MTL - I’m Walking the Career Line In Dog Blood-Chapter 204

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In the crowd, behind the stone tablet.

"Is it him?" Ellen, who finally arrived here on the penultimate day, looked at the people on the stage. A few days ago, he had a relationship with the newborn queen, when he was on the top of the mountain, watching the hot air balloon float above him.

At that time, everyone around Ellen felt the Queen's passing, but he did not.

The mutant's ability to feel emotions is very low, and it seems that this disability also extends to the 'closeness instinct' to the queen.

Ellen's mood was very complicated when she just learned that the queen appeared.

As a high-level Zerg, it is of course a good thing to be freed from the curse of thirty years of life, but from another point of view, this also completely destroys the speciality of the charm insect.

Charm insects are common Zerg in history, their pheromone can reduce vigilance and hostility, so they often become diplomats, businessmen or lobbyists. But after entering modern times, the status of the charm insect has changed dramatically.

Except for a few charm insects, they still use this affinity to become diplomats, psychiatrists, salesmen... Most of the charm insects took shortcuts and became the powerful 'lovers' among the higher Zerg.

For these Zerg, the charm of the charm is to eliminate the pain caused by the brokenness of the spiritual realm, but now the emotions from family, friends and society, various works, can achieve the same effect, even more it is good. And they repair cracks, which equates to longer life, which is the most important thing.

Ellen knew very well that after he came out, let alone the suitors before, even ordinary people would not treat him differently.

After seeing the Queen on the top of the mountain, his mood was even more complicated. There is only 'Mai' in the contestants of this split period, so... Queen, will it be Mai?

Then he made such a wish, did he mean revenge?

Ellen had many questions, but he did not dare to ask questions.

Just as he thought at first that Mai was not qualified to talk to him on an equal basis, now he is not qualified to talk to the Queen on an equal footing.

He can't protect himself, because he implicates the Queen's birth in the crisis-ridden survival game, which is a sin. But he couldn't blame or question it.

Because he knows very well that maintaining class is maintaining his own resources, so he must also maintain the existence of the queen, whether he wants to or not.

Thinking of this, he licked the corner of his mouth, if the queen is really Mai... that's really not reconciled.

Since he was a child, he was better than Mai in everything, why should Mai be the queen?


Ellen turned her head, it was the woman in the team who had been very rude to him. This woman's middle class has no sense of smell, so it doesn't respond to his pheromones.

"Wash the pot, it's your job." Everyone in their small team has their own responsibilities.

“Where can I find water?”

The woman looked at him and sneered: "That's your problem, not mine."

Ellen had to bring a dirty pot to find water, and before leaving, his eyes turned to the new queen.

In this case, can I still have a leisurely dinner?

That's right, he's the queen, and everyone will try their best to keep him alive.


The woman was calling him again, and Ellen's hands were stretched, but she could only choose to turn and leave.

Ellen's performance was captured by a nearby live camera, and the audience talked a lot, but the 'queen' who was really directly related didn't care.

Without the threat of remorse, Ellen's existence has no meaning to An Yinong (anyway, it has been abandoned, according to his nature, he will continue to recall his highlights in the future, rather than die).

He is waiting for that 'voice'.

"Are they all calmed down? What a boring, nosy queen." The voice flashed.

An Yinong glanced at the crowd out of the corner of his eyes, there really is such a person, who is happy for the infighting of the players, but also disappointed for them to calm down.

He did not act rashly, but while eating dinner, he looked for possible figures in the flashing light and shadow.

Time passed by minute by minute, and soon it was around eleven o'clock in the evening. There was still a slate missing, and the players' emotions also reached a critical point.

If it wasn't for the 'queen', An Yinong, who was still in town, these people would have been in chaos.

After 20 days of fighting and tempering, their ferocity was completely stimulated.

"That's it, enjoy the despair of dying. I've felt it before, please feel it again."

The voice appeared again, with madness and joy.

When you calm down, you can hear more clearly. An Yinon was almost certain that this man had slates in his hands, the ones that disappeared from the treasure chest. Because his schadenfreude was filled with a strong sense of accomplishment, it could be seen that he must have done something.

An Yinong stretched out his hand to cover one eye, the colorful figurative world, and the strange dimensional world that can only be seen with closed eyes, faintly overlapped, and countless figures swayed and passed quickly.

This is not...this is not...this...


"What's your name?"

He walked straight off the platform and walked to a man. In fact, this person wanted to retreat into the crowd as soon as he saw him, but An Yinong was too fast, his goal was clear, and the people around were very cooperative, so he was directly caught.

"Is Your Highness asking me?" The man smiled with a sincere and enthusiastic look, "My name is Gita."

"Gita, good name." An Yinong also smiled, looking very kind, "I'm here, I have a question I want to know, I don't know if it is convenient for you, no Privacy is involved."

Gita was puzzled and felt wrong, but he did not show a repulsive expression: "You ask."

"If you have a slate in your hand now, would you like to put it in the sky tower?"

Gita's face changed slightly, although he quickly pretended to be nonchalant and said, "Of course, everyone wants to leave this hell."

An Yinong smiled, and he stretched out his hand: [If you have a slate in your hand now, would you like to put it in the sky tower? 】

"No, no! I want them to feel what it's like to die." Geeta spoke uncontrollably.

[So you have slate. 】

"That's right." Geeta's expression was contorted, he wanted to close his mouth and flee quickly, but he couldn't move, as if a certain rule restricted him, not answering new questions King's problem, can't do anything.

【How many? Is it your own? 】

"There are seven pieces, which I got by 'theft'."

"Theft? This a 'time and space thief'?"

It turns out that Gita is a special Zerg, called 'Time and Space Thieves', and his insect shape is a special two-dimensional existence that can travel in different relatively sealed spaces.

This may be his confidence that he can survive the catastrophe.

This ability of Geeta is very useful when used well, but most of the time they can't resist greed and do evil things. This is also why the reputation of 'Time and Space Thieves' has not been very good.

An Yinong stretched out his hand to press his temple, not because of this person's behavior, but because of the golden finger backlash: it is obvious that this person does not take the slate pit, it is all people, including An Yinong, but because of The person targeted is not specific to him, and the ability to use it will backlash, just like being bitten by a mosquito several times.

It's really uncomfortable.

"Because of my ability, everyone rejects me, suspects me, treats me as a thief. When I study, when I work...Everyone looks at me with colored eyes! Fate is so unfair to me , I still have to suffer 30 years of life, why?!"

As if wanting An Yinong to give an answer, Geeta stared at An Yinong closely, and the other Zerg around him also stared at him, for fear that he would attack the queen, the atmosphere was solemn.

"Oh." An Yinong was expressionless.

Yes, he didn't have any words of consolation or blame, just an emotionless 'oh', very polite and indifferent, interrupting the other party's rising anger.

"Since you have seven slates, I want one." He stated his request bluntly.

Gita sneered, at this point, he no longer had to pretend to be amiable: "What if I don't give it? Why, is Her Royal Highness going to rob it?"

"Why do you have such a misunderstanding of me? There is no doubt that I am robbing."

He opened his eyes wide and his pupils narrowed: The new queen, can it be said that she is robbery?

"I will take one of your slate, and I can accept whether I have to go to jail or pay compensation." Anon looked at Geeta and told him clearly, "I know myself I violated your rights, everyone here can testify, and you don't have to worry about me covering up my crimes from the moral high ground.

"I took it just because I wanted to make sure I got out of here safely. So now I'm robbing you in my own name. Even if you have an opinion, please hold it back and look for it later I'll do the math."

With so many people staring at him, Geeta knew that it would be useless to struggle, so he simply took out seven slates. Anyway, this thing is useless out of here.

"Dina, please put things in."

Dina, who was suddenly called, trotted over.

Seven slates were thrown in, and the broadcast sounded again: "The preparations are complete, start the inspection work."

After that, six yellow lights appeared at the top of the White Sky Tower, falling through the clouds, illuminating the dark world. Cheers sounded throughout the Rainbow City, and more and more players flocked to the Sky Tower.

The people near the Sky Tower are very grateful for the Queen's shot, even if he has emphasized that he is committing a crime, he regards it as 'righteousness'.

"Become a queen, yet say so willfully that you are going to commit a crime?" Geeta sat on the ground, and he looked at Aynon mockingly.

An Yinong bowed his head, was silent for a while, and suddenly laughed: "I always feel that being a bad person can make life easier. Because bad people can really do bad things, such as... Deprive you of your abilities and turn you into a lower Zerg."

Gita looked at him in astonishment, the face of the new king in front of him was smiling, but there was no smile in those olive green eyes, the clear eyes reflected his embarrassed appearance at the moment, the chill from the soles of his feet Jump to the heart.

"No, you can't..." His lips trembled, as if he wanted to say something.

"Just kidding, I didn't deprive you of the power of class."

Gita's mood fell and rose again, he felt that he was the clown played by An Yinong: "Are you playing me?"

"Isn't it that your ability and identity make you very painful? Why do you refuse when I say deprivation?"

This question Geeta cannot answer and cannot answer.

"You shouldn't have joined the army, right? You don't seem to be a researcher, or engaged in any other special work. So, as an unemployed vagabond, have you created any great wealth for the society?"

Every time he asked a question, Geeta's face paled a little, and in the end it was almost bloodless.

"The high welfare of the advanced Zerg is the front-line fighters, as well as the special workers who use their lives to win back. You enjoy the enjoyment that others have exchanged for their lives, but also dislike the enjoyment time is too short, the benefits are too high few?

"What exactly do you hate? The curse of longevity, or the privilege of not being able to enjoy a hundred years?"

Read The Duke's Passion
Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes