MTL - I’m Walking the Career Line In Dog Blood-Chapter 202

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The next day, in a hot air balloon.

"You seem to be in a particularly good mood today." Qin and An Yinong leaned aside to look at the scenery below.

They have left the coastline, into the plains, and soon into the forested area where they had been for two days.

"Well, I'm about to leave this game, I'm very happy. I don't know how many slates are collected in the sky tower."

He put his hands around his mouth to make a trumpet-like sound, his mouth made a sharp whistle, countless birds flew from the grass and the forest, and there were beasts surging like a tide.

The sharp sword that threatened his life all the time was removed, and no one knew the joy of An Yinong at this moment. How happy is he?

His joy was mixed with a little pain and anger.

An Yinong never forgot the pain of holding a knife into his heart when he first crossed.

It is not a physical pain, but a pain that cannot resist fate, like a slave locked by the neck, seemingly free, but in fact always in control.

An Yinong's emotional ups and downs were hidden from Dina, but not from Qin.

Qin didn't know what happened, but it must be a good thing that An Yinong was so happy that he was out of control. Since it is a good thing for An Yinong, it is a good thing for him, no need to ask more, just be happy for him.

The two stood under the hot air balloon and watched the animals surging towards the center.

I don't know what method An Yinong used, it seems that the animals living on this land already know the tragedy they are going to face, and they are all rushing to the Rainbow City.

"Do you think the spaceship can hold them?" Jean asked.

An Yinong thought for a while: "I don't know, but it's better than nothing."

"Hey—" A huge animal roared past, and he recognized it at a glance: "Hi! Dad Fengchi!"

The wind-fighting beast, covered in silver and white horses, flew twice around their hot air balloon. Those beautiful eyes saw An Yinong and Fengchi beside him.

"Ouch—" The Wind Beast seemed to greet them, and then accelerated and ran forward.

"Ouch—" Feng Chi's claws scratched a few marks on the ground, and it also ran out of the hot air balloon, chasing in the air.

"Fengchi, remember to come back!" An Yinong shouted, but they had disappeared before his eyes.

Even the beast of the wind is heading for the city of rainbows, it seems that other beasts of the same level have also set off. Will they cause a lot of trouble for the survivors over there?

However, An Yinong has no regrets at all. Everyone has the right to survive, regardless of justice, only position. And he is the Queen of the Zerg and the Druid of nature.

The players in the game are all trying to find the slate, but the seven-nation warship that came from outside the game to find the queen was intercepted halfway by the alien army.

Aliens have been jealous of the star field occupied by the Zerg for a long time, so they tried every means to provoke the internal relations of the Zerg and wanted to launch a war of aggression. So how can they tolerate a spiritual leader who can unite all the Zerg at this moment?

At this time, it is the best choice to let the aliens in the game do it. But most of the aliens who entered the game world have been killed, and the queen of insects is surrounded by the leader of the explorers who killed them.

The aliens took the next step: "The Zerg survival game has always liked to toss the little bugs in it, and they like to let them kill each other and naturally eliminate each other. Why don't we take this opportunity..."

The aliens who gathered together felt that this was a good opportunity. They could use conspiracy to create chaos in the game, and then seize the opportunity to capture the queen and hold the emperor to command the princes.

Who knows, this time the theme of the last level of the game is to collect slate and leave collectively, which requires unity and cooperation?

This disrupted their plan to incite the players to civil war.

"In any case, the Zerg can't be successful in taking their queen. The insect queen is a once in a lifetime opportunity, it's simply an opportunity given by fate. If it doesn't work this time, it will be difficult to catch him again in the future. already."

For this reason, the aliens also sent their own elite fleets to block the seven-nation warships, and activated several core spies at the same time. Can not control the mechanism of this game, indirectly control the entire game planet.

Afterwards, the Zerg army and the alien army met on a narrow road, and they have been fighting for three days and three nights.

The work of the Zerg defense spy is really rubbish, the top general actually has one spy, there are two lieutenants, and there are many others.

Before the battle, the Zerg suffered heavy losses, so they fought with the alien army for so long.

The enemy met, and the war was extremely fierce. Although An Yinong didn't see it, the queen's induction force let him know that there was a war outside, and it was for him.

"...The distance is still far away." The maliciousness of the aliens is aimed at the 'Queen', which is equal to the person 'An Yinong'. In this case, he can use his own abilities to curse and kill at a distance. offender.

But the place where the war is burning is too far away from him.

On the twenty-fifth day of the game, a huge hot air balloon landed in the park in front of the Sky Tower, and Aynon in a cape came out of it.

The Little Rainbow City has gathered a lot of players and animals, and the most people are near the Sky Tower.

They all concluded that if a spaceship appeared, it would most likely be near the Sky Tower, and they had to grab a spot first.

Of course, at the moment, their expressions are not very good, even depressed. It can be seen that the work of collecting slate is not smooth, so that people feel hopeless.

I'm not completely desperate yet, because there are still two and a half days.

An Yinong's appearance aroused great curiosity and instinctive goodwill. The people blocking the road ahead consciously spread out, leaving a wide enough road, with respectful attitude and eager eyes.

It's strange, obviously they are the same group of people, but after he became the queen, the world suddenly became a beautiful place, there was no hatred and malicious speculation, it seemed that everyone had become a good person.

Thinking that every day when he opens his eyes, he is the sound of birds and flowers, and the heaven on earth is true, good and beautiful, and when he closes his eyes, he is the real seven sins of love, hatred, hatred, and hatred.

The world is too divided.

He still thinks that they are more pleasing to the eye when their nature is exposed.

"Put the slate in there."

A bag of slate was poured in from the entrance, and the whole city broadcasted: "The Sky Tower has received eleven pieces of slate, and the preparation work is fifty-eight out of sixty."

Everyone who heard the broadcast raised their heads: "Eleven?"

Forty-seven slates have been collected in the previous sky tower, but these slates were collected a few days ago, and there was no change in the numbers for two whole days, as if someone was quick to take them away slate.

The Zerg suspect that the aliens are doing the trick.

Seeing that today is the twenty-sixth day, and it is getting dark, but the slate is still three pieces short, everyone is a little disheartened, who knows that there will be a magic weapon?

It's still two bucks short, but there are still two days and one night.

Doesn't that mean...hope is just around the corner?

"In fact, on the contrary, all the slates on the bright side have been found, and two slates have to be found in the remaining two days, which is more difficult than finding ten slates before, and the pressure will increase. bigger.

"If the two remaining slates cannot be found in these two days, the despair will come more violently. These people may have the tendency to self-destruct and destroy others, and they will be destroyed before the great disaster. Disaster first."

The game designer looked at the few slates that had not been handed in on the control board and laughed: "This person doesn't know if he wants to jump out at the most critical moment and become a savior, or if he has Get your whole body back, so prepare to watch the players fall into a frenzy.

"What will he choose? It's really exciting."

His eyes narrowed into two crooked slits, not knowing which answer made him look forward to it.

At this time, everyone thought that the remaining two slates would be collected soon, but time flashed by, and at noon on the twenty-seventh day, the number remained at five Eighteen here.

"How could this be?" The great hope turned into great despair, which indeed led to some riots. The closer to the end time, the greater the pressure on everyone, and the greater the impact of the collapse.

"I can't blame them, everyone is an untrained ordinary person, and they used to face some small things in life. Although they often encounter unsatisfactory, there is no One thing is that failure will lead to death. But this time, the slightest carelessness will lead to death, and the pressure is too great.

"From this point of view, survival games don't mean much to ordinary people."

The speaker was An Yinong who was standing in front of the Sky Tower. In the past two days, he also sent animals to search nearby, but found nothing.

It is more difficult to find the remaining two slates than before.

He didn't have much time to tangle, and immediately called Fengchi's father, the strong-year-old Yufeng Beast, its speed is so fast, it can turn the entire game venue in one day: "I'm going to North Check out the venue."

He and Qin left the Rainbow City sitting on the backs of the Wind Beast.

"Is it okay?" The people around were worried, if the new queen was someone who could be moved by prayer, they would all want him to protect themselves first.

"They will come back safely." Dina, who stayed where she was, looked at Feng Chi, who was also staying here, "I absolutely believe in the abilities of the two of them."

They arrived at the north venue. The north venue and the south venue are almost identical. In theory, the location of the slate in the south venue is also the location of the slate in the north venue. But after searching for a few in a row where the treasure chests were originally placed, they only found a few empty treasure chests.

"There is no trace of being touched on the outside, and there is no trace of fingerprints on the surface of the treasure chest, but the slate inside is gone."

This collection is really too clean, as if someone had carefully searched it through a special method. However, if someone searched for it again, how could there be more than 40 gaps?

Could it be an alien?

An Yinong was puzzled, he had no other choice but to grit his teeth and continue to move forward, looking for the slate.

He searched for an afternoon, and after a crisis of collapse of the building, he found a slate that was lost in the soil. His arm was stabbed by broken glass, and the blood dyed the clothes on his shoulders red, looking a little embarrassed.

"Damn it!" The audience in the live broadcast room scolded, not scolding An Yinong, but scolding themselves powerless.

"Why should the queen be left alone and why won't Qin protect him?!"

The audience knew it was a rude rant, and Jean was looking for it, and he was no less in trouble than An Yinong.

An Yinong endured the pain to pull out the broken glass. Then he applied a 'blessing' to himself, the wound healed quickly, and soon no trace of injury could be seen.

"Mai." Qin came over, "I smell..." He saw a large pool of blood on his clothes.

An Yinong, who had always been very brave and calm before, frowned as soon as he saw Qin: "I just got stabbed by glass, it hurts."

In fact, after the blessing, there is no pain at all, he is just... coquettish.

Qin took off her protective clothing and put it on for An Yinong.

A garment of his size would be somewhat ill-fitting on An Yinong, the sleeves had to be folded, and so were the trouser legs. An Yinong let him wear it for himself, smiling from beginning to end: "So this is what it feels like to wear a boyfriend's clothes, and it's very safe."

Jin lowered her head to straighten the folds, her ears turning red.

The two searched for a whole night, bleeding and sweating, but in the end they only found one piece.

"There's no time, go back first." The situation was not very good, but An Yinong remained calm. He had already begun to think about how to leave here smoothly if he failed to collect the slate.

The biggest obstacle in front of you is from the sky, which is the mushroom cloud and volcanic ash caused by the volcanic eruption. Think about it, the energy of a volcanic eruption is equivalent to several or even dozens of small nuclear bombs. Is the power enough to drink a pot?

Of course, considering that the entire venue is covered by a hood, the power of the simulated volcanic eruption will not be so exaggerated.

The two of them rode against the wind, and even the artificial sky still had a dizzying beauty. An Yinong stretched out his hand, his fingers bent as if to catch the orange-red sun.

Qin hugged his waist, watching the golden sunset on his palm, the sun dyed his eyelashes and the broken hair on his forehead golden.

"Are you afraid?" Qin asked him in a low voice.

Everyone knew what he was asking, An Yinong thought for a moment: "It's impossible to say that I'm not afraid. However, even if we don't succeed, isn't there three days left? Three days, if there is no other By any means, I will smash a safety exit in the sky."

Qin held An Yinong's outstretched hand: "I'll smash with you."