MTL - I’m Walking the Career Line In Dog Blood-Chapter 182

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As the high-ranking soul of the Soul Clan, the high priest of the Soul Clan knows a lot of information, and the accuracy is very high. Therefore, An Yinong's live broadcast room received millions of followers within a few minutes.

He even appeared at an emergency meeting in the virtual world.

"It would be nice if someone with this ability could be used by us."

"Don't think about it, this person is probably going to be an explorer in the future."

On the screen, the Soul Clan High Priest has finished speaking the most crucial information.

'It's almost there', An Yinong thought, 'Without the ability to limit and have no weaknesses, it will make people more afraid'.

After talking about the deployment of their troops and their specific battle plan, the Soul Race Priest 'escaped' the control of 'Spiritual Word' for a moment, and he raised his scepter again.

"This guy..." An Yinong frowned, [Tell me... uh! 】

He seemed unable to control the high priest of the soul clan, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Be careful!" Ken appeared beside An Yinong in the blink of an eye, trying to stop the high priest of the soul tribe: Although he was very vigilant, he also knew that the person with this ability was his own, the benefit How many will there be.

These soldiers put their collective interests first, then their personal interests. This is already their instinct.

An Yinong was surprised. But of course he won't let this early player die for himself. Therefore, the safflower vine on the Soul Clan High Priest instantly bloomed and covered his entire body.

The death energy of the Soul Clan High Priest could not resist the growth of the safflower vine, and he was drained.

"Ah... Who are you?" The Soul Clan High Priest did not understand why he failed.

"Guess what?" An Yinong watched him fall indifferently.

The black robe of the high priest of the soul tribe was scattered into smoke, and the twelve-hole bone mask and the scepter in his hand fell together.

He came over with the scepter, as if he was going to give it back to An Yinong, but An Yinong was coughing up blood.

The blood splattered on the green grass like clumps of red flowers.

Qin supported him who was unsteady: "Where is it uncomfortable? What can I do to help you?"

"Qin, I'm so hungry." The black rune faded from his skin, and the backlash had stopped. In addition to the pain, An Yinong felt hungry, so hungry that he fainted.

At this time, he is no longer the big man who controls the life and death of the Soul Clan High Priest, but just a wounded, blood-stained young man who is still screaming pain at the person he likes. Looking at An Yinong like this, Qin's heart was soft and sour: "You take a rest, I'll go find food."

"Well." An Yinong's eyes were a little blurry, and his strength was lost, but he felt very at ease when he caught the person in front of him, he closed his eyes in peace, and passed out.

The sun outside the clouds gradually faded and disappeared, the ground shook again, and the world entered darkness again.

Holding her teammates who no longer had a bright smile, Qin, who was always calm and rational, finally panicked.

He picked up the man horizontally, but the Ken team couldn't stop him, and watched them leave the swaying slope, and the wind beast also stepped on the breeze to catch up.

"Boss, what should I do now?" The team members pointed to the scepter in their hands.

"Let's give it to him next time we meet." Ken said, by the way, find out the scope of that ability, there are limitations, and see if there are still opportunities for cooperation.

Can kill the high priest of the soul clan, and can control people to tell the truth, I believe the military is willing to provide convenience for those with special abilities.

The ground continued to bulge or tear as they spoke, but the rocks that rolled down the mountain were intercepted by the wildly growing vegetation, and the earth shook less violently.

Slowly, the movement of the mountain subsided.

The players looked up to the sky, they knew that the test given by the game was about to pass.

The test given by the game has passed, but the test given by the alien race outside the game has just begun.

The dignitaries of various Zerg countries began to contact their military departments to determine the authenticity of this matter. As a result, they got bad news: "Six months ago, it was discovered that there were aliens entering and leaving the border, and there were warships patrolling."

"Why didn't you tell us about it?"

"In recent years, they have often been on the border of the Zerg star field. When there is no confirmed news, rashly informing the public about this will only cause riots. But now that it has been confirmed, we can prepare."

The military headquarters of the Zerg countries once again appeared in the virtual conference room for a meeting.

After many years, the national war preparation plan has been restarted again. Each college is ready to follow the plan to popularize the alien race with children, their strengths and weaknesses, how to protect themselves after encountering them, etc. Some residential areas are also preparing for wartime drills to learn how to protect themselves and how to get into war shelters as quickly as possible.

Of course, the first thing to prepare is the military districts of each country.

They know the battle plan of the alien race, but the alien race will also know that their battle plan has been leaked, and both sides will guess each other's actions, and stage a good show where I predict your prediction.

So they need to be fully prepared for any issues that may arise. At the same time, they have to contact the game party to see if they can stop the game immediately.

The civilians of the military meeting did not know, they were still discussing what happened today in the live broadcast room.

Faced with the chaos, there was no sound in the live broadcast room of the Ken squad for a long time, and it took a long time for an audience to bubble up: "At that time, when Ken chose to give up targeting this player in the differentiation period, I actually called him cowardly. No, it turns out I was the stupid one."

Who would have thought that a seemingly harmless differentiation period could actually kill the notoriously difficult high priest of the Soul Clan.

"The High Priests of the Soul Clan have all come out. I thought this time even Qin would have to die." In Qin's live broadcast room, the audience was also in shock.

That is the high priest of the soul clan, a negative energy body, an existence that is difficult to kill with physical attacks. He can wake up a row of soul clan with a casual call, and even create a soul clan army.

Souls are a powerful threat to life forms. Their death energy is non-physical and can penetrate most protective barriers and kill life forms. And the soul clan plus the high priest is the existence of a bug.

A soul clan army plus a soul clan high priest, plus a 100-meter-high machine clan... Even Qin, it is not enough to deal with, plus the disparity in equipment on both sides, Qin's condition is not good , no one dares to say that the result must be good.

"I repent, and I said that he was holding back the emperor." The people who called the emperor were all extreme fans. They didn't think anyone deserved to be with their idols, but this time these people were shocked It's so big that the worldview is shattered all over the place.

Why does the differentiation period have that kind of power? Is it a variation?

No one thinks that these two are unmatched together anymore, they are a true match of equal combat power. And they stand together, there is a sense of harmony that outsiders can't blend in.

Seeing Qin jumping over the top of the mountain with the person in her arms, the audience couldn't help shedding tears of envy: "It's so sad, others can find such a good object in the survival game, and I..."

"It's not even a target, not even a confession."

"Hey! Really, Qin is a fool in the army, such a suitable person, what is he dawdling at?" Think about it, a differentiation period can press the high priest of the dead soul clan. Man, if he refuses to continue, isn't he a little clueless?

As for An Yinong's live broadcast room, in addition to marveling that he accidentally got a powerful player with a hidden model, he is worried about An Yinong - he just vomited so much blood and fainted , I don't know what the specific situation is.

"Obviously there has been no action before, but suddenly the killing was launched like this, is it because you are worried about Qin?"

The audience is not blind and foolish, they have brains and will analyze: "Obviously, it seems that he has paid some price for this. I don't know what will happen in the future."

"It must be all right. But he sabotaged the alien's plan, and I'm worried that the aliens will trouble him."

"Shit aliens, come and kill one, come one pair to kill one pair! I'm a high-level Zerg, my ability is more supportive, and my sister has already joined the army, so I never wanted to join the army. But... I want to join the army this year. ."

"Upstairs, me too, I'm going to join the army this year. I couldn't make up my mind before and just submitted the application form."

The news of the alien invasion seems to have stimulated the people. On this night, the military departments of various countries received hundreds of thousands of new applications for joining the army.

The world outside the game is turbulent, but the players in the game know nothing. They are still trying to prepare for the possible test. At this time, Qin has left with An Yinong Mountains, to the next site.

The golden sunlight passed through the layers of leaves and turned into golden spots on Anon's face. He found himself lying on the soft grass, Feng Chi lying beside him, his dark eyes looking at him.

It's a little sweet in the mouth, it's the taste of juice. I don't know what kind of juice it is, but it has a slightly sour taste and a strong sweet fragrance. I feel refreshed when I lick it.

He sat up, his stomach was no longer hungry, but there was still a little pain in his heart, which was estimated to disappear in two days.

"The piano?"

Qin stood in the shadow of the tree, her thin lips pursed into sharp lines like a blade, and her icy blue eyes were very charming because of that gloomy taste.

An Yinong always thought that Qin was a great cutie, but at this time he suddenly felt that at other times, the cutie might indeed be a terrifying killer.

Ah, seems to like it better.

This **** aesthetic.

Jin came out of the shadows under the tree, the sun did not dispel the chill on him. He half squatted down, those charming eyes reflected An Yinong's figure, slender and cold fingers brushed his forehead: "The eyes are restored."

An Yinong's eyes were originally olive green, which was not very noticeable with dark brown hair before, but now the hair and skin have become as white as ice and snow, which sets off this pair of Green eyes are alive and tender as sprouts.

Especially, there is a mole on the right corner of the eye, which makes me feel more agile and light.

His deep and cool voice matched his temperament so well, An Yinong couldn't help but ask, "Are you flirting with me? I'm not being selfish, am I?"

Qin originally had a lot of questions and wanted to seriously ask about the situation, but at this moment, she failed because of this sentence: It’s not okay to talk about it, and it’s not okay to talk about it.

Whether you are a man or a woman, you will instinctively show your strengths to the person you like, right? For example, making someone fall in love at first sight is 'beautiful'.

It's just that Qin has a lot of concerns. He cannot provide a safe and stable environment, he is dying. Moreover, he has offended so many aliens. If he dies, will these hatreds be transferred to the Anon who is left behind?

What happened not long ago added to his worries. After he left the explorer, there were still aliens coming. An Yinong's ability can restrain the Soul Race, but what if he encounters other races with special abilities?

An Yinong is not an explorer, and can't even ask an explorer for help. He is alone, how can he fight against those guys who do everything?

These things he cannot ignore.

Seeing Qin's serious concerns, An Yinong smiled helplessly: Why does every world have to be entangled like this? Hey, too responsible, too high moral sense, always serious.

If it was An Yinong, he wouldn't care so much, life is too short, let's talk about it smartly.

"Just kidding, why, still thinking about that alien? Don't worry, there is me." He stretched, "Are you scared? In fact, it will consume food, There are no other side effects, just take one meal and you're good to go."

Jin didn't know if what he said was true or if he was trying to force it on purpose. He didn't ask further, just pulled him up.

"Are we out of the mountains?"

"You've left, you've been in a coma for a day and a night, today is the ninth day of the game."

An Yinong stood up: "Have I slept for so long? Isn't our progress very behind?"

"The game is not important." Seeing his fresh appearance, the dark cloud that was pressing on Qin's heart quietly dissipated. This day was the most tangled and most difficult day in his adult life.

He was worried that the food he found was useless to him, that he would not wake up again, that he would be in a bad condition when he woke up. Fortunately none of this happened.

"Mike, you..."

"What?" An Yinong, who stood up and moved his hands and feet, turned to look at him, the golden sunlight jumping on his white hair and tender face, young and energetic.

Jin looked at him with some fascination, and stretched out her hand to catch the sun and the fleeting time, but her palm was empty.

'Why didn't I meet you earlier? ’

One hand placed on Qin's outstretched hand, closed, and the warm feeling was transmitted to another person through skin contact. Qin subconsciously held it tightly and raised her head, only to see An Yinong's smiling face, which could dispel all darkness.

"Let's go and catch them."


Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes