hollow of the exploration, which caused the two adjacent spaces to be chaotic, is a large earthquake. Currently, this astronomical disaster is located on the earth's trajectory, and the earth is separated from its influence an hour ago.

It is a precursor to highlight a series of anomalous events that occurred in the world before.

People listened to the fog, searched the Internet, and found that there were many opinions. Many people did not believe this rhetoric and asked the state to explain why the "powers" appeared.

Lin Assistant suddenly saw a news: the army and enthusiastic rescuers entered the severely affected areas of Haicheng.

This is a set of photos, and there is a short video with Li Fei's figure swaying past. The image is a group of people excavating the ruins, trying to rescue the trapped person. Although Li Fei wore very inconspicuous clothes, the video only touched his half face, and Lin Assistant could not recognize it.

It’s an ancestor! What rescue team do you participate in?

Lin assistant turned his head and found Jianhua in the corner of the photo. Lin Assistant’s eyes were straight.

Over there, Zhang Yaojin received a call from Beidu. Lu was very satisfied with the restoration of Haicheng. There were no large-scale casualties in the two urban areas, indicating that the Red Dragon cooperated with the local army and resumed normal order as soon as possible.

"It’s a good idea to bring Li Fei to the rescue team... I will take a few shots next time."

As a bodyguard of Li Fei, he was photographed many times by the media, and he was able to recognize him.

"The s-level abilities are on the side of the country, and then our meeting with relevant people in the US and Europe will become very advantageous."

There are two s grades in my own home, and they are all well-fed, and the waist is harder than others.

Zhang Yaojin hesitated and asked Lu to see if he had a new report.

Of course, the answer is no. Today, the whole world is in a bad state. Which country is not? Lu University can't wait to make itself into ten pieces. It can be a time for Zhang Yaojin to make this call. The report was marked with a special secret and could not be read by the secretary.

The content of the report is the original ending of Lu Yan’s statement and the “death” of Jane.

If you don't solve this problem, the black dragon and the red dragon are the same, Li Fei... Is Li Fei's position still used?

"We can't let other countries see jokes."

The front display solves the problem of the domestic high-order abilities. After the foot Li Fei Jianhua will dismantle them, they can't afford to lose face.

Lu’s school knocked down the desktop heavily: “Where is this Lu Hao, I want to send him to Beidu!”

"Lu Hao is dead."

"What? What is going on here, is it dangerous to abandon the world?"

"No!" Zhang Yaojin smiled bitterly. "He ate something he shouldn't eat. After the reality returned, he died."


"This is a murder. Someone deliberately mixes the food that cannot be eaten into the carry-on items, deceives Lu Hao, and accumulates it, eventually leading to the death of Lu Hao. The original sinner only needs to reduce the death of the world for eight months. The suspicion is not so obvious with the contact with Lu."

When Major Zhang received a report from his company today, he was in a bad mood. In addition to Lu Hao, there are several abilities in the Red Dragon base that are more than c-level abilities, and the cause of death is exactly the same.

Half of these people are in the dark, and the other half are in the ordinary powers. They are also prestigious and powerful people. By looking at the identity of these people, you can guess who they are.

"Li Fei Jianhua met Dr. Mad in abandoning the world, and then disappeared together. Some people in Heiyuan have a bad thought. These things are driven by their ambitions." Zhang Yaojin already has doubts.

"You solve these things as soon as possible, Jane's question... Let's talk again."

Far from the University of Lu, the University of Lu’s report of confidentiality, hurriedly read it again, and felt a headache. The engulfing of the abilities turned out to be Jane’s reminder.

At the moment when the abandonment of the world is over and the world is hit hard, leaders of all countries are worried about solving this problem from the root causes. If American scientists also learned the original ending from the book reader, it is now sure to start researching the guide that envelopes the world's ability to shield everyone.

This plan is announced, and countries will definitely come up with human and material support.

“Let the Academy of Sciences first develop a miniature energy-directed instrument, inform Zhang Yaojin, let Jane bring the dog called the group, and try it near the instrument.” Lu’s decision to make a decision, according to Zhang Yaojin’s report, Keji’s expulsion The ability has repeatedly made meritorious deeds, and it is reasonable to say that Jane will not be allowed to fall into the world by his own mushroom.

If you can't do it, think of another way, can the living person be dragged down by the mushroom?

At this time, Lu’s school did not know that at the global security summit half a month later, the United States would directly ask him to be the protagonist Johnson Brown who was abducted by the inflammatory devoters.

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