MTL - I’m Not Shouldering This Blame-Chapter 166 Preparation

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"We have reason to believe that humans will regain their abilities, among the children of this generation of abilities!"

“The existing technology can't figure out which part of the human genetic factor will cause the abilities, but it does exist. This secret will one day be discovered, it is a key.”

Open the key to the Pandora's Box.

When a part of the world's human beings have abilities, and most of the rest are ordinary people, everything will change.

Think about it. In this world, some people are physically strong and have a weak body. Some people have a gun in their hands, and some people just get a few grams of poison. These things seem insignificant, but it affects people. The final result of each contradiction between.

A little physical advantage can cause campus violence.

A weapon that is within reach of anger can lead to death...

An ecstasy can empty hands, carry no dangerous goods, appear in a quiet and peaceful place, and then create killings.

Throughout the ages, battles and blood have emerged around the interests.

When a person holds something that is easy to get, he can't wait to enjoy this kind of differential treatment, enjoy the difference between himself and others, maybe they won't become murderers, but they will get more wealth and social status. I trampled on the law of the first half of my life.

The power of the s-level abilities has been felt by all countries.

When the abandonment of the world disappeared, the value of the power that the demon wanted to resist the "field" reached a very amazing number. Prior to this, this kind of value was only caused by natural disasters of weapons of mass destruction and crustal activity. Manpower can reach this level, how to supervise? How to control?

The extreme country, angry and proposed to kill all the abilities, in order to endure.

It’s every ordinary person who has ever gained power.

Because the number of abilities is too large, the implementation of this resolution is difficult and the social influence is large. Other countries only agree to "regulation." Especially in countries with high-order abilities, they seem to agree with the views of small countries.

——If the power will come out one day, will it be an advantage to determine the country that has mastered the high-level abilities?

- If this generation of abilities die, there is no such crisis, so why kill people?

This is a wonderful question, isn't it?

High-level abilities like Dr. Mad, of course, are still killing. In the original world, the American Abilities Bureau has also accepted the ability of the abilities.

In the end, they rejected the killing proposal with the reason of social influence.

"When people wake up and find themselves becoming versatile, we don't want them to destroy public facilities and use force to deprive others of their lives. If the government has issued orders to kill the abilities, then they will have no choice. The road to the criminals is not the opposite. The society is the anti-government. Is this the future we are willing to see?"

"If the ability is determined by a recessive gene, no one can be sure that your body, your wife's body, your child's body, is not carried at all."

"We are making decisions for the future of mankind. We are standing in a chapter of history. After hundreds of years and hundreds of years, the declaration we signed here determines whether we will be praised or criticized by future people."

The Global Secret Summit is over.

The resolution that was unanimously adopted is: let the current people, the future people know the beginning and the end of the disaster, and how to deal with it after the crisis.

"People don't believe the explanation given by the government, and they blame politicians for being liars."

Although the speeches of several major countries have been unified, the effect is really not ideal.

After many years, some people will tear up the attention manual on disasters issued by the state. It can be imagined that when the days of peace continue for 30 years, three hundred years, everyone will feel that this is a shocking lie, dismissive of the official statement, until the disaster comes again, with blood and death to prove the truth.

"Is there any way for people who don't believe in the truth to read the government's instructions patiently, and pass on from generation to generation until we are extinct?"

Listening to this, all the members of the country feel that it is a fantasy.

The cow does not drink water and presses the head. The TV station washes the brain and plays it. The forced infusion is successful. It will not last long. If the political enemies of the next session come to power, they will openly spray their own brains and get a recognition.

Some people are unhappy to think about how many years later they can't control themselves, and some people really consider the future for the future, but in any case, they all have one thing in common. They don't want to retire or swear by their death.

With this big problem, the key members of the country sighed back and sighed.

"... eh? Don't believe it's okay, as long as the truth is passed down? Then I have a way."

The head of the Red Dragon, Lu Daxiao, did not do white work in the Guangshi General Administration’s disguise of drinking tea to read the old cadres of the newspaper. He was immediately thinking about the professional affairs.

"Make a movie, a classic movie across the ages."

Although other countries have slowed down, the president went back to discuss with the advisory group and got the same advice.

Complete the sphere of consciousness with the form of entertainment that people are willing to accept.

Placed between countries, this is called cultural invasion. Slightly, cultural input...

"Since this film is to carry such a major responsibility, it must be fired, from the script to the actors must be played! Music, special effects, pictures must be impeccable! To impress everyone, get the Oscar can sweep the award, up to no At this level, everything is free!"

France said: Cannes award-winning standards.

Other European countries keep up: at least there is no suspense at the Venice Film Festival.

"The classic level does not require more than Titanic, the path effect is comparable to Avatar."

"Only the classics will be remade in later generations!"

"Then, with the existence of human civilization, people who have seen this movie know how to survive in the abandoned world, what are the weaknesses of the powers, and how to correct their own mentality and choose the right one as a power. Life."

Li Fei from the Guangshi General Administration (crossed out) Red Dragon special personnel here after listening to the truth of the film planning, the expression is difficult to describe in words. He fixed his mind and asked slowly:

"So, you are going to create a new theme, just like people in most parts of the world know what zombies are and how to escape after the Resident Evil?"

" are right." Thin man Zhao Wen smiled and put down the folder.

Inside is a list of well-known domestic actors, Li Fei is ranked first, and a sister of Xingtian Entertainment, Wen Ying is also among them.

"Oh, yes, you are more familiar with these actors. Lu University will let you take charge of the audition on the Chinese side... Of course, the result is not just that you decide, we need your acting audition for the audition!"

Jane, who has been silently listening, looked up at Zhao Wen, and the meaning is very obvious. He thinks that Zhao Wen’s acting skills are very good, and he is more professional than many actors in the circle.

"No, I still want to continue to do my job. I will be exempted from the lens." Zhao Wen refused.

Jane is very interested to ask: "Will you go to the audition site to determine which actor is suitable for you?"

Zhao Wen laughed: "How can I have a small person like me, even the lines will not be..."

"You are not a small person." Jane said.

Zhao Wen paused and then laughed: "There is no me in the original."

Li Fei is a little distracted, making a movie or something. This idea is really bad. He can't imagine what kind of image the flaming demon is on the screen.

Taking a sip of coffee, Li Fei said with a certain tone: "I will definitely not shoot according to the original!"

If the villains are all from China, this movie will first be torn the script.

"Adapting reality, exaggerating the goodness and beauty of human nature, may artificially fabricate a villain black hand! For example, monster leaders from different worlds, disguising humans, provoking world wars or something."

Zhao Wenbian said while watching Jane.

Li Fei narrowly raised his eyes: "I assume... the appearance of the monster boss is a mushroom."

"Cough! This is just a script, and many countries object, because this will affect the sales of mushrooms in the market, so the final villain is a mad scientist named Nani Yakai, making a space shuttle, and the result opens the door of destruction unexpectedly. ""

"You might as well say that there is a higher-skilled race in the distant universe that is self-proclaimed as God, in order to invade the earth..."

"This kind of sci-fi script has a support rate of 40%, which is very high. I like it too." Zhao Wen took out the information in the folder and sincerely asked, "The current b-level space abilities are related." Playing the recommender is gentle, as for your role..."

Li Fei's relaxed and elegant smile, the first time he couldn't keep up with the role.

"Northern side thinks that you play the captain of the national power team, that is, the prototype is very good for the role of Major Zhang."

With a big mouth open, Jane looked up and Li Fei’s expression was fixed, and I felt that I was wrong.

"what did you say?"

"For the image of my ** people, Mr. Li, Beidu is very optimistic about your acting skills!" Zhao Wen squinted, but the deep smile in the eyes exposed his true thoughts.

"No... wait, who plays the demon?"

"Let the special effects do it!"

"How do special effects do?" Li Fei is about to stop the shock of his heart. Is it a monster image?

"The leader of the mysterious organization can be replaced by black shadow. Have you seen the cartoon of the island country?"


Zhao Wen saw enough jokes, and this is reassuring: "Don't worry, if the protagonist is the American devil, we will remove the demon's play, and the American hero can, in any case, China is not responsible for providing the nationality of the villain."

He packed up his documents and went out to go out. Before he left, he even gestured: "Forgot to say, the captain of the Chinese power team in the script has raised a Keji. This is the configuration that Lu University has won. The group is a smart and good dog. You won't be disappointed."

The author has something to say: Ah, I am going to go to the exhibition and sell it back. I will do some three yuan. Other things orz will be updated at the latest 31st.

Originally prepared to end the film successfully released today but the hunch will be hit, so the full text will be delayed for a while