MTL - I’m Walking the Career Line In Dog Blood-Chapter 221

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Laughter suddenly appeared in the quiet corridor, An Yinong's mouth was laughing, his eyes were laughing, his whole body was 'laughing', even a blind man could hear the pure joy in his laughter .

Han Yu watched him tenderly. Although it has a different appearance and a different voice, it can be determined at a glance that this is his 'An Yinong'. He put his hand on the top of his head and rubbed his hair lightly with his fingertips: "I kept you waiting."

Sooner, Bai Yan Wang not only learned the manual of Chinese flirting without a teacher, but even started it on the first day of meeting, and shamelessly asked the other party to call him brother!

The assistant's heart set off a huge wave of 100 meters, but his face remained calm, and even winked to stop the branch president of the Mutant Animal Management Association who wanted to walk over to destroy the atmosphere.

"I'll see the mutant animals." An Yinong looked at Han Yu, his smile bathed in spring light, he wanted to maintain restraint, but he couldn't.

"Me too. If you don't feel presumptuous, can I watch it with you?" Han Yu stretched out his hand.

"I don't mind." An Yinonghe started.

Sliding into the dance floor.

"Mr. White Crow." It was the branch president who was the first to wake up, and followed up without changing his face. Isn't that what young people do? Super powers have come out, what's so strange about this?

The rest of the assistant bodyguards followed immediately.

Before they got inside, they heard roars of various colors with anger. When he walked in, he was faced with the eyes of a pair of high-level mutant animals that were hostile and violent.

An Yi Nong's face did not change color.

"Hello, I'm a mutant who came to help. My surname is Chu. Can I go in and spend a little time with the little guys alone?"

The staff looked at him, and then at the 'little guy' with fangs and the size of a bull, with a suspicious look on his face.

If it is just an ordinary iron cage, the life of the staff here is in danger.

But now An Yinong asked the staff to open the door, and he went in alone.

"This mutant beast has just bitten one of our colleagues, he is still fully armed, look at his arms. I think you can try to communicate with them through the door first, Step by step." The staff guarding these mutant beasts was very embarrassed, they asked to open the door as soon as they came, and they had to go in alone, who was responsible for the accident?

The bitten colleague showed off his plastered arm and his horrific face: "I am a mutant who can speak animal language, but... you also saw it."

"Try it, I can sign a waiver agreement." An Yinong insisted.

"If he can't, no one in the world can." Han Yu opened his mouth, and there was pride in his eyes that he didn't even notice.

"The above said let us cooperate with him fully." The staff who brought An Yinong in also said.

There was an example of An Yinong commanding more than 200 high-level mutant beasts, and a boss from the headquarters assured that An Yinong still went in. Wolf's Cage.

The big wild wolf is very tall, looking down at him from above, his eyes glowing green in the dark corner.

The staff stared nervously, thinking that An Yinong would at least show his innocence, and then use what behavior to appease this violent high-level mutant beast.

But there was nothing. After he came in, he waved to the wolf: "Come and chat?"

"Ouch-" Good!

Raise your paws, not at all reserved!

"I suffered 10,000 injuries." The staff in plaster covered their heart: it hurts.

The person who stopped An Yinong before is gearing up: "President, do we have a chance to keep this expert? What does he like?"

Han Yu, who was still smiling, turned to look at him silently.

"...What kind of animal?" The staff who wanted to survive quickly added the second half of the sentence.

An Yinong inside took out a small notebook and recorded the requirements of these animals one by one.

For example, do they want to go back to their original place, if not, what requirements do they have for the dormitory, what food requirements do they have, are there any taboos in life, and have they considered finding a breeder? What kind of work, etc., all the details are recorded on the record, which can be called a treasure book.

In addition to this, he also checked the bodies of the mutant beasts one by one to find some dark wounds that were not noticed. These are also recorded, and there will be specialized animal doctors to help with treatment.

Because of his existence, the investigation and appeasement of high-level mutant animals has become extremely simple and efficient, and he also straightened out the mutant beasts who have been in the association for several years.

"These are the data I recorded. Seventy percent of the mutant beasts expressed their willingness to help humans, and some of the remaining mutant beasts still have doubts, and some want to return to the mountains. , there should be no problem."

The more troublesome it is. If you still need it in the future, you can come to me, I am the one who runs Yangyang Pet Grooming at No. XX Street XX.”

The branch president of the association was in awe: I didn't expect the master to be so down-to-earth and open a pet grooming shop.

"Is this your external identity? Pet groomer."

"No, it's a full-time job, you can bring your furry children to visit and get a 20% discount. By the way, there is also a sideline, professional biological mouse trapping, to solve rodent problems."

"Meow!" That's it!

Everyone: "..." The bosses are so approachable, what reason do they have to be proud of their identity as mutants?

With the 20,000 labor fee from the Mutated Animal Management Association, An Yinong took the big orange and stepped on the small electric donkey to go home. Han Yu sat in the back seat, wearing a hat around his waist, hanging on the newly-acquainted young man without any image.

Han Yu's assistant and professional protection team were driving behind: Is the old house on fire so violently? If this is not handsome and the other party is happy, it is considered harassment, right?

"Is it a violation of traffic laws for e-Donkeys to lead people?" Only the driver pays attention to this point.

"Is this the time to say this? Ah." The assistant saw the two people who were stopped by the traffic police at the intersection and bowed their heads to admit their mistake, "...You are right."

It is a violation of traffic laws for e-Donkeys to lead people.

In the end, An Yinong pushed his electric donkey and Jingzhe, who didn't want to move, and walked back while chatting.

Unlike before, Han Yu in this world is a complete body and has all memories, and he came earlier than An Yinong, three years ago.

These three years are like thirty years, three hundred years.

"I've been looking for a long time and can't find you." Han Yu's voice was low, even a little aggrieved.

In the past three years, his heart has been empty, and the unknown and uncertainty make him feel insecure. His sense of security was given by An Yinong. Without An Yinong, he would still be a monster with a non-human and non-dragon memory in the deepest part of the void.

Feeling Han Yu's fear, An Yinong reached out and held his hand: "Let me come for this kind of thing, I have experience."

It was quite sad at first, so An Yinong couldn't say a word, Han Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, grabbed the hand instead and refused to let go.

Jing Zhe, who was lying on the little electric donkey, shook his ears, opened one eye, and saw the hands above his head. It turned around, buried its head under its claws, and continued to sleep soundly.

Arrived home, parked the travel tools, An Yinong brought Han Yu in through the back door.

"Brother Chu?" Seeing the intimate gestures and clasped hands of the two, Xiao Wu held the teacup with a blank expression, as if his soul was out of his body.

"Well, as you can see, the order was successfully removed."

Xiao Wu never dreamed that he would not see him for one morning, and his boss had quit. Still single, he sent out silent waves of resentment.

"In order to celebrate my departure from the order, a monthly salary of 500 will be added."

As soon as An Yinong finished speaking, Xiao Wu diligently brought two cups of tea over: "Brother Chu, this... Brother Han, are you thirsty or tired? Please drink tea. Did you meet on the road? It's really a fate to meet each other thousands of miles away."

Because of the five hundred dollars, the child was so excited that he was incoherent.

"With you, do I still have to go through a political audit?" An Yinong asked, the marriage of a civil servant should be checked, not to mention Han Yu's identity. His ability is to make predictions about crises, and one can interfere with national policies, so when interacting with him, you must be prepared to be investigated for three generations.

"If you don't like it, I'll quit." Han Yu didn't hesitate.

An Yinong was more concerned than him: "What's the hurry? Could I have any problem? It's a big deal to go to Beijing with you." He didn't want to enter the government department before, but it doesn't mean What does he have to say about the organization.

An Yinong took Han Yu's hand again: "I want to be with you righteously and be blessed."

Han Yu's frown loosened: "Yes."

"Hey." An Yinong reached out and pressed his temple, "Don't frown all the time, you are older than me, be careful to become a little old man."

Han Yu no longer dared to frown, the age difference was always something he cared about.

"It's so cute." He pinched Han Yu's cheeks, thinking that he would have to see his boss when he got to the capital. What gift would he give him?

Based on Han Yu's special status, they always had to find out who the other party was.

So An Yinong's information has appeared on the desks of these bosses, including his feat of killing a spy point not long ago and the internal potential estimate of the Mutant Association: Suspected 'Dragon' level.

Huh? Why is the valuation so high?

They continued to look down, and they saw: Suspected to be able to manipulate plants and local weather.

Yes, the beasts and the truth are not particularly powerful at the national level.

First of all, beasts, this world was originally a technological civilization, and hot weapons have developed to be able to sweep away creatures with superpowers, even if he gathers an army of monsters, it is useless.

Following the truth, there are alternatives, such as certain drugs, and experts and scholars who are proficient in the psychology of expression.

But manipulating plants and weather, let's not talk about the former, anyone with eyes can see how powerful this ability is in researching new species, let's say manipulating local weather.

This may seem simple, but what about the process? How did he affect the high-altitude clouds? Can it affect anything other than high-altitude clouds? Such as temperature, humidity, pressure, radiation, etc.

Can he simulate the weather of other planets?

The more in-depth and meticulous research, there are more directions that can be researched.

Even if it's not used as an offensive force, it's great for scientific research. You see those who are engaged in crop research and biological research, they need his ability very much.

There are also people who are engaged in materials, and they also want to know the impact of different environments on the materials themselves.

"This is another baby delivered to the door." The president of the headquarters looked at the document.

"I'm afraid it's the sugar-coated poison sent by the enemy." The relationship between this man and the white crow is progressing too fast, and they all want to find someone to check whether there is some 'love poisoning' skill and drugs.

"Look first, if his ability is really so strong, even if this gift is poisonous, we have to digest it with an iron stomach."

Read The Duke's Passion