MTL - I’m Not Shouldering This Blame-Chapter 175 end

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The seventh day after the release of The Abandoner. Music novels|

The high box office scores can be said to be a great success. Li Fei was not very happy compared to the crew members who were so happy. There are many factors behind the success of this film. Many people come to buy tickets to watch movies. They don't like the movie itself. They just want to learn about disasters and understand their abilities from the film. Other movie crews are worried about the online gun version, the number of screenings, the release date, etc., "Abandoner" does not have to worry about it, as long as the film is not bruised, the plot actor special effects picture music is in Above the standard line, fire is inevitable.

Because it is a trilogy, the first one can only say that the main characters are bright, the background and the crisis, the magnificent story has just begun, many people from the cinema, I can't wait to see the second content next year.

The powerful power of the protagonist caused a heated discussion.

In the film, Johnson Brown, an orphan-born performer, a double-s-level actor, he has a plot, hidden in a tall building, summoning a thunderbolt to come forward to encircle the squadron's fighters, causing all aircraft instruments to fail. Straight down, the pilot was forced to skydiving. The picture presented by the special effects is very horrifying. The thunder of the sky, like a giant claw of a dragonfly, gathers into a dazzling thunderbolt to hit the target, and disappears silently.

Although everyone has seen a lot of movies, the White House was flooded and bombed, the whole city was swallowed up by the tsunami, and there were so many end-time films that the land was completely cracked. The special effects were more exaggerated than this. However, when the thought of "the film was adapted from the real event", the audience was a tight heart.

Really, have such a powerful force?

Now this "Johnson Brown" is dead? Still as the news says, all the abilities have lost their power?

Some people are grateful that the versatile people are returning to the ordinary. More young people are very sorry. They bought a movie around them, a finger sling with a miniature illuminating device. After wearing it, the fingertips are like a blue light, imitating the action of the protagonist. - At the end of the film, Johnson ended his "Lonely Walk" and officially joined the Abilities Bureau. He learned the precise manipulation of lightning power. Using the principle of touch-screen electronic devices, the current blocking of the underlying wires is directly manipulated, and the screen of the mobile phone and related instruments are controlled by the space. When Johnson trained this ability, he used the music, and five or six plates were placed in a room with a bracket, and each of them continuously passed out the music that was continuously eliminated.

Looking at the fun, thinking about it, I know that this is a foreshadowing, and it will definitely be of great use in the next two dramas.

To put it simply, it is possible to send out information without a trace, and think about it, it is common to forcibly disturb some control systems.

Compared with the high popularity of the starring role, Li Fei can't be too much. Throughout the important supporting role of the trilogy, he is very eye-catching because of the "major" dog.

Westerners have a bit of political prejudice against the Eastern countries. Li Fei’s role is also in line with this prejudice. He is a rigorous and ruthless soldier, not close to human feelings, and is a “real power figure” under the “**” state.

However, such a person has a rounded Corgi dog.

In the words of professional film critics, this dog is absolutely acting, and Hollywood should give an award to animal actors. The sloppy eyes are like talking. The shots in the film are often sitting in a straight position, acting more serious than its owner, but the appearance of a happy feeling makes people can't help.

"Major" is expressionless, but Keji is very courageous with the owner's mood. "Major" is not willing to cooperate with the protagonist in the video conversation. Keji is a **** with his back and his eyes are very contemptuous.

When searching for survivors in the ruins, Keji never jumped to the collapsed slate, but liked to lie on the ground and use his head to stick to the ground. It’s even more frightening to find a gangster in the crowd, biting the other’s clothes, and it’s scary to throw a dog’s teeth. On the 3D screen, Keji’s leaping figure and fierce performance make people I want to pick up the fur on the neck and feel it.

Small dogs look less lethal, but short-legged Keji is a real shepherd in some countries, running fast and biting out the gangsters.

Ke Ji's plays are not many, but he is very stealthy.

The person in charge of the special department of the country will certainly not raise a dog at the end. The positioning in the film is very "real". This Keji is capable and can enter the abandoned world.

The United States initially did not want to accept this "outrageous" setting. Some people immediately said that if there is another incident next time, is the cat, dog and dog having the ability? What about the beasts in the zoo?

There is no basis for this kind of chaos. Fortunately, this dog has few requirements for the script. It also has a background and a shot of taking the initiative to catch people. Nothing else. I finally agreed to it for a few days.

There are only three films in the global collaboration, "Abandoners," but those who are familiar with the big screen routines know that things are definitely not that simple. Red-hot things, in addition to follow the wind to shoot similar subjects, you can also extend the film, personal movies!

The United States has planned to produce a TV series. The theme is to try to maintain the peace of the abilities. From the perspective of ordinary abilities, shoot some guys who have lost their minds and promote the positive image of the country.

The General Directorate of Guangshi has agreed to be responsible for the "major" personal film by Lu, and Li Fei is undoubtedly starring.

My own script, how much to give to Keji, as long as there is no conflict with the main story of "Abandoner", the first draft of Li Fei has been read, it is said that "major" is the first time to enter the abandoned world, in the empty I saw this dog in the park. Deeply excavated the story of the tears, Lu is not very satisfied, the group is not happy, it is the owner of the card is good, what is written abandoned? Very serious!

So the script was rewritten and rewritten. The final outcome was that the world was restored to a calm. The "major school" finally found a girl who accidentally lost her pet and watched Keji run happily.

Because of this film of the same name, "Red Dragon," which is being planned, Li Fei’s position in the entertainment industry is a bit more important.

To create a "national image" is as important as the great man in the old movie, and it has more advantages than the latter, because the "majors" in the eyes of fans can be equal to Li Fei.

This time, a few people in the circle who specifically asked Li Fei to find trouble, did not dare to make trouble.

Xiao Yaqin said that he played the role, but the two scenes were very disappointing, and the audience did not see her face. At the premiere, there was her invitation. Her online promotion was also very similar. However, after the premiere was broadcast, the people who saw it were all in my heart. Xiao Yaqin and the founder were not from a plane, premiered. She couldn't even talk about her, and she didn't touch the microphone from the beginning to the end.

Originally this "high-profile attendance **** ceremony", "stunning debut xx" title hype, the entertainment circle has not played less, are routines, how many people pay attention to the scene? Xiao Yaqin agent and her company habitually worked again. As a result, everyone watched the broadcast this time. Looking back at the previous propaganda words, this is very embarrassing.

After the movie was red, Xiao Yaqin did not catch any of the benefits. What is the use of her top in the crew list? How many people have gone out to the cinema, do not remember the story to record subtitles? Coupled with her previous shampoo endorsement, although it is the fastest return to the public eye, the value has also been reduced to the grade, high-end brand endorsement almost no her share.

If you can't earn it after two years, Xiao Yaqin's star road is estimated to be so mad. He can only run some variety shows, play a supporting role in TV dramas, and set up a table for newcomers.

She wants to make trouble, but the company and the agent are all light to her, and the situation can be seen. Even if she finds a water army in private, she is ready to put it out. The other party is also shaking her head and dare not pick it up. Who does not know about Guangshi The General Administration attaches importance to the film. Now moving Li Fei is the rhythm of finding a dead pole.

The little people are dying, and Starry Entertainment is back on track. For a time, Li Fei has nothing to worry about except for mushrooms. I have nothing to do while sitting at home with Jianhua to watch literary films. When I look at my hands, I am not honest. I reach under someone’s clothes.

After Jane opened twice, he followed him.

Li Fei got the inch and the movement became more and more comfortable. Jane took a breath of air and couldn't help but hold the backhand.

Well, what do you want, use the numbness and joints.

"Good hand." Li Fei was lying on the sofa and said to the person who was pressing on himself.

Another free hand continued to caressing Jane's thigh without fear of death.

This pose is particularly embarrassing, but it seems like Jane is taking the initiative.

"You still can't watch the movie?" Jane Hua thinks that he seems to be following Li Fei too recently. He also took the initiative to hide the poster and let Li Fei see it. Now it seems unnecessary!

"There is no one else." Li Fei slipped into the buttocks of a person, pressing people closer to themselves, but the mouth was innocent. "I don't have a job, we are outside every day, one can't cross the boundary." How hard it is."

Jane was not so easy to be fooled by him.

"Yes, I see you are happy." Jane said faintly, directly exposing Li Fei's old bottom, "You acted as a habit, gentle and elegant, the image of the Emperor, your work status has been maintained."

"Cough, of course, you must keep your work at work." Li Fei approached Jane's neck, and he was very sensitive to his lover. He provoked fire in three or two times, and Jane's breathing became heavy.

"Moreover, is it not interesting to see what they know nothing about?"


Jane squinted back and looked at Li Fei’s playful expression, and found Li Fei to be true.

The nature of such a bad taste, coupled with his understanding of Li Fei, knows that the disguise of love affairs is not a dilemma for Li Fei, not a last resort, but a very exciting one. There is a kind of "to see who is the detective, can find clues" is a problem.

"Lin assistant asked me vomitingly the day before, when he got married, he was ready to go." Jane whispered.

"Do you want to get married?" Li Fei looked at her lover sideways.

"I don't want to." Jane said very simply.

It is not the time, Li Fei is too concerned, and then they are no different from marriage, and they have a certificate. Jane trusts the stability of this relationship. Even if Li Fei is derailed, does ordinary person Li Fei win the mushroom? As for the guarantee that divorce can be divided into half of the family, Jane is even less interested.

"Same-sex marriage, only to go to foreign countries, there is no legal significance to return to China." Li Fei is almost the same idea, completely unnecessary, he thought, "I thought the country would introduce new marriage terms, think about it. This is also a big event. It is not a matter of making a head. The ordinary marriage law has to be provoked by a big storm. The public acceptance is not extensive. It is impossible to think of it. But it doesn't matter, people who want to live well. It’s useless to get married if you can’t live.”

With this in mind, the mushroom has climbed onto the sofa.

There are quite a few scenes of watching the host Li Fei, and two mushrooms have also rolled together for the preemption position.

"Lin Assistant is worried that we will get a brain and change our nationality to get married."

"He will think like this, it is the brain." Li Fei did not say with good anger, his secret, Jane's identity, all involved state secrets, I also know that the country will not let people. Li Fei also has no good feelings about changing his nationality.

Li Fei was anxious to end this topic, turning people into bed and eating their mouths. As a result, the phone rang, as if to be against him. The caller was Lin Assistant.

The Emperor was very unhappy to call the phone.

Then his face changed, some angered and sneered.

"okay, I get it."

Ten minutes of phone calls, Li Fei has been silent, only said a word before the last call.

Jane had already sorted out the clothes and sat up straight from the sofa. He asked inexplicably: "What happened?"

"My mother thought of me."



Speaking of the disclosure of Li Fei’s identity, it is necessary to start with a compensation clause issued by the state. The general idea is that Chinese citizens who are over 50 years old, if the children are killed in a disaster, the state will issue some funds according to the situation to improve their future loneliness. Old age life.

The specific circumstances are different. It is divided into all the children who have lost their lives, whether their children are still alive, whether they have a disability, and whether they are retired (if there is no income, if they have income).

There are more terms, and it takes a certain amount of time for the review. How can it be simple to send money?

This is not, dragged on for a year, Lin Assistant knows that Li Fei’s parents also handed in the application form.

No one died in their respective homes. Because of Li Fei, they returned to their hometown and couldn’t wait to confirm Li Fei’s life and death.

The house of the old family collapsed, and people could not find it. In any case, the temporary residence of the survivors, the street office where the relief supplies were reissued did not have the name of Li Fei. The two men pondered that 80% were dead, and they filled out the form without saying anything. During the period, because the two were divorced, how to apply for the money was noisy. The man wants to take more, the woman does not agree, the man's reason is that the son and his family name, is his own family, can give money to the woman, even if she can afford to see her.

The application form has been reviewed, and the office has checked it. We have no such person in this neighborhood. We don’t want to talk about files. Even people who live here before the disaster have no impression and will not handle it.

Li Fei’s parents are not doing it. The living son is dead and can’t get the money. Is it like that?

So the two were not noisy, and they quickly found relatives, neighbors and even old classmates to inquire about the whereabouts of Li Fei.

The house of the old family is actually rented by the parents of Li Feizu. The landlord is an acquaintance. The money is not high. The piece is not a good place. The house is narrow and dark, only 15 square meters. There is not much money for the demolition. It was built privately. It was illegal to say that it was illegal, and there was no land title certificate. The rainy days leaked and the summer was hot.

Is it moving away?

In the past few years, Li Fei called them a phone call, but no one was taken seriously, and the number could not be remembered. In fact, it is useless to remember. This number is a telephone card with no real name registration. It can only find a street sales point in a certain city.

Li Fei’s parents struggled to find out that no one had seen Li Fei more than ten years ago. No wonder many people said they didn’t know.

The small county town is so big, the car can be opened in an hour and a half, and the son said that his son is missing. The government department thought it was really a disaster, and went to the local tracing program. Everyone is very embarrassed.

Because of the details of the tracing materials, Li Fei’s classmates said that he thought that Li Fei’s parents died when he was a child. Don’t say it, I have never heard of it.

Fortunately, the neighbors on the street argued that there was such a person. After the parents divorced, they went to work in the field. They didn’t come back. Later, the old couple died and no one had seen it.

Of course, when they searched for people, there was no Li Fei photo, and Li Fei’s real name was used.

The reason for this pair of middle-aged men and women is also very good, saying that the disaster has changed at home, and the photos are of course gone.

Finally, the TV station found the old landlord. He took out a picture of his granddaughter. Among them, Li Fei was half-faced in his youth. At the time, he shot at the door and accidentally entered the mirror.

The old landlord was very angry and accused Li Fei’s parents of being young and confused. He gave birth to a child and threw it to his elders. Even the funeral was helped by relatives and neighbours. The number of times that he came back in so many years is very few. One of them is to divide the old couple. Family property, I heard that I have not owed three years of rent and went straight, and even my son did not see.

As for the whereabouts of Li Fei, the old landlord certainly does not know, but only receives the annual express delivery from different cities every year. The address is the shop that sends the gift box, and the attached card is also the store's auspicious words.

"It should be the child, hey, it’s all swearing! I don’t know where to borrow before I leave, or I have to pay off my debts."

The old landlord did this, and the two naturally had no face. The people on the TV station did not want to help find it.

Because of the program, a few photos of the class provided by Li Fei, the photos given by the old landlord, were well-known in the small county. Everyone felt that the boy was growing well.

As for Li Fei’s parents? For the first time, they also saw what the son looked like.

They sneaked back home, angered and yelled, and the compensation that was not received by the heartache was angry with the lost face.

Their children looked at the photos, and a young girl who was familiar with the entertainment circle suddenly felt that the big brother who had never met before was a bit familiar. I really want to say who it is like, but I can’t tell you. The teenager’s face is not long-sighted, and the temperament is different. It’s quite difficult to recognize.

The network has no borders, and the programs in the small county towns don't know who to dig out. A very red account is issued, which is intended to mock the irresponsible parents.

As a result, everyone focused on it. They all said that the teenager is a handsome man. The Chinese school uniform is wearing a ugly three-pointer and the photo effect is three more points. The teenager is really the best spokesperson for the school uniform. It is obvious that it is not ugly clothes, you are not growing right.

For a time, the school uniform and you who are ugly on the Internet became a topic.

It coincides with the upcoming release of "Abandoner". Lin's assistant is busy with his heels, and he can't manage it. The other people in the Li Fei team don't know Li Fei's family. They missed it and found nothing.

After the movie sensationalized the world, this topic sank.

However, if there are more people, there will be an accident. Where is the reason (hey), it is said that a certain memory of the Internet is a strong person, usually do not pay attention to the entertainment circle, this exception to see the movie, because of the image of Li Fei Good feeling, became Li Fei's passer-by powder. Strolled into Li Fei's forum, along with the new powder, was the most popular movie in the country.

Selling Amway, of course, it is a hard photo, resources, and clipped videos.

After the memory of the memory of the three days of Li Fei's resources, the heart faintly felt that this outline seems to have seen where. Normal people will soon leave this kind of eye behind, because they really can't think of what they have seen, and like it, he quickly turned over the school uniforms Weibo that was forwarded a month ago.

It is also a coincidence that the Daren has been on a variety show, and the customs clearance project has a facial structure memory that will release an old photo ten years ago, and then call the photo owner’s brother or sister, a relative who looks like Together, identify the challenger.

Although Li Fei is very different from the past, the old photos are not clear enough, but in the eyes of such experts, they still cannot be covered.

Memory Master is very surprised, excited about this discovery, he sent out...

Directly sent online.

The school uniform boy is the movie emperor Li Fei. This title is not believed by everyone. Although the school uniform is also very handsome, but it is still a school grass level. Is it better to have a financial building with Li Fei?

However, the memory masters carefully attached each contrast area and made a long set of pictures. They explained the difference between the spirit and the temperament of a person, and the difference between the thin teenager and the adult. Can see a lot of things, such as maintenance, such as eating and wearing, not malnutrition, and finally sigh a conclusion - Li Fei did not face up, otherwise the details of the comparison will not be right, there will be blunt abnormalities.

When Lin Assistant saw this Weibo, things were already getting bigger, and he was angry and wanted to laugh.

What happened? Li Fei didn't have a facelift and it was a mistake. If it was a facelift, wouldn't it be today?

He quickly called Li Fei.

This kind of hard-clicking microblogging, if you just pressure to find some water army can turn the paradox, but the reputation of the bloggers is very high, and the analysis is the head, not to mention that this is a person, even if it is not With so many reasons, it will look more and more like it.

Li Fei received a lot of calls, there were directors, Liang Jun, who had a little knowledge of his family's situation, and some friends in the entertainment circle. Finally, even the people of Red Dragon called.

Li Fei talked freely to these people. The concealed concealment, for those who know the inside story, explained that they would find a solution, put down the phone, and his expression immediately gloomy.

- The couple are going to make trouble.

I heard that my son is a movie actor, and he has nine digits. Can they still sit still?

That's right.

Li Fei’s parents once again gathered together, with their partners, children, and their faces turned white. They have been left by all the numbers at home. Such a big money tree does not know.

If you have discovered this for a long time, is it so troublesome to find a job/buy a house/out of Congress?

They were unwilling in their hearts and felt very reasonable. They felt that Li Fei’s heart was deep. He said that he was an office worker on several occasions (they made up their own brains, Li Feishun spoke, did not argue or explain), and definitely they were There is resentment.

"What are you afraid of? He played the major of the Chinese Dragon Group. If the image is not good enough, you are busy with work, the family is poor, and there are children, and you can't manage your home. He doesn't have money, he says, go out. I didn’t care! Looking for a newspaper to shake, I can’t go directly to the TV station. The movie’s family’s gossip ratings are very high, and newspapers, magazines and TV stations are all eager to make exclusive interviews.”

"Yes! Mom, I have received a lot of calls these days! People said, pack and pack the road tolls and go to Haicheng to shoot the show."

Men and women are squatted by their children and their expressions are complicated.

They want to go, but they are afraid of losing face. Last time they lost their faces, they thought that no one in the hometown knew it. Who knows that the video of the program suddenly spread on the Internet, and they didn’t have a face.

Their children’s thoughts are different. Their own brother is a movie emperor. There are many faces, and they are not sorry for Li Fei. If you can confirm your identity on the show and find a job/marriage later, what else?

Just when the family was in trouble, the man got a call.

The people on the side of Li Fei called and rushed to the time and place with them.

The next family was even more excited. They bought the ticket without even saying anything, and even took the money and brought a few reporters to the meeting place.

This is a club and it was cleared on the day.

The reporter holding the camera insisted on entering, the waiter stopped, stalemate at the door, until the Ferrari Ferrari opened.

The son of Li Fei’s mother, the trendy young man dressed in a mess, stared at the car with two eyes, and sent water out.

Li Fei wore a sunglasses mask, surrounded by Jane, and Lin Assistant held the folder behind.

The staff of Xingtian Company, who has had many years of experience in dealing with reporters, quickly settled the reporters and let them in, but they were not allowed to bring cameras.

"Li Ge, I think they are not honest, there may be a pinhole camera." Lin assistant came over.

"It doesn't matter, just a gesture, shoot and shoot." Li Fei said without saying.

A bunch of people squeezed into the big conference room on the first floor of the club, with different expressions. Li Fei had finished drinking tea with Jianhua on the third floor, and killed the single dog Lin Xiao. Then he slowly came out and took the elevator to the meeting room. .

In the face of a group of people who seemed to swallow him and stared at him, Li Fei snapped his finger.

It is reasonable to say that at this time, the first thing to be stunned, but Li Fei’s parents were shocked. Looking at the bodyguards of Gao Gaoda, they looked at Li Fei’s face better than the photo, and he was uneasy.

Really? In their hometown, the county can still have such a character?

Do not say anything else, the ones that have climbed out of their stomachs, their own kind, how can they be so different every day?

The reporters were so excited that their eyes were red, the recording pen was turned on, and the pinhole camera was used, waiting to go back to the big news. As a result, Li Fei sat at the table and said coldly:

"Mu's couple? Oh, you are divorced. The two want to find a son to confirm the death has seriously affected my life."

This kind of words is obviously not recognized. Li Fei’s father suddenly stood up and said angrily: “Mu Wen, do you think that you changed your name? Nobody knows? Li Fei is just your stage name, just go to the bank. Check your account number and check your ID card..."

The sound came to an abrupt end because Li Fei took a copy of his ID card from his pocket and placed it on the table.

Photo, name. Li Fei.

The ID number and address were smeared with an oil pen.

The young man with Li Fei’s mother stood up and said loudly: “The photocopy also shows nothing. Besides, people can be renamed. As long as they go to the local police station, they have records.”

Lin assistant was nervous, because Li Fei really did this, and changed his name directly. In fact, the relationship between Mu Wen and Li Fei can still be seen. Muzi is Li, non-literature.

Jane was mixed in the people brought by Li Fei, and it was inconspicuous and nobody noticed. Jane is not worried at all. He looks at the anger, disappointment, anxiety, greed on these faces... it looks better than the movie.

"I understand that you want to find the urgency of your loved ones." Li Fei said this with a satirical smile, and other people in the conference room, including reporters, laughed.

I didn’t care about my son for more than ten years. I heard that there was compensation for the death.

"But you believe in rumors, come to harass me, contact TV, I will let my lawyers hold you legally responsible."

"You... let's do dna!" Mu father screamed at the table.

"Yes, but who is the money? The result is wrong, are you willing to bear legal responsibility?" Li Fei was unmoved, and it was easy to go to the laboratory to change samples.

His ambiguity made everyone start to be uneasy, but they felt that this was Li Fei’s means of retreating.

"Do it!" Li Fei's parents rushed to answer, but they are not legally responsible.

Mu Mu was hard to support, and was about to speak. Li Fei sighed on the chair and said to the reporters, "I don't know why you believe these people. I said the old gentleman, where is he and me?" Imagine?"

Mu Mufu's middle-aged blessing, and thank you, the clothes are not very particular, compared with Li Fei...

Even his children showed a terrible look.

Mu Mu was angry and anxious. He still wanted to continue to shoot the table and say that he was doing DNA testing. At this time, Lin’s assistant was just right. “No need to be so troublesome. Everyone from birth to death has records, whether it is renaming or relocating. We can provide Li Fei's file, please take out your son's file. Our lawyer has gone to the local area and found no information at all. When the disaster occurred, the county school and the government building were fine. There was no data destruction. The couple have no son at home, which is a scam from start to finish!"

Everyone was surprised.

The couple were even more angry and jumped up and quarreled.

"You can go to the TV station, you can also use the media, ask the relevant agencies to check, and things will come to light. We dean are here to talk about the director here, and I want to make these people awake, the blackmail is to eat the cell, now you can Got." Lin assistant looked at the person with his nostrils and placed an arrogant shelf.

When the two families were willing to go, the security guards of the club came in and politely took the people away. They continued to clamor for duna identification, and even the reporters were dubious.

Li Fei has the ability to falsify the file. How many records did a person be born to die? Going to school, hukou, work, graduation records, work, bank flow, ticket ticket records... Can it be erased?

- Yes, as long as you were a s-level abilities before, the state took all the files in order to protect you.

Li Fei turned away and could hear the noise of the two families along the way.

"Li Ge, are you still going to solve them?" Lin assistant felt that they would not give up.

"Nothing, they want to go to the program, the General Directorate of the Vision will not approve. If you put it, you have to stop, which TV station is unlucky." Li Fei was relaxed and even had a mood to stand by the opaque glass window. I have enjoyed a lot of expressions of mutual grievances, anger and disappointment.

"And your classmates, those photos, the contrast of that microblogging..."

"Without explanation, as long as someone asks, we will deny that the file that the red dragon gave is more detailed and you just said it. If you can't get the evidence, there will be no result." Li Fei smiled and laughed. Looking at the window, said to the couple who were upset downstairs, "Where do they have children, even the birth certificate is not."

Lin Assistant also left, and the tea room on the third floor finally left Jianhua with Li Fei.

"I found out that you are not too annoyed." Jane was a little surprised, and it was awful for anyone to do such a thing.

"It’s a bit of a hassle, but it’s not a problem. Even if I don’t recognize it, public opinion won’t be bad for me. Smart people understand the situation and agree with it, not smart... I have the advantage on the bright side! Li Fei smiled. He bowed his head and kissed him on Jane's ear.

It is also good to say that the mushroom is coming back. He would not be close to Jane when he was not at home.

With the mushroom, Li Fei knows that Jane will certainly check the security of the room, such as no one to eavesdrop, and no camera. Li Fei has nothing to do with people before, and people are unscrupulous. Jane is already used to it, or he has long discovered that Li Fei is so changeable and loves acting.

Since it is a way of entertainment for lovers, he does not care.

"No, you are very happy." Jane looked at Li Fei's eyes. He wondered that Li Fei's mood was always happy today.

"Let them desperately search for evidence, and they can't get any benefit. They quarrel, be scolded by their children, be beaten by relatives, and be pointed by passers-by, let them regret and miss the money. Isn't that interesting?" Li Fei ordered a point that Jane was bitten by her own red lips and said with a smile. "When I called them, I followed them and thought that I wouldn’t have money for my performance for a few minutes? It is also worth returning. When they can't find the evidence, send a lawyer's letter in the past, scare them, and if they want to make trouble, my reputation damages, can they afford to pay for the iron?"

“It’s not enough to sell them.” Jane answered seriously, then nodded and said from the heart: “Now I feel that you are really the villain in the original.”

"To each other, you are my behind-the-scenes boss."

Li Fei picked up the mushrooms at the feet and stuffed them into Jianhua's arms.

He said seriously: "The Black Belt organization is all normal. We will play Johnson's little devil in the applause. The boss will see who is not pleasing to the eye. I will find a way to get rid of it."

"Only the inflammation is very disobedient, you give me an idea."

Jane sat in the chair very well, posing what he thought was the boss. He found that Li Fei's only non-rejected role played, probably only the fire.

Li Fei said with a sigh of relief: "This is very simple. The boss used the ability to tie the fire to your room. I promise that he is very obedient and will never dare to disobey you."


No, this is not improvisation, it is the thickness of the skin.

Li Fei was close to him and whispered in the ear of his lover: "I see, he is willing to be tied for a lifetime."

The author has something to say: The full text is over, thanks to the King’s ticket

Guyi threw 5 mines, 5 grenades, 32 rocket launchers, 2 shallow water bombs, and 4 deep-water torpedoes.

Alice threw 6 grenades, 10 rockets, 6 shallow water bombs, and 3 deep-water torpedoes.

The barley threw 37 mines, threw 50 grenades, 27 rockets, 1 shallow water bomb, and 1 deep-water torpedo.


One doll, two dolls, three dolls, throwing 6 mines, 4 grenades, 6 deep-water torpedoes

Thunder threw 19 mines, 10 grenades, 16 rocket launchers, 3 shallow water bombs

Jiye returned to the dust and threw 8 mines, 6 grenades, 3 rocket launchers, and 3 deep-water torpedoes.


Ping Yu threw 120 mines, threw 1 grenade, 11 rockets, and 2 shallow water bombs.

笕花月 threw 108 mines, 40 grenades, 2 rockets

Red Crescent threw 153 mines, 16 grenades, 1 rocket launcher


The knife has thrown 120 mines, 3 grenades, 2 rockets

Angelique Corret threw a grenade and 132 mines

The trick is that I have thrown 114 mines, 2 grenades, and 1 rocket launcher.

The boatman of Forgot River threw 7 mines, 11 grenades, and 7 rockets.

茕茕尐立 throws 19 mines, 6 grenades, 3 rocket launchers, 1 shallow water bomb


Tobacco throws a mine, a grenade, and a deepwater torpedo.

Milo threw 5 mines and 1 deepwater torpedo

Shadow casts 104 mines

Seven seven seven seven children threw 45 mines, 3 grenades, 4 rockets

A year threw a deepwater torpedo

Threw a deep water torpedo

Forcing a squid with fried oysters and throwing a deep-water torpedo

The point number threw a deepwater torpedo

Whispering, I’m throwing two mines, five grenades, two rockets, and a shallow water bomb.

The south wind threw 75 mines and 3 grenades

The cold shattered 87 mines

Touching me, touching me, touching me, touching me, touching me, throwing 30 mines, 5 grenades, 2 rocket launchers

What is the most annoying thing about nicknames! Threw 1 mine, 1 shallow water bomb

The vest team threw 5 mines, 4 grenades, and 1 shallow water bomb

Mushroom mushrooms throw 10 mines, 2 grenades, 1 shallow water bomb

Zhao Wei threw a shallow water bomb

Helen threw a shallow water bomb


Thanks for throwing 6 rockets, 2 grenades, 1 mine: Orange, Huainan

Thanks for throwing 4 rockets, 4 grenades, 1 mine: Chiba Yulu

Thanks for throwing 3 rockets, 1 grenade, 3 mines:

Thanks for throwing 2 rockets, 5 grenades, 3 mines: round rolling

Thanks for throwing 2 rockets, 4 grenades, 4 mines: jiedou

Thanks for throwing 2 rockets, 2 grenades, 3 mines: Ding Jinzu

Thanks for throwing 2 rockets, 2 grenades, 1 mine: fox rain

Thanks for throwing 2 rockets, 1 grenade, 1 mine:


Thanks for throwing a rocket launcher 8 grenade 1 mine: cp

Thanks for throwing a rocket launcher, 5 grenades, 8 mines: Ah,

Thanks for throwing a rocket launcher, 4 grenades, 8 mines:

Thanks for throwing a rocket launcher 2 grenade 2 mines: Jiuyan

Thanks for throwing 1 rocket launcher 2 grenade 1 mine: Qu Yanyan


Thanks for throwing a rocket launcher and a grenade 33 mines: Chu Yu

Thanks for throwing a rocket launcher and a grenade of 6 mines: the other side of the flower

Thanks for throwing a rocket launcher 1 grenade 3 mines: 77

Thanks for throwing a rocket launcher and a grenade 2 mines: if you walk away, the breeze comes (cissy)


Thanks for throwing a rocket launcher and a grenade: sugar-coated poison, stealing stars and snow


Thanks for throwing 3 rockets and 6 mines: Nightingale

Thanks for throwing 2 rockets 22 mines: green onion

Thanks for throwing 2 rockets and 10 mines: Qingyu humming (moon pillow Lango)

Thanks for throwing 2 rockets and 2 mines: singing songs and songs,

Thanks for throwing 2 rockets and 1 mine: tomb, small gray

Thanks for throwing a rocket launcher 28 mines: squid soup

Thanks for throwing 1 rocket launcher 3 mines: Maoling East

Thanks for throwing a rocket launcher 2 mines: epilepsy, squid, everyone knows me alone

Thanks for throwing a rocket and a mine: Amer, Caisang, Liyun, Tianyishengshui, Moonlight Cream


Thanks for throwing 4 rockets: Xiaochun

Thanks for throwing 2 rockets: my big ones are always not updated.

Thanks for throwing a rocket launcher: betweewo', isis, jiyvjia, pilgrimage knight, bean nest, pipa, maple whisper, good text have been smashed by the river crab, six six six dye, green shirt faint, sun and moon shine gold Yintai, Su Bai, Scorpion, Snail Jun Feng, down the mountain to eat, 潇潇 drift away xiaop, a tail of herring, vaguely, m sauce, wonderful frog seeds without seeds


Thanks for throwing 11 grenades 1 mine:

Thanks for throwing 6 grenades 9 mines: cat dumplings

Thanks for throwing 7 grenades 1 mine: 825832,

Thanks for throwing 6 grenade 20 mines: light can not eat long meat

Thanks for throwing 4 grenades 7 mines: perfect button

Thanks for throwing 3 grenades 30 mines: 10,000 vines

Thanks for throwing 3 grenades 3 mines: not enough traffic

Thanks for throwing 3 grenades 2 mines: endow

Thanks for throwing 2 grenades 22 mines: Mulan

Thanks for throwing 2 grenades 16 mines: tofu

Thanks for throwing 2 grenades 6 mines: Shen Shen, Xie Jiuwei

Thanks for throwing 2 grenade 5 mines: since ancient red and blue xipi

Thanks for throwing 2 grenades 4 mines: 潇然梦

Thanks for throwing 2 grenades 2 mines: fine snow streamer

Thanks for throwing 2 grenades and 1 mine: Hey, resolutely not from a small fork, a thousand gold is difficult to buy

Thanks for throwing a grenade 44 mines: the waters reflect the white moon

Thanks for throwing a grenade 31 mines: Matcha Crisp

Thanks for throwing a grenade 20 mines: the stars of the sea

Thanks for throwing a grenade 19 mines: where not drunk

Thanks for throwing 1 grenade 14 mines: Kyushu's imperial palace disciple

Thanks for throwing 1 grenade 12 mines: piyo

Thanks for throwing 1 grenade 11 mines: Jinjun sauce

Thanks for throwing a grenade 9 mines: chess

Thanks for throwing a grenade 8 mines: hanging shadow, white bridge

Thanks for throwing a grenade 7 mines: annoying,

Thanks for throwing 1 grenade 4 mines: Auntie~, Orange cc, 19281564

Thanks for throwing 1 grenade 3 mines: ■■■, 訦, 红豆捞, 宁19, lettuce princess, my family's fish tank is large, atom, cloud rise,

Thanks for throwing a grenade and two mines: Cang Lan, the tea, the coffee table, the Leica, the Jichuan, the Lianzi, the material, the Yangge, the warm bones.

Thanks for throwing a grenade and a mine: 02, Lingyue Hanbing, Xiaomeng Meng, where is your family, Qingmu fish, heartache, the first hand, the mountains and rivers, and the wood, want to raise a small峤


Thanks for throwing 2 grenades: I love to eat fish, Sheng Hao, I am a sheep, fresh orange, remnant, purple dew


Thanks for throwing a grenade: alice magical wonderland, ┭┮_┭┮, 19267932, 20287492, aslqyx, bone13, alazar snake, shax, yy, a fish, idiot hawthorn, silk flower, Chuanmu, February apricot , madness, next door, true, past smoke cloud dh, 麾 summer, **** persimmon, Jiaoxiang crispy bear paw, 撅起腚, 珺 珺, Lanchuan, lotus seed rice, 杪冬飞沙, 尛, Mocha, wood Light cream, Mu, naphthalene acetic acid, mud dad, against the wind, blue light, Qing flute, Qing dynasty, Qingping, sprinkle ~ small seven ~, three fresh mushroom soup, I just want to quiet, next life to protect the teeth, Leaves, a persimmon, all the way to the sand marks, a leaf blind, friends, heavy nine long sunny, 16684589, A Bing, A Shui said ~, this does not pull the lamp, big Pepe, the meat does not leave bones, blood tears reminder, dough catfish


Thanks for throwing 30 mines: Master of Ye Tianyang’s family~

Thanks for throwing 23 mines: ==

Thanks for throwing 22 mines: Meerkat

Thanks for throwing 21 mines: lian

Thanks for throwing 17 mines: 荏苒

Thanks for throwing 16 mines: White Phase, Bright Moon, Black Dog 1981

Thanks for throwing 15 mines: Cangwu, Farmer Sanquan, Dong Minghuang

Thanks for throwing 14 mines: Why do I chase every text in the middle of the night, the phoenix long distance

Thanks for throwing 13 mines: jojo

Thanks for throwing 12 mines: Su Shi, the round big grapefruit, Zengcheng Jiuzhong, mail, bookworm, modified leaf, comment theme

Thanks for throwing 11 mines: demeter

Thanks for throwing 10 mines: dm boiled eggs, pinellia, serval cats, neuropathy attacking the earth, three su, dead end of the world - selling Meng for life, forgiveness, pumpkin wood fish, Zhang Wenjun, He Bu


Thanks for throwing 9 mines: Susu, Xia Houlan, Xiwu, abc

Thanks for throwing 8 mines: liliyate, roots, shallow peony, sable, scented mushrooms, night wind sweet soup, bamboo stalks, civet, Jun Changan, singularity, winter, stupid, Rain falls

Thanks for throwing 7 mines: the heart of the super heart, the eleven years of the big dream, the madness of the island, the fish k, the moon under the slightest, the smashing of the fairy, the clear stream, the leaf smile, the night rain Xiaoxiang


Thanks to the 6 mines thrown: shii, Ajing, the grass-finished fish, the post-flying aid, the Qingqing, the Shen Liqing, the Su Muzhi, the little weasel, the larvae, the Yi, the three dreams, the fourteen, four sleep silkworm


Thanks for throwing 5 mines: 17976348, pigpig pig, father, not eating mushrooms, Dongmen Yue, Huajian divine, well rope, quiet, Jun Xiaoying, can be, Nazi invincible, peach blossom dream for three thousand years, Hee hee, how so cute, whale whale n


Thanks for throwing 4 mines: 11, cherry ☆ up, yuzaiyuyuan, Cheng Wang not dare Kang, pure black gk, pears, pears, two-way foil, hair cakes, when the wind starts again, Jane Hua to Li Fei chrysanthemum, Beech, grilled fish, Lingguang Nanxun, Nangong Butterfly, South has trees, Qingyuan, no bamboo is mundane, my generation has postures, arrogant, foggy, hurricane, Xiao Zhang is a martial arts, Yan Glaze, pig tycoon Bai Xinyu, Yunshu, Changxiao, walk, black rice, Xiaxia, Xiaoai, Xiaotuo, 梓樾, handsome cool handsome purple, the other side; , kiddiann, lost, schisandra, inevitable book


Thanks for throwing 3 mines: fog, juojuo, lili, okabe_miyako, ricky, sksome, yser_ricy, alicia, mint, fish, and flowers on the other side. , the old road in the south of the city, the dream of the spring, the drama of the emperor, the rot of the world, the roots of the seedlings, the banned drugs, the flowers and inks, the trees that will breathe, the backs of several people, the quiet flower tea, the Jiang Shenzi, the Inoue Tong, 玖9, slang, lazy cat, cat 噗, 弥罗, 喵喵喵, oh 便便便, July hermit crab, meatloaf, soft 糯neko sauce, heart of neuropathy, water well bend, Panasonic ask Boy, cloud, deep, no, white fox, Tang dynasty, Chinese, filling, head horns, rabbits know everything, small bacteria, new tongs, singularity, ruthlessness, ruthlessness, savory , Yan Lingchen, Yang Butt, Good Night, Yishui Yunshui, Yibao Sauce, Yin Ajiu, Youwan, Shrimp under the Rain, Moon Five Years, Yuezi, House Rabbit, Changfeng Breaking the Sea, Zhao Yancheng Yesterday, the teacher listened to the green 绮, yesterday, the author came out to talk about life, 18948005, 25 yuan stamp, Chu Tiankuo, Chu Tianxiao, Mo Xiaoxi, Shuiyan, refers to Liu listen bamboo, nightingale, Linger, The first month of floating Xuan, sailingon, the meat bag without radish, Lu Caojia, cat_light, beast



Thanks for throwing 2 mines: no tears dawn, *——*, ⊙▽⊙, 18647370, 19380603, 19769933, 20425924, 20473764, ccyouyou, id what is it, kissb, liansan, lutu, my27yx, ping123lxp, sss , uf#, vakulya, ying0012, zoey, Gillian, Auntie, Azhi, Yang who loves to drink black tea, love you bogummy, ampoule, dark end, eight feet, don't love, don't say, Brando or something Chaohua, Yandan, Dandan, Dudu, Duan Xiaolan, Fanmu, Feifei, Feiling, wind blown oranges, dressing, floating sneak, lonely ancient shovel, sea knife beans, and nfs interception, red moon, painting Such as 泷 泷, flaming crane, wit seven mouths, hard, Jin Nian, blank character n, lazy chubby paper, Li Xiaoru did not give the author, agave, Lu Jin, Mai Dongdong, confused me, Enthusiastic, 喵喵, 喵喵 银 银 、 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫Chess pieces, shallow, quiet, allure, fragrant moon, clear sky, autumn and autumn, mountains and rivers with sadness, deep well toffee, quiet and quiet, Haoyue Luohua, Si Yanqing, Sitafunos, their children's songs, the sleeping snakes, the braised chicken wings of the gods, the sunny days, the heavens, the love of the king, the long time, the crows, the witches, the moon, Summer, summer, summer, small white, small ink, small snake, moon, small mosquito, Xiaoyi, Xiner, 洵, bud one, Accord quiet, Yawei Lika, Yan Xiaochi, feast night 1, Ye Shen attack Leaf dredging, life liberty, patriotism, a tree cherry, life's favorite 嗷大嗷, hoe, shadow, by the pavilion, rain and ice - building dreams, Yufeng North to, Yuexia cream, whisk Fish, midwinter, vertebral nine seasons, non-fish, natural card, bluish wash sword heart, root number 5, Jinser, Yan Yan, empty space, Mansha, cat 壹, 喵 、, pumpkin squad, let me eat Braised pork, Sigui, blue sky, smelling people, foggy night volley, Xiaoxi, Xiong Xiaoyan, 瓒, crow blue rabbit, Yanyun Muqing, Chuqi, patchouli, 13 uncle, sq, wolf Xiansen and Lin stationmaster, Oh, orange is not orange peel, Situ pipa, sparse shadow, I have a horn on my head, good name, dawn, millennium, inflammatory, crisp Pie, Chong'an, Linger, Berial, cows who love to play six goals, also, two people, gaosubaru, target 20 pounds



Thanks for throwing a mine: Ayia, () hi~ grazing, oc smile, (flower symbol) Yan, 1142665, 16538299, 17128264, 17674501, 18328779, 18528039, 18875423, 18767053, 19054352, 19098602, 19203837, 19744424, 19500846, 19663167, 19801936, 19825966, 20304211, 253kiss, 4204071, aa, aee, aliu 666, all Natsume, amytree, a meter, ann, aolls, astarte, azoulifang, a, bushuyel, caocaolvlv, dl , danceflamingo, echo, erts, eve, faith, fanyg, fish, hi, huai, irene, kenannancy, khk, kimi, loopwinger, love~ Qianqian~, lttvy, lucifer enchanting, momo, m bean, nakuna, nazumo, Nice cute rabbit, ning, nn, norma, o(n_n)o~, omomuro24, pinky11, poison, pulu, qas, rabi, readjoy, seua, shiro, ssg, ssipq, stars, tatky, tt, u, vi, waterlootoanywhere , weer, windoings, wqbw, yaya, yinyinyezi, yoyoerer, yuyuyuyu, zcy, zhugugu, zozo, zrs, abai, aq, aunt ww, afu, a deer, aunt, algae, wormwood fan, love Fantasy , Alice, Alice and the red peach q, love your birthday, Anchan, An Xiao, dark night, dark, proud Jiao Tian, ​​Oreo's little birch, octopus without eight claws, white Ring, Baiyuexiao, Baiqian, General, Putianhua, halfway pure, salted fish, cup of tea, Bianjun, ice maple, ice catkins, sick cat, tea carbon, almost salted fish,钗钿, dust mites, dust and smoke, Shen Bitian, Shen Ni, fish noodles, silk rain dreams, early summer breeze, spring shore flowers, spring breeze, willow shore, Chinese paper, plexiforms Thick, short, short, picking melon, big flower, big dream, mayonnaise, wait until the liver vomiting blood, etc., etc. Wait until it is very hard, wait for a person to pass by, dripping ink, falling to the day of the kiss Can get up, Dangdang, Dou Shu, Duan Duan, Duan Duo, Sui, Erqi, Tomato Mushroom Soup, Fang, Non-Non, Non-falling 1989, Unnatural Evolution, Feifei, Madness, Feng Yumu, Wind皓, 风起, 风兮流, 风言青, 凤凰寺悠羽,封洛韵, Fucheng wine, Fufeng 浮, floating life, Gothic Bermuda, attic 岔 road, grid The Crook cat, the next door, the old king did not steal ⊙ w⊙, Lonely Tong, Gu Jiaxiao lost, Gu Xiaojiao, Guan Qi, ghost axe, fruit, passer, sea bream, cold smoke, and ihi, and黍, Hehe, black and white Jingbian, Blackboard Jun, Black Peas, Black Three Old Monsters ̄ ̄ ̄, black, sweet potato, s soul, fox, fox. Flowers, love bicycles, Huanzhi, painting courts, Huan, magic stars, caramel claws, knots, boundaries, past and present, all flowers, smoke, 丼玊, 璟钰 '铭, 誩, mirror, 囧囧The face, the wine, the small round, the wine, the orange cooked, the Jun I do not know, the Junqingyu, the Junshan silver leaf, the gentleman Yuxi, the coffee pot, the Kaka pear, the text is for the spoiler, the scorpion, the Lai Bed squatting, lazy fish love to eat cats, old cats, Le Shui amy, cold sputum, pear flowers white, Liszt, plum, Richard hard eyebrows, affiliated with Ge Hou, even frost, praise, face great, Linchuan squid, Linxiaohu, Linyuan, Bell cat, zero ink, wind evelyn, flowing water, Qingliu, Liuliu, 珑禛, Loulou, Ludu deer, passing Xiaoxu, desolate & fine snow, green and green Scallions, wheat tea, buttercups, cat ears Liang Chaowei, cat Chu, cat **** powder, get up every day, fall into the new pit, cute white, dream to find it, dream one meter six, maze, Misra Tuzki, 喵喵 hall!喵喵小珏, 喵, 咩 hair, 悯, the name is too difficult, tomorrow's moon, 溟泉, 缪莎, 末叶, 陌上歌, Mo Chengyuan Mo Forget, Mo Meng, Mo Bai, Ink Moxi Ke, Mo Shiao, Ink Color, Mo Tianqi, Mo Yu Xiaoyi, Mo Yu Leisure, Silent, Some Zero, Muhahaha, Muxi Yuehua, Wood away from the square, wood and wood, wood, wood, rain, wood, bamboo, Muzi, Muxi, where the enchanting, the other side of the red is dazzling, what is that, those wonderful id, those people _ Ronggui, milk powder! , milk yellow bag, nai love dreams, Nangong, South one dream, woolen 33, Nicole Nicole Nicole Nicole, mud, your 62 baby, headwinds, Nian, Nie Fengyu, Ning, Ning No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Thousands of thousands of feathers, singular clouds, sang, modest, shallow sings, green grass sauce, green plum boiled wine, blue birds, blue leaves, breeze. Qingfeng blows the leaves, clear winds, please call me Mr. Yang, circle circle, circle, dye the fingers warm, let the world go down, everyone has more, 壬荍, weak Liu Qingyang, weak water, 卅, Serra , three o'clock, three months of flow, Sang Mu asked, killing the old time, Mr. Shan Shui, the mountain has maple, the fan will play chess, the deep blue blue, the birth, the ten stone, the fourteen, the eleven, the October wind, Micro-ink and return, rain, dawn hope, tree, night, division, Skoda, four feet Qi Tian, ​​怂 goods, Su Zizhen, with joy, years of gold, singing and forgetting books, tassels, greedy ghosts , Tang Jin, Tang Yan, Tao Tuan, Apocalypse, Tianshang Sky, Ten Years of Ten, sharing my cat ~~~, 荼蘼花开半夏,兔叭叽^^, rabbit paper, short legs are 夭Shou, 歪, 歪歪, 惘然 yesterday, forget the river, Wangcheng, 葳wei cat, for the gun, Vinny, children, I can live a little, I go to Nima, I have a special pit Son skills, witchcraft, no spicy, no sorrow, innocent disaster, fog seeing Qingshan, my generation is not yellow storm -, Xi Wei, Xi Yan Yan Yu, Ximen Haiyan, 汐飒月夜,樨岚,樨岚,Shrimp, Xia Festival, Xia Liang, Xia Mengyun, Chatting Two or Three, Banana Milkshake, Xiangmo Bend, Bloody Jade, Xiao Ling, Jin Jinke, Xiaobai, Xiao Erlang, Xiao Second, Xiaofeng, children, small restaurants, Xiaoyan, Xiaonian Xiaosui, Xiaoyan, Xiaozi snake _, Xiaoyang Miaoer, Xiaoyuan, Xiaofeng, Xiaoxiaoyou, laughing and laughing, laughing , leisure time, Yan Yan, Yang Er egg, leaf, leaf dance autumn wind, night string reborn, a Dan Qing snow book, a person quiet, a feather that can't fly, a leaf (●-●), still, lost The silver moon, the zombie model rabbit, the big metamorphosis, the scorpion, the scorpion cloud, the hidden stream cloud, the firefly's forest, the night scorpion, the smudge, the moon, the Yu, the dragon, a little busy, There are foundations to pull my pants chain, fish tank v, fish bones **** shop, fish, fish language, rain, rain string, rain, rain, rain, jade sauce, Yu Jingting, Yuan Mo fear that I am a legacy, Yuanbao Yuanbao Yuanbao, Yuan Henry, Yuan Junwei, Yungui Mo, in the Central Asia, the tiger being beaten on the mountain, the **** surface, the house girl Lang Lang, the Zhang Yaojin brain powder, Fun. Looking for food, Halle, Scorpion, Pillow Spring, only for reading, knowing the king, knowing the innocence, paper lanterns, pointing on the hearing, pig Xin, burning, the son does not say, his own white is always selling Stupid, always subject to no boundaries, recently good support, drunken cold, _ (: 3) ∠) _, 13516146, 15089856, 18234529, 19952585, 20133450, anaxiya, chloe, c 瞳 w, storms, youyousz, zhuzi731, Ai Lei Yaxier, quiet white, northern country mung bean, morning creek, soy sauce, twenty-seven scorpion, waste material a, hyacinth, wind and rain, black cat Jinbao, Jing thin, ochre, uncle, mouse, roll Treasure, Kabu, Lansi, Yixuan, Lingyue, Liumuye, Lolo, Devil Mary, Emperor Su, Mo Yu Mo, the Ningning, Qiguan, Qiqianhuo, Qila, Qijun Changan, Light ink ten colors, Qiu Shao, Rong He, sparkling, winding month kaito, palm, Shaogong master unified three circles, picking sunflowers, releasing cockroaches, phlegm, water, instant, peach chubby, I finally changed my name Rubbing, smearing, cherishing, summer insects can not speak ice, idle clouds, 砚 青 、, swallow back, travel doctors, raindrops, sputum, drunken books with dust, do not change Qingyin, a family The main, gina to the author's fat times, Ajiu, Manshu pear white, Yin Yi, 20861287, Qin Chu, Amy, ball, Changan, onion, purple smoke, neo, 喵 small 贱, Knicks, Wing, night moon, aki, final north yoo, heartbeat, child period, liu8484ya, May fisherman, Kaoru Yidie, Hefang Street, pak, food is not fat, blind child half, Qionghua Hangzhou, Taboo, ==|||, early morning sun, cloud over azure, hydrangea



Not included above

Two account duplicate names cherry, one mine and two mines

Finally, I would like to thank you all the way again. Hey, the new text is not open for the time being. It’s busy otz, but don’t forget the round wind and the night wind. (⊙v⊙), she will definitely come back and continue to sell new products to the shop. There are all things in the shop, the sea monsters are heavy and expensive, the mechs will run, the mushrooms can't eat...>▽<

Read The Duke's Passion
Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes