MTL - I’m Walking the Career Line In Dog Blood-Chapter 169

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In a world without the participation of modern scientific and technological civilization, the sky seems to be extremely dark. At this time, it is already pitch black outside.

But there was more movement in the dark.

Jin heard a sharp cry, he was indifferent, just plucked the dead branches and let it burn slowly.

In the tent behind her, the sound of breathing became very gentle, and the child in the new team seemed to be really asleep, but the wind beast still kept a little bit of vigilance and did not fall asleep completely .

On his watch, the number of survivors slowly fell. One after another, the live broadcast room was black, and the audience came out cursing and looking for the next live broadcast room.

An Yinong's live broadcast room, the yawning audience silently looked at An Yinong who was sleeping soundly with the furry: Is this a fool or a big heart?

Some people think he is stupid, but some audiences firmly believe that he is a bold and fearless artist.

"No, I'm so sleepy, I'll sleep too and set the alarm clock."

As for Qin's live broadcast room, they are discussing a very serious matter: "Is there a possibility that this Qin is not Qin, but another personality of Qin, or a twin? "

The audience did not believe that the house man who could handle small fish, build a stove, and obediently obeyed the assignment to receive the task of vigil was the ice knife they knew well.

There must be a conspiracy!

The night is getting darker and the sound is getting less and less, I don't know which side solved which side.

There was a thunder in the sky, and the raindrops washed down in an instant. It only took two minutes from the drizzle to the pouring rain, and then it was pouring down. But no matter how heavy the rain, the rainwater did not splash into the cave, they were blocked by an invisible membrane.

Qin closed his eyes, and he was surrounded by shallow water vapor, which condensed into sharp ice spikes. There are blue veins on his forehead, and it can be seen that he has to endure a lot of pain when he uses his strength.

Severe injuries in the spiritual realm will be like this, you can feel the pain like being cut by thousands of knives.

For the advanced Zerg who use non-physical power, the spiritual realm is the most important existence, even if the limbs are disabled, it does not matter, but the spiritual realm must not go wrong.

A problem means becoming a wreck and dying.

All the stars know that there is something wrong with Qin's spiritual realm, he has no intention to hide it, but he does not want to show a little pain.

Many people guess that he came to the game to 'die', right or wrong.

No, because he came to the game to receive information, aliens will have actions, and their goal is the 'survival game'.

Survival game is an extreme variety show used by the Zerg to prove itself. It is a live broadcast of the Zerg national nature, and it is also a variety show with the highest ratings.

The aliens come to make trouble in such a show, just to frustrate the confidence of the Zerg.

That's right, it's because he came here, and there is no life. He is now a taut string that will break in two months at most.

He really came to find the most suitable way to end his life. A warrior belongs to fight to the death, not to survive here.


Jin opened her eyes: it's just that things have changed a little.

"Ah—" When the players on the third floor didn't know anything, the first wave of malice from the game world had already hit the players on the first floor.

Until the cold sea water hit his face, the player still did not react. He was slammed into a protruding reef and his body was instantly split in two. , did not feel any pain.

Bright red blood gushed out, and was washed away instantly, leaving no trace.

The players were swept by the waves and rushed to the land, they rolled in the sea, even the Zerg of good water were swept up in a daze. Only a few grabbed what floated around them, barely holding on to life.

It's just that they all know it's not enough.

The most terrifying thing about a tsunami is that it will return to the vast sea with the swept items. They have to grab something like a tree or a reef, or when the tide starts to recede, they really can't survive or die.

The number of survivors began to decline like crazy.

People who watched the live broadcast felt that it was not enough, and they all said: "Is this difficulty okay? It's not that the waves of 100 meters have never happened, and this is a primitive environment, there are no buildings, and the lethality is not good. Big. That is to say, it was a bit scary at first, but the elimination rate was not good.

"This is a three-yearly survival game, won't it be as boring as the last one?"

"Same as the previous one? Hehe. We can prepare for the second wave, which will be higher than 100 meters. After the wave, the extremely cold equipment on the second floor will be preheated. Increased rainfall and increased lightning frequency."

The game designer who looked at the players on the first floor touched his chin and smiled: "Not only the players on the first floor, but also the players on the second and third floors need such a surprise."

"Boom!" A bolt of lightning struck the entrance of the cave, and the world outside the cave was as bright as day, but Qin didn't even move her eyebrows.

The fire in the small fire was a little weak, and he made up the fire twice.

As time goes by, the rain is getting heavier and heavier, there is a rustling sound in the distance, and there are several lightning bolts across the sky. The sound of raindrops was so noisy that the cave became more and more quiet, with only the sound of shallow breathing.

Annon in the tent frowned, haunted by nightmares.

He was a little ant in the dream, and there was a violent storm in the dream. know where.

There are many small ants in the dream, some are floating in the water, wrapped in the undercurrent and spinning, and some are struggling to survive by grasping the leaves like him.

The dream changed again, and there appeared a group of muscular men and muscular women with muscular bodies.

These people dance around the stone bench-style tomb, and then put the relics on it and seal it.

It was raining outside when they danced, and the rain did not touch the grass or their feet.

At this time, a terrible thing happened. An Yinong found that he was not from God's perspective. He was the corpse lying in the pit. While chanting words that he did not understand.

"!" An Yinong opened his eyes, still in shock.

"Living sacrifice?"

The dream is so clear, as if it is not a dream, but his own experience.

The so-called living sacrifice is the sacrifice of living people. In ancient times, people sacrificed ancestors and gods with enemies or criminals. But the situation in the dream is a little different. If the man is a criminal, he does not deserve to enjoy so many sacrifices, petroglyphs and high-standard stone tombs.

An Yinong recalled what he saw during the day, and analyzed it with his little common sense in ancient times.

Judging from the various evidences I have seen, this man is not only not a criminal enemy, but may be a person with a relatively high status in the team.

The man was awake at the time, his hands and feet were not tied, he was voluntary.

In the petroglyphs, those people kneeled in front of his tomb, and depicted pictures of after death with blessings, and there were two gods of death guarding him. It can be seen that the people who sacrificed men were very grateful to him and worshiped him.

In what circumstances would they need to sacrifice a man of prestige?

With this doubt, An Yinong came out of the tent, Qin was still guarding the fire, and his body was motionless.

"It's raining so hard." He walked over, sat down on the side, and stretched out his hand to heat the fire.

"Yeah." Qin nodded.

The rain is indeed heavy, just by listening to the sound, I know it is falling one by one.

An Yinong adds firewood to the fire. The firewood is cut by the piano, and the length, width and height are exactly the same, as if he is a perfectionist. He was so foolish as to be in the army, and it was the kind of neat and orderly.

"Qin, how is the battlefield?" he asked suddenly.

And this question of him blew up all the drowsy audience, they stared at An Yinong, Yu knew what gave him the courage to die.

"You know what?" Qin did not get angry, but said, "What do you know?"

Audience: … well, preference.

"Can you tell me about the aliens on the battlefield?"

The orange fire shone on the faces of the two of them, warmth circulated in the relatively independent small space, An Yinong looked at him, his bright eyes were undisguised 'like', he got closer , a little closer.

"Qin was on the battlefield at the edge of the star field, and had a frontal confrontation with aliens. How are they?"

"I just know **** them."

Some strange film and television works will beautify the alien race. Many people have become 'interstellar people', calling for tolerant treatment of alien races. They also have flesh and blood. Qin never understood this kind of emotion, but he didn't want An Yinong to be one of them.

"I foolishly listened to this." An Yinong was very direct, "To defeat your enemy, you must first understand him."

Jin's expression softened, and it seemed that they had reached a consensus on how to treat unkind aliens.

"The main one who is at odds with us is..."

Qin talks a lot without realizing it, more than he talks in a month. When he came back to his senses, the people around him were lying there, not knowing when they fell asleep, and they slept peacefully.

Instead, Feng Chi in the tent stuck his head out and walked all the way to the fire with Qin's eyes, holding An Yinong's clothes, and Yu wanted to drag him back.

"Too careless." Qin Xinyu, "Do you believe me like that?"

He stood up, Feng Chi was startled, and even if he was shivering with fear, he would bark at him.

Jin ignored Feng Chi, he just walked a little further and sat down at the entrance of the cave. The warm place near the fire was all given to An Yinong.

Fengchi quieted down, it was lying beside An Yinong, but it didn't want to let go of its vigilance, and its round eyes kept staring at Qin.

Until sooner, An Yinong opened his eyes consciously. He wiped his eyes and found that he was sleeping by the fire, and Feng Chi didn't know when he came.

"I'll change shifts, and Qin will take a break."

Jin did not refuse, and did not enter the tent, but just closed her eyes against the wall.

Facing the fire, An Yinong yawned. He took out the animal skin and illuminated it with a lamp, while recalling the petroglyphs on the tomb, and comparing the map in his hand.

Although the paintings are different, they can be used as a reference for each other.

This tribe seems to like to depict 'water' in long, continuous lines, and the long lines on the map have triangular 'fish' in them, so this line is the creek where he stayed before is very likely.

Once you've identified this part, you can try looking for other flags.

An Yinong compares one by one. Suddenly, he saw a 'bench' consisting of three short lines.

Is this a stone tomb?

He assumed it was a stone tomb, then looked at the others, and all the other abstract shapes were explained.

The straight line with the thorns is the cliff, and the circle is where they are now, the cave.

And the 'long tooth', which Ayinon thought was a treasure before, was not far to the left of the circle, between the cliff and the river, in the middle of a triangle.

"What is a triangle?"

Really stupid, he put away the hide and looked at the rain outside: If the rain doesn't stop, they won't be able to leave tomorrow.

Rain is not just about wet clothes, slippery ground, hard to walk, blurred vision, but also the lack of a place to live, illness, hypothermia, no suitable place to eat and so on.

Moreover, he felt that this rain was definitely not just rain due to the game's urgency.

The night in the cave was like this, and it rained all night outside.

No grass.

This fooled him into his second dream.

The rain mixed with the soil sealed the ears, nose and mouth of the 'hi' in the dream, and the struggle gradually stopped. People crowded around his burial ground, knelt down and prayed.

What are they praying for?

"What are you doing?"

An Yinong came back to his senses: "I seem to have found a map of a treasure chest. Would you like Qin to dig treasure with me?"