MTL - I’m Walking the Career Line In Dog Blood-Chapter 174

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The rain outside can cover up all the subtle sounds, but Qin’s five senses are different from ordinary people. He hears the sound of turbulent water and the panicked shouts of players.

Did the river swell and wash the shore?

The overflowing water seems to have forced out all kinds of animals hiding in the cave. Tonight is more lively than last night.

A few embarrassed players rushed out of the rain curtain, it was the temporary team of green braids and tall and thin people. They were running in the torrential rain, splashing with every stroke.

Zerg bid farewell to primitive hunting for tens of thousands of years, but their movements attracted more predators hunting in the dark.

"Run! These beasts are crazy!"

Crack! Swish! Boom!

The sound of your feet splashing in the stagnant water, the sound of the wind wrapping the rain, the sound of tall trees being broken and falling down... It seems like a grotesque and harsh symphony.

The drum beat is their heartbeat, thump, thump, beat faster and faster.

The beam of illumination swayed in the rain, and occasionally a dark figure flashed. In the middle of nowhere was their heavy breathing and the sound of something sliding on the slippery grass.

The huge shadow is looming, like a nightmare covering several people.

Their team originally consisted of six, but now there are only three left, and the thing behind them is still chasing after them.

Suddenly a flash of lightning struck, the sky and the earth were as bright as day, and out of the corner of their eyes they could see what was behind them, it was a huge snake with a head as big as a car, and a dark purple tongue with a stench of mucus.

With a sound of Kara, a big tree on the wasteland was struck by lightning and fell down, just on the way they were going.

"Ahhh-" A man tripped and thumped on the ground in horror.

"Go!" The green braid, who was a temporary teammate, pulled him, and the three of them crossed the tree trunk and continued to flee.

Lack of food, not enough rest, and high concentration, their legs were as heavy as lead, their bodies were cold and tired, and their eyes were blurred.

The night environment has had a huge impact on them, with heavy rain and thunder.

Earth burrowers can also go into the soil to avoid attacks. What about the flight-type and those without carapace protection? It is useless to have a carapace to protect the body. As long as the big snake swallows it, it is not afraid of being unable to digest it. It is the same as giving up the game.

"Look, it seems, ha... It looks like we're going to die here..." The tall and thin man ran out of breath.

"No, think about your relatives and friends." Green braid answered intermittently. They want to gain energy from this mutual support.

They continued to move forward, and encountered other unlucky ghosts on the road, but no one cared about the other, looked at each other and continued to run their own way, and even guarded against each other.

Their souls and bodies are getting more and more tired, and they want to just fall down and never get up again.

"There is light!"

The roar woke the other two. They looked over and could see a little bit in the hazy rain curtain, as small as an illusion of warm light.

The cold heart jumped hard again, the feet were filled with strength again, and the three ran towards the light source.

"It looks like a cave!" There seems to be a cave on the hillside of the cliff. A little warm yellow is revealed in the cave, which is particularly conspicuous in the night of the heavy rain.

They charged towards the cave.

The cave is halfway up the mountain, and you have to go up to rock climbing. It is windy and rainy at the moment, which brings a lot of difficulty to rock climbing. But the three of them were driven by the desire to survive, and they didn't feel pain when their palms were scratched, but they climbed faster and faster.

However, when these people really ran to the entrance of the cave, their smiles bloomed, and then solidified on their faces in the next second: "...Qin?!"

The expressions of these people are like being chased by female ghosts in the tomb passage, and then they are greeted by a zombie.

The green braid twitched her lips. She had seen the face appear in front of her countless times. She thought she would be very excited, but the truth was, she was so frightened that she stiffened, those ice blue eyes All that brought her was fear, terror, and coldness.

In front of him is Qin sitting by the fire and roasting the fire.

Jin didn't say a word or make a move, but everyone feared him like death.

The faces of the three were ashes.

"Mr. Qin, can you..." Before finishing a sentence, the strong black man was frightened by Qin's cold eyes and shut his mouth. The thing behind him and the advanced Zerg in the rampant period in front of him can't tell which is more dangerous.

The three were pinned to the spot, at this time the voice was very close. They turned their faces pale and saw a huge silhouette in the dark, a thick stench from their sticky tongues.

"Fight!" Pushed to the extreme, the strong black man finally showed his courage, he turned into a worm with a huge horn, and his whole body was shining with metallic luster.

The tall and lanky one turned into the shape of a worm with a two-handed sickle, with a slender body and extremely fast speed. In fact, his speed can be faster, and even move in a flash, as long as his wings can be used.

The green braid hasn't changed much, she is still humanoid, her hair has become thicker and long dragged behind her. Now all the hairs on her body are poisoned, and she can shoot the hairs at short distances.

Compared with the few people An Yinong met before, these three people were much smaller and did not seem to be deterrent enough. Obviously, they are the relatively weak group of players.

At this time, the thing chasing them also showed a complete appearance, the whole body was black, only the neck had a white ring pattern.

The triangular head has three scallops on each side, which can quickly shrink and stick to the body, and can also choose to expand. When unfolded, it looks like six horns, has a long and flexible tongue, is covered in thin armor, and is extremely fast.

The hexagonal silver ring snake, this is a top predator, the adult body is two or three meters thick, and it can bring out the vibration of the ground when it is dug out of the soil, and the ones who follow them can only be regarded as little snake.

Of course, the little snake is enough for them to drink a pot.

This giant beast uses its sense of smell to identify the position and movement of its prey, and the six-snail-like thing can capture the tiniest smell in the air.


The three felt that they were going to die, but they turned around and rushed up, looking at the back so tragically, but Qin looked at it indifferently, not even breathing a little bit.

"It's still the great emperor we are familiar with." The audience in the live broadcast room was in a mixed mood, "No package was dropped."

"Doesn't that mean that player is special?"

"Shut up!"

"Huh? Is someone here?" At the exciting moment, a sudden voice appeared, and what was even more abrupt was the sleepy head.

An Yinong stuck his head out of the tent cloth and looked at the rain outside: "Is it almost nine o'clock now?"

"Yeah." Jean glanced at her watch and nodded.

He got out of the tent and walked to the hole: "It's raining a lot."

The battle at the door was very fierce, but the three of them lost to Orochi.

This big snake that was a child was the reason why An Yinong came out. He felt something approaching, and it gave him a very similar feeling to Fengchi Dad.

What a big snake, he raised his head to observe.

"!" Seeing An Yinong coming out of the hole, he was rolling around a tall and thin hexagonal silver ring snake ready to swallow, but he braked suddenly.

"Bah, hissing—" It quickly threw away the snacks in its mouth, shook its head, swayed left and right, and crawled towards An Yinong, the black hard scales scratched across the stone and made a rustling sound.

Qin by the fire looked over, and the ice formed in his palm.

"Hiss—" The big snake put its head in, but was blocked by a transparent film. Its dark eyes stared at him, and for some reason, it was actually kind of cute to look at it that way.

Although there is a high probability that the outside trio would not think so.

"Hello, are you looking for food?" An Yinong was a little surprised. He stretched out his hand, passed his fingers through the invisible membrane at the entrance of the hole, and touched the big snake that came close.

In fact, he knew what was going on at the entrance of the cave, it was nothing more than a war between the player and the local animals.

In the beginning, he was not going to interfere in the war between the Zerg and the animals and plants here. No matter which side kills which side, he thinks it is very reasonable. But I didn't expect Orochi to stop moving because of him, and even convey a kind emotion.

"Hiss." The serpent whose head was being touched kept flicking its tail happily, and its tail could smash rocks with a single touch.

"Ah, aren't you looking for food? Is the house suddenly flooded and you're in a bad mood?"

"Hiss." The big snake stuck its tongue out at the embarrassed trio again, and once again spread out six puffed flanks to intimidate them.

An Yinong, who understood the meaning, had a black line on his face: "I think it's not them who flooded your home."

These players are a bit miserable. They just happened to pass by that area, and they carried the pot of waterlogging for no reason.


"This, I'm afraid I can't stay and play with you."

The big snake that almost wiped them out in the last second, what kind of hot-eyed expression is this now? That wet head would rub someone else's hand to pieces.

"This person, he... how did he do it?" The green braid changed back to a human form, and she was not sure whether she should take the opportunity to escape, or stay on the sidelines.

Now it seems that this cave is not only a terrifying 'qin', but also hides another.

But on the other hand, there are so many potential dangers outside, and there may be nowhere safer than this hole. You can see that the terrain here is high, and there is no way to hide dangerous animals nearby, and there are two big men behind them.

An Yinong and Orochi talked for a while, before Orochi turned around and left in three steps. As soon as it left, three people walked over tremblingly: "Can we stay at the entrance of the cave until dawn?"

Looking at their appearance, An Yinong wants to agree, but...

"No." He shook his head.

The trio were disappointed, but not surprised.

Instead, she leaned against the stone wall and closed her eyes to rest her mind, "You won't leave them?"

His intuition told him that An Yinong wanted to keep these people, probably out of some sympathy. Jyn didn't have that kind of empathy, but he knew a lot of people had it.

"Aren't we teammates? And they have misunderstandings about us, and they are suspicious and guarded, which is a hidden danger. Why should I leave the hidden danger?" An Yinong said of course.

Qin knew that An Yinong wanted to stay, and An Yinong also knew that Qin did not want to keep them.

Before these three people would rather face the big snake than ask for help from Qin, which shows that they do not trust Qin. If so, why keep them? Do you want to be a good person and let your teammates be evil?

"Teammate?" The three of them sucked in a breath of air: Is this person a teammate of Ice Sword?

Didn't the explorer come to the piano? And this person is still in the differentiation stage... No, the differentiation stage is probably just a disguise, maybe it is the kind of advanced Zerg that can control animals.

It is not ordinary people who can get the approval of Qin.

"And whether to stay or not, it always requires the consent of the two of us. If I ask you and you do not agree, they will inevitably have resentment in their hearts. After all, they have prejudice against us from the beginning."

Green braids waved their hands silently: We dare not bear any resentment towards Qin even if we eat bear heart and leopard gall!

In the end, An Yinong came to the conclusion: "It's better to refuse to be on the safe side. He is not as important as you."

It was the first time that Qin heard someone say 'other people are not as important as you', the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he quickly pressed it down.

The three miserable Zerg looked at Qin and An Yinong, and walked out reluctantly. As for being told in front of people that it doesn't matter? Oh, they're not important at all, no problem.

"You can stay." Qin closed her eyes after saying that.

Huh? An Yinong was stunned for a moment. Is this a softening of his heart, or...because of him?

He raised the corners of his lips and looked at the three people who were shocked because of surprise: "Because Qin agreed, so I agree too."

The vines on the cliffs that resisted the heavy rain sneaked over. It did not expose its stingers, but rolled its tender branches on the stones at the entrance of the cave, waiting for new instructions.

Read The Duke's Passion