MTL - I’m Walking the Career Line In Dog Blood-Chapter 194

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"Is the previous wish a blessing from the Queen?"

"Yeah." This special ability, called 'Blessing', is a unique skill of the Queen.

bug-level skills.

After becoming the queen, An Yinong briefly browsed the 'history' of the Zerg, or myths and legends, and then had a little understanding of the queen's profession.

The Zerg queen was originally responsible for reproduction, but after the evolution of swallowing unknown objects, the Zerg can skip the queen to reproduce, and the queen's fertility will gradually degrade.

I don’t know if it’s a compensation, the queen’s pheromone has further evolved into a ‘blessing’ ability.

When the queen is just born, you can perform a family-wide 'blessing'.

This kind of blessing for the whole family is only once in a lifetime, and only one blessing can be performed at a time. In other words, the Queen has a chance to artificially interfere with the natural evolution of the Zerg.

This is why the Zerg say that the Queen is the key to the evolution of the Zerg.

In addition to this kind of blessing for the whole family, the queen can bless a single Zerg when she has nothing to do, blessing health, wisdom, longevity, strength, etc.

Very effective, even with just one breath, it can be blessed with full blood and blue resurrection.

Auxiliary ceiling with zero combat power.

An Yinong didn't quite understand before that, the Zerg can enter the interstellar by themselves, why should they be obsessed with the queen, now he understands a little.

The Queen is the soul of the Zerg and the one who promotes the evolution of the Zerg.

After possessing the ability to bless, the original queen began to instinctively bless the population with more power, and generations of queens corrected the evolutionary direction of the Zerg.

So the Zerg had more and more powerful Zerg, taller and smaller, and began to become intelligent and individual consciousness. But the awakening of individual consciousness made the population chaotic, and even finally split into several small groups and several small countries...

For Anon, an outsider, the Zerg are really a miraculous existence, because they put their evolution key on the body of a group 'queen', and the queen makes the decision when he was only eighteen.

Under such circumstances, they can still continue to this day. When they entered the interstellar space, An Yinong felt that this was already a miracle of life.

He will no longer complain that this society is strange, divided, full of contradictions, riddled with holes, etc. To some extent, the Zerg is not a product of natural evolution.

So what's wrong with it being weird?

This is the case with the Zerg, and the 'Queen' is no better.

If Anon closes his eyes, what he sees will not be darkness, but a wonderful world composed of countless light spots. A spot of light is a swaying figure, cursing, begging, singing, and lamenting.

The shadows squeezed his brain, and the sounds squeezed his brain.

An Yinong feels that he is a person walking in a strange dimension. He is surrounded by people everywhere. He can see the troubles and joys of anyone he wants to see, and he can choose to try to ignore everything.

Although they still have a presence.

If this is the price of being a queen, then he knows the reason why queens do not live long in history.

The same is true of the higher Zerg's lifespan curse.

This is because the last queen blessed the most powerful group of higher zerg in the population to have more powerful power. Well, there is more powerful strength, but the fragile body means that I can't bear it, and I am forced to live short one by one.

In history, there are many queens who take it for granted and end up messing up the whole population.

From this point of view, the existence of the queen is a kind of shackle to the Zerg who are now huge, more complicated, and more challenging.

In fact, they can evolve by themselves, rather than being directed by a certain person or a group of people to evolve.

After the previous queen rashly gave the blessing of 'higher Zerg is more powerful', she slowly realized that behind the power is the body's unbearable burden.

But at that time, she had no chance to perform another family-wide blessing, so she could only hope for the next one.

There is a rumor that the queen can save the higher Zerg.

She hopes that the next queen can correct this mistake, but she did not expect that there will be no new ones for more than 3,000 years after her, and this curse of longevity has also exacerbated class divisions.

Annon does want to fix this mistake, but he will not follow the previous script.

Maybe because Aynon is a little special, he has the ability to bless twice.

It’s just that the time for consideration is too short, and I can only think of these two blessings in a hurry: one is to increase the presence of the lower Zerg, and at the same time relieve the anxiety of the higher Zerg, and the other is to increase the possibility of class circulation sex.

The reason why the blessing of 'higher Zerg is more powerful' is not withdrawn is because the complex interstellar environment requires these high-end combat power, and the second is to take away this power suddenly, which is also a blow to these people .

If the higher zerg cannot accept the fact that they are weakened, it may be a civil war.

These are all his simple thoughts, to a certain extent An Yinong is no different from those queens who take it for granted.

It is too dangerous to put the key of racial evolution in one person.

So the third one was imposed by An Yinong with the risk of breaking up with a certain existence. He wanted to return the authority of evolution to the population itself, but he didn't know there was No utility.

"Qin, I want to rest for a while." After the blessing, An Yinong felt dazed and exhausted at the end of the college entrance examination. He didn't want to do anything now.


"No." As soon as he closes his eyes, there are endless figures. Like a nightmare, An Yinong feels that he needs a little time to get used to it.

"I'll see what you're doing. Is it time to cross the bridge?"

Jin looked at the high wall and the Destroyer, and the energy used sparingly because of his longevity circulated on his body: "I will end it soon."

"Okay." As long as Qin said it, An Yinong would have no doubts.

Qin was quick to accept the fact that An Yinong became a queen, but everyone other than him was still confused.

"In front of us, the Queen was born?"


"It's right in front of us, no, no, it can even be said that I am a participant in the entire differentiation period of the queen!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah-"

I haven't felt the existence of the 'Queen' for thousands of years, and the Zerg are as helpless as if they had been orphans for thousands of years and suddenly a 'mother' appeared.

Although everyone keeps saying 'The Queen will appear soon, I will definitely be Barbara', but it does appear, but one by one loses their calm brains and calm reactions in an instant, and the light is excited there .

This part of the Zerg didn't think too much, except that the excitement was excited, and they screamed in the office in the room. Some of them are probably fanatics, covering their faces and bursting into tears, feeling that fate has not abandoned them, and thanking fate for giving him the opportunity to see the birth of the queen in this life.

But there are some, the first reaction is 'true or false'? Don't get in the way? Will it affect my political career?

Can't blame them.

It is the nature of the Zerg to be close to and worship the Queen, and it is the nature of the Zerg to doubt and selfish.

Especially for those Zerg who hold great power and decide the fate of the country and race, their mood is the most complicated, there is joy, and there is also the tangle of "coming soon to be the emperor".

These responses are also the first feedback to An Yinong.

After losing the queen for thousands of years, it seems that not everyone is willing to have an absolute controller, a nominal king.

As long as they don't try to morally kidnap An Yinong as a 'queen', An Yinong will never use her identity as a 'queen' to meddle in those politics.

He knows one thing too well-never point fingers at things you don't understand, it's stupid. And he doesn't know much about interstellar politics.

After the birth of the queen, the higher Zerg waiting to die are the most violent group. Although many of them on the battlefield didn't know what happened yet, with the three wishes, the effect of 'blessing' had already appeared on them.

Even if there is no such art work, the positive emotions from relatives, friends and society that they usually get have begun to play a role, reducing the constant labor pains in them, and at the same time repairing their spiritual damage little by little.

This is also the reason why Anon makes a wish that positive emotions can repair the damage of the higher Zerg, not 'only works of art can repair the damage of the higher Zerg'. He can't let the lower Zerg hold the key to control the lifespan of the higher Zerg, and that will take things from one extreme to the other.

The same reason makes him list hard work and talent as a level when blessing. The more influencing factors, the easier it is for differentiation to be relatively 'fair'.

"Is a queen born?" The Zerg on the battlefield asked each other, the appearance of 'hope' made everyone excited, no matter what class of Zerg, all from these three wishes Found a feeling of being 'cared for and loved'.

The creativity of the lower Zerg has been recognized, the lifespan crisis of the higher Zerg has been resolved, and the middle Zerg who have been unable to go up and down has also smelled the taste of changing the class.

If this is not the preparation period, these people can't help but want to celebrate.

"Where is the Queen? What were the celebrations like before? Should we build a luxurious enough palace? No no, the palace is too small, we should find a suitable planet, and I will There is a small planet, if the queen doesn't dislike it..."

"Your planet is too small and the location is not good. Our small planet is very suitable."

The joyful atmosphere made these well-trained soldiers dance with excitement. They couldn't wait to see the Queen's style, and they were eager to apply to join the escort.

At this time, a message came: "It is said that the queen is in the game now."

"It doesn't mean that you are not allowed to play during the preparation period...what game?" The face of the Zerg who faintly realized something changed slightly, and the game that was still playing at this time was only that one.


"Yes, survival game."

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