MTL - I’m the City Lord of the Last Days-Chapter 49

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"What did the boss say?"

Han Qinmin was checking the condition of the vehicle. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Zheng Nianhao approaching and asked casually.

"Depart in twenty minutes." Zheng Nianhao replied, pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and continued, "The boss wants a separate car."

Han Qinmin glanced at Zheng Nianhao strangely, keenly aware that something was wrong with his old partner, but the task was more important, so he asked suspiciously:

"Separate car? The boss drives by himself? He can't meet people today?" Otherwise, why didn't he come out for breakfast and drive by himself.

Regarding the other face of Han Qinmin behind his back, Zheng Nianhao had no desire to complain about it, and just gave him an indescribable look. No matter how clever Ren Han Qinmin was, he still couldn't accurately receive the information contained in this look.

However, soon Han Qinmin knew why Zheng Nianhao was in a trance, because He Qianshan and Song Xingcheng who walked over were actually holding hands? !

Han Qinmin's usually calm expression cracked in an instant, his eyes were filled with shock, and he subconsciously called out to Song Xingcheng who was walking to the side of the car, "Boss lady?"

Song Xingcheng felt that his face was about to burn. When he went out, He Qianshan asked him if he could hold hands. Song Xingcheng agreed without thinking too much, but his hands couldn't be pulled out.

If this is a street where people come and go and no one knows anyone, Song Xingcheng might not be embarrassed, but now there are people who know them all around! I'm afraid it won't take half a day for the relationship between the two to spread throughout the villa area.

"It's good to know, and respect the lady boss in the future."

He Qianshan was in a great mood, and even made a joke with Han Qinmin, and then waved his hand to drive him to lead the way, while he helped Song Xingcheng open the door, put him in the car, and walked around to the driver's seat on the other side to drive.

There were only the two of them in the car, and they felt comfortable talking about anything.

Song Xingcheng could vaguely sense the gazes of the people working in the field from time to time. In order to divert attention, she summoned the system panel, and then paper and pen appeared in her hands out of thin air. Song Xingcheng began to write on the paper. Draw and paint.

He now has 2000 energy points! He had to think hard about what building he wanted to arrange for.

He Qianshan, who was driving, helped to give some suggestions from time to time, providing Song Xingcheng with more ideas. Song Xingcheng had been thinking about it by himself before, and now it feels good to have someone to discuss with.

Zheng Nianhao drove the lead, followed by He Qianshan's car, and then eight cars driven by the team members

Empty van.

When the convoy was driving on the public road, it happened to encounter two robot security guards returning. The people in the convoy were deeply amazed. After all, they had seen such robots in the complex by the lake. How did they come outside?

But everyone was just curious, only Song Xingcheng and He Qianshan kept staring at the smooth-sliding robot until they turned a corner and could no longer see it.

Song Xingcheng knew very well that after the two robots returned to the Public Security Bureau, the number of energy points on his account would increase further. Just thinking about it, he really wanted to award the robots "Excellent Employee" medals.

The first goal of the He family team was to clean up the two warehouses of zombies yesterday. According to He Qianshan's plan, he planned to share the supplies with Li Changfan in proportion. Unexpectedly, Li Changfan was not happy. He Qianshan didn't show up at all, so he didn't bother to wait, and set off for the storage center by himself.

Just after six o'clock, the convoy arrived at the destination. The zombies in the storage center have been cleaned up, and only the task of moving supplies is left. The nearly 30 team members worked together under the command of Zheng Nianhao to quickly pack the supplies. packing car.

Song Xingcheng was also carrying supplies. Unlike other teammates, He Qianshan followed Song Xingcheng wherever Song Xingcheng went. From time to time, he leaned over to share with Song Xingcheng in a low voice where he saw a gun, Where are the magazines again.

As a result, the joy of collecting materials has become double.

After collecting all the weapons and supplies in the huge warehouse, He Qianshan thought of the experience he had learned from Song Xingcheng's talent, and decided to consume 50 energy beads to reset the resources.

And with an experimental nature, he reset it four times in a row, and collected a total of five rounds of supplies. Not to mention filling up his and Song Xingcheng's carry-on backpacks, he even gave some team members pistols based on their recent performance. Upgraded to a rifle.

Finally, the two made a list that only they could understand, summarized and compared the materials collected in the five rounds, and clearly found that after each resource reset, the quantity and quality of the harvested resources increased slightly. The materials collected in the last round are most obvious when compared with the first round.

Song Xingcheng wanted to keep trying to see if quantitative changes would lead to qualitative changes, but He Qianshan felt that the effect of the experiment of consuming energy beads was enough, so he promised Song Xingcheng that he would always think about consuming energy beads to perform resource-heavy exercises in the future. place.

The two were busy with experiments, but in the eyes of the other team members, it was He Qianshan and Song Xingcheng who were particularly strange today.

I don't know what to whisper.

The usual rare smile is almost on the face of Boss He today. Everyone is full of curiosity, is this the power of love?

In fact, I don't really want to know and want to overturn the dog food.

After packing all the valuable materials in the two warehouses and putting them on the truck, the team returned to the villa area.

He Qianshan directed the truck to pour into the warehouse to unload the supplies, and at the same time sent someone to Li's house to ask when the five warehouses that he promised to donate yesterday would be cashed in.

Song Xingcheng, who was standing by the side, had an idea, and suddenly thought that it would be too bad for He Qianshan to give him 2000 energy beads directly. It is entirely possible to exchange these energy beads for services by purchasing city services, and eventually they will flow into Song Xing Cheng's pockets are used by Song Xingcheng to build the city.

It's just that such an operation is equivalent to spending a sum of money twice. Looking at it from another perspective, it is also equivalent to giving He Qianshan various city services for free. Song Xingcheng felt that his idea was good, so he immediately dragged He Qianshan Shan to the corner muttering.

Then the two went to the City Lord's Mansion together, took out seven bottles of energy beads "哗啦啦" and poured them into the exchange port, and directly exchanged 1400 energy points for He Qianshan's identity card, and then He Qianshan used these energy points to pay 10 One-year rent for a warehouse and a residence.

Now, Song Xingcheng felt much more at ease, his eyes were crooked with a smile, and He Qianshan couldn't help but reach out and rub his head.

The two held hands and walked back to the convoy by the side of the road. At this time, the team members who went to Li's house to inquire about the news also came back. The news they brought back was that Li's family had fallen out now, and no one could tell the truth.

He Qianshan was puzzled, so he personally led the team to detour to Li's house. From a distance, he saw that the twenty or so subordinates recruited by Li's family and their relatives were all standing in the garden outside the villa building, and the atmosphere was tense.

Because Li Changfan and his elder brother Li Changyu in the center of the crowd were arguing fiercely, and the boss was arguing, the subordinates naturally did not dare to talk too much.

Noticing He Qianshan and his party, the crowd quickly dodged to both sides, making way for them.

Li Changfan and Li Changyu, who were arguing, naturally also saw He Qianshan and the others. Li Changfan's expression changed, and he immediately left his brother behind, and warmly greeted He Qianshan and said:

"Mr. He, you're here, and I'm sorry to bother you to come in person, but here in my house, alas..."

As he spoke, he let out a long sigh, with a troubled look on his face.

Li Siyuan, who had been guarded by Li Changfan all this time, also looked excited and restrained when she saw He Qianshan, and called out softly, "Brother Qianshan..."


What do you say? He Qianshan stood still, scanned around, looked at Li Changfan, and asked casually.

Li Changfan sighed again, and only said: "A little housework..."

Li Changyu, who looked also very angry beside him, interrupted his younger brother in a bad tone, and said to He Qianshan in a cold voice:

"Speaking of which, this family matter really has something to do with you, Xiaohe. Our Li family really can't afford to pay for the five warehouses that my younger brother allowed out yesterday!"

"Brother! How could you do this! It's all to save Xiaoyuan's life!"

"Xiaoyuan is my niece, how can I not feel bad? But 5 warehouses are too many, the life of the niece is the life, so the life of the men is not the life? You have sent out the supplies, what are the many people under the plan going to do?" keep?"

He Qianshan watched the Li family brothers quarreling back and forth, and immediately understood that they wanted to go back on their word and not want to pay for the promised five warehouse supplies.

He Qianshan was not angry, and looked at Li Changfan calmly, and confirmed in a calm tone: "Mr. Li, so, are you going to hand over the passwords of the five warehouses to me?"

Li Changfan quickly shook his head in denial, and sighed, "Mr. He, it's not that I don't want to give it, it's just that my family has some differences of opinion. Don't worry, when I calm down the family, I will definitely honor it!"

Li Changfan spoke categorically, but He Qianshan just asked curiously:

"As far as I know, your Li family has separated long ago, and the traditional industries of the Li family have been given to your eldest brother. The logistics industry is basically developed by you, Li Changfan. Why do you need to listen to him now?"

Hearing this, Li Changyu scolded angrily: "Xiao He, you are trying to provoke our family's relationship! These are all properties of my Li family, and my Li family is naturally qualified to call the shots."

He Qianshan glanced at everyone at the scene expressionlessly, nodded indifferently to show that he understood, turned around and was about to leave, but just casually said: "President Li, don't worry, and you don't need to tell me the password, I will get it myself." After speaking, he took people away from Li's house.

The last sentence made the Li family look at each other in blank dismay.

"Xiaoyuan, you won't secretly tell He Qianshan the password, will you?"

Li Changyu's son and Li Changfan's nephew were the first to react, asking his cousin with a bad face.

Li Siyuan said hello to He Qianshan and was interrupted and ignored, and she immediately retorted loudly: "I haven't read the latest encrypted file at all, but cousin, you should know the password, who knows you Did you keep it safe!"


The two brothers and sisters were about to quarrel again, but Li Changfan raised his hand to stop it with a look of concern. The family had been arguing for the past two days, which gave him a headache.

It's not that Li Changfan intentionally wants to deny the promised reward, it's true that other members of the family disagree, and he can't completely disregard his family's ideas, just go along with the flow and make a show for He Qianshan, planning to delay the planning for a few days, who knows? Thinking of He Qianshan leaving such a sentence before leaving.

"What does the kid named He mean?"

Uncle Li Changyu frowned, and looked at his younger brother Li Changfan displeased.

Li Changfan shook his head to express that he didn't understand either. He pondered for a moment with a solemn expression, always feeling that something was wrong, and finally he greeted his subordinates and planned to go to the Chengnan Storage Center to see the situation in person. also go.

Even though Li Changfan and his men moved fast enough, they still couldn't catch up with the tail of the He family team. When they asked the property manager, the property manager said that the He family team had left ten minutes earlier. It must be much slower.

But what is amazing is that after turning onto the public road, Li Changfan and others found that there were very few zombies on the road?

It was Liu Le and others who discovered this earlier than Li Changfan and others.

After seeing Liu Le's family go out to kill zombies to obtain energy beads, not only live in a small building by the lake, but also eat and drink every day, more and more people in the villa area couldn't help themselves, and expressed their desire to go out with them.

It's a pity that Liu Le's collection of weapons and protective gear is limited, and he can only rent it out to seven or eight people a day to go out together in groups.

Some survivors boldly followed behind them. After learning experience, they cut bamboo poles from the bamboo forest in the villa area, sharpened the long bamboo poles, and barely used them as weapons. Groups of five or six people stared at the lonely zombies After that, they used bamboo poles to attack from a distance, and slowly let them collect some energy beads.

More and more survivors followed suit, and today five large and small teams left the Yamu villa area one after another.

Unexpectedly, when the human beings were ready, the zombies disappeared.

In the past few days, Liu Le and others, who are experienced in dealing with zombies, felt that it was very strange, until they happened to meet two robots returning to the villa area, and saw the robots kill the zombies and pick up energy beads. This world is even more magical. Even non-humans come to grab energy beads these days?

There is no way, in order to obtain energy beads, Liu Le and his party can only keep away from the villa area, so as to see the zombies wandering in the streets.

In addition to fewer zombies, another phenomenon is that there are more humans on the street, and more and more survivors who have been waiting at home for a long time can't help but walk out of the house.

Although it is safe to hide at home for the time being, if you sit and eat and don't go out to collect supplies, you may end up starving to death at home.

Stopping along the way, constantly changing routes, it took more than an hour before Li Changfan's team finally arrived at the Chengnan Warehouse Center, and what Li Changfan saw was the scene of three warehouses opening.

Among the weapons and materials collected by He Qianshan, there were naturally hand grenades, mines, and bombs, but he was not good at using these things, so he only collected some spare parts, and he would not collect them when he saw them later.

No, the spare inventory will come in handy now. Li Changfan doesn't give the password, and He Qianshan is going to pick it up by himself. No matter how strong these warehouses are, they are for civilian use after all, and they are not strong enough to withstand landmines.

Except that when the first warehouse gate was blown up, the warehouse gate and a section of the wall collapsed because it was not sure how to release too many mines. Even the zombies that were attracted by the noise to the warehouse door were also wiped out. The situation of the next two warehouses Still much better.

One knocked down only the door, and one had a hole in the side wall.

The team members tried their best to trot when pushing carts or driving forklifts in and out, fearing that the warehouse wall would not hold up and would fall down at any time.

Seeing the scene where He Qianshan's team filled one truck after another, Li Changfan only felt a chill rushing from the bottom of his heart to Tianling Gai, "It's over!" The two big words filled his brain.

The reason why Li Changfan dared to delay time presumptuously was because the warehouse password was in the hands of the Li family, and the warehouse could not be opened without the password. But he never expected that without his password, He Qianshan would directly blow up the warehouse door? !

The wrong assumption made him make a wrong decision. Based on Li Changfan's understanding of He Qianshan, the already fragile cooperative relationship between the two companies was about to break down completely.

Realizing this, Li Changfan suddenly had a huge panic in his heart. The panic made him limp and he almost couldn't stand still.

Li Changfan was soberly aware that the reason why he dared to recruit high-profile people to lead a team to go out to collect supplies, was actually thinking that he would try it first at home, and it would not be too late to go back to He Qianshan for cooperation if he really encountered a problem that could not be solved.

This was indeed the case. Although He Qianshan was a bit dark-hearted, he did help him solve two troubles, allowing him to harvest a lot of supplies smoothly.

But now seeing that He Qianshan directly blew up the warehouse, Li Changfan understood that he

The clinging hold in my hand is gone...

Reluctantly finding He Qianshan in the crowd, Li Changfan walked up to He Qianshan with an unprecedented cautious attitude and flattering smile, and before he could say a few nice words, He Qianshan asked directly: "Now, can Mr. Password?"

"Yes! Yes! You can do it anytime." Li Changfan was taken aback, nodded in response, and then complained, "Oh, Mr. He, you are still in a hurry. The reward that my old Li promised will definitely be in place. I am not Suppress the voices of opposition at home and come here immediately..."

He Qianshan didn't bother to listen to his explanation, so he reached out his hand and clicked on the two warehouses not far away, and signaled to Li Changfan: "Then please trouble President Li to open the doors of those two warehouses."

"Okay, okay." Li Changfan didn't know what to say except Yinghao. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at his daughter standing behind him, pushed her quickly, and said courteously, "My Xiaoyuan knows the situation in these warehouses very well. Let Xiaoyuan Yuan introduce to Mr. He?"

Li Siyuan quickly showed a perfectly prepared smile, her eyes sparkled, and she called softly, "Brother Qianshan..."

On the other side, the nephew of the Li family secretly resented him, but unfortunately he was not a daughter, so he couldn't use this to get closer to please him.

He Qianshan finally couldn't take it anymore, frowned and interrupted Li Siyuan, and said mercilessly: "I don't care what people call me, but you disgust me."

As soon as these words came out, there were snickers from the He family team, but Li Changfan and Li Siyuan's father and daughter were embarrassed and embarrassing, and their expressions were extremely ugly.

He Qianshan didn't let anyone go, he stared straight at Li Changfan, half as a reminder, half as a warning: "I advise Mr. Li not to always be smart."

After speaking, he left directly.

Li Changfan was furious in his heart, and veins appeared on his forehead, but he could only endure it. His pampered daughter was belittled in public, which was equivalent to rubbing his face on the ground. How could he bear it?

If he hadn't stayed in the apocalypse for one more day to understand the difficulties of the apocalypse, and he was worried about the weapons in He Qianshan's hands, Li Changfan wished he could teach He Qianshan a lesson as an elder on the spot, but his mind was still clear, so he could only forcefully swallow it. With this bad breath, he barely maintained his appearance.

Li Changfan's father and daughter, whose expressions and movements were all stiff, left in a hurry. Naturally, they didn't know that He Qianshan, who had refuted their face a second ago, turned his head and his expression changed.

He Qianshan pursed his lips, with a bit of grievance on his face, staring at Song Xingcheng and complaining: "Other women call me that, why aren't you jealous?"

Song Xingcheng kept on stepping

Pushing the cart into the warehouse, he smiled when he heard the words, glanced at He Qianshan and asked, "It's not that you call someone that, why should I be jealous?"

In fact, even if He Qianshan really called this younger sister today and that younger sister tomorrow, Song Xingcheng would not be jealous, he would just kick people off, loyalty is the bottom line of his relationship requirements.

But the actual situation is that He Qianshan pays more attention to controlling the distance than he does. He doesn't even chat with young women alone. follow people.

Just because he knew what kind of person He Qianshan was, Song Xingcheng didn't think about it casually.

Song Xingcheng didn't think much, but He Qianshan did.

Although Song Xingcheng agreed to confess his love, He Qianshan had already seen that Song Xingcheng always had a gentle and respectful attitude towards girls. It still came out from the way he acted, so that several girls in the team liked to communicate with Song Xingcheng, which made He Qianshan very jealous.

But He Qianshan couldn't forcefully order Song Xingcheng not to talk to girls, so he could only sulk secretly, and made up his mind that he would follow Song Xingcheng wherever he went in the future, and he would never leave her alone!

This is also the reason why He Qianshan deliberately showed it to the team members as soon as the relationship was confirmed. He couldn't wait to declare that Song Xingcheng had the owner, and let those little fairies stay away from his people!

Seeing He Qianshan awkwardly and stickily following Song Xingcheng, the members of the He family team who had been forced to eat dog food for half the morning felt very helpless. They didn't dare to say anything about their boss, so they had to gloat To Li Changfan's family, he cast a few concerned looks from time to time.

Li Changfan led his men away from the vicinity of the He family's team, forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, and prepared to get down to business.

Now that they have all arrived at the storage center, naturally they cannot miss this opportunity to collect supplies. Li Changfan directed his team to build a barrier wall in front of a warehouse, and then opened the door to collect supplies.

Unexpectedly, when the door of the warehouse selected in advance was opened, it turned out to be empty inside.

Li Changfan quickly checked the storage records in his hand, it shouldn't be! According to the records, most of the warehouse is full of grain, why is it all empty now?

Li Siyuan and her cousin are also very anxious. They also know the situation of this warehouse. They have repeatedly confirmed that the number of the warehouse is correct, but they can’t see the things in the warehouse. What’s going on?

As if thinking of something, Li Changfan turned his gaze to the trucks lined up by He Qianshan's team.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-06-03 23:17:10~2020-06-04 23:02:11~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Yuanyuan, Ifree1;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Ifree; 3 bottles of Ni Cang; 1 bottle of lychee water paste;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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