MTL - I’m Walking the Career Line In Dog Blood-Chapter 165

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Following the direction of the Xiongtu team, An Yinong walked out of the dense forest before him. In front of him was a grassland, and the weeds did not reach his knees. It was very difficult to walk.

On the other side of the grassland, there seems to be a row of rock walls dozens of meters higher.

He put down the telescope.

What kind of geological changes will make the land show such a fracture-like effect, An Yinong does not know, he only knows that he needs food, enough food.

He glanced at the game screen.

Character: Mai.

Level: Three

HP 48/60

Follow: 484753

Followers: 8

Congratulations to the player for reaching the first level and gaining a free attribute point.

Congratulations to the player for reaching the second level and gaining a free attribute point.

Congratulations to the player for reaching the third level and gaining a free attribute point.

The entertainment industry in the interstellar era must be very difficult to mix. With so much attention, only eight people have become fans. They must separate real life and entertainment very thoroughly, and will not easily chase stars.

This made Anon's plan more difficult.

Judging from the situation and plot of the original parent's parents, he will most likely differentiate into a low-level Zerg. Even if he survives to the end and gets enough rewards, he still has to deal with these people.

A low-level Zerg against several high-level Zerg, without the help of public opinion, things will be a lot more difficult.

In addition, he also exposed the power that does not belong to the Zerg system, tsk.

Forget it, it is useless to think so much, the most important thing now is to live and live to the end.

An Yinong walked forward under the gaze of eight cameras, while 'inadvertently' clicked on the first flashing 'free attribute point'.

A line of words pops up on the game screen: You can choose to increase HP/Physical/Strength/Agility.

He thought about it and increased his physique.

This line of reward instructions disappeared, and An Yinong saw a string of light spots flying into his body, and his tired body seemed to relax. Of course, this feeling is not very obvious, indicating that a little "free attribute" does not play a big role.

After that, he added the remaining two free attribute points to his physique, and finally had a clear feeling, and walking became easier.

"Why no value?"

"This is just a cheat in the form of a live game, not a real game. The host's physical condition changes every minute, and it is difficult to express with a stable number."

An Yinong expressed his understanding, and he asked: "So the reward of this game is actually to improve my personal fitness, and to find nearby unowned things that are helpful to me?"

"Yes." The system nodded, the former is the attribute point, and the latter is the previous fungus bag.

"That's not bad." Now that eight cameras are facing each other, these immaterial rewards are more secretive and help him even more.

The wasteland doesn't look like much, but it's only when you walk. There is no road here. An Yinong walked through the grass. When he turned around, he realized that the road he was walking was crooked, which wasted a lot of his time.

There are many grass elves in the grass, they are cute, but they float up, and it is not cute at all when he sneezes all the time.

An Yinong also saw some small animals running on the ground, and he was hungry and wanted to kill.

It's strange to say that, if he kills the heart together, he can't control the small animals to come and die, so he can only watch them disappear into the grass and run away.

"I really don't give any loopholes. Huh? What is this?"

There is a specially shoveled grass not far ahead, and in the middle is a simple stone stove, and there are traces of burning under the stone stove. An Yinong walked over. This small stove was built of three stones, and there was half-burned firewood in it.

He squatted down to check, and felt a little strange. These firewoods were not dead branches, but chopped pieces of wood. The fractures were very rough, and it seemed that they were cut with some very inconvenient tools.

"Shards of glass?" He found a small black shard on a piece of firewood with typical shell patterns, glass?

Then An used agricultural firewood to pluck a few times in the ash heap, and there were still some white broken bones, I don't know what animal it was.

In addition, he also found a few broken pottery fragments in the ashes of the fire, barely making up half a crooked yellow pottery pot with black geometric patterns on it.

An Yinong picked up the pottery and observed it carefully. The pottery was uneven and seemed to be hand-made. The black pattern on it was like water waves, because there were also triangular fish inside.

This is the first day of the game, but these things seem to have been abandoned for a long time, and they must be the handwriting of the game party. The game party will not prepare these things for no reason. What is the significance of them?

An Yinong wrote down the pattern on the broken pottery pot and prepared to move on. He took two steps, turned around abruptly, returned to the edge of the ash pile again, and stretched out his hand to scratch the contents inside.

The hollow and slender bones are of birds, with unburned feathers beside them, and the small white bones are of small rodents whose heads have been eaten away, leaving only A little dark red blood, and a lot of fish bones.

Although there is already a fire, the people who light the bonfire seem to still have the habit of eating half-cooked meat.

He picked up the black shard again, which should be volcanic glass, which is obsidian.

In ancient times, metal tools had not been smelted, and they would use stone and bone tools, including stone axes and knives. After the obsidian is knocked out sharply, it is a very useful stone knife and stone spear.

"The hint is, the ancient times when hair and blood were drunk?"


An Yinong recalled carefully, but still could not find any useful information.

He had to guess from a pure player's point of view.

The plot reminds that the game designer is a fan of ancient sacrificial culture, and the game home environment is basically imitating the home planet of the Zerg.

So, will it be a routine like 'modern people return to primitive society'?

At that time, there were many terrifying creatures in the original star of the Zerg. At that time, the Zerg was only the middle and upper layer of the biological chain, and there were more powerful predators in the upper layer.

For example, the previous behemoths, and these silent plants in the forest.

"But, just like that, it doesn't seem like it should cause such a large death rate."

With suspicion, he carefully checked the grass again. The grass on the left has many cracks, which were left by repeated stepping on it.

He followed this indistinct trace carefully and walked in that direction.

At the end of this road is a strange stone circle. Two long stones, one large and one small, stood on the grass, covered with a slab of slate more than ten centimeters thick. From a distance, it looked like a slightly crooked stone bench.

When he walked over, he found that the visually small 'stone bench' was actually very large, and a small space station supported by three stones was more than enough for him.

But the most amazing thing is the red petroglyphs on the stone, on the inside of the stone strips, where there is no rain.

"A hunting map?"

The first petroglyph on the left is a group of Zerg chasing their prey with spears, axes and bows and arrows. They used a net to catch a very large animal with two horns, a tall A man with a horn on his head raised a spear at the animal.

Under this picture, a man holding a scepter gave a crooked tooth to the tall man, and behind him was a group of people dancing around a bonfire.

The Zerg in the petroglyphs are very interesting, they are not the way they are now freely changing between humanoid and insectoid, but the humanoid is covered with some insectoids.

This can be seen from the half-human, half-worm shape of the villain.

In the second painting, there are no lines that belong to 'people', but I see vertical lines. Below the lines are some thick and short lines, which are very chaotic.

An Yinong pondered for a long time, but did not understand what it meant.

The third picture is still the tall man (the man's hands are longer than the knees, with obvious features), but the man lies down, and he is surrounded by a familiar long strip Bench-style stone surrounds. There are pottery, jewelry, animal skins and other things around.

He also drew many animals around him. Above the bench was a man with three pairs of wings, with his hands spread out as a blessing. And the outermost circle is a group of people kneeling.

The fourth picture is still this man, he is sitting there with something in his hand, with a woman (with naked **** organs) beside him, surrounded by two children They, and there are many animals and plants around.

The painting is framed by a box with lion-toothed half-figures standing on the left and right sides of the box.

Annon's fingers touched the lion-headed demigod: "Raya."

Among the several primitive civilizations of the Zerg, one of the civilization's death gods is a lion head demigod. The theme of this civilization has always been a hot topic in film and television dramas and virtual games, and people like the original owner on a remote planet know it.

It seems that the third painting is what a man looks like in another world after his death, of course, just a good blessing.

"So this is the tomb?"

By habitual thinking, all the unusual things that appear in the game are meaningful. So An Yinong just hesitated for two seconds, and then started the 'grave robbery' business without hesitation.

He dug up the soil under the stone bench.

He didn't dig very deep, and a white bone with insect armor appeared in front of him.

An Yinong is a little curious about the setting of this world, which is very interesting.

On the body of the white bone, you can see a string of animal tooth necklaces. It's not one or a few animal teeth, it's hanging all over the neck, let's talk about fifty or sixty.

Assuming a tusk represents a hunting achievement, then this long list…

It seems that the person buried here is a warrior who has many brilliant victories, and is worshipped and loved by people, so he deliberately built such a tomb.

There should be something valuable in such a tomb, right?

In addition to this string of tusks, however, the burial objects consisted of only a few stone tools, a few hides, pottery for drawings, gemstone necklaces, and hats made of bird feathers.

There seems to be nothing useful.

"The game party only created such a tomb to supplement the background?" An Yinong was about to leave when suddenly he looked at one of the rock paintings, and the man on the painting was holding a piece of animal skin.

There are six animal skins in the burial of the bones, each of which has an abstract map drawn, and he compares them one by one to find the correct one (the shape of the skin and the texture of the skin) Different).

"Hey boy, give it to me."

Before An Yinong could take a closer look, a voice appeared behind him.