MTL - I’m Not Shouldering This Blame-Chapter 90 Assessment

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"Hey." The manhole cover lifted slightly, revealing a gap.

Here is the abandonment of the world, coincident with the night, the dim light of the street shines on the road.

The roar of the monkey came from the top of the building, and a shadow ran wildly. He flashed the gibbons from time to time.

These monkeys jumped flexibly on the building, stretching out their long arms and trying to take people away. The escaped man panted, one did not pay attention, his swinging arm was caught by a gibbons, and the whole person was beaten to lose balance and fell back.

Seeing the prey to the hand, the gibbon screamed excitedly.

At this time, their companions who were kneeling high suddenly gave a warning shout.

The corpse is coming again? The monkeys looked up in anger and looked for a confession that had always robbed them of food.

"Hey!" The manhole cover flew out of the sky, and the two monkeys stunned and fell from the shop sign.

The huge mushroom rose, and the handle of the umbrella was one person high. After the top of the well was flying, the hyphae scattered, like a large net, covering several gibbons.

The monkeys left their companions and turned and ran.

The mushrooms rushed to the drain and the manhole cover, and they hunted the prey.

Some monkeys quickly climbed to the high-rise, and some other flickering glass fled into the house. The latter was unlucky, the exit was sealed, and the mushroom judged the lower position, spouting hyphae from the shower head and the sink.

The hyphae grows in the wind, like a round rolling cream in the cake bag, and the mushroom cover is unique.

The screams are endless, and a hunt is coming to an end.

The rest of the man was sitting in the mushroom bush, and his body was motionless.

“The assessment passed and it performed well.”

In a flower shop on the roadside, a young man holding a form, he used a ballpoint pen to draw a tick behind the guts and several options. There is a digitally printed color photo on the top of the form. The people in the mushroom are exactly the same.

The young man holding the form walked into the mushroom bush and the hyphae immediately entangled. He was very calm and did not struggle. After the hyphae found out that it was not food, he left it uninteresting.

So he went straight to the person who was almost taken away by the long-armed monkey, and then reached out: "Hello, my name is Yang Chao. Welcome to join the Black Belt, a survival group that abandoned the world!"

After experiencing a life-and-death assessment of “Assisting in feeding mushrooms”, the parties turned white and tried to ignore the mushrooms around them, and they only got up for a long time.

"Yang Ge, hello, I am Zhang."

The name is in the form. Yang Chao certainly knows that he looked at the new members and saw that the other side looked like a promise, and he was a little uncomfortable.

"You were turned to the mountains until a month ago, when the spiders attacked the gangster's dens, and the people with you rushed to escape and were found by the spiders. They were all eaten. Only you were lying in the broken house, fainting, After waiting until the end of the abandonment of the world, I fled the police and was finally taken to the Haicheng Military Region by the state secret department Red Dragon. I participated in the training of the Survival of the A Power?"

Zhang Hao’s expression was very different, and he felt that the blackness was really supernatural, and even things he did not say were found.

He has a lot of thoughts and thinks too much.

After being rescued, Zhang Hao originally wanted to stay in the secret base of the Red Dragon. As a result, he accidentally knew that there was a brother named Guan Yu who was imprisoned by the gangsters. He was the brother of a red b-level power.

After the death of Guan Yu was confirmed, the high-order abilities were very sad. Zhang Zhang’s brain was gone, and he quickly applied to leave the base.

When the spider struck, he was mad and fainted. He wanted other people to force the door to open. He ran out to lead the spider and escaped. I didn't expect the monster to be too ferocious. No one else ran away. For the sake of safety, Zhang Hao had to bitter in the house and eventually returned a life.

He did not dare to say such things, and he was afraid of others knowing.

If he stayed in the Red Dragon, Zhang Hao worried that he would be debunked sooner or later, and he would not leave the secret base of Red Dragon. Because the military had his identity record, Zhang Hao felt very wrong. He urgently wanted to get rid of this invisible surveillance. At least survive in the abandoned world.

The Black Belt is heard by Zhang Wei from the mouths of other abilities.

I found this "science popularization group" on the Internet. After a few days of hesitation, Zhang Huan decided to choose the highest authority assessment.

A person can't survive in abandoning the world. Zhang is eager for strength. He is not a powerful abilities. He can only turn to hope to have power.

He can see that the Black Belt has unlimited potential. Only when it becomes a full member of this organization at the beginning, will it have the opportunity to climb to the middle and upper levels of the organization.

There are far-sighted people like him, and there are quite a few people who are ready to gamble. The flourishing development of the Black Belt is precisely because there are struggles of these people who do not spare the effort. Although they are a group of people who are unconscionable and profit-avoiding, Li Fei will not let go of the objects that can be used.

As for the future, it is necessary to look at the performance of such a person.

- If you are smart and interesting, it doesn't matter if you are a little out of the way.

As a true confidant, when Yang Chao presided over the assessment, there would be a “interview” of trust. Zhang’s performance was a bit unqualified. Concealing the experience, and from the experience, Zhang Huan is not the kind of person who has no opinion, but prefers to pretend to be like that.

In the heart, a new red cross was assigned to the new member, and Yang Chao collected the form.

"I... can I ask about the characteristics of these swallowing mushrooms?" Zhang Yan put on a curious expression.

Many abilities know that mushrooms can be used. When they escape, they can dig into the mushroom bush. But when they do this, they are equally trembled. The mushroom eats the gibbons and the black hair ball is close at hand. The screams are also in the ear. Who is standing in the mushroom and not panic?

The people of the Black Belt are not!

The kind of definite posture made Zhang Huan directly suspect that Heiyuan people found a way to restrain the mushroom. Unfortunately, he secretly looked at Yang Chao and found no strange things carried on the other side, nor did he smell a special smell.

"Without features, they feed on monsters who abandon the world, and sometimes they absorb our abilities, so it is not recommended to use abilities in the mushroom group." Yang Chao casually answered.

He separated the mushrooms and led the way ahead.

Dark red blood is everywhere, and there are gibbons at the feet and half of the body is struggling.

Despite hating these monsters, Zhang Huan was shocked. The original scorn of Yang Chao discovered that the other party was also a low-level actor.

“Why are we struggling to feed these mushrooms?”

"Abandoning the world has a very troublesome monster chiseling the hamster. I like to walk through the ground. If there is no mushroom growth, it is a small matter to destroy the road surface, and the tall building will collapse."

This is why the country allows mushrooms to occupy sewers.

In the eight cities centered on Huaicheng, the chisels have disappeared, and the black hairballs have disappeared. Only the flying corpses and the responsive gibbon are still alive.

"But when they eat up the mouse and the monkey, what do you want to eat next?" Zhang asked.

"This is not something we care about." Yang Chao ** throws a word.

In fact, he used to worry about it. When I saw the mushroom gibbons for the first time, my eyes were bigger than Zhang Jian, now! He has revealed to him that mushrooms are actually engulfing abilities, not creatures. If you don't eat anything, you won't die. After the maximum energy consumption is not replenished, the form shrinks or even disappears.

Just the latest allure of Red Dragon hopes that the mushroom will lose weight.


"Report the major, the boxes are all counted!"

Zhang Yaojin looked stiffly at a metal box on the open space.

Each of these boxes is only too small for the drawer, and although the lid is closed, there is still a thin white soft cord coming out of the gap.

- There is no food, no space to expand, mushrooms do not like it.

Jane took a box and the hyphae slowly retracted.

"...I thank you for your assistance on behalf of the country!"

The words of Major Zhang are like being squeezed out of the teeth. There are several large population-intensive cities in the north that have collapsed in the residential buildings. However, there is no one in the south. Now, the southern mushroom has been transferred to the north. The mushroom is in danger, but it doesn't work.

Jane is too old to go to so many cities. He is not willing to leave Li Fei and leave the place where the mushrooms are completely entrenched. It is not safe enough.

Since the establishment of the Black Belt, the relationship between the two s-level abilities and the Red Dragon has become more subtle.

The state is wary of them, and there are no conflicting points for the time being. It can only be said that the existence of mushrooms and the black belt itself are a threat.

In the face of the crisis, the threat can be temporarily ignored, because it is only three months since the abandonment of the world...

"How are you going to send the mushrooms away?" Jane asked.

There are hundreds of these boxes, which are sent to the north, southwest, and central regions.

"The frozen car that was stuffed into the seal was released at the place." Zhang Yaojin also had a headache. These hyphae were controlled by Jianhua, and they were not invisible, and they could be seen. However, it is necessary to avoid the mushroom eating "eat" halfway, and found that only "empty packaging" when receiving the goods, Zhang Major is also racking his brains.

"The sooner the better, I don't know how long the form can last if they don't eat."

"..." When performing dangerous tasks, I am most afraid of such an accident!

"We will send things to you as soon as possible!" Zhang Yaojin did not forget to ask about "opening and use". "If you arrive at your destination, what if the mushrooms don't want to come out in the box?"

This time it was Han Jian's toothache. He was silent for half a minute before he replied: "Put the box next to the sewer. As long as there is food, they can't catch up with you!"

"..." seems to know what is wrong.

What can be in the sewer? As long as it is a mouse, whoever comes?

Jane has no way to say that because he wants to be "safe", the hyphae is dominated by his subconscious mind, and the "disorder factor" is ruled out. The mouse is inexplicably included.

This embarrassing meeting is coming to an end, and Major Zhang suddenly stopped Jane.

"Before January, the big-season killing incident and the bombing at the entrance of Huaicheng Cafe, we have already found a small leader of the Holy Gate organization in China. The identity is a journalist. It is the person who bought the head of the cleaning service company. Other reporters deliberately used the flash to shoot Li Fei after the lights went out."

Jane did not speak, but his eyes changed: "He escaped the red dragon's pursuit?"

"No, he is missing." Zhang Yaojin smiled. "This reporter has long planned to retreat. He wants to flee to the northwest and then contact a dangerous organization outside the country to escape from China. But he has not yet arrived in Ganzhou, but he has been on the road. ""

Zhang Yaojin waved his hand at random, and the ability to control the gravel on the ground to draw a map of simple China, and painted a circle in Gansu Province.

"It is here! Including the bus he took, there have been ten cars missing here, dozens of cars have inexplicably rolled over, and the Red Dragon team members who went to investigate the situation have also disappeared. Now this road has been blocked. The scope of the anomaly is still expanding. Lu University hopes to get assistance from Heiyuan. We can negotiate further on specific matters and remuneration."

When negotiating such a thing, Jane couldn’t help himself. He thought about finding no harm, but he didn’t agree: “I will let Li Fei give you a reply.”

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