MTL - I’m Not Shouldering This Blame-Chapter 92 Hunting

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Jane found that she thought too simple, even because a pair of shoes placed next to the sofa, I think Li Fei in the living room - sand invented that there is no depression sitting, and who would not wear warm slippers when taking a bath.

Shoes and the tablet placed next to the sofa mislead Jane.

Even if Li Fei is in the bathroom, the two worlds do not overlap, they will not see each other, but the abandonment of the world suddenly ends.

The heat rushed to the cheeks, because the temperature in the winter was too low, and the bathroom was also opened in the bathroom, which was very warm.

Li Fei just turned off the shower head because he was half hot. He wiped his palm with a towel and went to the door to turn off the switch of Yuba. As the foreground of the eye suddenly changed, Li Fei stopped and waited for the change of the abandoned world. As a result, the monster did not see it, and waited for Jane, who had only one shorts.

In such a turbulent and exciting scene, Li Fei felt that the nerves in her mind symbolized reason were broken.

Perennial exercise, thin body physique immediately reveals the flexibility of the body after removing the clothes, especially now that the tension causes the whole body to be tight, and can clearly see the clear lines on the body of the white pheasant.

The physique of the Orientals is not so exaggerated. The eight packs of this kind of thing are not simple, but the body has a beautiful texture after the body is stretched, and the curves stretched along the hips are not in the light white shorts.

After the moisture is applied, the clothes and the skin have a wet feeling.

The close-fitting clothes are of course very fit, which means that when wrapped, the outline of the upper edge of the thigh is clearly outlined below the waist.

Li Fei tried to restrain his breathing and not let it become heavy.

Jane's home is not big, and the bathroom is the same. After two adults come in at the same time, even if they want to turn around, they must back a few steps to avoid.

Jane wanted to go out and Li Fei blocked the door.

He wants to step back and meet Li Fei's arm - one hand on his shoulder.

The "field" of the high-order abilities touched, and Jane desperately suppressed the swaying abilities. He wanted to remind Li Fei to leave, but this distance made him inevitably see the other's body.

Only when she first debuted, Li Fei took a photo of the magazine cover without a button on her shirt. The part of the show was very limited. The shirt was not even fully open, and the photographer was subtle and tempted. The silk shirt with black texture under the light, the reflection is flowing and the crease line is perfect like the brush stroke of the top art master. The line of sight can see the waist of the jeans from the protruding throat, and the skin will shine like it. I couldn't help but reach out and try to uncover the shirt on the photo.

This kind of temptation, regardless of gender, led to the topic of “how much the model should be exposed” in the fashion industry, because Li Fei’s cover photo ended the wet years of the popular fashion. After the clothes are wet, you can see the photo of the chest.

Just happened to meet the general situation of the Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of the rectification of the entertainment industry, and made strict restrictions on the magazine cover photo, Li Fei naturally passed, the popularity of the red and the fan base, was first laid at that time.

That photo will be hot on the Internet every once in a while, and Jane has certainly seen it.

He also saw the Ukrainian general in the movie, a close-up of the armor broken with blood.

The firm texture is stretched with the action, the sweat is densely covered, and the sand and blood are quickly dyed. The impact of force and beauty almost comes out of the giant screen.

But the kind of incitement, for Jianhua, only exists on the psychological level. Jane actually agrees with Li Fei’s kind of craze: it’s better to wear it, the most tempting one should be the temptation caused by the other party’s inadvertently, instead of Show a deliberately explicit posture. As for nothing to wear, after losing mystery, the attraction will be greatly reduced.

At this moment, Jane knows how wrong he is.

There is no room for imagination, the feeling of heart is indeed gone, but the law of wearing is not as good as the powder that I like to appreciate. Jane’s feeling for Li Fei has deteriorated. When he did not care to see the line of sight, or accidentally saw the key parts, his mind was blank.

The same-sex body, Jane Hua, who has no sense of sexual orientation, has no meaning at all, and at most it is perfect for appreciation.

However, appreciation will lead to obsession, and when you are obsessed with brewing, it will become a taste. This is another kind of object that you actively want to "deeply communicate with yourself". You don't need to restrain yourself! Jane immediately responded.

Jane was a little dizzy by the heat.

- He really is not worried, but the uncontrolled experience of a certain part of the body is very embarrassing.

Trying to call back the reason, but I can't help but recall everything I just saw.

The relaxed posture, the texture of the watery beads, unobtrusive...

Jane suddenly felt that Li Fei’s arm slipped from his shoulder to the back.

The palm is warm, Jane's body is cold, warm into the nerves, as the spine spreads.

Thinking of the conflict in the "field", Jane forced himself to leave this warm touch. He didn't want his house to become ruin, and he didn't want to see the neighbors in the crowd because of the explosion.

But weird things have happened.

The imposing "field" did not exclude Li Fei's actions, and it greedily absorbed the breath that was not his own.

The "field" of the high-order abilities is the natural reaction of the powerful forces. When the same powerful "field" touches, there will be friction. When the kiss is triggered, the "field" overlaps completely. Conflict.

For more than a month, Li Fei has already figured out the characteristics of the "field." When he approached Jianhua, he deliberately controlled it. He did not do intimate entanglement, and the "field" of each other was also safe.

I found that the body under the palm was stiff and there was an intention to break free. Li Fei leaned down on the shoulders of the other side, and the lazy voice said to Jane, "Don't be nervous, we can try."

try what?

Jane’s forehead was so painful that he was chaotic for a few seconds, and his heart was attracted by the surging power.

"Don't deliberately press the ability, the more you press, the bigger the rebound. Look at its reaction, if the situation is wrong, I can control it." Li Fei sighed softly, with a warm breath with a soft tone. It provoked the crispness of Jianhua’s back neck.

The arrogant flame beast found that the strength of the strong enemy is unpredictable. After the body is huge and far exceeds itself, it is not in a hurry to rush. It is wandering with high morale, and the paw can’t help but want to tear the flesh and blood of the enemy. Occupy the sovereignty of the sworn territory here.

The behemoth hidden in the darkness, a little lazy, it looks annoyingly at the provocate who always wanders in front of him but always does not fight, greedily sweeping the flame beast, if it has a body, the saliva has already flowed to the ground.

So delicious, so tempting!

The phasing power has a strong onset.

They are **** for tat, but they are not the same in nature. One is eager to fight and kill, and the other is calculating the enemies with the belt bone.

The dark behemoth tickles and knows that this delicious food is powerful. I can't easily get out of it, it's also awkward! The emotions accumulated by greed are stronger every day, and now – the subject that symbolizes reason finally has action!

The dark behemoth is excited: eat it, and eat the guy who is swaying in front of it all day! !


The palm has been slid to the position of the lower back.

Jane did not dare to move. He waited nervously for the change of the "field". At the same time, the impact of the fire, so that he could not control the body's reaction, the lips dry, the throat unconsciously sliding, as if swallowing something.

Li Fei bowed his head and gently wrapped his throat around his throat.

Jane couldn't help but tremble, not only because of the irritating effect of the fatal and fragile place being bitten by the light, but also the strange touch that touched himself after the body was completely close.

It turns out that Li Fei seems to be calm, but in fact...

Jane’s heart is subtly balanced, and the embarrassment is gone.

The dark behemoth looked at the enemies close to the air, not only did not have the hair to reveal the claws, but also the look of a sly, lazy, let the flames and beasts repeatedly test.

Jane is very inexplicable, he does not know why, "field" will not respond.

He can breathe Li Fei's dangerous atmosphere, and even feel the "power field" filled with flames gradually invade the strange feeling of infiltration. His scalp is numb, and it is unclear whether it is the danger of reflex nerves, or the hands that linger in his sensitive area, from the awkwardness to the stimulating response.

The dark behemoth is a little impatient and the breath is floating.

The flames and beasts that are full of fighting spirits, because of the change of breath, found that the enemy was pretending to be slack, and immediately set off a 120,000-point alert.

Li Fei stopped his hand, and Jane Huasheng felt that he was hanging there. He couldn’t get up and down, his brain was faint, and he couldn’t help but reach out and wanted to understand it.

Li Fei pressed on Jane's back and followed Jane's mind to move with him.

In the narrow space, a low gasping sound was heard.

The two leaned against each other and supported each other.

The only remaining shelter was pulled down, and Jane’s senses were concentrated in front, and the only remaining reason was also assigned to pay attention to the change in power.

The dark behemoth, who couldn’t get it, found himself stunned by the prey and had to retreat again, hiding the whole body in the darkness, no matter how good and powerful the powerful creatures were, they were resolutely silent.

Li Fei was also very surprised.

It was a coincidence that he was driven by impulsiveness and originally only wanted to get a little closer to Jane.

However, now that "closeness" has come to an end, the release of the afterglow makes Jianhua's consciousness confused, and the power is almost on Li Fei. Li Fei can't help but further explore and develop. How does Jane's "field" still not respond?

Yes, there is also your own "field." Step by step into the scope of the "field" of the other side of the week, seems to have achieved an absolute advantage, or did not sneak a collision caused by conflict.

They are dying, and have stopped fighting?

This unexpected smoothness, as well as the eager impulse of the body, made Li Fei not think about the weird reaction of the power. How can such a good opportunity be missed, and his endurance is only enough for Jane to do the next thing. Will not feel uncomfortable.

Jane felt that she was soaked in hot water, every pore was opened, there was water vapor and a familiar atmosphere, and the tip of the nose lingered around the scent of heather. The discomfort in the invasion of foreign bodies is far more than the crisis caused by the flames.

The nerves are oppressed, and the subconscious is craving.

Arms clinging to Li Fei, do not want to let go, an attempt to say that the unclear is unclear, it makes the stunned Jianhua not change the position of the idea, do not want to move.

In the sight, Li Fei's appearance in the flood of water vapor is somewhat blurred, like He Ning, like General Wu. Finally, because Li Fei's expression does not belong to the two virtual people, let Jianhua wake up.

- He didn't want to conquer this person, he just wanted to trap people forever.

Clasping the fingers of Li Fei’s shoulders and applying force to the skin

Li Fei mistakenly thought that Jane was uncomfortable, and he put his finger movements lighter. He wanted to bow down and kiss Jane, but he did not dare to stimulate the change of the power field, but he fell behind the auricle and the neck.

The dark behemoth waited for food in his mouth.

When the body's body is dull and unbearable, the dark behemoth in the field of consciousness is bitten by the fierce opponent. This pain goes straight to the brain, and it endures, because the breath of delicious temptation is close at hand.

Closer to it, it can bite the powerful and beautiful prey throat.

Close-up is a posture that can "appreciate" to "food", and let it want to swallow it. Can not fight, can only cope, the dark behemoth is interested in accompanying the conquering prey to play, and quietly swallowed a lot of energy, it is a bit reluctant to eat it.

The flame beasts entangled a few times and found that the opponents were lazy. It wanted to bite and kill, and the dangerous atmosphere of the dark behemoth made it dare not let go. In particular, as long as you are close to each other, the power is constantly losing, and it is even more vigilant.

It wants to retreat, the dark behemoth refuses to let go, bite.

- Just the bitterness of the past will not be so!

The most horrifying thing for the flame beast is that the subject refuses to go! Damn, don't you feel dangerous?

Jane leaned against the wall, because he could not stand still, his body continued to slide down, and he was lifted by a pair of arms.

Strong stimuli filled the mind of Jane.

The power field changed, and it showed a sly look. The things in the bathroom floated uncontrollably, and the water spouted from the shower and poured on them.

Jane opened his eyes in confusion, and Li Fei held people tightly in his arms.

The dark behemoth opened his mouth to prepare for a meal, and his prey angered to rebel, when the dark behemoth felt a pure powerful force coming from the body, and it froze.

Want to surrender?

A good harvest, the greedy behemoth is satisfied, re-retracted into the darkness, and looks at the prey with a new look.

The author has something to say: _( ̄0 ̄)_[Oh~] Welcome to this invisible train, and you will not know the experience of passing the car after you arrive at the destination.

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